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comparative examination
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0042
Where, however, the comparative examination shows a substantial difference, the host Member State shall give the beneficiary the opportunity to demonstrate that he has acquired the knowledge and skills which were lacking.
Kadar pa primerjalni pregled pokaže bistveno razliko, država članica da imetniku priložnost pokazati, da je pridobil znanje in spretnosti, ki mu manjkajo.
2 Končna redakcija
Before 31 May each year, the Commission shall carry out a comparative examination of the information referred to in Articles 14 and 15 and shall fix the relevant correcting coefficients in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 23 of Regulation (EEC) No 1766/92.
Vsako leto pred 31. majem Komisija opravi primerjalni pregled informacij iz členov 14 in 15 in določi ustrezne korekcijske koeficiente v skladu s postopkomiz člena 23 Uredbe (EGS) št. 1766/92.
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0042
Where the comparative examination shows that the knowledge and skills certified by a diploma, certificate or other evidence of formal qualifications awarded by another Member State correspond to those required by the national rules, the host Member State cannot refuse the holder the right to pursue the activity in question.
Kadar primerjalni pregled pokaže, da znanje in spretnosti, ki jih potrjuje diploma, spričevalo ali drugo dokazilo o formalnih kvalifikacijah, ki jih podeli druga država članica, ustrezajo zahtevanim po nacionalnih pravilih, država članica imetniku ne more zavrniti pravice do opravljanja zadevne dejavnosti.
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0055
These comparative tests shall be used to harmonise the technical methods of certification and post-control examination so as to obtain results which are equivalent.
Ti primerjalni poskusi se uporabijo za usklajevanje tehničnih metod potrjevanja in naknadne kontrole, da se pridobijo enakovredni rezultati.
5 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0055
Community comparative tests shall be carried out within the Community for the post-control examination of samples of basic seed, with the exception to that of hybrid and synthetic varieties, and of certified or standard vegetable seed, taken during sampling.
Primerjalni poskusi Skupnosti se izvedejo v okviru Skupnosti za naknadno kontrolo vzorcev osnovnega semena, z izjemo semena hibridnih in sintetičnih sort, ter certificiranega ali standardnega semena zelenjadnic, odvzetega med vzorčenjem.
6 Pravna redakcija
Whereas a comparative examination of animal welfare provisions applicable in the Community and in certain non-member countries together with an appraisal thereof should be undertaken with a view to determining the nature of future Community initiatives aimed at eliminating distortions of competition,
ker bi bilo treba upoštevati primerjalno študijo določb o dobrem počutju živali v Skupnosti in v nekaterih državah nečlanicah skupaj z oceno te študije, da bi se določila narava prihodnjih pobud Skupnosti, katerih cilj je odpraviti izkrivljanje konkurence,
7 Pravna redakcija
Whereas, in order to harmonise technical methods of examination used in the Member States and to compare propagating material produced in the Community with those produced in third countries, comparative trials should be carried out to check compliance of propagating material with the requirements of this Directive;
ker bi bilo treba za uskladitev tehničnih metod preizkušanja, ki jih uporabljajo države članice, in za primerjanje razmnoževalnega materiala, pridelanega v Skupnosti, s tistim, ki je pridelan v tretjih državah, izvesti primerjalne poskuse, s katerimi bi preverili skladnost teh proizvodov z zahtevami te direktive;
8 Pravna redakcija
Whereas, in order to harmonize technical methods of examination used in the Member States and to compare propagating and planting material and vegetable plants produced in the Community with that produced in third countries, comparative trials should be carried out to check compliance of such products with the requirements of this Directive;
ker bi bilo treba za uskladitev tehničnih metod preizkušanja, ki jih uporabljajo države članice, in za primerjanje razmnoževalnega in sadilnega materiala zelenjadnic, pridelanega v Skupnosti, s tistim, ki je pridelan v tretjih državah, izvesti primerjalne poskuse, s katerimi bi preverili skladnost teh proizvodov z zahtevami te direktive;
9 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993D0158
Whereas, this comparative examination has been completed and has shown that the regulatory requirements of the Community and the United States of America basically provide equivalent safeguards against public health risks;
ker je ta primerjalni pregled zaključen in je pokazal, da pravni predpisi Skupnosti in Združenih držav Amerike večinoma zagotavljajo enake zaščitne ukrepe proti tveganjem za zdravje ljudi;
10 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993D0158
Whereas, under an exchange of letters signed on 7 May 1991, as referred to in Article 2 (2) of Decision 91/552/EEC, the Commission and the Government of the United States of America commenced a comparative examination of the Community third country Directive and corresponding United States of America regulatory requirements with respect to trade in fresh bovine and porcine meat, with the objective of determining whether Community and United States of America requirements are equivalent;
ker sta skladno z izmenjavo pisem, podpisano 7. maja 1991, navedeno v členu 2(2) Odločbe Sveta 91/552/EGS, Komisija in Vlada Združenih držav Amerike začeli primerjalni pregled Direktive Skupnosti za tretje države in ustreznih pravnih predpisov Združenih držav Amerike za trgovino s svežim govejim in svinjskim mesom, s ciljem, da se določi, ali so predpisi Skupnosti in Združenih držav Amerike enakovredni;
11 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0756
Such measures shall be without prejudice to the general conditions applicable to the examination of the annual reports on the confirmed results and conclusions of Community comparative trials and tests.
Taki ukrepi ne vplivajo na splošne pogoje, ki se uporabljajo za pregled letnih poročil o potrjenih rezultatih in rezultate primerjalnih poskusov in testiranj Skupnosti.
12 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0061
These comparative tests and trials shall be used to harmonise the technical methods of examination of propagating material and fruit plants and to check satisfaction of the conditions with which the material must comply.
Ti primerjalni testi in poskusi se uporabijo za uskladitev tehničnih metod pri pregledih razmnoževalnega materiala in sadnih rastlin ter za preverjanje zadovoljitve pogojev, ki jih mora material izpolnjevati.
13 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0061
These comparative tests and trials shall be used to harmonise the technical methods of examination of propagating material of ornamental plants and to check satisfaction of the conditions with which the material must comply.
Ti primerjalni testi in poskusi se uporabijo za uskladitev tehničnih metod pri pregledih razmnoževalnega materiala okrasnih rastlin in za preverjanje zadovoljitve pogojev, ki jih mora material izpolnjevati.
14 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0061
These comparative tests and trials shall be used to harmonise the technical methods of examination of vegetable propagating and planting material and to check satisfaction of the conditions with which the material must comply.
Ti primerjalni testi in poskusi se uporabijo za uskladitev tehničnih metod pri pregledih razmnoževalnega in sadilnega materiala zelenjadnic ter za preverjanje zadovoljitve pogojev, ki jih mora material izpolnjevati.
15 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0061
Community comparative tests and trials shall be carried out within the Community for the post-control examination of samples of vegetable seed placed on the market under the provisions of this Directive, whether mandatory or discretionary, and taken during sampling.
V Skupnosti se primerjalni testi in poskusi Skupnosti izvajajo za naknadno kontrolo vzorcev semena zelenjadnic, ki je dano v promet v okviru določb te direktive, ne glede na to, ali so določbe obvezne ali neobvezne, in je odvzeto med vzorčenjem.
16 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0034
Whereas, in order to harmonize the technical methods of examination used in the Member States and to compare propagating material and fruit plants produced in the Community with those produced in third countries, comparative trials should be carried out to check compliance of such products with the requirements of this Directive;
ker bi bilo treba za uskladitev tehničnih metod preverjanja, ki jih uporabljajo države članice, in za primerjanje razmnoževalnega materiala in sadnih rastlin, pridelanih v Skupnosti, s tistimi, pridelanimi v tretjih državah, opravljati primerjalne poskuse, s katerimi bi preverili skladnost teh proizvodov z zahtevami te direktive;
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993D0257
Whereas in accordance with Article 8 (1) (b) of Council Directive 86/469/EEC of 16 September 1986 concerning the examination of animals and fresh meat for the presence of residues (7), as amended by Decision 89/187/EEC (8), the national reference laboratories are to be responsible for coordinating the standards and methods of analysis for each residue or group of residues concerned, including the arrangement of periodic comparative tests of split samples by approved laboratories, and of compliance with the limits laid down;
ker so v skladu s členom 8(1)(b) Direktive Sveta 86/469/EGS z dne 16. septembra 1986 v zvezi s pregledom živali in svežega mesa glede ostankov [7], kakor je bila spremenjena z Odločbo 89/187/EGS [8], nacionalni referenčni laboratoriji odgovorni za uskladitev norm in analitskih metod za vsak ostanek ali vsako skupino ostankov vključno z ureditvijo periodičnih primerjalnih preskusov vzorčnih delov, ki jih opravljajo odobreni laboratoriji ter v skladu z mejnimi vrednostmi;
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comparative examination