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construction surveying
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
3. The land surveying plan of the new situation of the land after the completion of construction
3. geodetski načrt novega stanja zemljišča po končani gradnji,
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
2. To advise individuals and legal persons that perform activities of construction project design, other project design, the auditing of project documentation, works management and supervision in the construction of works, and land surveying services
2. svetovanje posameznikom in pravnim osebam, ki opravljajo dejavnosti gradbenega in drugega projektiranja, revidiranja projektne dokumentacije, vodenja del in opravljanja nadzora pri graditvi objektov ter geodetskih storitev in
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
15. It shall prepare a draft of the minimum tariff conditions for performing activities of construction project design and other project design, the provision of land surveying services and the auditing of construction and other plans, and shall send it to the minister responsible for spatial planning and construction matters.
15. pripravi osnutek minimalnih tarifnih pogojev za opravljanje dejavnosti gradbenega in drugega projektiranja, opravljanja geodetskih storitev ter revidiranja gradbenih in drugih načrtov in ga pošlje ministru, pristojnemu za prostorske in gradbene zadeve.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
7. It shall attend to the professional development and independence of construction project design, other project design, the auditing of project documentation, works management and supervision in the construction of works, and land surveying services, shall represent the interests of its members in relation to state bodies, local government bodies and employers, shall, with the aim of ensuring their independence and professional development and of supervising the performance of construction project design, other project design and land surveying services, administer a list of project designers and land surveying companies, and shall provide services for the needs of its members.
7. skrbi za strokovni razvoj in neodvisnost gradbenega in drugega projektiranja, revidiranja projektne dokumentacije, vodenja del in opravljanja nadzora pri graditvi objektov ter geodetskih storitev, zastopa interese svojih članov v razmerju do državnih organov, organov lokalne samouprave in delodajalcev ter z namenom zagotavljanja njihove neodvisnosti in strokovnega razvoja ter nadzora nad opravljanjem dejavnosti gradbenega in drugega projektiranja ter opravljanja geodetske dejavnosti, vodi seznam projektantov in geodetskih podjetij in opravlja storitve za potrebe svojih članov,
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
5. It shall attend to further professional training in the area of construction project design, other project design and the performance of land surveying activities, and shall participate in the preparation of education programmes
5. skrbi za strokovno izpopolnjevanje na področju gradbenega in drugega projektiranja ter opravljanja geodetske dejavnosti ter sodeluje pri pripravi izobraževalnih programov,
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
1. The land surveying plan of the existing situation on the ground with the boundaries of the parcels from the cadastral register and the neighbouring works within a radius of at least PlaceName25.00 metres of the envisaged construction drawn in
1. geodetski načrt obstoječega stanja terena z vrisanimi mejami parcel iz zemljiškega katastra in sosednjimi objekti v radiju najmanj metricconverterProductID25,00 metrov25,00 metrov od predvidene gradnje,
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
2. He has passed the professional examination at the IZS for responsible construction project design or other project design, the provision of land surveying services, responsible works management and the provision of other engineering services.
2. da ima pri IZS opravljen strokovni izpit za odgovorno gradbeno in drugo projektiranje, opravljanje geodetskih storitev, odgovorno vodenje del oziroma opravljanje drugih inženirskih storitev in
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
The terms applied in this act that are not defined in the previous paragraph shall have the same meanings as those defined by regulations in the area of spatial planning, construction products, the performance of land surveying activities and mining and other regulations.
(2) Izrazi, uporabljeni v tem zakonu, katerih pomen ni določen v prejšnjem odstavku, imajo enak pomen, kot ga določajo predpisi s področja urejanja prostora, gradbenih proizvodov, opravljanja geodetskih dejavnosti in rudarstva ter drugi predpisi.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
Individuals that in accordance with this act fulfil the conditions for responsible project designers in construction and other project design, responsible auditors, responsible works managers and responsible supervisors, individuals that in accordance with land surveying regulations fulfil the conditions for responsible land surveyors in the provision of land surveying services and, if so stipulated by law, other engineers may associate together within the IZS.
(2) V IZS se lahko združujejo posamezniki, ki v skladu s tem zakonom izpolnjujejo pogoje za odgovorne projektante pri gradbenem in drugem projektiranju, odgovorne revidente, odgovorne vodje del in odgovorne nadzornike, posamezniki, ki v skladu z geodetskimi predpisi izpolnjujejo pogoje za odgovorne geodete pri opravljanju geodetskih storitev in drugi inženirji, če tako določa zakon.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
3. An authorised engineer shall facilitate the formulation and auditing of plans for whose formulation the individual holds a suitable professional qualification, works management, supervision during the construction of works, the provision of land surveying services pursuant to the provisions of the land surveying activities act and the provision of engineering services for which the authorised engineer has in accordance with the provisions of Article 135 of this act passed a professional examination or a supplementary professional examination.
3. pooblaščenega inženirja omogoča izdelavo in revidiranje tiste vrste načrtov, za katerih izdelavo ima posameznik ustrezno strokovno izobrazbo, vodenje del, opravljanje nadzora pri graditvi objektov, opravljanje geodetskih storitev po določbah zakona o geodetski dejavnosti ter opravljanje tistih inženirskih storitev, za katere ima pooblaščeni inženir v skladu z določbami 135. člena tega zakona opravljen strokovni izpit oziroma dopolnilni strokovni izpit.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-80
It is not easy to provide the indispensable and adequate expert, geological, geo-mechanical, geomorphologic, land surveying, hydro-geological, hydrological, energy, environmental, environmental protection, and sociological bases for projecting small hydroelectric power plants. As a result, the elaboration of the project documentation and the construction of small hydroelectric power plants are delayed.
Težko je pridobiti nujno potrebne ustrezna strokovna, geološka, geomehanska, geomorfološka, geodetska, hidrogeološka, hidrološka, energetska, ekološka, naravovarstvena in sociološka izhodišča za projektiranje malih hidroelektrarn, zato prihaja do zamud pri izdelavi projektne dokumentacije.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
29. I t fails to commission the project for entry in official records from a land surveying company by the prescribed deadline, or fails in the case of construction for the market to ensure the works is entered in the cadastral register, and also in the register of buildings in the case of a building or in the register of public infraworks in the case of a works of public infraworks (first paragraph of Article 105)
29. če v predpisanem roku pri geodetskem podjetju ne naroči projekta za vpis v uradne evidence, v primeru gradnje za trg pa tudi ne poskrbi za vpis objekta v zemljiški kataster, v primeru stavbe v kataster stavb in v primeru objekta gospodarske javne infrastrukture tudi v kataster gospodarske javne infrastrukture (prvi odstavek 105. člena);
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
(1) Within fifteen days of the permit of use becoming final, the investor must commission the project for entry in official records from the project designer or a land surveying company, and in the case of construction for the market must ensure the works is entered in the cadastral register immediately after receiving such project, and also in the register of buildings in the case of a building. In the case of a works of public infraworks, the investor must also ensure that the works is entered in the register of public infraworks within fifteen days of the permit of use becoming final.
(1) Najpozneje v 15 dnevih po dnevu pravnomočnosti uporabnega dovoljenja mora investitor pri projektantu oziroma geodetskem podjetju naročiti projekt za vpis v uradne evidence, v primeru gradnje za trg pa takoj po prevzemu takšnega projekta tudi poskrbeti za vpis objekta v zemljiški kataster oziroma v primeru stavbe tudi v kataster stavb. V primeru objekta gospodarske javne infrastrukture mora investitor najpozneje v 15 dneh po dnevu pravnomočnosti uporabnega dovoljenja tudi poskrbeti, da se takšen objekt vpiše v kataster gospodarske javne infrastrukture.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
If a works specified in the third paragraph of Article 1 of this act was constructed without a building permit in order to prevent a natural or other disaster or to diminish the consequences thereof, it may only remain a permanent works after the circumstances for which it was constructed have ceased if after the aforementioned circumstances cease the investor or owner of the works lodges a request for the issue of a permit of use with the relevant construction body, appending the land surveying plan of the new situation of the land and appropriate evidence of the fulfilment of the essential requirements to the request, and acquires a permit of use.
(1) Če je bil objekt iz tretjega odstavka 1. člena tega zakona zgrajen brez gradbenega dovoljenja zaradi preprečitve naravne oziroma druge nesreče oziroma zato, da so se z njegovo pomočjo zmanjšale njene posledice, lahko ostane kot stalen objekt tudi po tem, ko so prenehale okoliščine, zaradi katerih je bil zgrajen, vendar samo, če njegov investitor oziroma lastnik po prenehanju navedenih okoliščin pri pristojnem gradbenem organu vloži zahtevo za izdajo uporabnega dovoljenja, tej zahtevi pa priloži geodetski načrt novega stanja zemljišča in ustrezno dokazilo o izpolnjevanju bistvenih zahtev in uporabno dovoljenje tudi pridobi.
15 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0437
Includes aerial work flights, i.e. specialised commercial aviation operations which are performed by aircraft chiefly engaged in agriculture, construction, photography and surveying, as well as pilot training, business/executive flying and all other non-commercial flights.
Sem sodijo dela v zraku, to so posebne komercialne letalske operacije z zrakoplovi, udeleženimi v kmetijstvu, gradbeništvu, fotografiranju in nadzorovanju, pa tudi za usposabljanje pilotov, poslovno/zasebno letenje in vsi drugi nekomercialni leti.
Prevodi: en > sl
construction surveying