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Prevodi: en > sl
company limited by shares
1 Objavljeno
»Shareholder« is a holder of a security or a holder of a share and it refers to all partners, not only shareholders in companies limited by shares with State capital investments.
Delničar je imetnik vrednostnega papirja ali imetnik poslovnega deleža in se nanaša na vse družbenike, ne le na delničarje v kapitalskih družbah s kapitalskimi naložbami države.
2 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 40
For the purpose of taxation applicable to transfers of activities, taxation applicable to exchanges of equity holdings, and taxation applicable to mergers and divisions subject to Articles 30 to 47 of this Act, the provisions relating to the transfers of securities representing a share in the capital shall also apply to the companies, such as limited liability companies, whose capital is not accounted for by securities.
Za obdavčitev pri prenosu dejavnosti, obdavčitev pri zamenjavi kapitalskih deležev in obdavčitev pri združitvah in delitvah po 30. do 47. členu tega zakona, se določbe o prenosih vrednostnih papirjev, ki predstavljajo delež v kapitalu, uporabljajo tudi za družbe, kot na primer družbe z omejeno odgovornostjo, pri katerih kapitala ne predstavljajo vrednostni papirji.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-46
invites the Shareholders designated by the Contracting Parties jointly establishing the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe GmbH, a private limited liability company (Gesellschqft mit beschränkter Hafiung - GmbH) under German law, in particular the German Law on Companies with Limited Liability (Gesetz betreffend die Gesellschaften mit beschränkter Haftung - GmbHG), to sign immediately the Articles of Association (Annex to the Convention);
povabi družbenike, ki so jih imenovale pogodbenice, ki skupaj ustanavljajo Center za raziskave z antiprotoni in ioni v Evropi GmbH, zasebno družbo z omejeno odgovornostjo (Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung - GmbH) po nemškem pravu, še posebej po nemškem zakonu o družbah z omejeno odgovornostjo (Gesetz betrefend die Gesellschaften mit beschränkter Haftung - GmbHG), da nemudoma podpišejo akt o ustanovitvi (priloga h konvenciji),
4 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 31990L0434
(g) the companies in Irish law known as public companies limited by shares or by guarantee, private companies limited by shares or by guarantee, bodies registered under the Industrial and Provident Societies Acts or building societies registered under the Building Societies Acts;
družbe po irski zakonodaji: public companies limited by shares or by guarantee, private companies limited by shares or by guarantee, telesa, registrirana po Industrial and Provident Societies Acts ali ` building societies` , registrirane po Building Societies Acts;
5 Končna redakcija
(2) It shall be assumed that by, virtue of the section above, capital inadequacy of a limited company has occurred if its loss for the current year and the losses brought forward amount to one half of the limited company's share capital.
(2) Domneva se, da je po prejšnjem odstavku nastopila kapitalska neustreznost kapitalske družbe, če je izguba tekočega leta skupaj s prenesenimi izgubami dosegla polovico osnovnega kapitala družbe.
6 Končna redakcija
Should the nominal amount through which a member participates in the share capital of the public limited company be lower than the holding stipulated on the basis of the first or second paragraphs hereunder, or should a member not participate in the share capital of the public limited company, the difference or the holding must be paid to the member by the public limited company.
Če pa je nominalni znesek, s katerim je član udeležen v osnovnem kapitalu delniške družbe, nižji od deleža, določenega na podlagi prvega oziroma drugega odstavka tega člena, oziroma če član ni udeležen v osnovnem kapitalu delniške družbe, mora razliko oziroma delež članu izplačati delniška družba.
7 Končna redakcija
(1) Should the general meeting of shareholders of an insurance public limited company decide that the insurance public limited company shall continue to operate, the insurance public limited company may only resume insurance business if the authorisation to perform insurance business is granted anew by the Insurance Supervision Agency.
(1) Če skupščina zavarovalne delniške družbe odloči, da zavarovalna delniška družba deluje dalje, lahko zavarovalna delniška družba ponovno prične opravljati zavarovalne posle samo, če ponovno pridobi dovoljenje Agencije za zavarovalni nadzor za opravljanje zavarovalnih poslov.
8 Končna redakcija
(4) Should the nominal amount through which a member participates in the share capital of the public limited company exceed the holding stipulated on the basis of the first or second paragraphs hereunder, the amount in excess must be paid to the public limited company by the member.
(4) Če je nominalni znesek, s katerim je član udeležen v osnovnem kapitalu delniške družbe, višji od deleža, določenega na podlagi prvega oziroma drugega odstavka tega člena, mora član razliko vplačati delniški družbi.
9 Končna redakcija
Article 18 of this Act, be added to the voting rights enjoyed by other shareholders of the insurance public limited company in proportion to their participation in the share capital of the said insurance public limited company, so that the holder may only participate in the voting on the basis of shares other than those acquired in contravention of the first or second paragraphs of Article 18 of this Act.
18. člena tega zakona, nima glasovalnih pravic, prištejejo glasovalnim pravicam drugih delničarjev zavarovalne delniške družbe v sorazmerju z njihovo udeležbo v osnovnem kapitalu zavarovalne delniške družbe, tako da je imetnik pri glasovanju udeležen zgolj z deležem delnic, s katerimi ne krši določbe prvega oziroma drugega odstavka 18. člena tega zakona.
10 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32003L0049
(g) companies in Irish law known as public companies limited by shares or by guarantee, private companies limited by shares or by guarantee, bodies registered under the Industrial and Provident Societies Acts or building societies registered under the Building Societies Acts;
(g) družbe po irskem pravu, ki se imenujejo "public companies limited by shares or by guarantee, private companies limited by shares or by guarantee, bodies registered under the Industrial and Provident Societies Acts" in "building societies registered under the Building Societies Acts";
11 Pravna redakcija
The public offer of securities (as provided for under Article 18 of Law 216/74) other than shares, debt securities (including convertible debt securities) can only be made by Italian limited companies, foreign companies duly authorised, public bodies or companies belonging to local authorities whose assigned capital is not below ITL 2 billion.
Javno ponudbo vrednostnih papirjev (kot je predvidena v členu 18 Zakona 216/74), ki niso delnice ali dolžniški vrednostni papirji (vključno z zamenljivimi dolžniškimi vrednostnimi papirji), lahko dajo samo italijanske družbe z omejeno odgovornostjo, uradno odobrene tuje gospodarske družbe, javni organi ali gospodarske družbe, ki pripadajo lokalnim oblastem, katerih prenesen kapital ni nižji od 2 milijard italijanskih lir.
12 Pravna redakcija
Subject to Article 4(1) and (2), the capital of an SE, its maintenance and changes thereto, together with its shares, bonds and other similar securities shall be governed by the provisions which would apply to a public limited-liability company with a registered office in the Member State in which the SE is registered.
Skladno s členom 4(1) in (2) veljajo za kapital SE, njegovo vzdrževanje in spremembe skupaj z delnicami, obveznicami in drugimi podobnimi vrednostnimi papirji določbe, ki bi veljale za delniško družbo s statutarnim sedežem v državi članici, v kateri je SE registrirana.
13 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31977L0091
the public company limited by shares,
the public company limited by shares,
14 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31977L0091
the public company limited by shares, the public company limited by guarantee and having a share capital;
the public company limited by shares, the public company limited by guarantee and having a share capital;
15 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31978L0660
public companies limited by shares or by guarantee, private companies limited by shares or by guarantee;
public companies limited by shares or by guarantee, private companies limited by shares or by guarantee;
16 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31978L0660
public companies limited by shares or by guarantee, private companies limited by shares or by guarantee.
public companies limited by shares or by guarantee, private companies limited by shares or by guarantee.
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31983L0349
public companies limited by shares or by guarantee, private companies limited by shares or by guarantee;
18 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31983L0349
public companies limited by shares or by guarantee, private companies limited by shares or by guarantee.
19 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31978L0855
public companies limited by shares, and public companies limited by guarantee having a share capital,
public companies limited by shares, public companies limited by guarantee having a share capital;
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31978L0855
public companies limited by shares, and public companies limited by guarantee having a share capital.
public companies limited by shares in public companies limited by guarantee having a share capital.
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31977L0091
the public company limited by guarantee and having a share capital.
the public company limited by guarantee and having a share capital.
22 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0101
the suspension of the voting rights attached to the shares in the public limited-liability company held by the other company, and
začasno ukinitev glasovalnih pravic iz teh delnic v delniški družbi, katerih lastnik je druga družba, in
23 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0049
companies in Irish law known as public companies limited by shares or by guarantee, private companies limited by shares or by guarantee, bodies registered under the Industrial and Provident Societies Acts or building societies registered under the Building Societies Acts;
družbe po irskem pravu, ki se imenujejo "public companies limited by shares or by guarantee, private companies limited by shares or by guarantee, bodies registered under the Industrial and Provident Societies Acts" in "building societies registered under the Building Societies Acts";
24 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990L0434
the companies in Irish law known as public companies limited by shares or by guarantee, private companies limited by shares or by guarantee, bodies registered under the Industrial and Provident Societies Acts or building societies registered under the Building Societies Acts;
družbe po irski zakonodaji: public companies limited by shares or by guarantee, private companies limited by shares or by guarantee, telesa, registrirana po Industrial and Provident Societies Acts ali ` building societies` , registrirane po Building Societies Acts;
25 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0101
Member States need not apply Article 20 (2) or (3) or Article 21 where shares in a public limited-liability company are acquired by another company on condition that they provide for:
Državam članicam ni treba uporabiti člena 20(2) ali (3) ali člena 21, če delnice v delniški družbi kupi druga družba, pod pogojem, da predvidijo:
26 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989L0667
Whereas a private limited-liability company may be a single-member company from the time of its formation, or may become one because its shares have come to be held by a single shareholder;
ker je družba z omejeno odgovornostjo lahko družba z enim družbenikom od svoje ustanovitve ali lahko postane taka, ker so njeni poslovni deleži prišli v last enega družbenika;
27 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0101
The subscription, acquisition or holding of shares in a public limited-liability company by another company within the meaning of Article 1 of Directive 68/151/EEC in which the public limited-liability company directly or indirectly holds a majority of the voting rights or on which it can directly or indirectly exercise a dominant influence shall be regarded as having been effected by the public limited-liability company itself;
Vpis, pridobitev ali imetništvo delnic druge družbe v delniški družbi v smislu člena 1 Direktive 68/151/EGS v kateri delniška družba posredno ali neposredno razpolaga z večino glasovalnih pravic, ali na katero lahko ima, posredno ali neposredno, prevladujoč vpliv, se šteje, kot da je to storila delniška družba z sama;
28 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0101
However, where the public limited-liability company holds a majority of the voting rights indirectly or can exercise a dominant influence indirectly, Member States need not apply paragraph 1 if they provide for the suspension of the voting rights attached to the shares in the public limited-liability company held by the other company.
Če delniška družba posredno razpolaga z večino glasovalnih pravic ali ima posreden prevladujoč vpliv, državam članicam ni treba uporabiti poglavja 1, če predvidijo začasno ukinitev glasovalnih pravic, povezanih z delnicami v delniški družbi, s katerimi razpolaga druga družba.
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1435
For each of the merging cooperatives the completion of the merger shall be made public as laid down by the law of the Member State concerned in accordance with the laws governing mergers of public companies limited by shares.
Za vsako zadrugo, ki se združuje, se dokončanje postopka združitve objavi, kakor določajo nacionalni predpisi države članice v skladu z veljavnimi predpisi, ki urejajo združitve delniških družb.
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31968L0151
Whereas the co-ordination provided for in Article 54 (3) (g) and in the General Programme for the abolition of restrictions on freedom of establishment is a matter of urgency, especially in regard to companies limited by shares or otherwise having limited liability, since the activities of such companies often extend beyond the frontiers of national territories;
ker je usklajevanje, predvideno v členu 54(3)(g) in v Splošnem programu za odpravo omejitev svobode ustanavljanja podjetij, nujna zadeva, zlasti v zvezi z delniškimi družbami in drugimi družbami z omejeno odgovornostjo, ker dejavnost takih družb pogosto presega meje nacionalnega ozemlja;
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0101
Member States need not apply paragraph 1 where shares in a public limited-liability company held by another company were acquired before the relationship between the two companies corresponded to the criteria laid down in paragraph 1.
Državam članicam ni treba uporabiti odstavka 1, če so delnice v delniški družbi, ki so v lasti druge družbe, bile kupljene, preden je razmerje med obema družbama ustrezalo kriterijem, določenim v odstavku 1.
32 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31988L0361
As regards those undertakings mentioned under I-2 of the Nomenclature which have the status of companies limited by shares, there is participation in the nature of direct investment where the block of shares held by a natural person of another undertaking or any other holder enables the shareholder, either pursuant to the provisions of national laws relating to companies limited by shares or otherwise, to participate effectively in the management of the company or in its control.
Kar zadeva podjetja, navedena pod I-2 nomenklature, ki imajo status delniških družb, ima udeležba naravo neposredne naložbe, kadar paket delnic fizične osebe drugega podjetja ali katerega koli drugega imetnika, omogoča delničarju, bodisi na podlagi določb nacionalne zakonodaje, ki se nanaša na delniške družbe, bodisi drugače, da učinkovito sodeluje pri upravljanju družbe ali njenem nadzoru.
33 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0101
Whereas in order to prevent a public limited-liability company from using another company in which it holds a majority of the voting rights or on which it can exercise a dominant influence to make such acquisitions without complying with the restrictions imposed in that respect, the arrangements governing a company's acquisition of its own shares should be extended to cover the most important and most frequent cases of the acquisition of shares by such other companies;
ker je treba predpise, ki urejajo pridobitev lastnih delnic družbe, razširiti tudi na najpomembnejše in najpogostejše primere, ko delnice pridobijo druge družbe, da se prepreči delniški družbi uporabiti za takšne pridobitve, brez upoštevanja s tem povezanih omejitev, drugo družbo, v kateri ima večino glasovalnih pravic ali na katero ima prevladujoč vpliv;
34 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2273
As regards trading in own shares in "buy-back" programmes, the rules provided for by this Regulation are without prejudice to the application of Council Directive 77/91/EEC on coordination of safeguards which, for the protection of the interests of members and others, are required by Member States of companies within the meaning of the second paragraph of Article 58 of the Treaty, in respect of the formation of public limited liability companies and the maintenance and alteration of their capital, with a view to making such safeguards equivalent(3).
V zvezi s trgovanjem z lastnimi delnicami v programih "odkupa" pravila, določena v tej uredbi, ne vplivajo na uporabo Direktive Sveta 77/91/EGS o uskladitvi zaščitnih ukrepov za varovanje interesov družbenikov in tretjih oseb, ki jih države članice zahtevajo od gospodarskih družb v skladu z drugim odstavkom člena 58 Pogodbe glede ustanavljanja delniških družb ter ohranjanja in spreminjanja njihovega kapitala, zato da se oblikujejo zaščitni ukrepi z enakim učinkom v vsej Skupnosti [3].
35 Prevod
The public offer of securities (as provided for under 18 bis of Law 216/74), other than shares, debt securities (including convertible debt securities) can only be made by Italian limited companies, foreign companies duly authorized, public bodies or companies belonging to local authorities whose assigned capital is not below Lit 2 billion.
Javno ponudbo vrednostnih papirjev (kot je predvidena v členu18 Zakona 216/74), ki niso delnice ali dolžniški vrednostni papirji (vključno z zamenljivimi dolžniškimi vrednostnimi papirji), lahko dajo samo italijanske družbe z omejeno odgovornostjo, uradno odobrene tuje gospodarske družbe, javni organi ali gospodarske družbe, ki pripadajo lokalnim oblastem, katerih prenesen kapital ni nižji od 2 milijard italijanskih lir.
Prevodi: en > sl
company limited by shares