Iskalni niz je ali predolg ali pa vsebuje preveč besed.
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1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
1. the more precise content of the register referred to in this Article, in relation to type of licence, ratings, approvals and certificates of aviation and other professional personnel and more precise procedures in relation to keeping registers referred to in this Article, 2. a more exact content and conditions and procedures in relation to keeping records referred to in this Article, in particular in relation to professional qualifications of personnel, premises, technical equipment and organisation.
natančnejšo vsebino registrov iz tega člena, glede na vrsto licence, ratinga, potrdila, spričevala letalskega in drugega strokovnega osebja ter natančnejše postopke glede vodenja registrov iz tega člena, 2. natančnejšo vsebino ter pogoje in postopke glede vodenja evidence iz tega člena, zlasti glede strokovne usposobljenosti osebja, prostorov, tehnične opremljenosti in organiziranosti.
2 Končna redakcija
Those media that aim to attain high circulation or ratings without violent content would need to mobilize creativity and imagination in journalistic reporting and invest considerable effort, that is to say, methods that go beyond cheap but effective recipes.
Doseči visoko naklado ali gledanost brez nasilne vsebine pomeni namreč vpreči v novinarsko snovanje domišljijo, napor in ustvarjalnost onkraj cenenih, a učinkovitih receptov
3 Končna redakcija
On and off they tried to introduce information contents and panel debates; they engaged the popular Slovene host of entertainment shows Stojan Auer and than replaced him, faced a number of financial difficulties, many last-minute rescues, but they never achieved any significant rating or advertising share.
Uvajali so informativni program pa ga ukinjali, nato vrnili nekaj televizijskih pogovorov, k sodelovanju povabili zvezdnika zabavnih oddaj Stojana Auerja, ga zamenjali, imeli niz finančnih težav in reševanj v zadnjem trenutku, medtem ko niso nikoli dosegli pomembnejše gledanosti ali deleža oglaševanja.
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content rating