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constitutional arrangement
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-35
It shall endeavour to promote the conclusion of any agreements and arrangements that may prove necessary for this purpose with due regard to the different constitutional provisions of each Party.
Prizadevala si bo pospeševati sklenitev sporazumov in dogovorov, za katere se utegne izkazati, da so potrebni v ta namen, ob upoštevanju ustavnih določb vsake posamezne pogodbenice.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP . l. RS, št. MP.2006-73
This Arrangement shall enter into force on the date upon which the Austrian side receives the written notification from Slovenian side that the constitutional requirements for its entry into force have been fulfilled.
9.1 Dogovor začne veljati z dnem, ko avstrijska stran prejme pisno obvestilo slovenske strani, da so izpolnjene notranjepravne zahteve, potrebne za začetek njegove veljavnosti.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-25
A. This Arrangement will enter into force on the first day of the second month following the date on which the two Parties have notified each other in an exchange of diplomatic notes that the requirements for its entry into force under their respective constitutional procedures have been fulfilled.
A. Ta sporazum bo začel veljati prvi dan drugega meseca po datumu, ko pogodbenici z izmenjavo diplomatskih not druga drugo obvestita, da so bili izpolnjeni njuni notranji ustavni postopki za začetek veljavnosti.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-74
Each Party shall implement this Convention, in particular Articles 5 and 6, according to its own division of powers, in conformity with its constitutional principles and administrative arrangements, and respecting the principle of subsidiarity, taking into account the European Charter of Local Self-government.
Vsaka pogodbenica izvaja to konvencijo, predvsem 5. in 6. člen, na podlagi svoje lastne delitve pooblastil, v skladu s svojimi ustavnimi načeli in upravno ureditvijo ter ob upoštevanju načela subsidiarnosti in Evropske listine o lokalni samoupravi.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-80
a. This Arrangement will enter into force on the first day of the second month, following the date on which the two Parties have notified each other in an exchange of diplomatic notes that the requirements for its entry into force under their respective constitutional procedures have been fulfilled. It will remain in force for a period of five years.
a. Ta sporazum bo začel veljati prvi dan drugega meseca po datumu, ko pogodbenici z izmenjavo diplomatskih not druga drugo obvestita, da so bili izpolnjeni njihovi notranji ustavni postopki za pričetek veljavnosti, in velja za obdobje petih let.
6 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-46
If any lien shall be created on any public assets as security for any external debt, or any arrangement having an equivalent effect, which will or might result in a priority for the benefit of the creditor of the external debt in the allocation, realisation or distribution of foreign exchange, the lien shall, unless the Bank shall otherwise agree, ipso facto, and at no cost to the Bank, equally and rateably secure the principal of, and the interest and other charges on, the Loan, and Slovenia, in creating or permitting the creation of such lien, shall make express provision to that effect; provided, however, that, if for any constitutional or other legal reason such provision cannot be made with respect to any lien created on assets of any of its political or administrative subdivisions, Slovenia shall promptly and at no cost to the Bank secure the principal of, and the interest and other charges on, the Loan by an equivalent lien on other public assets satisfactory to the Bank.
Če bo za zavarovanje katerega koli zunanjega dolga ali dogovora z enakim učinkom ustvarjena kakršna koli zastavna pravica na javnem premoženju, ki bo ali bi lahko imela za posledico prednostno obravnavanje v korist upnika zunanjega dolga pri dodeljevanju, unovčenju ali razdeljevanju deviz, morajo biti s tako zastavno pravico, razen če z banko ni drugače dogovorjeno, ipso facto in brez stroškov za banko enako in sorazmerno zavarovani tudi glavnica, obresti in drugi stroški posojila in Slovenija mora, če ustvari ali dovoli, da se ustvari taka zastavna pravica, pri tem sprejeti izrecno določbo s takim učinkom; če pa Slovenija take določbe pri ustvarjeni zastavni pravici na premoženju kake njene politične ali upravne enote ne more sprejeti zaradi ustavnih ali drugih pravnih razlogov, bo takoj in brez stroškov za banko zavarovala glavnico, obresti in druge stroške posojila z enakovredno zastavno pravico na drugem javnem premoženju, ki bo za banko sprejemljivo.
7 Končna redakcija
The High Contracting Parties confirm, on the one hand, the Declaration on the implementation of Community law annexed to the Final Act of the Treaty on European Union and, on the other, the conclusions of the Essen European Council stating that the administrative implementation of Community law shall in principle be the responsibility of the Member States in accordance with their constitutional arrangements.
Visoke pogodbenice potrjujejo na eni strani Deklaracijo o izvajanju prava Skupnosti, ki je priložena Sklepni listini Pogodbe o Evropski uniji, in na drugi strani sklepe Evropskega sveta iz Essna, na podlagi katerih so za upravno izvajanje prava Skupnosti načeloma odgovorne države članice v skladu z njihovimi ustavnimi ureditvami.
8 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0822
In this context, the Council shall in particular adopt any necessary measures where an OCT decides in accordance with its own constitutional procedures to enter into special preferential arrangements between the Community and various partners in the region to which it belongs.
V tej zvezi Svet zlasti sprejme vse potrebne ukrepe, če ČDO v skladu s svojimi ustavnimi postopki odloči, da se bo pridružila posebnemu preferencialnemu režimu med Skupnostjo in različnimi partnerji v regiji, ki ji ČDO pripada.
9 Pravna redakcija
It may be desirable for the beneficiary State, in conformity with its specific constitutional, institutional, legal or financial context, to associate the regional or local authorities with the conclusion and the application of the implementation arrangements, the beneficiary State remaining in all cases responsible for the implementation of the assistance and for the management and control of the operations supported by Community financing.
Za državo upravičenko pomoči je lahko zaželeno, da se v okviru svojega posebnega ustavnega, institucionalnega, pravnega ali finančnega sistema poveže z regionalnimi ali lokalnimi organi glede sklepanja in uporabe izvedbenih dogovorov; država upravičenka pomoči v vseh primerih ostaja odgovorna za izvedbo pomoči ter upravljanje in nadzor ukrepov, ki se podpirajo s sredstvi Skupnosti.
10 Pravna redakcija
whereas, for that purpose, it should be stipulated that only expenditure effected by paying agencies accredited by the Member States should be financed; whereas, moreover, in order to ensure the transparency of national controls, in particular as regards authorisation, validation and payment procedures, the number of authorities and bodies to which these responsibilities are delegated should, where appropriate, be restricted taking account of the constitutional arrangements of each Member State;
ker je pri prizadevanju za preglednost nacionalnih preverjanj zlasti glede postopka za odobritev, potrditev in izplačilo treba kolikor je mogoče omejiti število služb in ustanov, na katere se prenesejo te pristojnosti, ob upoštevanju ustavnopravnih določb vsake države članice;
11 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998E0350
The Union fully recognises the right of sovereign states to establish their own constitutional arrangements and to institute their own administrative structures according to their history, culture, tradition and social and ethnic composition.
Unija suverenim državam priznava vso pravico, da vzpostavljajo svoje lastne ustavne rešitve in ustanavljajo svoje lastne upravne strukture v skladu s svojo zgodovino, kulturo, tradicijo ter družbeno in etnično sestavo.
12 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2012
It may be desirable for the beneficiary State, in conformity with its specific constitutional, institutional, legal or financial context, to associate the regional or local authorities with the conclusion and the application of the implementation arrangements,
Za državo upravičenko pomoči je lahko zaželeno, da se v okviru svojega posebnega ustavnega, institucionalnega, pravnega ali finančnega sistema poveže z regionalnimi ali lokalnimi organi glede sklepanja in uporabe izvedbenih dogovorov;
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constitutional arrangement