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compensatory measure
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-66
(e) investigate problems that are posed or are likely to be posed by human activities and endeavour to implement remedial measures, including habitat rehabilitation and restoration, and compensatory measures for loss of habitat;
(e) raziščejo probleme, ki jih povzročajo ali jih bodo verjetno povzročile človekove dejavnosti, in si prizadevajo izvesti sanacijske ukrepe, ki vključujejo sanacijo in obnovo habitata, in nadomestne ukrepe za izgubo habitata;
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0035
Identification of complementary and compensatory remedial measures
Določitev dopolnilnih in kompenzacijskih sanacijskih ukrepov
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1257
They shall provide for services which are not provided for by other support measures, such as market support or compensatory allowances.
Nanašajo se na storitve, ki jih drugi ukrepi podpore, kakršni so tržna podpora ali kompenzacijska plačila, ne predvidevajo.
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41994D0001
If the Contracting Parties envisage abolishing checks before the compensatory measures are in place, they should notify the Executive Committee accordingly.
O takšnih predčasnih ukinitvah mejnih kontrol obvestijo Izvršni odbor.
5 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41994D0001
The strategy underlying the Schengen Convention is that the abolition of internal border checks should be preceded by the introduction of compensatory measures.
Osnovnastrategija Konvencije o izvajanju Schengenskega sporazuma predvideva, da morajo biti izravnalni ukrepi uvedeni pred ukinitvijo mejnih kontrol na notranjih mejah.
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0035
The complementary and compensatory remedial measures should be so designed that they provide for additional natural resources and/or services to reflect time preferences and the time profile of the remedial measures.
Dopolnilni in kompenzacijski sanacijski ukrepi morajo biti zasnovani tako, da vključujejo dodatne naravne vire in/ali funkcije, ki odsevajo časovne cilje in časovne značilnosti sanacijskih ukrepov.
7 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0035
When determining the scale of complementary and compensatory remedial measures, the use of resource-to-resource or service-to-service equivalence approaches shall be considered first.
Pri določanju obsega dopolnilnih in kompenzacijskih sanacijskih ukrepov je treba najprej pretehtati pristop enakovrednosti virov in pristop enakovrednosti funkcij.
8 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0035
For example, the longer the period of time before the baseline condition is reached, the greater the amount of compensatory remedial measures that will be undertaken (other things being equal).
Na primer, daljši ko je čas, v katerem je spet vzpostavljeno referenčno stanje, več kompenzacijskih sanacijskih ukrepov je treba izvesti (če so drugi elementi ostali enaki).
9 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41994D0001
One of the principal compensatory measures, the Schengen Information System, has yet to be completed, which means that checks on persons must in principle be maintained at the internal borders.
Schengenski informacijski sistem kot najvažnejši izravnalni ukrep je v fazi vzpostavljanja, kar pomeni, da se morajo osebne kontrole na notranjih mejah praviloma še naprej izvajati.
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0817
This applies only to the accompanying measures (early retirement, compensatory allowances, agri-environment and afforestation of agricultural land under Article 31 of Regulation (EC) No 1257/1999),
To se uporablja le za spremljevalne ukrepe (predčasna upokojitev, kompenzacijska plačila, kmetijsko okolje in pogozdovanje kmetijskih zemljišč po členu 31 Uredbe (ES) št. 1257/1999),
11 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41994D0001
The avoidance of any further delay in abolishing such checks at the common borders even after all the compensatory measures have been implemented is contingent on the necessary preconditions being fulfilled.
Da bi preprečili nadaljnje zavlačevanje popolne odprave osebnih kontrol na skupnih mejah tudi po izpolnitvi vseh izravnalnih ukrepov, je nujno vzpostaviti potrebne pogoje.
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41994D0001
However, certain arrangements that were designed to achieve the objective which these compensatory measures were supposed to permit, i.e. the abolition of checks on persons at the internal borders, are still not in place.
Nekateri ukrepi, predvideni za uresničitev namena izravnalnih ukrepov, na primer ukinitve osebnih kontrol na notranjih mejah, še niso izvedeni.
13 Končna redakcija
If, during the application of compensatory amounts, there should be deflections in trade in the products covered by Regulations (EEC) No 2783/75 and (EEC) No 2730/75 the commission may take appropriate corrective measures.
Če bi se pri uporabljanju kompenzacijskih zneskov pojavile preusmeritve trgovinskih tokov proizvodov, zajetih v Uredbah (EGS) št. 2783/75 in (EGS) št. 2730/75, sme Komisija sprejeti ustrezne ukrepe za izboljšanje.
14 Končna redakcija
If the world market price for a product is higher than the price used in calculating the import charge introduced under the common agricultural policy, less the compensatory amount deducted from the import charge in accordance with Article 72 or, if the refund on exports to third countries is less than the compensatory amount or, if no refund is applicable, appropriate measures may be taken with a view to ensuring the proper functioning of the common organization of the market.
Če je cena za proizvod na svetovnem trgu višja od cene, ki se uporablja za izračunavanje uvozne dajatve, uvedene v okviru skupne kmetijske politike, znižane za kompenzacijski znesek, odštet od uvozne dajatve v skladu s členom 72, ali če je nadomestilo pri izvozu v tretje države nižje od kompenzacijskega zneska, ali če se ne uporablja nobeno nadomestilo, se lahko sprejmejo ustrezni ukrepi za zagotovitev pravilnega delovanja skupne ureditve trga.
15 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 11972B
If the world market price for a product is higher than the price used in calculating the import charge introduced under the common agricultural policy, less the compensatory amount deducted from the import charge in accordance with Article 240, or if the refund on exports to third countries is less than the compensatory amount, or if no refund is applicable, appropriate measures may be taken with a view to ensuring the proper functioning of the common organization of the market.
Če je cena za proizvod na svetovnem trgu višja od cene, ki se uporablja za izračunavanje uvozne dajatve, uvedene v okviru skupne kmetijske politike, znižane za kompenzacijski znesek, odštet od uvozne dajatve v skladu s členom 72, ali če je nadomestilo pri izvozu v tretje države nižje od kompenzacijskega zneska, ali če se ne uporablja nobeno nadomestilo, se lahko sprejmejo ustrezni ukrepi za zagotovitev pravilnega delovanja skupne ureditve trga.
16 Končna redakcija
The Commission shall consider in what way the laws of the various Member States concerning turnover taxes, excise duties and other indirect taxes, including compensatory measures applied in respect of trade between Member States, can be harmonised in the interests of the common market.
Komisija preuči, na kakšen način je mogoče v interesu skupnega trga uskladiti zakonodaje držav članic glede prometnih davkov, trošarin in drugih oblik posrednega obdavčenja, vključno s kompenzacijskimi ukrepi, ki se uporabljajo za trgovino med državami članicami.
17 Končna redakcija
Where the compensatory amounts referred to in Article 240 or the compensatory mechanism referred to in Article 270 are applied in trade between the Community as at present constituted and the Portuguese Republic to one or more of the basic products considered as having been used in the manufacture of goods covered by Council Regulation (EEC) No 3033/80 of 11 November 1980 laying down the trade arrangements applicable to certain goods resulting from the processing of agricultural products, the following transitional measures shall be applied:
Če se v trgovini med Skupnostjo v sedanji sestavi in Portugalsko republiko uporabljajo kompenzacijski zneski iz člena 240 ali kompenzacijski mehanizem iz člena 270 za enega ali več osnovnih proizvodov, za katere se šteje, da so bili uporabljeni v proizvodnji blaga iz Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 3033/80 z dne 11. novembra 1980 o trgovinskih dogovorih za določeno blago, ki izhaja iz predelave kmetijskih proizvodov, se uporabijo naslednji prehodni ukrepi:
18 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41994D0001
After years of intensive preparation, almost all the various compensatory measures provided for by the Schengen Convention of 19 June 1990 have been fully implemented, and the work that remains to be done in this area, for example on the Schengen Information System, is currently proceeding at a steady pace.
Po večletnih intenzivnih pripravah so bili skoraj v celoti uresničeni različni izravnalni ukrepi po Konvenciji o izvajanju Schengenskega sporazuma z dne 19. junija 1990; delo, ki ga je na tem področju še treba opraviti, kakor glede schengenskega informacijskega sistema, pa se pospešeno nadaljuje.
19 Končna redakcija
If the Greek market is disturbed by the fact of imports from the present Member States, appropriate measures, which may provide for a compensatory mechanism similar to that provided for in the preceding paragraphs, may be decided in respect of imports into Greece of fruit and vegetables from the Community as at present constituted for which an institutional price is fixed.
Če se na grškem trgu pojavijo motnje zaradi uvoza iz sedanjih držav članic, se lahko za uvoz sadja in zelenjave, za katerega je določena institucionalna cena, v Grčijo iz Skupnosti v sedanji sestavi sprejmejo ustrezni ukrepi, ki lahko uvedejo kompenzacijski mehanizem, podoben tistemu iz prejšnjih odstavkov.
20 Končna redakcija
granting individual compensatory payments to fishermen who can show that they have worked for at least twelve months as fishermen, on the basis of an eligible cost limited to EUR 10000 per individual beneficiary, provided the vessel on which the beneficiaries were employed has been the object of measures permanently stopping its activities, within the meaning of Article 7;
dodelitev individualnih kompenzacijskih plačil ribičem, ki lahko dokažejo, da so delali kot ribiči najmanj dvanajst mesecev, na osnovi upravičenega izdatka, omejenega na 10.000 EUR na posameznega upravičenca, če je plovilo, na katerem so bili porabniki zaposleni, predmet ukrepov za trajno ustavitev njegove aktivnosti v smislu člena 7;
21 Končna redakcija
Should the Spanish market be disturbed as a result of imports from the Community as at present constituted, appropriate measures which may make provision for the application of a compensatory amount in accordance with detailed rules to be determined, may be decided upon with regard to imports into Spain of those fruit and vegetables coming from the Community as at present constituted for which a reference price is fixed.
Če se na španskem trgu zaradi uvoza iz Skupnosti v sedanji sestavi pojavijo motnje, se lahko pri uvozu sadja in zelenjave, za katero je določena referenčna cena, iz Skupnosti v sedanji sestavi v Španijo sprejmejo ustrezni ukrepi, ki lahko predvidijo zlasti uporabo korekcijskega zneska v skladu s podrobnostmi, ki bodo določene.
22 Končna redakcija
A compensatory amount may also be charged on imports of the products listed in Article 1 (2) (a) and (b) where, as a result of direct or indirect subsidies or premiums granted in respect of those products by one or more third countries, or as a result of equivalent measures, actual offers of those products do not correspond to the prices which would prevail in the absence of such measures or practices and where such situation is causing or threatening to cause serious prejudice to Community production of the products concerned.
Kompenzacijski znesek se lahko zaračunava tudi za uvoz proizvodov, navedenih v členu 1(2)(a) in (b), kadar, kot rezultat neposrednih ali posrednih subvencij ali premij, ki jih za te proizvode izplačuje ena ali več tretjih držav, ali kot rezultat enakovrednih ukrepov, dejanska ponudba teh proizvodov ne ustreza cenam, ki bi prevladovale, če teh ukrepov in prakse ne bi bilo, in kadar take situacije povzročajo ali bi lahko povzročile resno škodo za proizvodnjo obravnavanih proizvodov v Skupnosti.
23 Končna redakcija
A compensatory amount may also be charged on imports of the products listed in Article 1 (2) where, as a result of direct or indirect subsidies or premiums granted in respect of these products by one or more third countries, or as a result of equivalent measures, actual offers of these products do not correspond to the prices which would prevail in the absence of such measures or practices and where such a situation is causing or is threatening to cause serious prejudice to Community production of the products listed in Article 1 (2).
Kompenzacijski znesek se lahko uvede tudi za uvoz proizvodov iz člena 1(2), če zaradi neposrednih ali posrednih subvencij ali premij, ki jih za te proizvode odobri ena ali več tretjih držav, ali zaradi enakovrednih ukrepov dejanska ponudba teh proizvodov ne ustreza cenam, ki bi prevladale ob odsotnosti takih ukrepov ali dejanj, in če položaj povzroča ali grozi, da bo povzročil resno škodo proizvodnji proizvodov iz člena 1(2) v Skupnosti.
24 Končna redakcija
Where the compensatory amounts referred to in Article 72 are applied in trade between the Community as at present constituted and the Kingdom of Spain to one or more of the basic products considered as having been used in the manufacture of goods covered by Council Regulation (EEC) No 3033/80 of 11 November 1980 laying down the trade arrangements applicable to certain goods resulting from the processing of agricultural products, the following transitional measures shall be applied:
Če se v trgovini med Skupnostjo v sedanji sestavi in Kraljevino Španijo uporabljajo kompenzacijski zneski iz člena 72 za enega ali več osnovnih proizvodov, za katere se šteje, da so bili uporabljeni v proizvodnji blaga iz Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 3033/80 z dne 11. novembra 1980 o določitvi trgovinskih dogovorov za določeno blago, ki izhaja iz predelave kmetijskih proizvodov, se uporabijo naslednji prehodni ukrepi:
25 Končna redakcija
Where the compensatory amounts referred to in Article 61 are applied in trade between the Community as at present constituted and Greece on one or more of the basic products considered as having been used in the manufacture of goods covered by Regulation (EEC) No 1059/69 determining the system of trade applicable to certain goods processed from agricultural products, Regulation (EEC) No 2730/75 on glucose and lactose and Regulation (EEC) No 2783/75 on the common system of trade for ovalbumin and lactalbumin, the following transitional measures shall be applied,
Če se v trgovini med Skupnostjo v sedanji sestavi in Grčijo uporabljajo kompenzacijski zneski iz člena 61 za enega ali več osnovnih proizvodov, za katere se šteje, da so bili uporabljeni pri proizvodnji blaga, zajetega v Uredbi (EGS) št. 1059/69, ki določa trgovinski sistem za določeno blago, predelano iz kmetijskih pridelkov, Uredbi (EGS) št. 2730/75 o glukozi in laktozi ter Uredbi (EGS) št. 2783/75 o skupnem trgovinskem sistemu za jajčne in mlečne albumine, se uporabljajo naslednji prehodni ukrepi,
26 Končna redakcija
This Accession Agreement shall be brought into force between the States for which the 1990 Convention has been brought into force and the Kingdom of Denmark when the preconditions for implementation of the 1990 Convention have been fulfilled in all these States and checks at the external borders are effective there, and once the Executive Committee has established that the rules which it deems necessary for the implementation of effective control and surveillance measures at the external borders of the Faroe Islands and Greenland and the necessary compensatory measures, including the implementation of the Schengen Information System (SIS), have been applied and are effective.
Sporazum o pristopu med državami, za katere Konvencija iz 1990 že velja, in Kraljevino Dansko začne veljati, ko so v vseh teh državah izpolnjeni predpogoji za izvajanje Konvencije iz 1990 in se izvajajo kontrole na zunanjih mejah, in ko Izvršni odbor ugotovi, da se uporabljajo in izvajajo pravila, potrebna za izvajanje učinkovite kontrole in varovanja zunanjih meja na Ferskem otočju in Grenlandiji, ter potrebni nadomestni ukrepi, skupaj z izvajanjem Schengenskega informacijskega sistema (SIS).
27 Pravna redakcija
Every year the Member State concerned shall submit to the Commission a report on the implementation of the compensatory aid measures, giving details of the amounts paid out.
Vsako leto zadevna država članica predloži Komisiji poročilo o izvajanju ukrepov kompenzacijske pomoči in navede podatke o izplačanih zneskih.
28 Pravna redakcija
This applies only to the accompanying measures (early retirement, compensatory allowances, agri-environment and afforestation of agricultural land under Article 31 of Regulation (EC) No 1257/1999),
To se uporablja le za spremljevalne ukrepe (predčasna upokojitev, kompenzacijska plačila, kmetijsko okolje in pogozdovanje kmetijskih zemljišč po členu 31 Uredbe (ES) št. 1257/1999),
29 Pravna redakcija
Any Member State intending to grant compensatory aid shall adopt the necessary national measures within three months of the date of the Commission decision or the prior notification by the Member State provided for in paragraph 4.
Vsaka država članica, ki ima namen odobriti kompenzacijsko pomoč, sprejme potrebne nacionalne ukrepe v treh mesecih od datuma o odločitvi Komisije ali poprejšnjega obvestila države članice, predvidenega v odstavku 4.
30 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the free movement of persons provided for in the Schengen Agreement and the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement is accompanied by compensatory measures aiming to guarantee security within the territory of the Schengen States;
Ker prosto gibanje oseb, predvideno v Schengenskem sporazumu in Konvenciji o izvajanju Schengenskega sporazuma, spremljajo nadomestni ukrepi, katerih cilj je zagotavljanje varnosti na ozemlju schengenskih držav,
31 Pravna redakcija
Where the amount of compensatory aid which is to be granted for any annual instalment divided by the estimated number of agricultural holdings concerned is below EUR 400, that amount may be granted for measures concerning the agricultural sector:
Če znesek kompenzacijske pomoči, ki se odobrava, deljen s predvidenim številom zadevnih kmetijskih posestev, za katero koli letno tranšo znaša manj kakor 400 EUR, se ta znesek lahko odobri za ukrepe v kmetijskem sektorju:
32 Pravna redakcija
whereas, in view of the fact that the compensatory aid for a given year cannot be determined and paid until the beginning of the following year, it is necessary to grant advances in order to maintain normal disposal of Community produce and achieve the measures objective;
ker je treba zaradi dejstva, da nadomestila za določeno leto ni mogoče določiti in izplačati do začetka naslednjega leta, odobriti predplačila zaradi ohranjanja normalne prodaje proizvodov Skupnosti in doseganja namena ukrepov;
33 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0786
(3) As regards compensatory aid resulting from the exchange rates applicable for certain direct aid and structural or environmental measures, Article 5(3) of Regulation (EC) No 2799/98 lays down that the amounts paid out under the second and third tranches of aid are each to be reduced, vis-a-vis the level of the previous tranche, by at least a third of the amount paid out in the first tranche, and Article 5(4) of that Regulation lays down that the maximum amount of the compensatory aid must be reduced or cancelled as a function of the effect on income of the development of the exchange rates recorded on the first day of the second and third tranches.
(3) Kar zadeva kompenzacijsko pomoč, ki izhaja iz menjalnih tečajev, ki veljajo za nekatere neposredne pomoči in strukturne ali okoljske ukrepe, člen 5(3) Uredbe (ES) št. 2799/98 določa, da je treba posamezne zneske, izplačane po drugem in tretjem obroku pomoči, znižati glede na stopnjo predhodnega obroka za vsaj tretjino zneska, izplačanega po prvem obroku, člen 5(4) iste uredbe pa določa, da je treba najvišji znesek kompenzacijske pomoči znižati ali preklicati kot vpliv na prihodek od razvoja menjalnih tečajev iz prvega dne drugega in tretjega obroka.
34 Pravna redakcija
will comply with any advice given by the DPAs where the DPAs take the view that the organization needs to take specific action to comply with the Safe Harbor Principles, including remedial or compensatory measures for the benefit of individuals affected by any non-compliance with the Principles, and will provide the DPAs with written confirmation that such action has been taken.
da bo upoštevala vsak nasvet organov za zaščito podatkov, kadar ti organi menijo, da mora organizacija s posebnim ukrepom poskrbeti za uskladitev z načeli varnega pristana, vključno z reševanjem pritožb in izplačilom odškodnin v korist posameznikov, ki so bili prizadeti zaradi kakršnega koli neizpolnjevanja načel, ter da bo organom za zaščito podatkov pisno potrdila, da je take ukrepe sprejela.
35 Pravna redakcija
"9. A Member State may be authorised to introduce a temporary measure whereby no compensatory aid is paid for marketed produce of new banana plantations planted on or after 1 June 2002, when, in the Member State's view, there is a risk to the sustainable development of the production areas, with particular reference to conservation of the environment, and protection of the soil and the characteristic features of the countryside.
"9. Država članica je lahko pooblaščena, da uvede začasni ukrep, s katerim se ne plača kompenzacijska pomoč za prodan pridelek z novih nasadov banan, ki so bili zasajeni od vključno 1. junija 2002, kadar je po mnenju države članice ogrožen trajnostni razvoj pridelovalnih območij, s posebnim poudarkom na ohranjanju okolja, varstvu tal in značilnostih podeželja.
36 Pravna redakcija
This Accession Agreement shall be brought into force between the States for which the 1990 Convention has been brought into force and the Kingdom of Denmark when the preconditions for implementation of the 1990 Convention have been fulfilled in all these States and checks at the external borders are effective there, and once the Executive Committee has established that the rules which it deems necessary for the implementation of effective control and surveillance measures at the external borders of the Faroe Islands and Greenland and the necessary compensatory measures, including the implementation of the Schengen Information System (SIS), have been applied and are effective.
Sporazum o pristopu se med državami, za katere Konvencija iz 1990 že velja, in Kraljevino Dansko uveljavi, ko so v vseh teh državah izpolnjeni predpogoji za izvajanje Konvencije iz 1990 in se izvavajo kontrole na zunanjih mejah, in ko Izvršni odbor ugotovi, da se uporabljajo in izvajajo pravila, potrebna za izvajanje učinkovite kontrole in varovanja zunanjih meja na Ferskem otočju in Grenlandiji, ter potrebni nadomestni ukrepi, skupaj z izvajanjem Schengenskega informacijskega sistema (SIS).
37 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0622
Compensatory measures
Nadomestni ukrepi
38 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0076
Cosmetic interest rates are rates below the relevant CIRR which benefit from official support, and which may involve a compensatory measure including a corresponding increase in the contract value or other contractual adjustment.
Kozmetične obrestne mere so obrestne mere, nižje od ustrezne CIRR, ki uživajo uradno podporo in lahko zajemajo neki kompenzacijski ukrep, kakršen je na primer povečanje pogodbene vrednosti ali kakšna druga uskladitev pogodbe.
39 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0076
if there is an enquiry from another Participant about a transaction, the Participant which intends to support the transaction should use its best endeavours to clarify the financial terms and mechanisms, including the compensatory measure;
če druga udeleženka poizveduje o neki transakciji, si mora udeleženka, ki namerava takšno transakcijo podpreti, čim bolj prizadevati, da bi razjasnila finančne pogoje in mehanizme, vključno s kompenzacijskim ukrepom;
40 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0035
Identification of complementary and compensatory remedial measures
Določitev dopolnilnih in kompenzacijskih sanacijskih ukrepov
41 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0043
It shall inform the Commission of the compensatory measures adopted.
O sprejetih izravnalnih ukrepih obvesti Komisijo.
42 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0622
The Commission should be informed when compensatory measures are applied to ensure equivalent levels of security.
Komisijo bi bilo treba obvestiti o izvajanju nadomestnih ukrepov za zagotavljanje enakovredne stopnje varnosti.
43 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995L0046
whereas, in this regard, the number of data subjects, the age of the data, and any compensatory measures adopted may be taken into consideration;
ker se v tem pogledu lahko upošteva število posameznikov, na katere se osebni podatki nanašajo, starost podatkov in vsi sprejeti nadomestni ukrepi;
44 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 41994D0001
If the Contracting Parties envisage abolishing checks before the compensatory measures are in place, they should notify the Executive Committee accordingly.
O takšnih predčasnih ukinitvah mejnih kontrol obvestijo Izvršni odbor.
45 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 41994D0001
The strategy underlying the Schengen Convention is that the abolition of internal border checks should be preceded by the introduction of compensatory measures.
Osnovnastrategija Konvencije o izvajanju Schengenskega sporazuma predvideva, da morajo biti izravnalni ukrepi uvedeni pred ukinitvijo mejnih kontrol na notranjih mejah.
46 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0622
Member States shall inform the Commission in writing of compensatory measures that are applied in accordance with point 4.2 of the Annex to Regulation (EC) 2320/2002.
Države članice pisno obvestijo Komisijo o nadomestnih ukrepih, ki jih izvajajo v skladu s točko 4.2 Priloge k Uredbi (ES) 2320/2002.
47 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998R1127
Whereas the measures provided for in this Regulation must take effect immediately to allow management of the compensatory payment system in the 1998/99 marketing year;
ker morajo ukrepi, predvideni s to uredbo, začeti veljati takoj, da bi se lahko sistem nadomestil uporabljal že v tržnem letu 1998/99;
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compensatory measure