Iskalni niz je ali predolg ali pa vsebuje preveč besed.
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controlling relationship
1 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 127
(2) The chairman and members of the committee may not be in a business relationship with candidates, their representatives, members of boards, supervisory boards, founders, partners or shareholders with a controlling interest or persons with the power of attorney, or in any other way associated by interest, directly related or indirectly related to the fourth degree, in a marital relationship or affinity by marriage to the second degree inclusive, even where such marital relationship has terminated, or live with a candidate in a relationship resembling marriage or in a registered same-sex partnership.
(2) Predsednik in člani komisije ne smejo biti s kandidatom, njegovim zastopnikom, članom uprave, nadzornega sveta, ustanoviteljem, družbenikom ali delničarjem s kontrolnim deležem ali pooblaščencem v poslovnem razmerju ali kako drugače interesno povezani, v sorodstvenem razmerju v ravni vrsti ali v stranski vrsti do vštetega četrtega kolena, v zakonski zvezi ali svaštvu do vštetega drugega kolena, četudi je zakonska zveza že prenehala, ali živeti z njim v zunajzakonski skupnosti ali pa v registrirani istospolni partnerski skupnosti.
2 Končna redakcija
(5) Controlling pursuant to this Act shall be the relationship between a controlled company and a controlling company, or a similar relationship between any natural person and legal entity.
(5) Obvladovanje po tem zakonu je razmerje med odvisno in obvladujočo družbo oziroma temu razmerju podobno razmerje med katerokoli fizično in pravno osebo.
3 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
(5) Under the present law control is the relationship between a dependent and controlling company, or a relationship similar to such a relationship between any legal and natural persons.
(5) Obvladovanje po tem zakonu je razmerje med odvisno in obvladujočo družbo oziroma temu razmerju podobno razmerje med katerokoli fizično in pravno osebo.
4 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
(2) Notwithstanding the provision of the first paragraph of this article, a bank's exposure to a person that is in its relationship to the bank an indirect or direct controlling company, or that the bank indirectly or directly controls, or to a person that is indirectly or directly controlled by the same person as the bank, may not exceed the level of 20 per cent of the bank's own funds.
(2) Ne glede na določbo prvega odstavka tega člena izpostavljenost banke do osebe, ki je v razmerju do banke posredno ali neposredno obvladujoča družba oziroma, ki jo banka posredno ali neposredno obvladuje, oziroma do osebe, ki jo posredno ali neposredno obvladuje ista oseba kot banko, ne sme presegati višine 20% kapitala banke.
5 Pravna redakcija
Ownership or supervision of legal entities by the same public body shall not in itself give rise to a controlling relationship between them.
Lastništvo ali nadzor pravnih oseb s strani iste javne organizacije sam po sebi ne pomeni nadzornega odnosa med njima.
6 Pravna redakcija
Two legal entities shall be independent of one another for the purposes of this Regulation where there is no controlling relationship between them.
Pravni osebi sta neodvisni druga od druge za namene te uredbe, kadar med njima ni nadzornega odnosa.
7 Pravna redakcija
A controlling relationship shall exist where one legal entity directly or indirectly controls the other or one legal entity is under the same direct or indirect control as the other.
Nadzorniški odnos obstaja, kadar ena pravna oseba neposredno ali posredno nadzira drugo ali je ena pravna oseba pod istim neposrednim ali posrednim nadzorom kot druga.
8 Pravna redakcija
Direct or indirect holding of more than 50 % of the nominal value of the issued share capital in a legal entity or of a majority of voting rights of the shareholders or associates of the said entity by public investment corporations, institutional investors or venture-capital companies and funds shall not in itself constitute a controlling relationship.
Neposreden ali posreden delež več kot 50 % nazivne vrednosti izdanega delniškega kapitala v pravni osebi ali večine glasovalnih pravic delničarjev ali družbenikov navedene pravne osebe s strani javnih investicijskih korporacij, institucionalnih investitorjev ali družb rizičnega kapitala in sredstev sam po sebi ne pomeni nadzornega odnosa.
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controlling relationship