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combination effect
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-66
The most effective PCDD/F emission reduction can be achieved using a combination of different secondary measures, as follows:
Najučinkovitejše zmanjšanje emisij PCDD/F je mogoče doseči s kombinacijo različnih sekundarnih ukrepov:
2 Objavljeno
Furthermore, when VELBE and BLM were combined, all three tested combinations were more effective than VELBE or BLM as single treatments.
Vse tri kombinacije vinblastina in bleomicina so bile bolj učinkovite kot zdravljenje samo z enim kemoterapevtikom.
3 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
However, Members shall provide for the protection of plant varieties either by patents or by an effective sui generis system or by any combination thereof.
Vendar pa morajo članice zagotoviti varstvo rastlinskih vrst ali s patenti ali s sui generis sistemom ali s kakršnokoli kombinacijo obeh.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-66
In general, for diesel engines the use of an oxidizing catalyst in combination with a particulate filter has been shown to be effective in reducing PAH emissions.
Izkazalo se je, da je pri zmanjševanju emisij PAH pri dizelskih motorjih učinkovita uporaba oksidacijskega katalizatorja skupaj s filtrom za trdne delce.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 8-2006
where the mark that is the subject of the basic application or the basic registration consists of a color or a combination of colors as such, an indication to that effect,
če je znamka, ki je predmet osnovne prijave ali osnovne registracije, že sama po sebi barva ali kombinacija barv, navedbo tega dejstva,
6 Objavljeno
From these results we can conclude that the underlying mechanisms for more than additive effect of VELBE and BLM when VELBE was given 24 h before BLM could be attributed to an increased membrane fluidity, possibly in combination with a cell kinetic effect.
Glede na naše rezultate lahko predpostavljamo, da sta za dobljeni učinek terapije odgovorna dva mehanizma delovanja vinblastina: povečanje fluidnosti membrane in vejretno celično kinetični efekt.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 114-2006
Recalling that the effective prevention of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment requires education and a combination of various legislative, administrative, judicial and other measures,
se sklicujejo na to, da sta za učinkovito preprečevanje mučenja in drugega okrutnega, nečloveškega ali poniževalnega ravnanja ali kaznovanja potrebni izobraževanje in povezovanje zakonodajnih, upravnih, sodnih in drugih ukrepov,
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-40
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement, this section shall apply to scheduled and charter combination air transportation between Ireland and the United States with effect from the beginning of IATA Winter season 2006/2007 until the end of the IATA Winter season 2007/2008.
Ne glede na druge določbe tega sporazuma se to poglavje uporablja za redne in čarterske kombinacije zračnega prevoza med Irsko in Združenimi državami, ki se začnejo z zimsko sezono IATA 2006/2007 in končajo ob koncu zimske sezone IATA 2007/2008:
9 Objavljeno
In a prospective study, clinical, virological and immunological effects of a three drug combination therapy (saquinavir + two reverse transcriptase inhibitors) was assesed over a period of 32 weeks in antiretroviral-treated HIV infected patients (n = 8) and in antiretroviral-naive HIV infected patients (n = 5).
Prospektivno smo ocenjevali klinične, virološke in imunološke učinke kombinacije treh protiretrovirusnih zdravil (sakvinavir + dva zaviralca reverzne transkriptaze) v obdobju 32 tednov, pri bolnikih okuženih s HIV ki so že bili na protiretrovirusnem zdravljenju (n = 8), in pri bolnikih okuženih s HIV, ki teh zdravil še niso prejemali (n = 5).
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 13-2005
(4) A cumulative effect is identified if the plan envisages an activity affecting the environment which has a negligible effect on the selected evaluation criteria but which in combination with existing activities affecting the environment or activities which are planned or are being implemented on the basis of other plans has a significant effect on the selected evaluation criteria relevant environmental indicators; or when several individually negligible effects of the same activity or several activities from the same plan have an effect whose effects on the selected environmental criteria are not negligible.
(4) Kumulativni vpliv se ugotavlja, če se s planom načrtuje poseg v okolje, ki zanemarljivo vpliva na izbrana merila vrednotenja, ima pa skupaj z obstoječimi posegi v okolje ali s posegi, ki so načrtovani ali se izvajajo na podlagi drugih planov, velik vpliv na izbrana merila vrednotenja, ali kadar ima več posameznih za okolje zanemarljivih vplivov istega posega ali več posegov istega plana vpliv, katerega učinki na izbrana merila vrednotenja niso zanemarljivi.
11 Objavljeno
Generally, higher response rates are achieved with combination therapy than with fludarabine alone. The most important side-effects are myelosuppression, immunosupression characterized by a severe and long-lasting depletin of CD4+ T lymphocytes, autoimmune haemolytic anaemia and transfusion-associated graft-versus-host disease.
Med neželenimi pojavi je najpomembnejše zaviralno delovanje na kostni mozeg in imunski odziv, predvsem s hudim in dolgotrajnim zmanjšanjem limfocitov T celic pomagalk. Poleg tega se lahko pojavi avtoiumunska hemolitična anemija, po transfuziji krvi pa reakcija presadka proti gostitelju.
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0796
4.The competent control authority may decide to proceed by a combination of the procedures set out in paragraphs 2 and 3 in the case where such a combination increases the effectiveness of the control system.
Pristojni nadzorni organ se lahko odloči, da bo nadaljeval kombinacijo postopkov iz odstavkov 2 in 3, če taka kombinacija poveča uspešnost kontrolnega sistema.
13 Končna redakcija
Secondly, competition problems can also result from specific features, such as the existence of exclusive agreements, the combination of networks ("network effects") or the combination of key patents.
Drugič, težave glede konkurence so lahko tudi posledica posebnih dejavnikov, kot je obstoj ekskluzivnih pogodb, kombinacija omrežij ("mrežni učinki") ali kombinacija ključnih patentov.
14 Končna redakcija
Intra-system competition will occur when banks participating in a particular system compete for customers by offering the best combinations of prices and conditions for effecting and receiving cross-border credit transfers.
Konkurenca znotraj sistema se pojavi, kadar banke, ki sodelujejo v določenem sistemu, tekmujejo za stranke tako, da jim ponujajo najboljše kombinacije cen in pogojev za izvajanje in prejemanje čezmejnih nakazil.
15 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0707
the carrying amounts that would be included in the parent's consolidated financial statements, based on the parent's date of transition to IFRSs, if no adjustments were made for consolidation procedures and for the effects of the business combination in which the parent acquired the subsidiary;
knjigovodskih vrednostih, ki bi bile vključene v skupinske računovodske izkaze obvladujočega podjetja, na podlagi dneva prehoda obvladujočega podjetja na MSRP, če ni bilo prilagoditev za postopke uskupinjevanja in za učinke poslovne združitve, v kateri je obvladujoče podjetje pridobilo odvisno podjetje;
16 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0707
However, if an entity becomes a first-time adopter later than its subsidiary (or associate or joint venture) the entity shall, in its consolidated financial statements, measure the assets and liabilities of the subsidiary (or associate or joint venture) at the same carrying amounts as in the separate financial statements of the subsidiary (or associate or joint venture), after adjusting for consolidation and equity accounting adjustments and for the effects of the business combination in which the entity acquired the subsidiary.
Če podjetje prvikrat uporabi MSRP pozneje kot njegovo odvisno podjetje (ali pridruženo podjetje ali skupni podvig), podjetje v svojih skupinskih računovodskih izkazih meri sredstva in dolgove odvisnega podjetja (ali pridruženega podjetja ali skupnega podviga) po istih knjigovodskih vrednostih kot v ločenih računovodskih izkazih odvisnega podjetja (ali pridruženega podjetja ali skupnega podviga), po prilagoditvi za uskupinjevanje in prilagoditvi obračunavanja kapitala in za učinke poslovne združitve, v kateri je obvladujoče podjetje pridobilo odvisno podjetje.
17 Pravna redakcija
This combination must produce an effect at least equivalent to the following dilutions:
Ta kombinacija mora imeti učinek, ki je vsaj enakovreden naslednjim razredčinam:
18 Pravna redakcija
This combination must produce an effect at least equivalent to the following dilutions,
Ta kombinacija mora imeti učinek, ki je vsaj enakovreden naslednjim razredčinam,
19 Pravna redakcija
An effective combination of antibiotics, in particular against leptospires and mycoplasmas, was added to the semen after final dilution or to the diluent.
Učinkovita kombinacija antibiotikov, zlasti proti leptospiram in mikoplazmam, se je dodala semenu po končni razredčitvi ali pa razredčevalcu.
20 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0063
In the second case, where scientific justification for the combination is sought through therapeutic experimentation, the investigation shall determine whether the effects expected from the combination can be demonstrated in animals, and the importance of any collateral effects shall at least be investigated.
V drugem primeru, kadar se znanstvena utemeljitev za kombinacijo ugotavlja s pomočjo terapevtskih poskusov, raziskava določi vsaj, ali se pričakovani učinki kombinacije lahko pokažejo na živalih, in opravi se vsaj raziskava pomembnosti vseh morebitnih dodatnih učinkov.
21 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0069
For the treatment, the test compound in combination with the activation system should be present for as long as possible without exerting a toxic effect on the cells.
Pri obdelavi mora biti preskusna snov v kombinaciji z aktivacijskim sistemom prisotna čim dlje, ne da bi povzročila strupene učinke na celicah.
22 Pravna redakcija
The same rules shall apply if the quarry is outside such sites but could have significant effects on them, either individually or in combination with other plans and projects (4).
Ista pravila veljajo, če je kamnolom izven takšnih področij, vendar bi lahko imel pomembne učinke nanje bodisi posamično ali v kombinaciji z drugimi načrti in projekti (4).
23 Pravna redakcija
In the second case, where scientific justification for the medicinal combination is sought through clinical experimentation, the investigation shall determine whether the effects expected from the combination can be demonstrated in animals and, at least, the importance of any adverse reactions shall be checked.
V drugem primeru, kjer se išče znanstvena razlaga za farmacevtske kombinacije s kliničnimi eksperimenti, mora raziskava določiti, ali bodo pričakovani učinki kombinacije lahko prikazani na živalih in je vsaj treba preveriti pomembnost škodljivih učinkov.
24 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31998R2527
Heating of raw milk which has not been refrigerated, at a temperature of at least + 63 °C for a minimum period of 15 minutes (or time/temprature combinations of equivalent minimum effect)
Segrevanje surovega mleka, ki ni bilo ohlajeno, na temperaturo najmanj + 63 ° C za najmanj 15 minut (ali kombinacije časa in temperature z enakovrednim najmanjšim učinkom)
25 Pravna redakcija
Heating of raw milk which has not been refrigerated, at a temperature of at least + 63 °C for a minimum period of 15 minutes (or time/temprature combinations of equivalent minimum effect)
Segrevanje surovega mleka, ki ni bilo ohlajeno, na temperaturo najmanj + 63 ° C za najmanj 15 minut (ali kombinacije časa in temperature z enakovrednim najmanjšim učinkom)
26 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0063
For the pharmaco-dynamic medicinal product interaction, tests on combinations of active substances may be prompted either by pharmacological premises or by indications of therapeutic effect.
Za farmakodinamično interakcijo zdravila se preskuse na kombinacijah zdravilnih učinkovin lahko spodbuja s farmakološkimi premisami ali z navedbami terapevtskega učinka.
27 Pravna redakcija
Transfer of transgenes may lead to a mixed population of GMOs or to different gene-plant combinations after a time, which can then give rise to complex patterns of especially long-term adverse effects.
Prenos transgenov lahko po določenem času vodi do mešane populacije GSO ali različnih kombinacij gen-rastlina, kar lahko potem povzroči kompleksne vzorce posebno dolgoročnih škodljivih učinkov.
28 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31991R2568
Joint effect or action of given substances in which the intensity of the organoleptic attributes resulting from the combination is in excess of the sum of the intensities of each attribute taken separately.
Skupen učinek ali delovanje snovi, ko intenziteta organoleptičnih lastnosti, kot posledica kombinacije, presega vsoto intenzitet posameznih lastnosti.
29 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0778
In relation to the first argument, it is considered that it is only when there is a combination of anti-dumping measures with the safeguard duty that an effect greater than that intended or desirable could arise.
V zvezi s prvo pripombo se ugotavlja, da lahko pride do večjega učinka, kot je bilo predvideno ali želeno samo takrat, ko se kombinira protidampinške ukrepe z zaščitno dajatvijo.
30 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0778
In particular, such a combination could place an undesirably onerous burden on certain exporting producers seeking to export to the Community, which may have the effect of denying them access to the Community market.
Še posebej bi taka kombinacija lahko naložila nerazumno visoko obremenitev nekaterim proizvajalcem - izvoznikom, ki želijo izvažati v Skupnost, zaradi česar bi se jim lahko onemogočil dostop do trga Skupnosti.
31 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0452
In particular, such a combination of measures could place an undesirably onerous burden on certain exporting producers seeking to export to the Community, which may have the effect of denying them access to the Community market.
Taka kombinacija ukrepov bi lahko pomenila, še zlasti za določene proizvajalce izvoznike, ki si prizadevajo izvažati v Skupnost, nezaželeno preveliko obremenitev, kar bi lahko imelo za posledico zavrnitev dostopa na trg Skupnosti.
32 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0778
In this instance, it is considered that the combination of anti-dumping measures with the safeguard duty could have an effect greater than that intended or desirable in terms of the Community's trade defence policy and objectives.
V tem primeru se smatra, da bi kombiniranje protidampiških ukrepov z zaščitno dajatvijo lahko imelo večji učinek, kot je bilo predvideno ali želeno, v smislu politike trgovinske zaščite in ciljev Skupnosti.
33 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0452
However, the combination of anti-dumping or anti-subsidy measures with safeguard tariff measures on one and the same product could have an effect greater than that intended or desirable in terms of the Community's trade defence policy and objectives.
Vendar pa bi kombinacija protidampinških ali protisubvencijskih ukrepov z zaščitnimi tarifnimi ukrepi za en in isti izdelek lahko imela učinek, ki je večji od predvidenega ali zaželenega v smislu politike in ciljev trgovinske zaščite Skupnosti.
34 Pravna redakcija
purity shall be described in relation to the sum total of predictable impurities, especially those which may have a harmful effect and, if necessary, those which, having regard to the combination of substances to which the application refers, may adversely effect the stability of the medicinal product or distort analytical results.
čistoto je treba opisati glede na celotno količino predvidenih nečistot, posebno tistih, ki bi utegnile imeti škodljive učinke in če je treba tudi tistih, ki bi v kombinaciji snovi, na katere se vloga nanaša, lahko imele neželen vpliv na stabilnost zdravila ali bi popačile rezultate analiz.
35 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0046
have been obtained by means of a treatment involving a high temperature for a short time (at least 71, 7 °C for 15 seconds or any equivalent combination) or a pasteurization process using different time and temperature combinations to obtain an equivalent effect;
biti dobljeno z obdelavo, ki vključuje visoko temperaturo za kratek čas (vsaj 71,7 oC za 15 sekund ali katerakoli enakovredna kombinacija) ali proces pasterizacije z različnimi časovnimi in temperaturnimi kombinacijami, da bi dobili enak učinek;
36 Pravna redakcija
have been obtained by means of a treatment involving a high temperature for a short time (at least 71, 7 °C for 15 seconds or any equivalent combination) or a pasteurization process using different time and temperature combinations to obtain an equivalent effect;
biti dobljeno z obdelavo, ki vključuje visoko temperaturo za kratek čas (vsaj 71,7 oC za 15 sekund ali katerakoli enakovredna kombinacija) ali proces pasterizacije z različnimi časovnimi in temperaturnimi kombinacijami, da bi dobili enak učinek;
37 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1774
Milk or treated or processed milk products must be subjected to a heat treatment of at least 2 °C for at least 15 seconds or any combination of temperature and time having at least an equivalent heat effect and producing a negative reaction to the phosphatase test, followed by:
Mleko ali obdelane ali predelane mlečne izdelke je treba toplotno obdelati pri najmanj 72 °C najmanj 15 sekund, ali v katerem koli drugem razmerju temperature in časa z vsaj enakovrednim toplotnim učinkom, ki zagotovi negativno reakcijo testa na fosfatazo, čemur sledi:
38 Pravna redakcija
Milk or treated or processed milk products must be subjected to a heat treatment of at least 2 °C for at least 15 seconds or any combination of temperature and time having at least an equivalent heat effect and producing a negative reaction to the phosphatase test, followed by:
Mleko ali obdelane ali predelane mlečne izdelke je treba toplotno obdelati pri najmanj 72 °C najmanj 15 sekund, ali v katerem koli drugem razmerju temperature in časa z vsaj enakovrednim toplotnim učinkom, ki zagotovi negativno reakcijo testa na fosfatazo, čemur sledi:
39 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0778
As a result, the Council introduced specific provisions to enable the Community institutions, where they consider it appropriate, to take action to ensure that a combination of anti-dumping or anti- subsidy measures with safeguard tariff measures on the same product does not have such an effect.
Zato je Svet uvedel posebne določbe, ki omogočajo institucijam Skupnosti, da, kjer se jim zdi primerno, zagotovijo, da kombiniranje protidampinških ali protisubvencijskih ukrepov z zaščitnimi tarifnimi ukrepi za isti izdelek nima takega učinka.
40 Pravna redakcija
On the basis of step 4 and, if appropriate, step 5, a final evaluation should be made of the overall risk, including the magnitude and likelihood of the adverse effects of the GMO, based on the combination of the risks from each individual adverse effect, including cumulative effects from other GMOs.
Na osnovi koraka 4 in, če je ustrezno, koraka 5 je treba izdelati končno vrednotenje skupnega tveganja, vključno z razsežnostjo in verjetnostjo škodljivih učinkov GSO na osnovi kombinacije tveganj vsakega posameznega škodljivega učinka, skupaj s kumulativnimi učinki zaradi drugih GSO.
41 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0452
Therefore, specific provisions should be introduced to enable the Council and the Commission, where they consider it appropriate, to take action with a view to ensuring that a combination of anti-dumping or anti-subsidy measures with safeguard tariff measures on the same product does not have such an effect.
Zato je treba uvesti posebne določbe, ki Svetu in Komisiji omogočajo, da sprejmeta, če je to po njunem mnenju primerno, ukrepe za zagotovitev, da kombinacija protidampinških ali protisubvencijskih ukrepov z zaščitnimi tarifnimi ukrepi za enak proizvod nima takega učinka.
42 Pravna redakcija
For killing traps, when neurological examinations using reflexes (such as pain or eyes) are performed in combination with the measurement of an EEG and/or VERs or SERs, they should be done by an expert, to provide relevant information concerning the consciousness of the animal of the effectiveness of the killing technique.
Za pasti, ki žival ubijejo, kjer se nevrološke preiskave z uporabo refleksov (kot bolečina ali oči) uporabljajo v kombinaciji z meritvami EEG in/ali VER ali SER, mora preiskave za zagotovitev ustreznih informacij o zavesti živali glede učinkovitosti tehnike ubijanja opraviti strokovnjak.
43 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31995D0339
in the case of milk or treated or processed milk products, the milk or the milk product has been subjected to a heat treatment of at least 72°C for at least 15 seconds or any combination of temperature and time having at least an equivalent heat effect and producing a negative reaction to the phosphatase test, followed by:
v primeru mleka ali obdelanih ali predelanih mlečnih izdelkov, da sta bila mleko ali mlečni izdelek toplotno obdelana pri najmanj 72 °C za najmanj 15 sekund ali s katero koli kombinacijo temperature in časa z vsaj enakovrednim toplotnim učinkom, ki povzroči negativno reakcijo na preizkus fosfataze, čemur je sledil:
44 Pravna redakcija
in the case of milk or treated or processed milk products, the milk or the milk product has been subjected to a heat treatment of at least 72°C for at least 15 seconds or any combination of temperature and time having at least an equivalent heat effect and producing a negative reaction to the phosphatase test, followed by:
v primeru mleka ali obdelanih ali predelanih mlečnih izdelkov, da sta bila mleko ali mlečni izdelek toplotno obdelana pri najmanj 72 °C za najmanj 15 sekund ali s katero koli kombinacijo temperature in časa z vsaj enakovrednim toplotnim učinkom, ki povzroči negativno reakcijo na preizkus fosfataze, čemur je sledil:
45 Pravna redakcija
In the case of new combinations of known substances which have been investigated in accordance with the provisions of this Directive, the repeated-dose tests may, except where toxicity tests have demonstrated potentiation or novel toxic effects, be suitably modified by the investigator, who shall submit his reasons for such modifications.
V primeru novih kombinacij znanih snovi, ki so bile raziskane v skladu z določili te direktive, lahko raziskovalec preskuse pri ponovljenih odmerkih, razen če so preskusi toksičnosti izkazali potenciranje novih toksičnih učinkov, primerno prilagodi, mora pa navesti razloge za prilagoditve.
46 Pravna redakcija
purity tests shall be described in relation to the sum total of predictable impurities, especially those which may have a harmful effect, and, if necessary, those which, having regard to the combination of substances to which the application refers, might adversely affect the stability of the medicinal product or distort analytical results;
preskusi čistote se morajo opisati glede na celotno količino predvidenih nečistot, posebno tistih, ki bi lahko imele škodljiv učinek in, če je to potrebno, tistih, ki bi v kombinaciji snovi, na katero se vloga nanaša, lahko imele neželen učinke na stabilnost zdravila, ali bi lahko popačile analitske rezultate;
47 Pravna redakcija
whereas, on that basis, the Scientific Veterinary Committee on 26 April 1996 concluded that a combination of appropriate sourcing of bovine materials used and the application of minimum processing standards which have been shown effectively to inactivate the BSE agent together give good reassurances about the safety of those materials for food or cosmetic use;
ker je na tej podlagi Znanstveni veterinarski odbor dne 26. aprila 1996 ugotovil, da kombinacija ustreznega vzorčenja materialov govedi in uporaba minimalnih standardov predelave, ki dokazano učinkovito inaktivirajo povzročitelja BSE, skupaj uspešno zagotavljajo varno uporabo navedenih surovin v prehrani ali kozmetiki;
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combination effect