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company manager
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-46
Management of the Company
Upravljanje družbe
2 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32002L0087
3 Objavljeno
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CELEX: 32002L0087
Asset management companies
Družbe za upravljanje
4 Objavljeno
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CELEX: 32002L0087
Management body of insurance holding companies
Upravni organ zavarovalnih holdingov
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CELEX: 32002L0087
Management body of financial holding companies
Upravni organ finančnih holdingov
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CELEX: 32002L0087
Management body of mixed financial holding companies
Upravni organ mešanih finančnih holdingov
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»Management Board« means a body of management in a company regardless of the legal form of the company and the system of governance.
Uprava pomeni organ vodenja v družbi, ne glede na statusno obliko družbe in sistem upravljanja.
8 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-80
What is the financial, legal and management stability of the company
Kakšna je finančna, pravna in upravljalska stabilnost družbe
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CELEX: 32002L0087
- the inclusion of asset management companies in group-wide supervision,
- vključevanja družb za upravljanje v nadzor na ravni skupine,
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It shall also ensure that the managerial and supervisory bodies of the company are informed about goals which are linked to the company.
Poskrbi tudi, da so organi vodenja in nadzora družbe seznanjeni s cilji, ki so povezani z družbo.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-46
The Managing Directors shall manage the Company conscientiously and with due diligence in the interests of the Company, and in accordance with
Izvršni direktorji vestno in z dolžno skrbnostjo upravljajo družbo v skladu z interesi družbe in v skladu:
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 26/1999
to disputes among partners, disputes between partners and commercial companies, disputes between commercial companies and members of their bodies of management, in accordance with the law on commercial companies;
v sporih med družbeniki, družbeniki in družbami ter družbami in člani organov upravljanja družb, za katere je treba uporabiti pravo gospodarskih družb;
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consultation with interested Stakeholders and members of managerial and supervisory bodies of individual companies;
posvetovanje z zainteresiranimi deležniki ter člani organov vodenja in nadzora posameznih družb;
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not be closely linked with the company or its Management Board in terms of economics, personally or in any other manner;
niso ekonomsko, osebno ali kako drugače tesneje povezani z družbo ali njeno upravo;
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CELEX: 32002L0087
In order to take account of this trend, the requirements for management should be further extended, in particular as regards the management of the mixed financial holding company.
Ob upoštevanju tega trenda je treba še naprej poostriti zahteve glede upravljanja, predvsem kar zadeva upravljanje mešanega finančnega holdinga.
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CELEX: 32002L0087
Pending further coordination of sectoral rules, Member States shall provide for the inclusion of asset management companies:
Do nadaljnje uskladitve sektorskih predpisov države članice predpisujejo vključitev družb za upravljanje v naslednjih primerih:
17 Objavljeno
A Supervisory Board is obliged to perform its functions of supervision over the operation and the management of the company in compliance with the laws and company's instruments of incorporation.
Nadzorni svet je dolžan izvajati svoje funkcije nadzora nad poslovanjem in vodenjem družbe v skladu z zakoni in ustanovitvenimi akti družbe.
18 Objavljeno
If a General Meeting of an individual company is not convened but the interests of this company or the Republic of Slovenia require that it be convened, the Agency addresses the request for the convocation to the Management Board of the company in compliance with ZGD-1 and communicates it to the Supervisory Board of the company.
Če skupščina posamezne družbe ni sklicana, vendar interesi te družbe ali Republike Slovenije zahtevajo, da se skliče, agencija naslovi zahtevo za sklic na upravo družbe skladno z ZGD-1, o čemer obvesti tudi nadzorni svet družbe.
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Companies with State Capital Investments must report on remunerations for members of the Management Board in the same manner as applies for public companies and compliant to the Corporate Governance Code.
Družbe s kapitalskimi naložbami države poročajo o prejemkih članov uprav na enak način, kot to velja za javne družbe in skladno s Kodeksom upravljanja javnih delniških družb.
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delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 127
(1) A public-private partnership contractor must inform the public partner of changes concerning the articles of association of the company, of reorganisation of the status of the private partner's company and its members, and of major changes to the structure of the company` s membership, to the management of the company and its supervision.
(1) Izvajalec javno-zasebnega partnerstva mora obvestiti javnega partnerja o spremembah, ki se nanašajo na ustanovitveni akt družbe, statusno preoblikovanje družbe zasebnega partnerja in njegovih članov, na pomembnejše spremembe v strukturi članstva v družbi, na vodenje družbe in na njen nadzor.
21 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
(ii) improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the companies' business management and also ensuring better control of direct sales,
izboljšava učinkovitosti in uspešnosti poslovnega upravljanja podjetij in zagotovitev boljšega nadzora neposredne prodaje;
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CELEX: 32002L0087
in the case of asset management companies, solvency requirement means the capital requirement set out in Article 5a(1)(a) of Directive 85/611/EEC;
pri družbah za upravljanje zahtevana meja solventnosti pomeni kapitalsko zahtevo, kakor jo določa člen 5a(1)(a) Direktive 85/611/EGS;
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all relevant information regarding potential instruments of the management of the company which surpasses the requirements of this Code and ZGD-1 with an indication of where its management practice is publicly accessible;
vse ustrezne podatke o morebitnih institutih upravljanja družbe, ki presega zahteve tega Kodeksa in ZGD-1, z navedbo, kje je njena praksa upravljanja javno dostopna;
24 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-27
It is further understood that ` bestuurder` or ` commissaris` of a Netherlands company means persons who are nominated as such by the general meeting of shareholders or by any other competent body of such company and are charged with the general management of the company and the supervision thereof, respectively.
Prav tako se razume, da »bestuurder« ali »commissaris« nizozemske družbe pomeni osebe, ki jih kot take imenuje skupščina delničarjev ali drug pristojni organ take družbe in ki so odgovorne za splošno vodenje družbe oziroma za njen nadzor.
25 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32002L0087
For the purposes of this provision, the relevant sectoral rules regarding the form and extent of the inclusion of financial institutions (where asset management companies are included in the scope of consolidated supervision of credit institutions and investment firms) and of reinsurance undertakings (where asset management companies are included in the scope of supplementary supervision of insurance undertakings) shall apply mutatis mutandis to asset management companies.
Za namene te določbe ustrezni sektorski predpisi glede oblike in obsega vključevanja finančnih institucij (če so družbe za upravljanje vključene v obseg konsolidiranega nadzora kreditnih institucij in investicijskih družb) in pozavarovalnic (če so družbe za upravljanje premoženja sredstev vključene v dopolnilni nadzor zavarovalnic) se smiselno uporabljajo za družbe za upravljanje.
26 Objavljeno
It is important that SOEs have strong boards that can act in the interest of the company and effectively monitor management without undue political interference.
Pomembno je, da imajo družbe v državni lasti močne odbore, da lahko delujejo v interesu družbe in da lahko učinkovito nadzirajo menedžment brez neprimernega političnega vmešavanja.
27 Objavljeno
Members of Supervisory or Boards of directors must act with the diligence of fair and conscientious managers and exclusively in the best interests of the company.
Člani nadzornih svetov ali upravnih odborov družb morajo ravnati s skrbnostjo poštenih in skrbnih gospodarstvenikov ter izključno v prid družb.
28 Objavljeno
The term »Management Board« may also mean a managing director in a company with limited liability or executive officers in companies with a unitary board system.
Termin uprava lahko pomeni tudi direktorja v družbi z omejeno odgovornostjo ali izvršne direktorje v družbah z enotirnim sistemom upravljanja.
29 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 4-2005
It is further understood that “bestuurder” or “commissaris” of a Netherlands company means persons who are nominated as such by the general meeting of shareholders or by any other competent body of such company and are charged with the general management of the company and the supervision thereof, respectively.
Prav tako se razume, da “bestuurder” ali “commissaris” nizozemske družbe pomeni osebe, ki jih kot take imenuje skupščina delničarjev ali drug pristojni organ take družbe in ki so odgovorne za splošno vodenje družbe oziroma za njen nadzor.
30 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
CELEX: 32002L0087
Where an asset management company is part of a financial conglomerate, any reference to the notion of regulated entity and any reference to the notion of competent authorities and relevant competent authorities shall therefore, for the purposes of this Directive, be understood as including, respectively, asset management companies and the competent authorities responsible for the supervision of asset management companies.
Če je družba za upravljanje del finančnega konglomerata, se vsak sklic na pojem regulirane osebe in vsak sklic na pojem pristojnih organov in ustreznih pristojnih organov zato za namene te direktive razume, kot da vključuje družbe za upravljanje oziroma pristojne organe, pooblaščene za nadzorovanje družb za upravljanje.
31 Objavljeno
It also implements the nomination procedure and proposes to the Agency's Management Board the listing of candidates for members of a Supervisory Board of an individual company.
Izvede tudi nominacijski postopek in predlaga upravi agencije nabor kandidatov za člane nadzornega sveta posamezne družbe.
32 Objavljeno
Such disclosure obligations will encourage company officials to clarify the objectives to themselves, and could also increase management's commitment in pursuing these objectives.
Takšne zahteve po objavi podatkov bodo spodbudile menedžment, da si bo razjasnil cilje družbe, povečale pa bodo tudi zavezanost menedžmenta z uresničevanju teh ciljev.
33 Objavljeno
The Supervisory Board has authorisation to appoint and dismiss members and the President of the Management Board under its own discretion pursuant to the interests of the company.
Nadzorni svet ima pooblastilo za imenovanje in razreševanje članov in predsednika uprave po lastni presoji skladno z interesi družbe.
34 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-46
(1) The organs of the Company shall be the Shareholders' Assembly, hereinafter referred to as "the Council", and the Managing Directors, collectively forming the Management Board.
(1) Organi družbe so skupščina delničarjev, v nadaljnjem besedilu »svet«, in izvršni direktorji, ki skupaj sestavljajo upravni odbor.
35 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-23
For the purposes of the Convention, the term ` place of effective management` means the place where a company is actually managed and controlled and where the decision making at the highest level on important policies essential for the management of a company takes place.
V tej konvenciji izraz »sedež dejanske uprave« pomeni kraj, kjer se družba dejansko upravlja in nadzira ter kjer na najvišji ravni poteka odločanje o pomembnih usmeritvah, bistvenih za vodenje družbe.
36 Objavljeno
The second section of the Code recommends principles, procedures and criteria for the conduct of members of managerial and supervisory bodies of companies with capital investments of the Republic of Slovenia.
Drugi sklop kodeksa priporoča načela, postopke in merila za ravnanje članov organov vodenja in nadzora družb s kapitalskimi naložbami Republike Slovenije.
37 Objavljeno
Notwithstanding the fact of whether a company is in full State ownership or the State has a majority shareholding or even a minority one, special attention must be dedicated to ensuring that the remuneration of managerial bodies and the most responsible persons as well as all employees in the company are such that they contribute to the provision of and improvement of the company's business opportunities and competitiveness.
Ne glede na to, ali je družba v popolni lasti države ali večinski delničar ali celo le manjšinski, se mora posvečati posebna pozornost zagotavljanju, da so prejemki organov vodenja in najbolj odgovornih oseb kot tudi vseh zaposlenih v družbi takšni, da prispevajo k zagotavljanju in izboljševanju družbinih poslovnih priložnosti in konkurenčnosti.
38 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
the other company has the right to appoint or dismiss a majority of the administrative organ, of the management organ or of the supervisory organ and is at the same time a shareholder or member of the subsidiary.
ima drugo podjetje pravico do imenovanja ali razrešitve večine članov upravnega organa, izvršilnega organa ali nadzornega organa ter je istočasno delničar ali član hčerinskega podjetja.
39 Objavljeno
In such case, immediately after the formulation of counter proposals, it publishes an intent and its text on its web page and sends them to the Management Board of the company as the convenor of the General Meeting.
V takem primeru nemudoma po oblikovanju nasprotnega predloga objavi namero in njegovo besedilo na svoji spletni strani ter ju pošlje upravi družbe kot sklicateljici skupščine.
40 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 127
The term ` interest` in the sense of the preceding article shall apply to interests in a limited liability company, shares in a public limited company and European public limited company, a share of the capital of other legal persons, other capital investments in legal persons and other rights on the basis of which the bearer has the right to participate in the property (capital) and membership (equity, management) rights of the legal person.
Pojem »delež« se v smislu prejšnjega člena uporablja za deleže v družbi z omejeno odgovornostjo, delnice v delniški družbi in evropski delniški družbi, deleže na kapitalu drugih pravnih oseb, druge kapitalske naložbe v pravne osebe ter druge pravice, na podlagi katerih ima njihov imetnik pravico do sodelovanja pri premoženjskih (kapitalskih) in članskih (statusnih, upravljavskih) pravicah pravne osebe.
41 Objavljeno
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CELEX: 32002L0087
For the purposes of supplementary supervision referred to in (b) of the first paragraph, the asset management company shall be treated as part of whichever sector it is included in by virtue of (a) of the first paragraph.
Za namene dopolnilnega nadzora iz (b) prvega odstavka se družbe za upravljanje štejejo za del tistega sektorja, v katerega so vključene zaradi določb iz (a) prvega odstavka.
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CELEX: 32002L0087
(21) In order to assess the need for and prepare any possible future harmonisation of the treatment of asset management companies under sectoral rules, the Commission should report on Member States' practices in this field,
(21) Z namenom oceniti potrebo po nadaljnjem usklajevanju in pripraviti nadaljnje usklajevanje obravnave družb za upravljanje v skladu s sektorskimi predpisi Komisija poroča o praksi držav članic na tem področju -
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The ownership policy and associated company objectives should be public documents accessible to the general public and widely circulated amongst the relevant ministries, agencies, SOE boards, management, and the legislature.
Lastniška politika države in z njo povezani cilji družbe morata biti javna dokumenta, dostopna splošni javnosti in morata biti na široko skomunicirana med ustrezna ministrstva, agencije, odbore družb v državni lasti, menedžment in zakonodajna telesa.
44 Objavljeno
If the Management Board selects members of supervisory bodies of companies who have not been nominated in compliance with this Code and rules of the Accreditation Committee, this must be disclosed in due time to the Agency's Council.
Če uprava izbere člane organov nadzora družb, ki niso bili nominirani skladno s tem kodeksom in pravili akreditacijske komisije, mora to pravočasno razkriti svetu agencije.
45 Objavljeno
A clear statement to the public of the company objectives and their fulfilment. The ownership and voting structure of the company. Any material risk factors and measures taken to manage such risks. Any financial assistance, including guarantees, received from the state and commitments made on behalf of the SOE. Any material transactions with related entities.
1.jasna izjava za javnost o ciljih družbe in njihovem izvrševanju; 2.lastniška in glasovalna struktura družbe; 3.morebitni pomembni dejavniki tveganja in ukrepi za njihovo obvladovanje; 4.morebitna državna finančna pomoč, vključno z državnimi garancijami ter sprejete obveznosti v imenudružbe v državni lasti; 5.vse pomembne transakcije s povezanimi družbami.
46 Objavljeno
With regard to the legislation and internal instruments of Companies with State Capital Investments the General Meeting of a company may in some cases give instructions to members of supervisory or managerial bodies by means of a resolution.
Glede na zakonodajo in notranje akte družb s kapitalsko naložbo države lahko skupščina družbe v nekaterih primerih s sklepom da navodila članom organov nadzora ali vodenja.
47 Objavljeno
in their work and decision-making be able to adhere above all to the long-term interests of the company and make potential alternative personal or other individual interests (of third persons, employees, the Management Board) subordinated to this,
pri svojem delu in odločanju so sposobni upoštevati predvsem dolgoročni interes družbe ter temu podrediti morebitne drugačne osebne ali posamične interese (tretjih oseb, zaposlenih, uprave);
48 Objavljeno
Supervisory boards of Companies with State Capital Investments must have the necessary authorisations and responsibilities and be objective and independent in the performance of the supervisory function over the management and the business operation of a company.
Nadzorni sveti družb s kapitalskimi naložbami države morajo imeti potrebna pooblastila in kompetence ter biti objektivni in samostojni pri izvajanju funkcije nadzora nad menedžmentom in poslovanjem družbe.
49 Objavljeno
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CELEX: 32002L0087
"asset management company" shall mean a management company within the meaning of Article 1a(2) of Council Directive 85/611/EEC of 20 December 1985 on the coordination of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities (UCITS)(14), as well as an undertaking the registered office of which is outside the Community and which would require authorisation in accordance with Article 5(1) of that Directive if it had its registered office within the Community;
"družba za upravljanje" pomeni družbo za upravljanje v smislu člena 1a(2) Direktive Sveta 85/611/EGS z dne 20. decembra 198585/611/EGS o uskladitvi zakonov in drugih predpisov o kolektivnih naložbenih podjemih za vlaganja v prenosljive vrednostne papirje (KNPVP) [14. ] ter podjetje, ki ima registrirani sedež zunaj Skupnosti in ki bi v skladu s členom 5(1) te direktive potrebovalo dovoljenje za opravljanje poslov, če bi imelo svoj registrirani sedež v Skupnosti;
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CELEX: 32002L0087
Supplementary supervision should cover all financial activities identified by the sectoral financial legislation and all entities principally engaged in such activities should be included in the scope of the supplementary supervision, including asset management companies.
Dopolnilni nadzor bi moral zajemati vse finančne dejavnosti, ki jih opredeljuje zakonodaja posameznega finančnega sektorja, v obseg dopolnilnega nadzora pa bi morale biti zajete vse osebe, ki se pretežno ukvarjajo s temi dejavnostmi, vključno z družbami za upravljanje.
Prevodi: en > sl
company manager