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constitutional court
1 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
Constitutional Court judges may not be re-elected.
Ustavni sodniki ne morejo biti ponovno voljeni.
2 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
Constitutional Court judges are elected for a term of nine years.
Sodniki ustavnega sodišča so izvoljeni za dobo devetih let.
3 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
Constitutional Court judges enjoy the same immunity as National Assembly deputies.
Sodniki ustavnega sodišča uživajo enako imuniteto kakor poslanci državnega zbora.
4 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
The Constitutional Court
Ustavno sodišče
5 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
The Constitutional Court decides:
Ustavno sodišče odloča:
6 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
(Powers of the Constitutional Court)
(pristojnosti ustavnega sodišča)
7 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
(Proceedings before the Constitutional Court)
(postopek pred ustavnim sodiščem)
8 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
(Early Termination of Office of a Constitutional Court Judge)
(predčasna razrešitev ustavnega sodnika)
9 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
Proceedings before the Constitutional Court shall be regulated by law.
Postopek pred ustavnim sodiščem ureja zakon.
10 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
The National Assembly is bound by the opinion of the Constitutional Court.
Državni zbor je vezan na mnenje ustavnega sodišča.
11 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
The proceedings in the court may be continued after the Constitutional Court has issued its decision.
Postopek pred sodiščem se nadaljuje po odločitvi ustavnega sodišča.
12 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
Unless otherwise provided by law, the Constitutional Court decides on a constitutional complaint only if legal remedies have been exhausted.
Če zakon ne določa drugače, odloča ustavno sodišče o ustavni pritožbi le, če je bilo izčrpano pravno varstvo.
13 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
- on other matters vested in the Constitutional Court by this Constitution or laws.
-in o drugih zadevah, ki so mu naložene s to ustavo ali z zakoni.
14 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
The legal consequences of Constitutional Court decisions shall be regulated by law.
Pravne posledice odločitev ustavnega sodišča ureja zakon.
15 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
The Constitutional Court may decide whether to initiate proceedings following a constitutional complaint with fewer judges as provided by law.
O tem, ali bo začelo postopek na podlagi ustavne pritožbe, lahko ustavno sodišče odloča v ožji sestavi, ki jo določa zakon.
16 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
The Constitutional Court decides whether to accept a constitutional complaint for adjudication on the basis of criteria and procedures provided by law.
O tem, ali ustavno sodišče ustavno pritožbo sprejme v obravnavo, odloči na podlagi meril in postopka, določenih z zakonom.
17 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
The Constitutional Court considers the charges in such a manner as determined in Article 109.
Ustavno sodišče obravnava obtožbo na način, kakor je določen v 109. členu.
18 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
The law determines who may require the initiation of proceedings before the Constitutional Court.
Predlagatelje zahteve za začetek postopka pred ustavnim sodiščem določa zakon.
19 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
Such abrogation takes effect immediately or within a period of time determined by the Constitutional Court.
Razveljavitev učinkuje takoj ali v roku, ki ga določi ustavno sodišče.
20 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
A Constitutional Court judge may be subject to early termination of office in a manner provided by law only:
Sodnik ustavnega sodišča je lahko predčasno razrešen na način, ki ga določa zakon, samo:
21 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
10/91, 13/93, 66/93, 35/97, 73/97 - decision by the Constitutional Court, 87/97, 73/98, 31/2000 and 24/2001),
10/91, 13/93, 66/93, 35/97, 73/97 - odločba US, 87/97, 73/98, 31/2000 in 24/2001),
22 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
Anyone who demonstrates legal interest may request the initiation of proceedings before the Constitutional Court.
Vsakdo lahko da pobudo za začetek postopka, če izkaže svoj pravni interes.
23 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
If the Constitutional Court establishes that a law is unconstitutional, it abrogates such law in whole or in part.
Če ustavno sodišče ugotovi, da je zakon protiustaven, ga v celoti ali delno razveljavi.
24 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
The President of the Constitutional Court is elected by the judges from among their own number for a term of three years.
Predsednika ustavnega sodišča izvolijo sodniki izmed sebe za dobo treh let.
25 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
On the day this act enters into force, the provisions of Title 3 (Compensation for Change in Intended Purpose of Use of Agricultural Land and Forest) of the Agricultural Land Act (Ur. l. RS, Nos. 59/96, 31/98 [constitutional court ruling], 1/99, 54/2000 [ZKme], 68/2000 [constitutional court ruling], 27/2002 [constitutional court ruling], 58/2002 [ZMR-1] and 67/2002; hereinafter:
(1) Z dnem uveljavitve tega zakona prenehajo veljati v zakonu o kmetijskih zemljiščih (Uradni list RS, št. 59/96, 31/98 ? odločba US, 1/99, 54/2000-ZKme, 68/2000 ? odločba US, 27/2002-odločba US, 58/2002-ZMR- metricconverterProductID1 in1 in 67/2002, v nadaljnjem besedilu:
26 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
An appeal may be made before the Constitutional Court, in accordance with the law, against a decision of the National Assembly.
Proti odločitvi državnega zbora je v skladu z zakonom mogoča pritožba na ustavno sodišče.
27 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
The Constitutional Court annuls ab initio or abrogates other regulations or general acts that are unconstitutional or contrary to law.
Druge protiustavne ali nezakonite predpise ali splošne akte ustavno sodišče odpravi ali razveljavi.
28 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
If a court deciding some matter deems a law which it should apply to be unconstitutional, it must stay the proceedings and initiate proceedings before the Constitutional Court.
Če sodišče pri odločanju meni, da je zakon, ki bi ga moralo uporabiti, protiustaven, mora postopek prekiniti in začeti postopek pred ustavnim sodiščem.
29 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
The office of Constitutional Court judge is not compatible with office in state authorities, in local self-government authorities, and in bodies of political parties, and with other offices and activities that are not compatible by law with the office of Constitutional Court judge.
Funkcija sodnika ustavnega sodišča ni združljiva s funkcijami v državnih organih, v organih lokalne samouprave in v organih političnih strank, ter z drugimi funkcijami in dejavnostmi, ki po zakonu niso združljive s funkcijo sodnika ustavnega sodišča.
30 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
The Constitutional Court decides by a majority vote of all its judges unless otherwise provided for individual cases by the Constitution or law.
Ustavno sodišče odloča z večino glasov vseh sodnikov, če ustava ali zakon za posamezne primere ne določata drugače.
31 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
Upon the expiry of the term for which a Constitutional Court judge has been elected, he continues to perform his office until the election of a new judge.
Po izteku časa, za katerega je bil ustavni sodnik izvoljen, opravlja funkcijo še do izvolitve novega sodnika.
32 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
If in deciding on a constitutional complaint the Constitutional Court establishes the unconstitutionality of a regulation or general act, it may, in accordance with the provisions of the first paragraph of this article, annul ab initio or abrogate such regulation or act.
Če ustavno sodišče pri odločanju o ustavni pritožbi ugotovi tudi protiustavnost predpisa ali splošnega akta, ga lahko, v skladu z določbami prvega odstavka, odpravi ali razveljavi.
33 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
The Constitutional Court is composed of nine judges, elected on the proposal of the President of the Republic by the National Assembly in a manner provided by law.
Ustavno sodišče je sestavljeno iz devetih sodnikov, ki jih na predlog predsednika republike izvoli državni zbor, na način, ki ga določa zakon.
34 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
(4) lf a request or initiative for constitutional review of an act from the second paragraph of this Article has been filed, the lawsuit shall be considered as having been filed within the prescribed period if it was lodged within 30 days of the serving of the constitutional court decision, in which the court declares that it does not have jurisdiction.
(4) Če je bila vložena zahteva ali pobuda za oceno ustavnosti akta iz drugega odstavka tega člena, se šteje tožba za pravočasno, če je bila vložena v tridesetih dneh od vročitve odločbe ustavnega sodišča, s katero se je to sodišče izreklo za nepristojno.
35 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
Uradni list RS, Nos. 10/91, 13/93, 66/93, 35/97, 73/97 - decision by the Constitutional Court, 87/97, 73/98, 31/2000 and 24/2001) shall continue their work as misdemeanour authorities.
Uradni list RS, št. 10/91, 13/93, 66/93, 35/97, 73/97 - odločba US, 87/97, 73/98, 31/2000 in 24/2001) pa nadaljujejo z delom kot prekrškovni organi.
36 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
Procedures for issuing a building permit that commenced prior to the entry into force of this act and procedures for issuing a building permit that commenced after the entry into force of this act and are founded on location permits issued pursuant to the ZUN shall be completed pursuant to the provisions of the Construction Act (Ur. l. SRS, Nos. 34/84 and 29/86; Ur. l. RS, Nos. 71/93 [ZUN], 40/94 [constitutional court ruling], 69/94 [constitutional court ruling], 59/96, 45/99, 42/2000 [constitutional court ruling], 52/2000 [ZGPro] and 52/2000; hereinafter: the ZGO).
(1) Postopki za izdajo gradbenega dovoljenja, ki so se začeli pred uveljavitvijo tega zakona ter postopki za izdajo gradbenega dovoljenja, ki so se začeli po uveljavitvi tega zakona in temeljijo v lokacijskih dovoljenjih, izdanih na podlagi ZUN, se končajo po določbah zakona o graditvi objektov (Uradni list SRS, št. 34/84 in 29/86, Uradni list RS, št. 71/93-ZUN, 40/94-odločba US, 69/94-odločba US, 59/96, 45/99, 42/2000-odločba US, 52/2000-ZGPro in 52/2000, v nadaljnjem besedilu: ZGO).
37 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
If in the performance of his office the President of the Republic violates the Constitution or seriously violates the law, he may be impeached by the National Assembly before the Constitutional Court.
Če predsednik republike pri opravljanju svoje funkcije krši ustavo ali huje krši zakon, ga državni zbor lahko obtoži pred ustavnim sodiščem.
38 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
The National Assembly may impeach the President of the Government or ministers before the Constitutional Court on charges of violating the Constitution and laws during the performance of their office.
Predsednika vlade ali ministre lahko državni zbor pred ustavnim sodiščem obtoži kršitve ustave in zakonov, storjene pri opravljanju njihovih funkcij.
39 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
Under conditions provided by law, the Constitutional Court may, up until a final decision, suspend in whole or in part the implementation of an act whose constitutionality or legality is being reviewed.
Ustavno sodišče lahko pod pogoji, ki jih določa zakon, do končne odločitve v celoti ali delno zadrži izvrševanje akta, katerega ustavnost ali zakonitost presoja.
40 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
Upon receiving a resolution on impeachment from the National Assembly, the Constitutional Court may decide that pending a decision on impeachment the President of the Republic may not perform his office.
Potem ko ustavno sodišče dobi sklep državnega zbora o obtožbi, lahko odloči, da predsednik republike do odločitve o obtožbi začasno ne more opravljati svoje funkcije.
41 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
Persons that successfully completed the university study programme after the entry into force of the Higher Education Act (Ur. l. RS, Nos. 67/93, 39/95 [constitutional court ruling], 18/98 [constitutional court ruling], 35/98 [constitutional court ruling], 99/99 and 64/2001) or that successfully completed an appropriate four- year tertiary programme prior to the entry into force of the aforementioned act shall also be deemed to have gained the university qualification that is a condition for conducting inspection supervision and a condition for participants in the construction of works pursuant to this act.
(3) Šteje se, da imajo pridobljeno univerzitetno izobrazbo, ki je pogoj za opravljanje inšpekcijskega nadzorstva ter pogoj za udeležence pri graditvi objektov po tem zakonu, tudi osebe, ki so uspešno zaključile univerzitetni študijski program po uveljavitvi zakona o visokem šolstvu (Uradni list RS, št. 67/93, 39/95-odločba US, 18/98-odločba US, 35/98-odločba US, 99/99 in 64/2001) ali so uspešno zaključile ustrezen visokošolski program pred uveljavitvijo navedenega zakona.
42 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
25. The approval on the basis of Article 28 of the Defence Act (Ur. l. RS, Nos. 82/94, 44/97, 87/97, 13/98 [constitutional court ruling], 33/2000 [constitutional court ruling], 87/2001, 47/2002 and 67/2002 [correction]) for railway lines and works thereon, for national highways and works thereon, for international airports, for telecommunications and energy distribution links and for works of wider importance in terms of defence needs
25. soglasje na podlagi 28. člena zakona o obrambi (Uradni list RS, št. 82/94, 44/97, 87/97, 13/98 ? odločba US, 33/2000 ? odločba US, 87/2001, 47/2002 in 67/2002-popravek) za železniške proge in objekte na njih, za državne ceste in objekte na njih, za mednarodna letališča in telekomunikacijske in energetske povezave ter objekte širšega pomena z vidika upoštevanja obrambnih potreb;
43 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
The Constitutional Court shall decide either that the impeachment charges are justified or it shall dismiss the charges, and it may further decide on relieving the President of office by a two-thirds majority vote of all judges.
Le-to ugotovi utemeljenost obtožbe ali obtoženega oprosti, z dvotretjinsko večino glasov vseh sodnikov pa lahko odloči o odvzemu funkcije.
44 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Ustava
In the process of ratifying a treaty, the Constitutional Court, on the proposal of the President of the Republic, the Government, or a third of the deputies of the National Assembly, issues an opinion on the conformity of such treaty with the Constitution.
Na predlog predsednika republike, vlade ali tretjine poslancev državnega zbora izreka ustavno sodišče v postopku ratifikacije mednarodne pogodbe mnenje o njeni skladnosti z ustavo.
45 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
14. The approval or the permit on the basis of Articles 34, 47, 48, 49, 50, 53, 54, 58, 59, 60, 67 and 68 of the Public Roads Act (Ur. l. RS, Nos. 29/97, 18/2002 [constitutional court ruling] and 50/2002 [constitutional court ruling]) in the case of the construction and execution of works in the road protection belt and works that could affect road safety, and the opinion on the basis of Article 69 of the aforementioned act of law for works and premises for the performance of activities that directly affect traffic flow
14. soglasje oziroma dovoljenje na podlagi 34., 47., 48., 49., 50., 53., 54., 58., 59., 60., metricconverterProductID 67.?in 67.?in67. in 68. člena zakona o javnih cestah (Uradni list RS, št. 29/97, 18/2002-odločba US in 50/2002-odločba US) v primeru gradnje oziroma izvajanja del v varovalnem cestnem pasu in del, ki lahko vplivajo na varnost cestnega prometa ter mnenje na podlagi 69. člena navedenega zakona za objekte in prostore za opravljanje dejavnosti, ki neposredno vplivajo na odvijanje prometa;
46 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 80
Municipalities are financed by income from taxes and other contributions, as provided by the Law on Local Self-Government (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 72/93, No. 6/94 - judicial decision of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia, No. U-l-13/94-65, No. 45/94 - judicial decision of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia, No. U-l-144/94-18 and the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 57/94), and by income from taxes, duties, fees and other dues in accordance with special laws.
Občinam pripadajo prihodki iz davkov in drugih dajatev, določenih v zakonu o lokalni samoupravi (Uradni list RS, št. 72/93, št. 6/94 - odločba Ustavnega sodišča RS, št. U-I-13/94-65, št. 45/94 - odločba Ustavnega sodišča RS, št. U-I-144/94-18 in Uradni list RS, št. 57/94) in prihodki iz davkov, taks, pristojbin in drugih dajatev v skladu s posebnimi zakoni.
47 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 50
(4) lf a request or initiative to test the constitutionality of an act from the second paragraph of this Article has been filed, the lawsuit shall be considered as having been filed within the prescribed period if it was lodged within 30 days of the serving of the constitutional court decision, in which the court declares that it does not have jurisdiction.
(4) Če je bila vložena zahteva ali pobuda za oceno ustavnosti akta iz drugega odstavka tega člena, se šteje tožba za pravočasno, če je bila vložena v tridesetih dneh od vročitve odločbe ustavnega sodišča, s katero se je to sodišče izreklo za nepristojno.
48 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 127
the wording ` or indefinite` in Article 27 of the Institutes Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia/l Nos 12/91 and 17/91 - ZUDE and Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, Nos55/92 - ZVDK, 13/93, 66/93, 45/94 - Constitutional Court Decision, 8/96, 31/00 - ZP-L and 36/00 - ZPDZC),
- besedilo »ali nedoločen« v 27. členu Zakona o zavodih (Uradni list RS/I, št. 12/91 in 17/91 - ZUDE ter Uradni list RS, št. 55/92 - ZVDK, 13/93, 66/93, 45/94 - odločba US, 8/96, 31/00 - ZP-L in 36/00 - ZPDZC),
49 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 80
Provisions of the Law on Financing of Public Consumption (the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, nos. 48/90, 34/91-l, 30/92, 52/92 - judicial decision of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia, No. U-l-55/92-17, the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, nos. 7/93, 43/93 - judicial decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia, No. U-l-22/93-10), which refer to municipalities and the Decree on the Allocation of Income Between Municipalities and the Republic (the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 34/91-l) shall cease to apply on 31 December 1994.
Določbe zakona o financiranju javne porabe (Uradni list RS, št. 48/90, 34/91-I, 30/92, št. 52/92 - odločba Ustavnega sodišča RS, št. U-I-55/92-17, Uradni list RS, št. 7/93, št. 43/93 - odločba Ustavnega sodišča RS, št. U-I-22/93-10), ki se nanašajo na občine in odlok o razporeditvi prihodkov med občinami in republiko (Uradni list RS, št. 34/91-I) prenehajo veljati 31. decembra 1994.
50 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
Procedures for issuing a location permit that commenced prior to the entry into force of this act shall be completed pursuant to the provisions of the Urban Planning and Other Forms of Land Use Act (Ur. l. SRS, Nos. 18/84, 37/85 and 29/86; Ur. l. RS, Nos. 26/90, 18/93, 47/93, 71/93, 44/97, 9/2001 [ZPPreb] and 23/2002 [constitutional court ruling]; hereinafter: the ZUN).
Postopki za izdajo lokacijskega dovoljenja, ki so se začeli pred uveljavitvijo tega zakona, se končajo po določbah zakona o urejanju naselij in drugih posegov v prostor (Uradni list SRS, št. 18/84, 37/85 in 29/86, Uradni list RS, št. 26/90, 18/93, 47/93, 71/93, 44/97, 9/2001-ZPPreb in 23/2002 ? odločba US, v nadaljnjem besedilu: ZUN).
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constitutional court