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conformity testing
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-104
Have access to the testing equipment necessary for checking the conformity to each approved type;
2.3.2 imeti dostop do preskusne opreme, potrebne za preverjanje skladnosti z vsakim homologiranim tipom;
2 Objavljeno
zunanje zadeve
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-113
(f) encourage and support reciprocal testing arrangements between designated antidoping organizations, in conformity with the Code;
(f) spodbujajo in podpirajo dogovore o vzajemnem testiranju med pristojnimi protidopinškimi organizacijami skladno s kodeksom;
3 Objavljeno
WTO: Tehnične ovire v trgovini
Conformity assessment procedures include, inter alia, procedures for sampling, testing and inspection; evaluation, verification and assurance of conformity; registration, accreditation and approval as well as their combinations.
Postopki za presojo skladnosti med drugim vključujejo postopke vzorčenja, testiranja in kontrole, ovrednotenje, potrjevanje in potrdilo o skladnosti, registracijo, akreditacijo in odobritev ter ustrezne kombinacije.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-1
(c) "technical specification": a specification contained in a document which lays down the characteristics required of a product such as levels of quality, performance, safety or dimensions, including the requirements applicable to the product as regards the name under which the product is sold, terminology, symbols, testing and test methods, packaging, marking or labelling and conformity assessment procedures.
(c) »tehnična specifikacija«: specifikacija, vsebovana v dokumentu, ki določa zahtevane značilnosti izdelka, kot je raven kakovosti, učinkovitosti, varnosti ali mer, vključno z zahtevami za izdelek glede imena, pod katerim se prodaja, izrazja, simbolov, preskušanja in preskusnih metod, embalaže, oznak ali označevanja ter postopkov ugotavljanja skladnosti.
5 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0096
Schematic of production conformity testing
Shematski prikaz preskušanja skladnosti proizvodnje
6 Končna redakcija
7 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0096
8 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0096
9 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0096
whereas specific requirements for the durability of new heavy duty engines and for the conformity testing of in-service heavy duty vehicles should be introduced from 2005;
ker bo treba od leta 2005 naprej uvesti posebne zahteve glede vzdržljivosti novih težkih vozil in za preskušanje skladnosti težkih vozil v uporabi,
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0096
Engines that are subject to testing only on the ESC and ELR tests or only on the ETC test for type approval to row A of the tables in section 6.2.1 are subject to those applicable tests for the checking of production conformity.
Na motorjih, na katerih se opravita samo preskusa ESC in ELR, ali samo preskus ETC za homologacijo v skladu z vrstico A v tabelah iz točke 6.2.1, se opravijo ustrezni preskusi za preverjanje skladnosti proizvodnje.
11 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0036
The inspection body must perform the appropriate examinations and tests in order to check the conformity of the transportable pressure equipment with the relevant requirements of the Directive by examining and testing every product.
Kontrolni organ mora opraviti ustrezne preglede in preskuse, da bi preveril skladnost premične tlačne opreme z ustreznimi zahtevami direktive, tako da pregleda in preskusi vsak proizvod.
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000L0009
The notified body must carry out the appropriate examinations and tests in order to check the conformity of the components to the requirements of this Directive either by examination and testing of every component as specified in point 4 or by examination and testing of components on a statistical basis, as specified in point 5, at the choice of the manufacturer.
Priglašeni organ mora izvajati ustrezne preglede in preizkuse, da bi preveril skladnost elementov z zahtevami te direktive bodisi z ocenjevanjem in preizkušanjem vsakega elementa, kot navaja točka 4, bodisi z ocenjevanjem in preizkušanjem elementov na statistični podlagi, kot navaja točka 5, odvisno od izbire proizvajalca.
13 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0437
The approach followed in testing the profitability of domestic sales of exporters for the determination of normal value, is consistent with the provisions contained in Article 2(4) of the basic Regulation, which are in conformity with WTO rules.
Pristop k preverjanju donosnosti domače prodaje izvoznikov zaradi določanja normalne vrednosti je skladen z določbami člena 2(4) osnovne uredbe, ki so usklajene s pravili WTO.
14 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0036
The notified body must perform the appropriate examinations and tests in order to check the conformity of the transportable pressure equipment with the relevant requirements of the Directive by examining and testing every product in accordance with point 4.
Priglašeni organ mora opraviti ustrezne preglede in preskuse, da bi preveril skladnost premične tlačne opreme z ustreznimi zahtevami direktive s pregledovanjem in preskušanjem vsakega proizvoda v skladu s točko 4.
15 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0096
With the agreement of the authority, all other engines type approved to row A, B1 or B2, or C of the tables in section 6.2.1 are subjected to testing either on the ESC and ELR cycles or on the ETC cycle for the checking of the production conformity. The limit values are given in section 6.2.1 of this Annex.
Če se pristojni organ strinja, se na vseh ostalih motorjih, homologiranih v skladu z vrsticami A, B1 ali B2 oziroma C v tabelah iz točke 6.2.1, za preverjanje skladnosti proizvodnje opravijo preskusi bodisi s cikli ESC in ELR bodisi s ciklom ETC. Mejne vrednosti so navedene v točki 6.2.1 te priloge.
16 Končna redakcija
The notified body must carry out the appropriate examinations and tests in order to check the conformity of the interoperability constituent with the type as described in the type-examination certificate and with the requirements of the TSI either by examination and testing of every interoperability constituent as specified in point 4 or by examination and testing of interoperability constituents on a statistical basis, as specified in point 5, at the choice of the manufacturer.
Priglašeni organ mora izvesti ustrezne preglede ali preskuse, da preveri skladnost komponente interoperabilnosti s tipom, kakor je opisan v certifikatu o pregledu tipa, in zahtevami TSI, bodisi s pregledi in preskušanjem vsake komponente interoperabilnosti, kakor je določeno v točki 4, bodisi s pregledi in preskušanjem komponent interoperabilnosti na statistični podlagi, kakor je določeno v točki 5, na izbiro proizvajalca.
17 Končna redakcija
The notified body must carry out the appropriate examinations and tests in order to check the conformity of the subsystem with the type as described in the EC type-examination certificate and with the requirements of Directive 96/48/EC and the TSI by examination and testing of every subsystem, manufactured as a serial product, as specified under point 4.
Priglašeni organ mora opraviti ustrezne preglede in preskuse, da preveri skladnost podsistema s tipom, kakor je opisan v ES-certifikatu o pregledu tipa, in zahtevami Direktive 96/48/ES ter TSI s pregledi in preskušanjem vsakega podsistema, ki se proizvaja kakor serijski proizvod, kakor je določeno pod točko 4.
18 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
These characteristics shall include levels of environmental performance, design for all requirements (including accessibility for disabled persons) and conformity assessment, performance, safety or dimensions, including the procedures concerning quality assurance, terminology, symbols, testing and test methods, packaging, marking and labelling and production processes and methods.
Ti tehnični predpisi vključujejo stopnje okoljske uspešnosti, zahteve v zvezi s konstrukcijo, namenjeno vsem uporabnikom (vključno z dostopnostjo za invalidne osebe), ter ocenjevanje skladnosti, kakovosti, varnosti ali dimenzij, vključno s postopki v zvezi z zagotavljanjem kakovosti, izrazoslovjem, simboli, preskušanjem in preskusnimi metodami, pakiranjem, označevanjem ali uporabo nalepk.
19 Končna redakcija
Commission Decisions 98/436/EC(4), 98/599/EC(5), 98/600/EC(6), 1999/90/EC(7), 2000/245/EC(8) and 2000/553/EC on the attestation of conformity of construction products for roof coverings that may be exposed to an external fire source provide that certain products/materials can be "deemed to satisfy" the requirements for the characteristic "external fire performance" without the need for testing.
Odločbe Komisije 98/436/ES (), 98/599/ES (), 98/600/ES (), 1999/90/ES (), 2000/245/ES () in 2000/553/ES o potrjevanju skladnosti gradbenih proizvodov za strešne kritine, ki so lahko izpostavljene zunanjemu viru ognja, določajo, da se lahko določene proizvode/materiale "šteje za zadovoljive" glede zahteve za značilnost "obnašanje pri požarih z zunanje strani", ne da bi jih bilo potrebno testirati.
20 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0017
These characteristics shall include levels of environmental performance, design for all requirements (including accessibility for disabled persons) and conformity assessment, performance, safety or dimensions, including the procedures concerning quality assurance, terminology, symbols, testing and test methods, packaging, marking and labelling, user instructions, and production processes and methods.
Te tehnične zahteve vključujejo stopnje varnosti za okolje, zahteve v zvezi s konstrukcijo, namenjeno vsem uporabnikom (vključno z dostopnostjo za invalidne osebe), ter ocenjevanje skladnosti, izvedbo, varnost ali dimenzije, vključno s postopki v zvezi z zagotavljanjem kakovosti, izrazoslovjem, simboli, preskušanjem in preskusnimi metodami, pakiranjem, označevanjem in uporabo nalepk, navodili za uporabnike, proizvodnimi postopki in metodami.
21 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0017
"Technical specification", in the case of service or supply contracts, means a specification in a document defining the required characteristics of a product or a service, such as quality levels, environmental performance levels, design for all requirements (including accessibility for disabled persons) and conformity assessment, performance, use of the product, safety or dimensions, including requirements relevant to the product as regards the name under which the product is sold, terminology, symbols, testing and test methods, packaging, marking and labelling, user instructions, production processes and methods and conformity assessment procedures;
"tehnična specifikacija" v primeru javnih naročil storitev ali blaga pomeni specifikacijo v dokumentu, ki opredeljuje zahtevane lastnosti proizvoda ali storitve, kot so kakovost, varstvo okolja, zahteve za konstrukcijo, namenjeno vsem uporabnikom (vključno z dostopnostjo za invalidne osebe), ter ocenjevanje skladnosti, izvedbe, varnosti ali dimenzij, vključno z zahtevami v zvezi s proizvodom glede imena, pod katerim se bo prodajal, izrazoslovjem, simboli, preskušanjem in preskusnimi metodami, pakiranjem, označevanjem, uporabo nalepk, navodili za uporabnike, proizvodnimi postopki in metodami ter postopki ocenjevanja skladnosti;
22 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0018
"technical specification", in the case of public supply or service contracts, means a specification in a document defining the required characteristics of a product or a service, such as quality levels, environmental performance levels, design for all requirements (including accessibility for disabled persons) and conformity assessment, performance, use of the product, safety or dimensions, including requirements relevant to the product as regards the name under which the product is sold, terminology, symbols, testing and test methods, packaging, marking and labelling, user instructions, production processes and methods and conformity assessment procedures;
"tehnična specifikacija" v primeru javnih naročil blaga ali storitev pomeni specifikacijo v dokumentu, ki opredeljuje zahtevane značilnosti proizvoda ali storitve, kot so stopnje kakovosti, stopnje okoljske uspešnosti, zahteve za konstrukcijo, namenjeno vsem uporabnikom (vključno z dostopnostjo za invalidne osebe), ter ocenjevanje skladnosti, kakovosti, varnosti ali dimenzij, vključno z zahtevami v zvezi s proizvodom glede imena, pod katerim se bo prodajal, izrazoslovjem, simboli, preskušanjem in preskusnimi metodami, pakiranjem, označevanjem, uporabo nalepk, navodili za uporabnike, proizvodnimi postopki in metodami ter postopki ocenjevanja skladnosti;
23 Pravna redakcija
standardisation, conformity testing and certification,
standardizacije, preverjanja skladnosti in certificiranja,
24 Pravna redakcija
Statistical procedure for in-service conformity testing
Statistični postopek za preskušanje skladnosti v prometu
25 Pravna redakcija
26 Pravna redakcija
(b) standardisation, conformity testing and certification for information technology and telecommunications;
(b) standardizacijo, preskušanje skladnosti in certificiranje za informacijsko tehnologijo in telekomunikacije;
27 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0822
information exchanges and possible technical assistance on regulation, standardisation, conformity testing and certification of information and communications technologies and the use of frequencies;
izmenjava informacij in možna tehnična pomoč pri urejanju, standardizaciji, preverjanju skladnosti ter potrjevanju informacij in komunikacijske tehnologije, pa tudi uporabe frekvenc;
28 Pravna redakcija
exchanges of information and any technical assistance required in connection with regulations and standardisation, conformity testing and certification for information and telecommunications technologies;
izmenjave informacij in vso tehnično pomoč, ki je potrebna za predpise in standardizacijo, preizkušanje skladnosti in certificiranje za informacijske in telekomunikacijske tehnologije;
29 Pravna redakcija
be a participant in the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) scheme of the IECEE for recognition of results of testing to standards for safety of electrical equipment (certification bodies (CB) scheme) under the IEC system for conformity testing to standards for safety of electrical equipment (IECEE) as defined in IECEE Document 02/1992-05; or
sodelovati v shemi Mednarodne elektrotehnične komisije (IEC) IECEE priznavanja rezultatov preskušanja varnosti električne opreme na standarde (shema certifikacijskih organov (CB)) v IEC sistemu preskušanja skladnosti varnosti električne opreme s standardi IEC (IECEE), kakor je opredeljeno v dokumentu IECEE 02/1992-05, ali
30 Pravna redakcija
have access to the testing equipment necessary for checking the conformity to each approved type;
imeti dostop do preskuševalne opreme, potrebne za preverjanje skladnosti vsakega homologiranega tipa;
31 Pravna redakcija
Assessment procedures for conformity, descriptions of the testing methods for in the interoperability constituents:
Postopki za ocenjevanje skladnosti, opisi preskusnih metod za komponente interoperabilnosti:
32 Pravna redakcija
Products that are the subject of an attestation of conformity shall benefit from the presumption of conformity with technical specifications within the meaning of Article 4. Conformity shall be established by means of testing or other evidence on the basis of the technical specifications in accordance with Annex III.
Za proizvode, ki so predmet potrjevanja skladnosti, velja domneva, da so skladni s tehničnimi specifikacijami iz člena 4. Skladnost se ugotavlja s preskušanjem ali z drugimi načini dokazovanja na podlagi tehničnih specifikacij, skladno s Prilogo III.
33 Pravna redakcija
This Appendix sets out the criteria referred to in section 7.1.7 of this Annex regarding the selection of vehicles for testing and the procedures for the in-service conformity control.
Ta dodatek določa merila, navedena v točki 7.1.7 te priloge, v zvezi z izbiro vozil za preskušanje in postopke za pregled skladnosti vozil v prometu.
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conformity testing