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compensatory amounts mechanism
1 Končna redakcija
A compensatory amount calculated on the basis of the compensatory amounts referred to in Article 240 or of the compensatory mechanism referred to in Article 270 and in accordance with the rules laid down by Regulation (EEC) No 3033/80 for calculating the variable component applicable to the goods covered by this Regulation shall be applied on importation of those goods into the Community as at present constituted from Portugal.
pri uvozu tega blaga v Skupnost v sedanji sestavi iz Portugalske se uporablja kompenzacijski znesek, izračunan na podlagi kompenzacijskih zneskov iz člena 240 ali kompenzacijskega mehanizma iz člena 270 v skladu s pravili Uredbe (EGS) št. 3033/80 za izračunavanje spremenljivega dela za zadevno blago iz te uredbe.
2 Končna redakcija
A compensatory amount determined on the basis of the compensatory amounts referred to in Article 240 or of the compensatory mechanism referred to in Article 270 fixed for the basic products and in accordance with the rules applicable for the calculation of the refunds provided for in Council Regulation (EEC) No 3035/80 of 11 November 1980 laying down general rules for granting export refunds on certain agricultural products exported in the form of goods not covered by Annex II to the Treaty, and the criteria for fixing the amount of such refunds shall, for the goods covered by this Regulation, be applied on exportation of those goods from the Community as at present constituted into Portugal.
za izvoz tega blaga iz Skupnosti v sedanji sestavi na Portugalsko se uporablja kompenzacijski znesek, določen na podlagi kompenzacijskih zneskov iz člena 240 ali kompenzacijskega mehanizma iz člena 270 za osnovne proizvode in v skladu s pravili, ki se uporabljajo za izračun nadomestil iz Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 3035/80 z dne 11. novembra 1980 o splošnih pravilih za dodeljevanje izvoznih nadomestil za nekatere kmetijske proizvode v obliki blaga, ki ni zajeto v Prilogi II Pogodbe, ter meril za določitev zneskov takšnih nadomestil za blago iz te uredbe.
3 Končna redakcija
Where the compensatory amounts referred to in Article 240 or the compensatory mechanism referred to in Article 270 are applied in trade between the Community as at present constituted and the Portuguese Republic to one or more of the basic products considered as having been used in the manufacture of goods covered by Council Regulation (EEC) No 3033/80 of 11 November 1980 laying down the trade arrangements applicable to certain goods resulting from the processing of agricultural products, the following transitional measures shall be applied:
Če se v trgovini med Skupnostjo v sedanji sestavi in Portugalsko republiko uporabljajo kompenzacijski zneski iz člena 240 ali kompenzacijski mehanizem iz člena 270 za enega ali več osnovnih proizvodov, za katere se šteje, da so bili uporabljeni v proizvodnji blaga iz Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 3033/80 z dne 11. novembra 1980 o trgovinskih dogovorih za določeno blago, ki izhaja iz predelave kmetijskih proizvodov, se uporabijo naslednji prehodni ukrepi:
4 Pravna redakcija
Transferred products shall not be subject to the 'accession' compensatory amounts system, not to the supplementary trade mechanism.
Za premeščene proizvode ne velja sistem "pristopnih" kompenzacijskih zneskov in tudi ne dodatni trgovinski mehanizem.
5 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the purpose of these arrangements and the nature of the intervention product transfers justifies the non-application of the monetary compensatory amounts and, where necessary, the rules for applying the supplementary trade mechanism provided for by the Act of Accession of Spain and Portugal;
ker namen te ureditve in narava prenosov intervencijskih proizvodov opravičujeta, da se ne uporabijo denarni kompenzacijski zneski in po potrebi pravila za uporabo dodatnih trgovinskih mehanizmov iz Akta o pristopu Španije in Portugalske;
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compensatory amounts mechanism