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confirmed presence of the virus
1 Končna redakcija
In any case, a sufficient number of samples shall be taken from the pigs when they are killed in order that the presence of African swine fever virus can be confirmed or ruled out, in accordance with the diagnostic manual;
V vsakem primeru pa je treba od pokončanih prašičev vzeti zadostno število vzorcev, da se lahko potrdi ali izključi prisotnost virusa afriške prašičje kuge v skladu z diagnostičnim priročnikom;
2 Končna redakcija
A sufficient number of samples shall be taken from the pigs, in accordance with the diagnostic manual, when they are killed in order that the presence of African swine fever virus in these holdings can be confirmed or ruled out.
Od pokončanih prašičev je treba vzeti zadostno število vzorcev, v skladu z diagnostičnim priročnikom, da se lahko prisotnost virusa afriške prašičje kuge na teh gospodarstvih potrdi ali izključi.
3 Končna redakcija
if the pigs are to be slaughtered or killed, a sufficient number of samples is then taken from the pigs in accordance with the diagnostic manual in order that the presence of African swine fever virus in these holdings can be confirmed or ruled out;
da se v primeru, če se prašiče zakolje ali pokonča, v skladu z diagnostičnim priročnikom odvzame od prašičev zadostno število vzorcev, z namenom, da se prisotnost virusa afriške prašičje kuge na gospodarstvu potrdi ali izključi,
4 Končna redakcija
Where the presence of African swine fever is confirmed in holdings which consist of two or more separate production units and in order that the fattening of pigs may be completed, the competent authority may decide to derogate from the provisions of Article 5(1)(a) as regards healthy pig production units on a holding which is infected provided that the official veterinarian confirms that the structure, size and distance apart of these production units and the operations carried out there are such that the production units provide completely separate facilities for housing, keeping and feeding, so that the virus cannot spread from one production unit to another.
Če se potrdi afriška prašičja kuga na gospodarstvu, ki je sestavljeno iz ene ali več ločenih proizvodnih enot, lahko pristojni organ določi odstopanje od določbe člena 5(1)(a) za proizvodne enote z zdravimi prašiči na okuženem gospodarstvu, zato da se omogoči dokončanje pitanja teh prašičev, pod pogojem, da uradni veterinar potrdi, da so struktura, velikost in oddaljenost teh proizvodnih enot, kot tudi postopki, ki tam potekajo, takšni, da so te enote popolnoma ločeni objekti za nastanitev, vzrejo in krmljenje, tako da se virus ne more razširiti z ene proizvodne enote na drugo.
5 Pravna redakcija
In any case, a sufficient number of samples shall be taken from the pigs when they are killed in order that the presence of classical swine fever virus can be confirmed or ruled out, in accordance with the diagnostic manual;
V vsakem primeru se v skladu z diagnostičnim priročnikom prašičem ob pokončanju odvzame zadostno število vzorcev, da se lahko potrdi ali izključi prisotnost virusa klasične prašičje kuge;
6 Pravna redakcija
A sufficient number of samples shall be taken in accordance with the diagnostic manual from the pigs when they are killed in order that the presence of classical swine fever virus in these holdings can be confirmed or ruled out.
V skladu z diagnostičnim priročnikom se prašičem ob pokončanju odvzame zadostno število vzorcev, da se na teh gospodarstvih lahko potrdi ali izključi prisotnost virusa klasične prašičje kuge.
7 Pravna redakcija
if the pigs are to be slaughtered or killed, a sufficient number of samples shall be taken from the pigs in accordance with the diagnostic manual in order that the presence of classical swine fever virus in these holdings can be confirmed or ruled out;
če se bodo prašiči zaklali ali pokončali, se jim v skladu z diagnostičnim priročnikom odvzame zadostno število vzorcev, da se na teh gospodarstvih lahko potrdi ali izključi prisotnost virusa klasične prašičje kuge;
8 Pravna redakcija
laboratory testing to detect the presence of foot-and-mouth disease are carried out by a national laboratory indicated in the Annex which may be amended or supplemented in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 17. This laboratory testing should, if necessary and especially on the first appearance of the disease, show the type, sub-type or, where appropriate, the variant of the relevant virus which may be confirmed, if necessary, be a reference laboratory designated by the Community;
da nacionalni laboratorij, določen v Prilogi, izvaja laboratorijsko testiranje za ugotavljanje prisotnosti slinavke in parkljevke, ki se lahko spremeni ali dopolni v skladu s postopkom iz člena 17. S tem laboratorijskim testiranjem je treba po potrebi in zlasti pri prvem pojavu bolezni določiti tip, podtip ali, po potrebi, obliko zadevnega virusa, ki ga po potrebi lahko potrdi referenčni laboratorij Skupnosti;
9 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0060
Where the presence of African swine fever is confirmed in holdings which consist of two or more separate production units and in order that the fattening of pigs may be completed, the competent authority may decide to derogate from the provisions of Article 5(l)(a) as regards healthy pig production units on a holding which is infected provided that the official veterinarian confirms that the structure, size and distance apart of these production units and the operations carried out there are such that the production units provide completely separate facilities for housing, keeping and feeding, so that the virus cannot spread from one production unit to another.
Če se potrdi afriška prašičja kuga na gospodarstvu, ki je sestavljeno iz ene ali več ločenih proizvodnih enot, lahko pristojni organ določi odstopanje od določbe člena 5(1)(a) za proizvodne enote z zdravimi prašiči na okuženem gospodarstvu, zato da se omogoči dokončanje pitanja teh prašičev, pod pogojem, da uradni veterinar potrdi, da so struktura, velikost in oddaljenost teh proizvodnih enot, kot tudi postopki, ki tam potekajo, takšni, da so te enote popolnoma ločeni objekti za nastanitev, vzrejo in krmljenje, tako da se virus ne more razširiti z ene proizvodne enote na drugo.
10 Pravna redakcija
In the case of confirmation of the presence of classical swine fever in holdings which consist of two or more separate production units and in order that fattening of pigs may be completed, the competent authority may decide to derogate from the provisions of Article 5(l)(a) as regards healthy pig production units on a holding which is infected provided that the official veterinarian has confirmed that the structure, size and distance between these production units and the operations carried out there are such that the production units provide completely separate facilities for housing, keeping and feeding, so that the virus cannot spread from one production unit to another.
V primeru potrditve prisotnosti klasične prašičje kuge na gospodarstvu iz dveh ali več ločenih proizvodnih enot, in da se lahko dokonča pitanje prašičev, pristojni organ lahko odloči, da odstopi od določb člena 5(1)(a) glede zdravih proizvodnih enot prašičev na okuženem gospodarstvu, če je uradni veterinar potrdil, da so zgradba, velikost in razdalja med temi proizvodnimi enotami in postopki, ki se tam izvajajo, takšni, da so proizvodne enote popolnoma ločene kar zadeva nastanitev, rejenje in hranjenje, tako da se virus ne more širiti z ene proizvodne enote na drugo.
11 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0085
Holdings containing at least one animal suspected of being infected and where the presence of foot-and-mouth disease virus is confirmed in accordance with the criteria laid down in Annex I shall be subject to the measures provided for in Articles 10 and 21.
Na gospodarstvih z vsaj eno živaljo, osumljeno, da je okužena, na katerih je prisotnost virusa slinavke in parkljevke potrjena v skladu z merili iz Priloge I, se uvedejo ukrepi, predvideni v členih 10 in 21.
12 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992L0119
in cases where the presence of swine vesicular disease is officially confirmed, Member States shall ensure that, in addition to the measures laid down in Articles 4 (2) and 5 of this Directive, meat of pigs slaughtered during the period between the probable introduction of disease to the holding and the implementation of official measures is, wherever possible, traced and destroyed under official supervision in such a way as to avoid the risk of swine vesicular disease virus spreading;
Kadar je vezikularna bolezen uradno potrjena, morajo države članice zagotoviti, da se poleg ukrepov iz členov 4(2) in 5 te direktive, meso prašičev, ki so bili zaklani v času med možnim vnosom bolezni na gospodarstvo in izvajanjem uradnih ukrepov, koder je le mogoče, izsledi in uniči pod uradnim nadzorom, na način, ki preprečuje tveganje širjenja virusa vezikularne bolezni prašičev.
Prevodi: en > sl
confirmed presence of the virus