Iskalni niz je ali predolg ali pa vsebuje preveč besed.
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complex object
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-23
(b) the integrity of a complex object;
(b) celovitosti nekega predmeta;
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
With a view to achieving the objectives of Article III-209, the Union shall support and complement the activities of the Member States in the following fields:
(1) Z namenom doseči cilje iz prejšnjega člena Unija podpira in dopolnjuje dejavnosti držav članic na naslednjih področjih:
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
In pursuing the objectives referred to in Article III-248, the Union shall carry out the following activities, complementing the activities carried out in the Member States:
Pri uresničevanju ciljev iz prejšnjega člena Unija v dopolnilo dejavnostim, ki potekajo v državah članicah, izvaja naslednje dejavnosti:
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-59
If an objection is raised in the analysis group, automatic association shall be deferred until completion of a conciliation procedure, which may comprise three stages as follows:
Če analitična skupina temu ugovarja, se avtomatična udeležitev odloži do zaključka spravnega postopka, ki lahko obsega tri stopnje:
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-82
For the purpose of achieving the objective set forth in Article 28, material accountancy shall be used as a safeguards measure of fundamental importance, with containment and surveillance as important complementary measures.
Za uresničevanje cilja iz člena 28, se kot ukrep varovanja temeljnega pomena uporablja materialno knjigovodstvo s hrambo in nadzorom, kot pomembnima dopolnilnima ukrepoma.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
European laws or framework laws shall establish specific measures to complement actions within the Member States to achieve the objectives referred to in this Article, excluding any harmonisation of the laws and regulations of the Member States.
(2) Z evropskimi zakoni ali okvirnimi zakoni se lahko določijo posebni ukrepi v dopolnitev ukrepov držav članic za doseganje ciljev iz tega člena, pri čemer je izključeno kakršno koli usklajevanje zakonov in upravnih predpisov držav članic.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
This Treaty shall not preclude the existence or completion of regional unions between Belgium and Luxembourg, or between Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands, to the extent that the objectives of these regional unions are not attained by application of the said Treaty.
Ta pogodba ne ovira obstoja ali izvajanja regionalnih povezav med Belgijo in Luksemburgom ter med Belgijo, Luksemburgom in Nizozemsko, kolikor cilji teh regionalnih povezav niso doseženi z uporabo te pogodbe.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-11
The requirements made by Parties in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of this article should be complementary and mutually supportive to the provisions of their national biosafety framework, consistent with the objectives of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety.
Zahteve, ki jih pogodbenice sprejmejo v skladu s prvim odstavkom, bi se morale dopolnjevati z določbami iz njihovih predpisov o biološki varnosti v skladu s cilji Kartagenskega protokola o biološki varnosti in jih utemeljevati.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-2
Decision 90/3 of 14 June 1990 of the Commission for the Prevention of Marine Pollution from Land-based Sources (PARCOM) recommends that existing mercury cell chlor-alkali plants should be phased out as soon as practicable with the objective of phasing them out completely by 2010.
Sklep št. 90/3 Komisije za preprečevanje onesnaževanja morja iz virov na kopnem (PARCOM) z dne 14. junija 1990 priporoča, da se obstoječe kloralkalne naprave z živosrebrnimi celicami čim prej ukinejo in se do leta 2010 popolnoma prenehajo uporabljati.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-34
The pursuit of these objectives shall not prejudice the principle that every State has complete and exclusive sovereignty over the airspace above its territory nor the capacity of every State to exercise its prerogatives with regard to security and defence in its national airspace.
Doseganje teh ciljev ne sme vplivati na načelo, da ima vsaka država popolno in izključno suverenost nad zračnim prostorom nad svojim ozemljem, niti na možnost vsake države, da postavlja pogoje v zvezi z varnostjo in zračno obrambo v svojem nacionalnem zračnem prostoru.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Those States shall inform the Council immediately should the completion of the task entail major consequences or require amendment of the objective, scope and conditions determined for the task in the European decisions referred to in paragraph 1. In such cases, the Council shall adopt the necessary European decisions.
Če izvedba naloge povzroči večje posledice ali terja spremembo cilja, obsega in pogojev naloge, določene v evropskih sklepih iz prejšnjega odstavka, te države nemudoma obvestijo Svet. V takih primerih Svet sprejme potrebne evropske sklepe.
12 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-110
The Borrower shall maintain the PCO until the completion of the Project, and ensure that the PCO functions at all times and in accordance with procedures, under terms of reference, and with staff including a Project administration officer, and budgetary resources necessary to meet the objectives of the Project and satisfactory to the Bank.
Posojilojemalka zagotovi, da Projektna pisarna deluje do dokončanja projekta neprekinjeno in v skladu z navedenimi postopki in opredeljenimi nalogami ter da ima ustrezne delavce, vključno s tehničnim vodjem projekta, ter proračunska sredstva, potrebna za dosego ciljev projekta in sprejemljiva za banko.
13 Objavljeno
The article with the economic aspect of investments into safety at work from the point of view of developed systems of safety at work, the objective of which is to ensure such level of safety of workers which will ensure workers that even after completing their full working life they do not suffer from any negative effects related to safety at work.
Prispevek obravnava ekonomski pomen vlaganj v varstvo pri delu z vidika ciljev razvitih sistemov varstva pri delu, katerih namem je zagotoviti takšno raven varnosti delavcev, ki bo le-tem omogočala, da tudi po preteku polne delovne dobe ne bodo imeli negativnih posledic, povezanih z varstvom pri delu.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 37-2009
The Organization shall, to the maximum extent possible, utilize the facilities, services and expertise of intergovernmental, governmental or non-governmental organizations, civil society and the private sector in order to avoid duplication of efforts in achieving the objectives of this Agreement and to enhance the complementarity and the efficiency of their activities.
Organizacija v čim večji meri uporablja zmogljivosti, storitve in strokovnost medvladnih, vladnih in nevladnih organizacij, civilne družbe in zasebnega sektorja, da bi se izognila podvajanju prizadevanj za doseganje ciljev tega sporazuma in okrepila združljivost in učinkovitost njihovih dejavnosti.
15 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-110
(c) review with the Bank, by June 30, 2002, or such later date as the Bank shall request, the report referred to in paragraph (b) of this Section, and, thereafter, take all measures required to ensure the efficient completion of the Project and the achievement of the objectives thereof, based on the conclusions and recommendations of the said report and the Bank's views on the matter.
(c) do 30. junija 2002 ali na kasnejši datum, ki ga zahteva banka, skupaj z banko pregleda poročilo iz odstavka (b) te točke in nato na podlagi sklepov in priporočil omenjenega poročila in stališča banke sprejme vse ukrepe, ki so potrebni za zagotovitev učinkovitega dokončanja projekta in doseganja zastavljenih ciljev.
16 Objavljeno
WTO: Tehnične ovire v trgovini
2.4 Where technical regulations are required and relevant international standards exist or their completion is imminent, Members shall use them, or the relevant parts of them, as a basis for their technical regulations except when such international standards or relevant parts would be an ineffective or inappropriate means for the fulfilment of the legitimate objectives pursued, for instance because of fundamental climatic or geographical factors or fundamental technological problems.
2.4 Če so potrebni tehnični predpisi, obstajajo pa že ustrezni mednarodni standardi ali pa je njihova izdelava v zadnji fazi, jih članice uporabljajo v celoti ali delno kot podlago za svoje tehnične predpise, razen kadar taki mednarodni standardi ali njihovi posamezni deli članicam ne ustrezajo ali niso učinkoviti pri izpolnjevanju njihovih legitimnih ciljev, npr. zaradi osnovnih podnebnih ali geografskih razmer ali osnovnih tehnoloških problemov.
17 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0656
For scientific instruments or other objects for which it is not possible to specify a title or subject, it is sufficient to complete Box 9.
Za znanstvene instrumente ali druge objekte, za katere ni mogoče določiti naslova ali predmeta, zadošča, če se izpolni polje 9.
18 Končna redakcija
In pursuing these objectives the Community shall carry out the following activities, complementing the activities carried out in the Member States:
Pri uresničevanju teh ciljev Skupnost v dopolnilo dejavnostim, ki potekajo v državah članicah, izvaja naslednje dejavnosti:
19 Končna redakcija
In pursuing these objectives, the Community shall carry out the following activities, complementing the activities carried out in the Member States:
Pri uresničevanju teh ciljev Skupnost v dopolnilo dejavnostim, ki potekajo v državah članicah, izvaja naslednje dejavnosti:
20 Končna redakcija
With a view to achieving the objectives of Article 136, the Community shall support and complement the activities of the Member States in the following fields:
Z namenom doseči cilje iz člena 136 Skupnost podpira in dopolnjuje dejavnosti držav članic na naslednjih področjih:
21 Končna redakcija
(2) The competent professional bodies and organisations shall be independent of the contracting entities and must be completely objective in carrying out their duties.
(2) Pristojni strokovni organi in organizacije morajo biti neodvisne od naročnika in pri svojem delu nepristranske.
22 Končna redakcija
The new Member State may decide on the basis of objective criteria and after authorisation by the Commission, on the amounts of complementary national aid to be granted.
Nova država članica lahko na podlagi objektivnih meril in po dovoljenju Komisije določi zneske dopolnilnih nacionalnih pomoči, ki se dodelijo.
23 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1257
Rural development measures shall accompany and complement other instruments of the common agricultural policy and thus contribute to the achievement of the objectives laid down in Article 33 of the Treaty.
Ukrepi za razvoj podeželja spremljajo in dopolnjujejo druge instrumente skupne kmetijske politike ter tako prispevajo k doseganju ciljev, določenih v členu 33 Pogodbe.
24 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41998A0363
The Council shall be informed periodically of the results of work done by the Commission and the Bank on the evaluation of projects being carried out or completed, particularly in relation to development objectives set.
Svet je treba v rednih časovnih presledkih obvestiti o rezultatih dela, ki sta ga opravili Komisija in Banka glede ocenjevanja potekajočih ali dokončanih projektov, zlasti v zvezi s postavljenimi razvojnimi cilji.
25 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41998A0363
With the same objective of transparency, consistency and complementarity, the Member States and the Commission shall periodically send each other updated statements of the development aid they have granted or intend to grant.
Zaradi istega cilja preglednosti, skladnosti in dopolnjevanja države članice v rednih časovnih presledkih pošljejo Komisiji in Komisija državam članicam posodobljeno poročilo o razvojni pomoči, ki so jo odobrili ali jo imajo namen odobriti.
26 Končna redakcija
Whereas a common rural development policy should accompany and complement the other instruments of the common agricultural policy and thus contribute to the achievement of the policy's objectives as laid down in Article 33(1) of the Treaty;
ker bi morala skupna politika razvoja podeželja spremljati in dopolnjevati druge instrumente skupne kmetijske politike in tako prispevati k uresničevanju ciljev te politike, kot so določeni v členu 33(1) Pogodbe;
27 Končna redakcija
Whereas, in order to encourage the attainment of the objectives set out in that Regulation, the maximum amount of the premium should be increased and provision should be made for paying the whole premium after the grubbing has been completed;
ker naj se zato, da se dosežejo cilji, določeni v omenjeni uredbi, poveča najvišji znesek premije ter se zagotovi izplačilo celotne premije po končanem izkrčenju,
28 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0806
In order to secure the objectives of consistency and complementarity referred to in the Treaty and to ensure maximum effectiveness of these operations as a whole, the Commission may take all necessary coordination measures, including in particular:
Da se zavarujejo cilji skladnosti in komplementarnosti iz Pogodbe ter zagotovi najvišja učinkovitost teh dejavnosti kot celote, lahko Komisija sprejme vse potrebne koordinacijske ukrepe, zlasti:
29 Končna redakcija
The 1996 communication stated that, from the point of view of the Commission, far from being incompatible, services of general economic interest, internal market and Community competition policy were complementary in the pursuit of the fundamental objectives of the Treaty.
Sporočilo iz 1996 navaja, da s stališča Komisije storitve splošnega gospodarskega interesa, notranji trg in politika Skupnosti glede konkurence ne samo, da niso nezdružljivi, temveč se tudi dopolnjujejo pri prizadevanjih za dosego temeljnih ciljev Pogodbe.
30 Končna redakcija
The provisions of this Treaty shall not preclude the existence or completion of regional unions between Belgium and Luxembourg, or between Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands, to the extent that the objectives of these regional unions are not attained by application of this Treaty.
Določbe te pogodbe ne izključujejo obstoja ali uresničitve regionalnih povezav med Belgijo in Luksemburgom ali med Belgijo, Luksemburgom in Nizozemsko, kolikor cilji teh regionalnih povezav niso doseženi z uporabo te pogodbe.
31 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
Contracting authorities which carry out particularly complex projects may, without this being due to any fault on their part, find it objectively impossible to define the means of satisfying their needs or of assessing what the market can offer in the way of technical solutions and/or financial/legal solutions.
Naročniki, ki izvajajo posebno zapletene projekte, lahko ugotovijo, ne da bi to bilo zaradi njihove napake, da je objektivno nemogoče opredeliti sredstva za zadovoljitev njihovih potreb ali oceno, kaj lahko ponudi trg glede tehničnih rešitev in/ali finančnih/pravnih rešitev.
32 Končna redakcija
In order that the Spanish fruit and vegetables sector may be harmoniously and completely integrated into the framework of the common agricultural policy at the end of the first phase, the Kingdom of Spain shall progressively adjust the organization of its domestic market on the basis of the general objectives defined in paragraph 2.
Da se na koncu prve faze španski sektor sadja in zelenjave lahko skladno in popolnoma vključi v okvir skupne kmetijske politike, Kraljevina Španija postopno prilagodi ureditev notranjega trga na podlagi splošnih ciljev iz odstavka 2.
33 Končna redakcija
If the Commission does not object to the existing aid measure on the ground of serious doubts as to the compatibility of the measure with the common market, within 3 months of receipt of complete information on that measure or of receipt of the statement of the new Member State in which it informs the Commission that it considers the information provided to be complete because the additional information requested is not available or has been already provided, the Commission shall be deemed not to have raised an objection.
Če Komisija v 3 mesecih od prejema popolnih informacij o ukrepu nima pripomb zaradi resnih dvomov glede združljivosti ukrepa s skupnim trgom glede obstoječega ukrepa pomoči ali od prejema izjave nove države članice, v kateri ta obvešča Komisijo, da šteje predložene informacije za popolne, ker dodatne zahtevane informacije niso dostopne ali so že bile predložene, se šteje, da mu Komisija ni ugovarjala.
34 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0878
With regard to the placing on the market and export of animal by-products intended for a technical use produced in the Community, the rules laid down in Regulation (EC) No 1774/2002 should be generally sufficient, subject to complementing the rules for collection and transport to ensure the strict channelling, identification, and control objectives being pursued;
Glede dajanja v promet in izvoza živalskih stranskih proizvodov, namenjenih tehnični uporabi in proizvedenih v Skupnosti, bi morali na splošno zadostovati pravila iz Uredbe (ES) št. 1774/2002, ob upoštevanju dopolnitve pravil glede zbiranja in transporta, da se zagotovi doseganje strogih ciljev usmerjanja, identifikacije in nadzora;
35 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0070
For the purpose of this agreement the term "fixed-term worker" means a person having an employment contract or relationship entered into directly between an employer and a worker where the end of the employment contract or relationship is determined by objective conditions such as reaching a specific date, completing a specific task, or the occurrence of a specific event.
V tem sporazumu izraz "delavec, zaposlen za določen čas" pomeni osebo, ki ima pogodbo o zaposlitvi ali delovno razmerje, sklenjeno neposredno med delodajalcem in delavcem in pri katerem je konec pogodbe o zaposlitvi ali delovnega razmerja določen z objektivnimi pogoji, kakršni so potek določenega datuma, dokončanje določene naloge ali nastop posebnega dogodka.
36 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0082
The obligations to be imposed on carriers by virtue of this Directive are complementary to those established pursuant to the provisions of Article 26 of the 1990 Schengen Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement of 14 June 1985 , as supplemented by Council Directive 2001/51/EC(2), the two types of obligation serving the same objective of curbing migratory flows and combating illegal immigration.
Dolžnosti, ki se naložijo prevoznikom s to direktivo, dopolnjujejo določbe, uvedene skladno z določbami člena 26 Schengenske konvencije iz leta 1990 o izvajanju schengenskega sporazuma z dne 14. junija 1985, kot je bila dopolnjena z Direktivo Sveta 2001/51/ES [2], pri čemer je cilj obeh vrst odgovornosti zajezitev migracijskih tokov in boj proti nezakonitemu priseljevanju.
37 Končna redakcija
This year's election posters in Slovenia almost completely lack the most common techniques of visual propaganda: there is no contrasting of colors, symbols or motifs (except for the plus and minus sign signifying the confrontation of the positive and the negative in ZLSD posters), no intense, eye-catching colors or dynamic images, nor conspicuous motifs that express perspectives, visions or objectives.
Na letošnjih slovenskih predvolilnih plakatih skorajda ni v vizualni propagandi pogostih tehnik: barvnega, simbolnega ali motivnega kontrastiranja (razen plusa in minusa, sopostavljanja pozitivnosti in negativnosti na plakatih ZLSD); močnih, opaznih barv; dinamičnih podob; pa tudi ne izrazitih motivov perspektive, vizije oz. cilja.
38 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 42002D0234
The programme shall be consistent with the scientific, technological and political objectives of the European Union, and shall complement the activities carried out in the Member States and within the existing Community research programmes, such as the framework programme of the European Community for research, technological development and demonstration activities (hereinafter referred to as "the Research Framework Programme").
Program je v skladu z znanstvenimi, tehnološkimi in političnimi cilji Evropske unije ter dopolnjuje dejavnosti v državah članicah in v okviru obstoječih raziskovalnih programov, kot so okvirni raziskovalni program Evropske skupnosti za raziskave, tehnološki razvoj in predstavitvene dejavnosti (v nadaljevanju "Raziskovalni okvirni program").
39 Končna redakcija
Their extreme response reflected, in many respects, the confusion over concepts and terminology described in the first chapter (the 1994 law, which completely blurred the distinction between correction and reply, added to the confusion) and their ignorance or even misunderstanding of foreign regulations concerning these issues. On the other hand they also contributed some sensible objections that drew attention to the still-open issues contained in the draft law.
Njihove ekstremne reakcije so bile v marsičem odsev pojmovne in terminološke zmede, opisane v 1. poglavju tega prispevka (in dodatno povečane še s tem, da je zakon o javnih glasilih iz leta 1994 povsem zabrisal razliko med popravkom in odgovorom), in nepoznavanja ali celo napačnega razumevanja tujih ureditev teh vprašanj, seveda pa so bila vmes tudi racionalna opozorila na dejansko še odprta vprašanja predloženega besedila.
40 Končna redakcija
In his critique of the methodological flaws of these types of studies, in which the samples are often based on problematic psychiatric and other medical evidence (objectionable even in Freud), or on patterns shaped in such a way as to confirm the scientist's assumption and the expected result, Gilbert Zicklin (1997) looks into the reasons that make the biologistic research findings so interesting for the media, and that lead to the complete overlooking of the social dimensions of this phenomenon.
Gilbert Zicklin (1997) ugotavlja v kritiki metodoloških pomanjkljivosti tovrstnih raziskav, ki se pri oblikovanju vzorcev pogosto zanašajo na problematične psihiatrične in zdravniške sezname, očitane že Freudu, ali pa na vzorce, ki so oblikovani tako, da bodo potrdili znanstvenikovo domnevo in pričakovani rezultat, zakaj so rezultati biologističnih raziskav o homoseksualnosti tako zanimivi za medije, pri tem pa skoraj v popolnosti zanemarjajo sociološke vidike razumevanja teme.
41 Končna redakcija
Subject to the provisions of Article 3 to 6, the following shall be prohibited as incompatible with the common market, no prior decision to that effect being required: all agreements between undertakings, decisions by associations of undertakings and concerted practices liable to affect trade between Member States which have as their object or effect the prevention, restriction or distortion of completion within the common market, and in particular those which: (a) directly or indirectly fix transport rates and conditions or any other trading conditions;
Ob upoštevanju doloeb elenov od 3 do 6 se brez predhodne odloeitve za nezdružljive s skupnim trgom in za prepovedane šteje vse sporazume med podjetji, sklepe podjetniških združenj in usklajena ravnanja, ki lahko prizadenejo trgovino med državami elanicami in katerih cilj ali ueinek je prepreeevanje, omejevanje ali izkrivljanje konkurence na skupnem trgu in zlasti tiste, ki: (a) neposredno ali posredno doloeajo prevozne tarife in pogoje ali druge pogoje poslovanja;
42 Končna redakcija
Whereas by reason in particular of the early establishment of the customs union and in order to ensure the simultaneous completion of the principal foundations of the Community, provisions should be adopted to enable the objectives laid down in Articles 48 and 49 of the Treaty in the field of freedom of movement to be achieved and to perfect measures adopted successively under Regulation No 153 on the first steps for attainment of freedom of movement and under Council Regulation No 38/54/EEC4 of 25 March 1964 on freedom of movement for workers within the Community;
ker je treba - predvsem zaradi hitre vzpostavitve carinske unije in zaradi vzporednega uresnieevanja glavnih temeljev Skupnosti - sprejeti predpise, ki omogoeajo uresnieevanje ciljev doloeenih v elenih 48 in 49 Pogodbe na podroeju prostega gibanja delavcev, in dopolniti ukrepe, sprejete zaporedno z Uredbo št. 15 o prvih korakih k uresnieevanju prostega gibanja ter z Uredbo Sveta št. 38/54/EGS z dne 25. marca 1964 o prostem gibanju delavcev v Skupnosti;
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complex object