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Prevodi: en > sl
company's year end
1 Končna redakcija
If the total aid reaches before the end of the fiscal year 2008 the maximum admissible level set out in paragraph (a), the tax exemption shall be discontinued and the normal corporate income tax shall be due by the beneficiary for that part of the company's earnings whose exemption from the tax would result in exceeding the maximum admissible level.
Če vsota pomoči pred koncem fiskalnega leta 2008 doseže najvišjo dopustno mejo iz odstavka (a), se oprostitev plačila davka prekine in upravičenec dolguje splošen davek na dobiček družbe za tisti del dobička, ki bi presegal najvišjo dopustno mejo, če bi bil oproščen.
2 Končna redakcija
If the total aid reaches the maximum admissible level set out in subparagraph (a)(iii) before the end of the fiscal year 2009, the tax exemption shall be discontinued and the normal corporate income tax shall be due by the beneficiary for that part of the company's earnings whose exemption from the tax would result in exceeding the maximum admissible level.
Če skupna pomoč pred koncem fiskalnega leta 2009 doseže najvišjo dopustno mejo iz odstavka (a)(iii), se oprostitev plačila davka prekine in upravičenec dolguje splošen davek na dobiček za tisti del dobička, ki bi presegal najvišjo dopustno mejo, če bi bil oproščen.
3 Končna redakcija
To put it differently, 'correction' (actually reply) may be used not only to correct allegedly incorrect factual assertions in the piece of writing which hurt the person in question, but to dispute all assertions, even if presented merely as opinions (for example, that somebody's management of a company was bad), by making use of factual assertions (not simply by stating the opposite). However, the disputing of factual assertions is not the same as the correction of asserted facts (for example, even though the information about some failed investment has been correct in itself, the affected party disputes its significance by citing profitable investments that were omitted from the article, or by giving figures proving that the balance at the end of the year was positive, and so on).
Preizadeti torej lahko v 'popravku' (v resnici: odgovoru) ne le popravlja morebitne napačne dejstvene navedbe v informaciji, ki ga je prizadela, ampak lahko, prvič, spodbija vse navedbe, tudi zgolj mnenjske navedbe, ki so ga prizadele (recimo, da je slabo vodil podjetje), seveda le z dejstvenimi navedbami (ne zgolj z nasprotnim zatrjevanjem, da je dobro vodil podjetje), in drugič, tudi spodbijanje morebitnih dejstvenih navedb ni isto kot popravljanje objavljenih dejstev (primer: podatek o neki zgrešeni naložbi je bil točen, toda prizadeti spodbija njegov pomen z navajanjem v prispevku zamolčanih uspešnih naložb, z navajanjem številk o pozitivnem končnem letnem uspehu ipd.).
4 Pravna redakcija
regionalni razvoj
The amount deducted shall be added to the employer's contribution and paid at the end of the year to the company providing this insurance.
Odvedeni znesek se doda prispevku delodajalca in ob koncu leta vplača pri zavarovalniški družbi, ki je nosilka tega zavarovanja.
5 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R2852
In this respect, it should be noted that the income tax constitutes a charge levied on the company's profit, if any, and as such it is calculated retroactively at the end of each financial year.
V zvezi s tem je treba odgovoriti, da je davek od dobička pravnih oseb dajatev, ki se zaračuna od dobička podjetja, če ta obstaja, in se kot tak izračunava za nazaj ob koncu poslovnega leta.
6 Pravna redakcija
An SE shall hold a general meeting at least once each calendar year, within six months of the end of its financial year, unless the law of the Member State in which the SE's registered office is situated applicable to public limited-liability companies carrying on the same type of activity as the SE provides for more frequent meetings.
Skupščina delničarjev SE zaseda najmanj enkrat v vsakem koledarskem letu v šestih mesecih po izteku poslovnega leta, razen če zakonodaja države članice, v kateri ima SE statutarni sedež, veljavna za delniške družbe, ki opravljajo isto vrsto dejavnosti kakor SE, določa pogostejša zasedanja.
Prevodi: en > sl
company's year end