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consumers' association
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 25
(3) Consumer organisations registered at the Office may join to form an association of consumer organisations for the purposes of actively supporting and promoting the interests of consumer organisations at the national and international level.
(3) Potrošniške organizacije, registrirane pri uradu, se lahko povezujejo v zvezo potrošniških organizacij z namenom aktivno podpirati in krepiti interese potrošniških organizacij na državnem in mednarodnem nivoju.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 25
(1) The Office shall have an expert council comprising representative of the relevant interested administrative bodies, consumer organisations, business chambers and associations, and authoritative experts in the field of consumer protection.
(1) Pri uradu je strokovni svet, ki ga sestavljajo predstavniki zainteresiranih pristojnih upravnih organov, organizacij potrošnikov, podjetniških zbornic in združenj ter ugledni strokovnjaki s področja varstva potrošnikov.
3 Objavljeno
DRUGO: KOM(2005) 637 končno
In particular, responses are expected from economic operators on issues within their specific area of interest (e. g. advertising and marketing, labelling…), patient associations and health and consumer protection NGOs.
Odgovori se pričakujejo zlasti od gospodarskih subjektov o zadevah znotraj njihovih specifičnih področij v interesu (npr. oglaševanje in trženje, označevanje…), združenja bolnikov in NVO za varovanje zdravja in potrošnikov.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-111
The Association Committee shall by decision lay down the practical conditions under which the homonymous designations in question are to be differentiated from each other, taking into account the need to treat the producers concerned fairly and to avoid misleading the consumer.
Pridružitveni odbor s sklepom določi praktične pogoje, pod katerimi je treba med seboj razlikovati take enakozvočne označbe, ob upoštevanju, da je treba zadevne proizvajalce pošteno obravnavati in preprečiti zavajanje potrošnikov.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-111
To the extent that the relevant legislation of the Parties allows, the benefit of the protection afforded by this Agreement shall cover natural and legal persons and federations, associations and organisations of producers, traders and consumers whose head offices are located in the territory of the other Party.
Če to dovoljuje ustrezna zakonodaja pogodbenic, so do zaščite, ki jo zagotavlja ta sporazum, upravičene fizične in pravne osebe, zveze, združenja in organizacije proizvajalcev, trgovcev in potrošnikov, katerih sedeži so na ozemlju druge pogodbenice.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-111
The Association Committee shall by decision lay down the practical conditions of use to enable a distinction to be drawn between the homonymous indications or expressions referred to in paragraphs 5 and 6, bearing in mind the need to treat the producers concerned fairly and to ensure that consumers are not misled.
Pridružitveni odbor s sklepom določi praktične pogoje uporabe, s katerimi omogoči razlikovanje med enakozvočnimi označbami ali izrazi iz petega in šestega odstavka, ob upoštevanju, da je treba zadevne proizvajalce pošteno obravnavati in preprečiti zavajanje potrošnikov.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-111
In so far as the relevant legislation of the Contracting Parties permits, the benefit of the protection afforded by this Agreement shall extend to natural and legal persons, federations, associations and organisations of producers, traders or consumers whose head offices are located in the territory of the other Contracting Party.
Če to dovoljuje ustrezna zakonodaja pogodbenic, so do zaščite, ki jo zagotavlja ta sporazum, upravičene tudi fizične in pravne osebe, zveze, združenja in organizacije proizvajalcev, trgovcev ali potrošnikov, katerih sedeži so na ozemlju druge pogodbenice.
8 Končna redakcija
- Contacts with consumer associations.
Odnosi z združenji potrošnikov.
9 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0802
for consumer associations, where the proposed concentration concerns products or services used by final consumers.
pri združenjih potrošnikov, kadar predvidena koncentracija zadeva izdelke ali storitve, namenjene končnim porabnikom.
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0115
They may be fixed by national or regional authorities, the International Organisation for Biological Control, producer associations, distributors or consumers, etc.
Lahko jih določijo nacionalni ali regionalni organi, mednarodna organizacija za biološki nadzor, združenja proizvajalcev, veletrgovcev ali potrošnikov itd.
11 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0773
Consumer associations that apply to be heard should generally be regarded as having a sufficient interest, where the proceedings concern products or services used by the end-consumer or products or services that constitute a direct input into such products or services.
Združenja potrošnikov, ki zaprosijo za zaslišanje, se na splošno obravnavajo, kot da imajo ustrezen interes, kadar postopek zadeva izdelke ali storitve, ki so namenjeni končnemu uporabniku, ali izdelke ali storitve, ki predstavljajo neposredni vložek v takšne izdelke ali storitve.
12 Končna redakcija
Yet we must be cautious here. The eu has been preparing a document - indeed it is still in the stage of a non-paper document - which was initiated owing to the lobbying of the association of consumers.
Toda pozor: v zadnjem času nastaja v Evropski uniji dokument, ki je sicer šele na ravni tako imenovanega non paper dokumenta, ki pa je nastal zaradi lobiranja zvez potrošnikov.
13 Končna redakcija
This takes into account several non-economic activities of organisations such as trade unions, political parties, churches and religious societies, consumer associations, learned societies, charities as well as relief and aid organisations.
Sem sodi več negospodarskih dejavnosti, ki jih izvajajo organizacije, kot so sindikati, politične stranke, cerkve in religiozne skupnosti, združenja potrošnikov, akademska in strokovna združenja, dobrodelne ustanove ter organizacije za zaščito, reševanje in pomoč.
14 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0437
One party argued that the absence of a reaction from its side representing the interests of consumer associations should not be interpreted as a lack of interest, and even more be used to conclude that the impact on consumers of any anti-dumping measures will be limited.
Ena stranka je dokazovala, da se njeno neodzivanje kot predstavnika interesov združenj potrošnikov ne bi smelo razlagati kot pomanjkanje zanimanja, zlasti pa ne kot povod za sklep, da bo vpliv protidampinških ukrepov na potrošnike omejen.
15 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0625
local (including municipal) authorities, non-governmental organisations, organisations of indigenous peoples, local traders' associations and local citizens' groups, cooperatives, trade unions, economic and social actors organisations, local organisations (including networks) which are active in the area of regional decentralised cooperation and integration, consumer organisations, women's and youth organisations, teaching, cultural, research and scientific organisations, universities, churches and religious associations or communities, media and any non-governmental associations and independent foundations likely to contribute to development.
lokalni (vključno z občinskimi) organi, nevladne organizacije, organizacije avtohtonih prebivalcev, lokalna trgovska združenja in lokalne skupine državljanov, zadruge, sindikati, gospodarske in socialne organizacije, lokalne organizacije (vključno z mrežami), ki delujejo na področju regionalnega decentraliziranega sodelovanja in povezovanja, zveze potrošnikov, ženske in mladinske organizacije, izobraževalne, kulturne, znanstvene in raziskovalne institucije, univerze, cerkve in verska združenja ali skupnosti, mediji in vse nevladne organizacije in neodvisne ustanove, ki lahko prispevajo k razvoju.
16 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0960
Four suppliers replied to the questionnaire and the consumers association sent a submission.
Štirje proizvajalci so odgovorili na vprašalnik, združenje potrošnikov pa je poslalo stališče.
17 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0094
Contacts with consumer associations.
Odnosi z združenji potrošnikov.
18 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0976
It should be mentioned that the product concerned is not sold at retail level and that no consumers' association made themselves known and participated in this investigation.
Treba je navesti, da se zadevni izdelek ne prodaja na drobno in da se ni oglasilo nobeno združenje potrošnikov in sodelovalo v tej preiskavi.
19 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0977
It should be mentioned that the product concerned is not sold at retail level and that no consumers' association made themselves known and participated to this investigation.
Treba je navesti, da se zadevni izdelek ne prodaja na drobno in da se ni oglasilo nobeno združenje potrošnikov in sodelovalo v tej preiskavi.
20 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0960
The Government of India, the sole exporting producer in India during the IP, as well as the complainant and other Community producers, importers, consumers association and suppliers, made their views known in writing.
Indijska vlada, edini proizvajalec-izvoznik v Indiji v obdobju preiskave, ter pritožnik in drugi proizvajalci, uvozniki, združenja potrošnikov in dobavitelji iz Skupnosti so pisno izrazili svoja stališča.
21 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0960
Questionnaires were sent to the five applicant Community producers, 18 other companies known as producers in the Community, one consumers association and nine companies belonging to the upstream industry (`suppliers` ).
Vprašalniki so bili poslani petim proizvajalcem Skupnosti, ki so vložili pritožbo, 18 drugim družbam, ki so znane kot proizvajalci v Skupnosti, enemu združenju potrošnikov ter devetim družbam, ki pripadajo industriji, ki je v proizvodni verigi pred to industrijo ("dobavitelji").
22 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001D0822
encouraging the development of private consumer associations and contacts between consumer-interest representatives;
spodbujanjem ustanavljanja združenj zasebnih potrošnikov in stikov med predstavniki potrošniških interesov;
23 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0497
The specialised press and consumer associations are also directly involved as opinion multipliers.
Specializirani tisk in zveze potrošnikov so prav tako neposredno vključeni v širjenje mnenj
24 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0397
Increase consumers` and producers` awareness of the new regulations and promote the role of consumer associations in developing and implementing consumer policy.
Povečati ozaveščenost potrošnikov in proizvajalcev o novih predpisih in spodbujati vlogo združenj potrošnikov pri razvoju in izvajanju potrošniške politike.
25 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0709
4. The members of the Group representing national consumer organisations shall inform and consult the associations they are representing on the Group.
4. Člani Skupine, ki predstavljajo nacionalne potrošniške organizacije, obveščajo in se posvetujejo z združenji, ki jih v Skupini predstavljajo.
26 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1470
One importer claimed that national users' and consumers' associations should have been contacted by the Commission in order to evaluate the Community interest in the measures.
Nek uvoznik je trdil, da bi se morala Komisija obrniti na nacionalna združenja uporabnikov in potrošnikov z namenom oceniti interes Skupnosti za ukrepe.
27 Pravna redakcija
Organizations that participate in the Direct Marketing Association's Mail Preference Service should promote its availability to consumers who do not wish to receive commercial information.
Organizacije, ki sodelujejo v Direct Marketing Association's Mail Preference Service, bi morale na razpoložljivost teh storitev opozarjati tiste potrošnike, ki ne želijo prejemati trgovskih informacij.
28 Pravna redakcija
subscriptions, contributions and dues paid by households to NPISHs, like trade unions, professional societies, consumers' associations, churches and social, cultural, recreational and sports clubs;
članarin, prispevkov in obveznosti, ki jih gospodinjstva plačujejo nepridobitnim institucijam, ki opravljajo storitve za gospodinjstva, kot so sindikati, poklicna združenja, združenja potrošnikov, cerkve ter družbeni, kulturni, rekreacijski in športni klubi;
29 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1524
The Commission did not receive comments concerning this review from Community consumers' associations, indicating that there is no real concern about the impact of the continued imposition of anti-dumping measures.
Komisija od društev potrošnikov Skupnosti ni prejela pripomb v zvezi s pregledom, kar kaže, da niso resno zaskrbljeni zaradi učinkov nadaljevanja protidampinških ukrepov.
30 Pravna redakcija
It shall include representatives of operators, manufacturers and managers of networks and infrastructures, transport users and energy consumers, trade unions, environmental protection and safety associations and the academic world.
Vanj se vključijo predstavniki dobaviteljev, proizvajalcev in upravljavcev omrežij in infrastruktur, uporabnikov prometa in porabnikov energije, sindikatov, okoljevarstvenih in varnostnih združenj ter akademskega sveta.
31 Pravna redakcija
Whereas consultations with consumer associations, the European Blind Union and representatives of the vending machines industry have been carried out to take into account the specific requirements of important categories of coin users;
ker so bila zato, da bi upoštevali posebne zahteve pomembnih kategorij uporabnikov kovancev, opravljena posvetovanja z združenji potrošnikov, Evropsko zvezo slepih in predstavniki industrije prodajnih avtomatov;
32 Pravna redakcija
trade unions, professional or learned societies, consumers' associations, political parties, churches or religious societies (including those financed but not controlled by governments), and social, cultural, recreational and sports clubs;
sindikati, strokovna in znanstvena združenja, združenja potrošnikov, politične stranke, cerkvene in verske skupnosti (vključno s tistimi, ki jih država financira, vendar ne nadzira) ter družabni, kulturni, rekreacijski in športni klubi;
33 Pravna redakcija
In so far as the relevant legislation of the Parties permits, the protection afforded by this Annex shall extend to natural and legal persons, federations, associations and organisations of producers, traders and consumers whose head offices are located in the territory of the other Party.
Če ustrezna zakonodaja pogodbenic to dopušča, se zaščita, ki jo dodeljuje ta priloga, razširi na fizične in pravne osebe, zveze, združenja in organizacije proizvajalcev, trgovcev in potrošnikov, ki imajo svoj sedež na ozemlju druge pogodbenice.
34 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1531
The Commission officially informed the complainant Community producers, other known Community producers, exporting producers, importers and their associations, the European Office of Consumers (BEUC) and the representatives of the exporting countries about the initiation of the investigations.
Komisija je proizvajalce Skupnosti, ki so se pritožili, ter druge znane proizvajalce Skupnosti, proizvajalce izvoznike, uvoznike in njihova združenja, Evropski urad za potrošnike (BEUC) in predstavnike držav izvoznic uradno obvestila o začetku preiskav.
35 Pravna redakcija
The Stabilisation and Association Committee may determine by way of decision the practical conditions under which the homonymous designations in question are to be differentiated from each other, taking into account the need to treat the producers concerned fairly and to avoid misleading the consumer.
Stabilizacijsko-pridružitveni odbor lahko z odločbo določi praktične pogoje, pod katerimi se zadevne enakozvočne označbe med seboj ločujejo, ob upoštevanju potrebe po enakovrednem obravnavanju zadevnih proizvajalcev in preprečevanju zavajanja potrošnika.
36 Pravna redakcija
To the extent that the relevant legislation of the Parties allows, the benefit of the protection afforded by this Annex shall cover natural and legal persons and federations, associations and organisations of producers, traders and consumers whose head offices are located in the territory of the other Party.
Če zadevna zakonodaja pogodbenic to dopušča, zaščita, ki jo dodeljuje ta priloga, obsega fizične in pravne osebe, zveze, združenja in organizacije proizvajalcev, trgovcev in potrošnikov, ki imajo svoj sedež na ozemlju druge pogodbenice.
37 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0020
The financial contributions for action 18 may be awarded to any legal person or association of legal persons, including appropriate independent public bodies and regional consumer organisations, that acts independently of industry and commerce and is actually responsible for the implementation of the projects.
Finančni prispevki za ukrep 18 se lahko dodelijo vsaki pravni osebi ali združenju pravnih oseb, vključno z ustreznimi neodvisnimi javnimi organi in regionalnimi potrošniškimi organizacijami, ki delujejo neodvisno od industrije in trgovine in so dejansko odgovorne za izvajanje projektov.
38 Pravna redakcija
To the extent that the relevant legislation of each Party so allows, the benefit of protection granted by this Agreement shall be extended to legal and natural persons, corporate bodies and federations, associations and organisations of producers, traders and consumers whose headquarters are located in the other Party.
Če zadevna zakonodaja vsake pogodbenice to dovoljuje, se ugodnosti zaščite, ki jo dodeljuje ta sporazum, razširijo na pravne in fizične osebe, podjetja, federacije, zveze in organizacije proizvajalcev, trgovcev in potrošnikov, katerih sedež je na ozemlju druge pogodbenice.
39 Pravna redakcija
To the extent that the relevant legislation of each Party so allows, the benefit of protection granted by this Agreement shall be extended to natural and legal persons, corporate bodies and federations, associations and organisations of producers, traders and consumers whose headquarters are located in the other Party.
Če zadevna zakonodaja vsake pogodbenice to dovoljuje, se ugodnosti zaščite, ki jo dodeljuje ta sporazum, razširijo na fizične in pravne osebe, podjetja, federacije, zveze in organizacije proizvajalcev, trgovcev in potrošnikov, katerih sedež je na ozemlju druge pogodbenice.
40 Pravna redakcija
Insofar as the relevant legislation of the Contracting Parties permits, the benefit of the protection afforded by this Agreement shall extend to natural and legal persons, federations, associations and organisations of producers, traders or consumers whose head offices are located in the territory of the other Contracting Party.
V kolikor to dovoljuje ustrezna zakonodaja pogodbenic, zaščita na podlagi tega sporazuma velja tudi za fizične in pravne osebe, zveze, združenja in organizacije proizvajalcev, trgovcev in potrošnikov s sedežem na ozemlju druge pogodbenice.
41 Pravna redakcija
The Stabilisation and Association Committee may determine by way of decision the practical conditions of use to enable a distinction to be drawn between the homonymous indications or expressions referred to in paragraphs 5 and 6, bearing in mind the need to treat the producers concerned fairly and to ensure that consumers are not misled.
Stabilizacijsko-pridružitveni odbor lahko z odločbo določi praktične pogoje uporabe, ki omogočajo razlikovanje med enakozvočnimi označbami oziroma izrazi, na katere se nanašata odstavka 5 in 6, pri čemer upošteva enakovredno obravnavanje proizvajalcev in prepreči zavajanje potrošnikov.
42 Pravna redakcija
Member States shall, where appropriate, in cooperation with, amongst others, industrial associations, consumer organisations, environmental organisations, trade unions and local institutions, in particular use professional publications, local journals, promotion campaigns or any other functional means to promote general awareness of EMAS.
Države članice, kadar je primerno, med drugim v sodelovanju z industrijskimi združenji, potrošniškimi organizacijami, okoljskimi organizacijami, sindikati in lokalnimi institucijami, uporabijo predvsem strokovne publikacije, lokalne časopise, promocijske kampanje ali katera koli druga funkcionalna sredstva, da spodbujajo splošno ozaveščenost o sistemu EMAS.
43 Pravna redakcija
To the extent that the relevant legislation of each Contracting Party so allows, the benefit of the protection given by this Agreement shall be extended to natural and legal persons, bodies corporate and to federations, associations and organisations of producers, traders or consumers whose headquarters are in the other Contracting Party.
V kolikor zadevna zakonodaja vsake pogodbenice to dopušča, se korist zaščite, ki jo daje ta sporazum, razširi na fizične in pravne osebe, podjetja, federacije, zveze in organizacije proizvajalcev, trgovcev ali potrošnikov, katerih sedež je na ozemlju druge pogodbenice.
44 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004D0020
(13) The Agreement on the European Economic Area (hereinafter referred to as "the EEA Agreement") provides that the countries of the European Free Trade Association participating in the European Economic Area (hereinafter referred to as "EFTA/EEA countries") should, inter alia, strengthen and broaden cooperation within the framework of the Community's activities in the field of consumer protection.
(13) Sporazum o Evropskem gospodarskem prostoru (v nadaljevanju "Sporazum EGP") predvideva, da naj države Evropskega združenja za prosto trgovino (v nadaljevanju "države Efte/EGP") med drugim okrepijo in razširijo sodelovanje v okviru dejavnosti Skupnosti na področju varstva potrošnikov.
45 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0427
In order to provide a sound basis on which the authorities can take account of all views and information in the decision as to whether or not the imposition of measures is in the Community interest, the importers and their representative associations, representative users and representative consumer organisations may, within the time limits specified in the notice of initiation of the investigation, make themselves known and provide information to the Commission.
Da bi organi imeli trdno podlago, ki bi jim omogočala upoštevanje vseh mnenj in informacij pri odločanju o tem, ali je uvedba ukrepov v interesu Skupnosti ali ne, se lahko uvozniki in njihova reprezentativna združenja, reprezentativni uporabniki in reprezentativne potrošniške organizacije v roku, določenem v obvestilu o začetku preiskave, oglasijo in predložijo informacije Komisiji.
46 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2026
In order to provide a sound basis on which the authorities can take account of all views and information in the decision as to whether or not the imposition of measures is in the Community interest, the complainants, importers and their representative associations, representative users and representative consumer organizations may, within the time limits specified in the notice of initiation of the countervailing duty investigation, make themselves known and provide information to the Commission.
Da se zagotovi trdna podlaga, na kateri lahko organi upoštevajo vsa stališča in informacije pri odločitvi, ali je uvedba ukrepov v interesu Skupnosti ali ne, se pritožniki, uvozniki in njihova reprezentativna združenja, reprezentativne organizacije uporabnikov in reprezentativne organizacije potrošnikov v rokih iz obvestila o začetku preiskave o izravnalni dajatvi lahko sami javijo in predložijo informacije Komisiji.
47 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2026
The complainants, the government of the country of origin and/or export, importers and exporters and their representative associations, users and consumer organizations, which have made themselves known in accordance with Article 10 (14), may, upon written request, inspect all information made available to the Commission by any party to an investigation, as distinct from internal documents prepared by the authorities of the Community or its Member States, which is relevant to the presentation of their cases and is not confidential within the meaning of Article 29, and that it is used in the investigation.
Pritožniki, vlada države porekla in/ali izvoza, uvozniki, izvozniki in njihova reprezentativna združenja, uporabniki ter potrošniške organizacije, ki so se sami javili v skladu s členom 10(14), lahko na pisno zahtevo pregledajo vse informacije, ki so jih dale Komisiji na voljo stranke v preiskavi, v nasprotju z notranjo dokumentacijo, ki jo pripravijo organi Skupnosti ali njene države članice, če so informacije pomembne za predstavitev njihovega primera, če niso zaupne v smislu člena 29 in če se uporabijo v preiskavi.
48 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2097
consumers and associations thereof,
potrošniki in njihova združenja,
Prevodi: en > sl
consumers' association