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constitutional appeal
1 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
An appeal may be made before the Constitutional Court, in accordance with the law, against a decision of the National Assembly.
Proti odločitvi državnega zbora je v skladu z zakonom mogoča pritožba na ustavno sodišče.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-76
A Contracting State, if required to do so because of constitutional limitations, may request the reimbursement by the State of origin of fees and costs, in connection with the execution of Letters of Request, for the service of process necessary to compel the appearance of a person to give evidence, the costs of attendance of such persons, and the cost of any transcript of the evidence.
Država pogodbenica, ki to mora storiti iz ustavnih razlogov, lahko državo prosilko pozove, da povrne stroške, nastale v zvezi z izvrševanjem zaprosila, in sicer za vročitev osebi, ki se je dolžna zglasiti in predložiti dokaz, in stroške navzočnosti take osebe ter stroške vsakega prepisa dokazov.
3 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1437
The entry into force of the new Constitutional Charter of the State union of Serbia and Montenegro, which renamed the former `Federal Republic of Yugoslavia` as `Serbia and Montenegro` with effect from 4 February 2003, makes it desirable to replace the name of that former Republic wherever it appears in Annexes II, IIIB and VI to Regulation (EC) No 517/94.
Zaradi uveljavitve nove ustavne listine Državne skupnosti Srbije in Črne gore, s katero se je 4. februarja 2003 nekdanja "Zvezna republika Jugoslavija" preimenovala v "Srbijo in Črno goro", je primerno nadomestiti ime te nekdanje republike povsod, kjer se v prilogah II, IIIB in VI k Uredbi (ES) št. 517/94 pojavlja.
4 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1437
The entry into force of the new Constitutional Charter of the State union of Serbia and Montenegro, which renamed the former "Federal Republic of Yugoslavia" as "Serbia and Montenegro" with effect from 4 February 2003, makes it desirable to replace the name of that former Republic wherever it appears in Annexes II, IIIB and VI to Regulation (EC) No 517/94.
Zaradi uveljavitve nove ustavne listine Državne skupnosti Srbije in Črne gore, s katero se je 4. februarja 2003 nekdanja "Zvezna republika Jugoslavija" preimenovala v "Srbijo in Črno goro", je primerno nadomestiti ime te nekdanje republike povsod, kjer se v prilogah II, IIIB in VI k Uredbi (ES) št. 517/94 pojavlja.
Prevodi: en > sl
constitutional appeal