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complaint and appeal procedures
1 Objavljeno
These procedures are complicated and not formalized. A several stage complaint scheme with clear allocation of responsibilities and competencies of institutions and bodies involved in complaint handling, appears to be a far better solution.
Ustreznejša rešitev se kaže v sistemskem pristopu k reševanju pritožb, ki naj bi zagotovil različne ravni reševanja pritožb in njihovo mdesebojno dopolnjevanje z jasno razmejitvijo pristojnosti vpletenih institucij ali organov glede na vsebine pritožbe.
2 Pravna redakcija
It follows that, where European employees make complaints about violations of their data protection rights and are not satisfied with the results of internal review, complaint, and appeal procedures (or any applicable grievance procedures under a contract with a trade union), they should be directed to the state or national data protection or labor authority in the jurisdiction where the employee works.
Iz tega sledi, da je treba, kadar se zaposleni iz EU pritožijo zaradi kršenja njihovih pravic do zaščite podatkov ter niso zadovoljni z rezultati postopkov notranjega pregleda in pritožbenih postopkov (ali drugih predvidenih pritožbenih postopkov v okviru kolektivne pogodbe), te zaposlene napotiti na državni ali nacionalni organ za zaščito podatkov ali delovnopravni organ, ki je pristojen tam, kjer zaposleni dela.
3 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R2560
In order to ensure that this Regulation is observed, the Member States should ensure that there are adequate and effective procedures for lodging complaints or appeals for settling any disputes between the originator and his institution or between the beneficiary and his institution, where applicable using existing procedures.
Za zagotovitev upoštevanja te uredbe morajo države članice omogočiti ustrezne in učinkovite postopke za vlaganje pritožb ali ugovorov pri reševanju kakršnih koli sporov med nalogodajalcem in njegovo institucijo ali med prejemnikom plačila in njegovo institucijo, pri katerih se, če je treba, uporabijo obstoječi postopki.
4 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990L0547
Each the entities concerned may request that the conditions of transit be subject to conciliation by a body set up and chaired by the Commission and on which the entities responsible for transmission grids in the Community are represented. Article 4 If the reasons for the absence of agreement on a request for transit appear unjustified or insufficient, the Commission, acting on a complaint from the requesting body or on its own initiative, shall implement the procedures provided for by Community law.
Če se razlogi za odsotnost dogovora o zahtevi za tranzit zdijo neupravičeni ali nezadostni, Komisija na pritožbo vlagatelja zahteve ali na lastno pobudo sproži postopke, ki jih predvideva pravo Skupnosti.
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complaint and appeal procedures