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concert bill
1 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-109
Unless otherwise agreed bilaterally by the Parties concerned:
Razen če se pogodbenici ne dogovorita drugače:
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-57
b the Parties concerned have concluded bilateral or multilateral agreements in this area.
b) sta prizadeti pogodbenici sklenili dvostranske ali mnogostranske sporazume na tem področju.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-57
b the Parties concerned have concluded bilateral or multilateral agreements in this area.“
b) sta prizadeti pogodbenici sklenili dvostranske ali mnogostranske sporazume na tem področju.”
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
(c) prohibit cargo-sharing arrangements in future bilateral agreements concerning dry and liquid bulk trade;
c) v prihodnjih dvostranskih sporazumih prepovedujeta dogovore o delitvi tovora glede suhega in tekočega razsutega tovora;
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-76
any notification concerning the bilateral or multilateral agreements concluded in pursuance of Article 64, paragraph 2, or concerning uniform legislation introduced in pursuance of Article 64, paragraph 3;
j) vsakem uradnem obvestilu o dvostranskih ali mnogostranskih sporazumih, sklenjenih na podlagi drugega odstavka 64. člena konvencije, ali o enotni zakonodaji, uvedeni na podlagi tretjega odstavka 64. člena konvencije;
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-62
The means of implementation of this co-operation shall be determined bilaterally or multilaterally by the States Parties concerned.
Način, kako uresničevati to sodelovanje, določijo zainteresirane države pogodbenice dvostransko ali večstransko.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-102
The provisions concerning bilateral co-productions shall remain in force if they do not contravene the provisions of this Convention.
Določbe, ki se nanašajo na dvostranske koprodukcije, ostanejo še naprej v veljavi, če niso v nasprotju z določbami te konvencije.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-48
As appropriate, bilateral and multilateral cooperation agencies may be involved in this process at the request of the affected country Party concerned.
Kadar je primerno, se v ta postopek na zahtevo prizadete države pogodbenice lahko vključijo agencije za dvostransko in večstransko sodelovanje.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-48
(b) providing information to relevant bilateral and multilateral agencies concerning coordination meetings, and encouraging their active involvement; and
b) z zagotavljanjem informacij pristojnim dvostranskim in večstranskim agencijam v zvezi z usklajevalnimi sestanki ter spodbujanjem njihovega dejavnega sodelovanja in
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-48
(b) providing information to relevant bilateral and multilateral agencies concerning consultative meetings or processes, and encouraging their active involvement; and
b) z zagotavljanjem informacij pristojnim dvostranskim in večstranskim agencijam v zvezi s posvetovalnimi sestanki ali postopki ter spodbujanjem njihovega dejavnega sodelovanja in
11 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-104
1.18 Joint Implementation Arrangement (JIA). A follow-on bilateral arrangement that establishes the commitment between the signatories concerning the provision and receipt of HNS.
1.18 skupni izvedbeni dogovor (JIA) - nadaljnji dvostranski dogovor o zavezi med podpisniki glede zagotavljanja in prejema podpore države gostiteljice.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-30
At the bilateral level the Parties shall ensure that measures relating to technical standards, certification and licensing requirements and procedures concerning GNSS do not constitute unnecessary barriers to trade.
Na dvostranski ravni pogodbenici zagotavljata, da ukrepi glede tehničnih standardov, zahtev po certificiranju ter zahtev in postopkov za pridobitev licenc v zvezi z GNSS ne predstavljajo nepotrebnih ovir za trgovino.
13 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-109
Requests for assistance and answers thereto shall be drawn up in one of the official languages of OECD and of the Council of Europe or in any other language agreed bilaterally between the Contracting States concerned.
Zaprosila za pomoč in odgovori nanje se sestavijo v enem od uradnih jezikov OECD ali Sveta Evrope ali v katerem koli drugem jeziku, za katerega se dogovorita državi pogodbenici.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-49
The rules on technical standards included in bilateral agreements or arrangements between Member States of the Community and Contracting Parties of the INTERBUS Agreement, concerning bilateral traffic and transit, which are stricter than the rules established in this Agreement may be applied until 31 December 2006.
Pravila o tehničnih standardih, vključena v dvostranske sporazume ali dogovore med državami članicami Skupnosti in pogodbenicami sporazuma INTERBUS o dvostranskem prometu in tranzitu, ki so strožja od pravil iz tega sporazuma, se lahko uporabljajo do 31. decembra 2006.
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-53
At bilateral level the Parties shall ensure that measures relating to operational and technical standards, certification and licensing requirements and procedures concerning GNSS do not constitute unnecessary barriers to trade.
Pogodbenice na dvostranski ravni zagotovita, da ukrepi, ki se nanašajo na operativne in tehnične standarde, certificiranje ter zahteve in postopke za izdajo dovoljenj v zvezi z GNSS, ne predstavljajo nepotrebnih ovir za trgovino.
16 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-58
b. The fact that the case is under consideration by the Organisation shall not preclude the Member which has referred to the Organisation from entering into bilateral conversations on the matter with the other Member concerned.
b. Dejstvo, da primer preučuje organizacija, ne preprečuje članici, ki se je obrnila na organizacijo, da z drugo zadevno članico o tem začne dvostranske pogovore.
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-49
Member States of the Community and Contracting Parties of the INTERBUS Agreement concerned shall inform the Joint Committee established in Article 23 of the Agreement on the contents of such bilateral agreements or arrangements.
Države članice Skupnosti in pogodbenice sporazuma INTERBUS obvestijo skupni odbor iz 23. člena sporazuma o vsebini takšnih dvostranskih sporazumov ali dogovorov.
18 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-46
At the bilateral level the Parties shall ensure that measures relating to technical standards, certification and licensing requirements and authorisation procedures concerning GNSS do not constitute unnecessary barriers to trade.
Na dvostranski ravni pogodbenici zagotavljata, da ukrepi glede tehničnih standardov, zahtev po certificiranju in zahtev po podeljevanju licenc ter postopkov v zvezi z GNSS ne predstavljajo nepotrebnih ovir za trgovino.
19 Objavljeno
The Parties to such bilateral, regional or other multilateral agreements may invite States with a verifiable link, especially a cultural, historical or archaeological link, to the underwater cultural heritage concerned to join such agreements.
Pogodbenice takih dvostranskih, regionalnih ali drugih večstranskih sporazumov lahko povabijo države s preverljivo povezanostjo, zlasti kulturno, zgodovinsko ali arheološko, z zadevno podvodno kulturno dediščino, da pristopijo k takim sporazumom.
20 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-121
(c) Article 6 shall be applied in the absence of bilateral treaty provisions authorising direct transmission of provisional arrest requests between the United States Department of Justice and the Ministry of Justice of the Member State concerned;
(c) člen 6 se uporablja, če ni določb dvostranske pogodbe, ki bi omogočale neposredno pošiljanje zaprosil za začasen odvzem prostosti med ministrstvom Združenih držav za pravosodje in ministrstvom za pravosodje države članice;
21 Objavljeno
WTO: Tekstil in oblačila
In the absence of any mutually agreed solution in the bilateral consultations provided for in this Agreement, the TMB shall, at the request of either Member, and following a thorough and prompt consideration of the matter, make recommendations to the Members concerned.
Če ni možno doseči medsebojno zadovoljive rešitve pri dvostranskih posvetovanjih, kot jih predvideva ta sporazum, da TMB na zahtevo ene ali druge članice ob temeljiti in takojšnji proučitvi zadeve priporočila neposredno prizadetim članicam.
22 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-41
(d) To facilitate effective coordination between their competent authorities, agencies and services and to promote the exchange of personnel and other experts, including, subject to bilateral agreements or arrangements between the States Parties concerned, the posting of liaison officers;
(d) za olajšanje učinkovitega sodelovanja med njihovimi pristojnimi organi, agencijami, službami in pospeševanje izmenjave osebja in drugih izvedencev, vključno z napotitvijo oseb za zvezo po dvostranskih sporazumih ali dogovorih med državami pogodbenicami;
23 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-22
(e) To facilitate effective coordination between their competent authorities, agencies and services and to promote the exchange of personnel and other experts, including, subject to bilateral agreements or arrangements between the States Parties concerned, the posting of liaison officers;
(e) olajšanje učinkovitega sodelovanja med njihovimi pristojnimi organi, agencijami, službami in pospeševanje izmenjave osebja in drugih izvedencev, vključno z napotitvijo oseb za zvezo po dvostranskih sporazumih ali dogovorih med državami pogodbenicami;
24 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-121
For this purpose, the competent authority shall be the requested Member State's executive authority if, under the bilateral extradition treaty in force between the United States and the Member State, decisions on competing requests are made by that authority; if not so provided in the bilateral extradition treaty, the competent authority shall be designated by the Member State concerned pursuant to Article 19.
V ta namen je pristojni organ izvršilni organ zaprošene države članice, če na podlagi dvostranske pogodbe o izročitvi, ki velja med Združenimi državami in državo članico, o več zaprosilih odloča ta organ; če v dvostranski pogodbi o izročitvi ni tako predvideno, pristojni organ imenuje država članica v skladu s členom 19.
25 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-69
The provisions of this Charter shall not affect any more favourable provisions concerning the status of regional or minority languages, or the legal regime of persons belonging to minorities which may exist in a Party or are provided for by relevant bilateral or multilateral international agreements.
Določbe te listine ne učinkujejo na ugodnejše določbe, ki se nanašajo na položaj regionalnih ali manjšinskih jezikov ali na pravni položaj pripadnikov manjšin in že obstajajo v kateri od pogodbenic ali pa so določene z ustreznimi dvostranskimi ali mnogostranskimi mednarodnimi sporazumi.
26 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-41
States Parties shall consider concluding bilateral or multilateral agreements or arrangements whereby, in relation to matters that are the subject of investigations, prosecutions or judicial proceedings in one or more States, the competent authorities concerned may establish joint investigative bodies.
Države pogodbenice preučijo možnost sklepanja dvo- ali večstranskih sporazumov ali dogovorov, s katerimi pristojni organi ustanovijo skupne preiskovalne organe za zadeve, o katerih tečejo preiskave, kazenski pregon ali sodni postopki v eni ali več državah.
27 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-73
By way of exception, when an infringement is detected which has been committed by an undertaking established in another Contracting Party or in a non-Contracting Party, the imposing of sanctions shall conform to the procedure foreseen in the bilateral road transport agreement between the Parties concerned.
Ko je kršitev ugotovljena in jo je povzročilo podjetje, ki ima sedež v drugi pogodbenici ali nepogodbenici, mora biti izjemoma naložena kazen usklajena s postopkom iz dvostranskega sporazuma o cestnem prometu med pogodbenicama.
28 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-49
Where the intercepting Member State is of the opinion that the information to be provided under paragraph 3 is of a particularly sensitive nature, it may be transmitted to the competent authority through a specific authority where that has been agreed on a bilateral basis between the Member States concerned.
Kadar država, ki prestreza, meni, da so informacije, ki se pošljejo na podlagi tretjega odstavka, še posebej občutljive narave, se pristojnemu organu lahko pošljejo prek posebnega organa, kadar se državi članici o tem dvostransko dogovorita.
29 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-71
Where SFRY bilateral treaties concerning the restitution of archives were in force on 30 June 1991 and those treaties have not yet been fully performed, the States with an interest in those archives are ready to assume the rights and obligations formerly held by the SFRY in relation to the performance of those treaties.
Če so dvostranske pogodbe SFRJ o vrnitvi arhivov veljale 30. junija 1991 in še niso v celoti izpolnjene, so države, zainteresirane za te arhive, pripravljene prevzeti pravice in obveznosti, ki jih je prej imela SFRJ v zvezi z uresničevanjem teh pogodb.
30 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-48
(b) not introduce cargo-sharing clauses into future bilateral agreements with third countries, other than in those exceptional circumstances where liner shipping companies from one or other Party to this Agreement would not otherwise have an effective opportunity to ply for trade to and from the third country concerned;
b) ne vključujeta klavzul o delitvi tovora v prihodnje dvostranske sporazume s tretjimi državami, razen v izjemnih okoliščinah, ko bi družbe za linijske prevoze iz ene ali druge pogodbenice tega sporazuma sicer ne imele učinkovite možnosti za redno trgovsko linijo z zadevno tretjo državo;
31 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-2
Unless an agreement concerning the financial arrangements governing actions of Parties to deal with pollution incidents has been concluded on a bilateral or multilateral basis prior to the pollution incident, Parties shall bear the costs of their respective action in dealing with pollution in accordance with paragraph 2.
Če pred onesnaženjem ni sklenjen dvostranski ali mnogostranski sporazum o finančni ureditvi ukrepov pogodbenic ob onesnaženju, pogodbenice stroške svojih ukrepov pri spopadanju z onesnaženjem krijejo v skladu z drugim odstavkom.
32 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-19
2) During the first period of implementation of this Agreement, namely before the first meeting of the Joint Committee of Article 13, the two Contracting Parties agree to fulfill the needs concerning the bilateral and transit road goods transport, as this would be notified to their respective competent Authorities through diplomatic channels.
2) Pogodbenici se strinjata, da bosta v začetnem obdobju izvajanja tega sporazuma, t. j. pred prvim zasedanjem skupnega odbora iz 13. člena, zadovoljili potrebe po dvostranskem in tranzitnem prevozu blaga v cestnem prevozu tako, da bosta ustrezne pristojne organe o teh potrebah obvestili po diplomatski poti.
33 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-25
(1) (a) Unless an agreement concerning the financial arrangements governing actions of Parties to deal with pollution incidents has been concluded on a bilateral or multilateral basis prior to the pollution incident, Parties shall bear the costs of their respective actions in dealing with pollution in accordance with subparagraph (i) or subparagraph (ii).
(1) (a) Če sporazum o finančni ureditvi delovanja pogodbenic pri obvladovanju onesnaženja ni bil sklenjen na dvostranski ali večstranski ravni že pred onesnaženjem, pogodbenice krijejo stroške za svoje ukrepe pri onesnaženju v skladu s pododstavkom i ali ii.
34 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-31
(a) Unless an agreement concerning the financial arrangements governing actions of Parties to deal with oil pollution incidents has been concluded on a bilateral or multilateral basis prior to the oil pollution incident, Parties shall bear the costs of their respective actions in dealing with pollution in accordance with subparagraph (i) or subparagraph (ii).
a) Če sporazum glede finančnih dogovorov, ki urejajo delovanje pogodbenic za obvladovanje nesreč z onesnaženjem z olji, ni bil sprejet na dvostranski ali mnogostranski podlagi še pred nesrečo z onesnaženjem z olji, krijejo pogodbenice stroške za svoje ukrepe pri onesnaženju v skladu s pododstavkom i) ali pododstavkom ii).
35 Objavljeno
WTO: Trg vidiki pravic intelektualne lastnine
Any matter affecting the compliance with the obligations under these provisions may be drawn to the attention of the Council, which, at the request of a Member, shall consult with any Member or Members in respect of such matter in respect of which it has not been possible to find a satisfactory solution through bilateral or plurilateral consultations between the Members concerned.
Na vsako zadevo, ki vpliva na izpolnjevanje obveznosti po teh določbah, je treba Svet opozoriti, in ta se mora na zahtevo ene članice posvetovati s katerokoli članico ali članicami o zadevi, za katero ni bilo mogoče najti zadovoljive rešitve z dvostranskimi ali večstranskimi posvetovanji med določenimi članicami.
36 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-69
a to apply existing bilateral and multilateral agreements which bind them with the States in which the same language is used in identical or similar form, or if necessary to seek to conclude such agreements, in such a way as to foster contacts between the users of the same language in the States concerned in the fields of culture, education, information, vocational training and permanent education;
a uporabljajo že obstoječe obvezujoče dvostranske in mnogostranske sporazume, sklenjene z državami, v katerih se uporablja isti jezik v enaki ali podobni obliki, ali si po potrebi prizadevajo skleniti take sporazume, in sicer tako, da bodo pospeševale stike med uporabniki istega jezika v zadevnih državah v kulturi, izobraževanju, obveščanju, poklicnem usposabljanju in permanentnem izobraževanju;
37 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-64
The trade and civil applications working group established pursuant to Article 13 shall consider, inter alia, non-discrimination and other trade related issues concerning civil satellite-based navigation and timing signals or services, augmentations, value-added services, and global navigation and timing goods, including the potential for additional commitments in relevant bilateral or multilateral fora.
Delovna skupina za uporabo v civilne in komercialne namene v skladu s členom 13 med drugim preuči nediskriminacijo in druga s trgovino povezana vprašanja o signalih ali storitvah za satelitsko navigacijo in določanje točnega časa, razširjenih storitvah, storitvah z dodano vrednostjo ter napravah za globalno navigacijo in določanje točnega časa, vključno z možnostjo za dodatne obveznosti v ustreznih dvostranskih ali večstranskih forumih.
38 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-55
The cooperative relationship will involve among others matters related to science and technology for poverty alleviation programmes; science and technology policy exchanges; research and innovation partnerships to support economic cooperation and employment creation; cooperation in global frontier research programmes and global research infrastructures; support for African continental and regional science and technology programmes; strengthening the multilateral science and technology dialogue and partnerships; exploiting synergy between multilateral and bilateral science and technology cooperation; human capital development and global mobility of researchers; and concerted and targeted cooperation in specific science and technology thematic areas as jointly identified by the Parties.";
Sodelovanje bo med drugim obsegalo zadeve na znanstvenem in tehnološkem področju za programe za zmanjševanje revščine; izmenjave v okviru politik na znanstvenem in tehnološkem področju; partnerstva na področju raziskav in inovacij, da se podpreta gospodarsko sodelovanje in ustvarjanje delovnih mest; sodelovanje pri globalnih pionirskih raziskovalnih programih in globalnih raziskovalnih infrastrukturah; pomoč afriškim celinskim in regionalnim programom na znanstvenem in tehnološkem področju; krepitev večstranskega dialoga in partnerstev na znanstvenem in tehnološkem področju; izkoriščanje sinergij med dvostranskim in večstranskim sodelovanjem na znanstvenem in tehnološkem področju; razvoj človeškega kapitala in globalna mobilnost raziskovalcev; ter usklajeno in ciljno sodelovanje na posebnih znanstvenih in tehnoloških tematskih področjih, ki sta jih skupaj opredelili pogodbenici.";
39 Končna redakcija
o njunem dvostranskem sporazumu
40 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0600
undertake other tasks as may be decided by mutual agreement of the parties concerned to the bilateral agreement applicable;
opravljanje drugih nalog, dogovorjenih z medsebojnim soglasjem zadevnih pogodbenic veljavnega dvostranskega sporazuma;
41 Končna redakcija
Joint Declaration by the Czech Republic and the Republic of Austria concerning their bilateral agreement regarding the Temelin
Skupna izjava Češke republike in Republike Avstrije o njunem dvostranskem sporazumu o
42 Končna redakcija
Joint Declaration by the Czech Republic and the Republic of Austria concerning their bilateral agreement regarding the Temelin nuclear power plant
Skupna izjava Češke republike in Republike Avstrije o njunem dvostranskem sporazumu o Jedrski elektrarni Temelin
43 Končna redakcija
To that effect, amendments to the bilateral agreements and arrangements referred to above may be negotiated by the Community with the third countries concerned prior to the date of accession.
V ta namen se lahko Skupnost o spremembah zgoraj omenjenih dvostranskih sporazumov in dogovorov dogovori v pogajanjih z zadevnimi tretjimi državami pred dnem pristopa.
44 Končna redakcija
if the combined aggregate annual turnover of all the undertakings concerned, including affiliated undertakings, is more than 8 billion tolars before tax in the Slovenian market in each of the last two years;
- če je skupni letni promet v transakciji udeleženih podjetij ali z njimi kako drugače povezanih podjetij v posameznem od zadnjih dveh let na slovenskem trgu pred obdavčitvijo presegel 8 milijard tolarjev ali
45 Končna redakcija
The procedures for converting licences for journeys into licences for periods of time shall be agreed on a bilateral basis, account being taken of the road haulage requirements in the different countries concerned.
Postopki za nadomestitev dovolilnic za posamezne prevoze z dovolilnicami za določeno obdobje se dogovorijo dvostransko, pri čemer se upoštevajo potrebe cestnega prevoza blaga v posameznih zadevnih državah.
46 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0868
Where the issue in question is being discussed within the framework of a bilateral agreement by the Member State concerned, this 45-day deadline shall, at the request of the Member State, be extended for up to 30 days.
Če država članica, ki jo to zadeva, obravnava vprašanje v okviru dvostranskega sporazuma, se 45-dnevni rok na zahtevo te države članice podaljša za največ 30 dni.
47 Končna redakcija
These bills were drafted with different goals in mind - some attempted to define what media should do and others lay down requirements concerning objectivity and representation of the interests of various social groups.
Predlogi zakona so imeli različne cilje. Nekateri so poskušali definirati, kaj naj mediji počno, drugi pa so hoteli medijem določiti, da objektivno poročajo in predstavljajo interese raznih skupin v družbi.
48 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0039
In view of cases where the Community is not bound by any bilateral or multilateral obligations it is appropriate to provide for a procedure intended to ensure that Community investment firms receive reciprocal treatment in the third countries concerned.
Za primere, ko Skupnost ni zavezana z nobenimi dvostranskimi ali večstranskimi obveznostmi, je ustrezno določiti postopek za zagotovitev, da so investicijska podjetja iz Skupnosti deležna vzajemnega obravnavanja v zadevnih tretjih državah.
49 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0487
Such import authorisation shall be granted automatically and without quantitative limitation by the competent authorities of the Member State concerned, upon adequate proof, such as the bill of lading, that the products have been shipped before 1 May 2004.
Tako uvozno dovoljenje izdajo avtomatično in brez upoštevanja količinskih omejitev pristojni organi zadevne države članice na podlagi ustreznega dokazila, kakršno je tovorni list, da so bili izdelki odpremljeni pred 1. majem 2004.
50 Končna redakcija
As Milan Kučan commented in a press conference, after meeting with U.S. President Bill Clinton, he was, '...convinced that for a country such as Slovenia, in its relations with big countries, the main concern is how we can be of interest to these countries.
Na tiskovni konferenci po srečanju z ameriškim predsednikom Billom Clintonom je Milan Kučan dejal, da je '... prepričan, da je za državo, kot je Slovenija, v njenih odnosih z velikimi državami najpomembnejše vprašanje, kako smo lahko za te države zanimivi.
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concert bill