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correspondent account
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
To take account of developments in technology the word "correspondence" has been replaced by "communications".
Zaradi upoštevanja tehnološkega razvoja je bila beseda »dopisovanje« zamenjana z »komunikacijami«.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-22
Moreover, States Parties may consider requiring their financial institutions to refuse to enter into or continue a correspondent banking relationship with such institutions and to guard against establishing relations with foreign financial institutions that permit their accounts to be used by banks that have no physical presence and that are not affiliated with a regulated financial group.
Poleg tega lahko države pogodbenice preučijo možnost, da bi od svojih finančnih ustanov zahtevale, da zavrnejo sklenitev ali nadaljevanje korespondenčnega bančnega razmerja s takimi ustanovami in da se varujejo pred sklepanjem razmerij s tujimi finančnimi ustanovami, ki dovoljujejo, da njihove račune uporabljajo banke, ki niso dejansko prisotne in niso povezane z zakonsko nadzorovano finančno skupino.
3 Pravna redakcija
Correspondent accounts with non-domestic euro area credit institutions.
Korespondenčni računi pri tujih kreditnih institucijah evro območja.
4 Pravna redakcija
Correspondence between the headings of the structure surveys and the farm return of the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN)
Skladnost med poglavji raziskovanj o strukturi kmetijskih gospodarstev in podatkov iz Mreže knjigovodskih podatkov s kmetijskih gospodarstev (FADN)
5 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
Payments through correspondents are often executed through reciprocal accounts (socalled nostro and loro accounts), to which standing credit lines may be attached.
Plačila prek korespondenčnih institucij se pogosto izvajajo prek recipročnih računov (tako imenovani nostro in loro računi), ki so jim lahko dodani okvirni krediti.
6 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
- In a pooling system, the counterparty is at any time able to provide the correspondent central bank with securities for the account of the home central bank.
- v sistemu, ki uporablja košarico finančnega premoženja za zavarovanje terjatev, lahko nasprotna stranka v vsakem trenutku zagotovi korespondenčni centralni banki vrednostne papirje za račun matične centralne banke.
7 Pravna redakcija
(a) Net liabilities arising from balances of TARGET accounts and correspondent accounts of NCBs i.e. the net figure of claims and liabilities (see also asset item 'Other claims within the Eurosystem (net)')
(a) Neto obveznosti, ki izhajajo iz stanj na računihov TARGET in ustreznihkorespondečnih računihov NCB, t.j. neto zneseki terjatev in obveznosti (glej tudi postavko sredstev 'Druge terjatve znotraj Evrosistema (neto)')
8 Pravna redakcija
(a) Net claims arising from balances of TARGET accounts and correspondent accounts of NCBs i.e. the net figure of claims and liabilities (see also liability item 'Other liabilities within the Eurosystem (net)')
a) Neto terjatve, ki izhajajo iz stanj na računih TARGET in ustreznih računih NCB, t.j. neto znesek terjatev in obveznosti (glej tudi postavko 'Druge obveznosti znotraj Evrosistema (neto)')
9 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
Furthermore, the counterparty must ensure that the collateral in question is delivered to the account of the correspondent central bank at 4.45 p.m. ECB time (CET) at the latest.
Poleg tega mora nasprotna stranka zagotoviti, da se zadevno zavarovanje dostavi na račun korespondenčne centralne banke najkasneje do 16.45 ure po času ECB (srednjeevropski čas).
10 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
Counterparties without a safe custody account with a National Central Bank or a securities settlement account with an SSS fulfilling the ECB's minimum standards may settle the transactions of underlying assets through the securities settlement account or the safe custody account of a correspondent credit institution.
Nasprotne stranke brez skrbniških računov pri nacionalni centralni banki ali brez poravnalnih računov za vrednostne papirje pri SSS, ki izpolnjujejo minimalne standarde ECB, lahko poravnajo transakcije s finančnim premoženjem za zavarovanje terjatev prek poravnalnega računa za vrednostne papirje ali skrbniškega računa korespondenčne kreditne institucije.
11 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
Where necessary to meet settlement deadlines, counterparties may be able to pre-deposit assets with correspondent central banks for the account of their home central bank using the CCBM procedures;
Ko je to potrebno zaradi izpolnitve roka za poravnavo, lahko nasprotne stranke v naprej deponirajo finančno premoženje pri korespondenčnih centralnih bankah za račun njihove matične centralne banke z uporabo postopkov CCBM,
12 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1185
For the purpose of controlling the application of paragraph 4, the theoretical correspondence between weights of fins and bodies shall be established by Member States, taking into account the type of fishery, the species composition and the type of processing and storage.
Za nadzor uporabe odstavka 4 države članice določijo teoretično razmerje med maso plavuti in teles, pri čemer upoštevajo tip ribolova, vrstno sestavo ter način predelave in skladiščenja.
13 Pravna redakcija
regionalni razvoj
(b) Exceptionally, correspondence from one Party which is only accessible to specific competent officials, organs or services of that Party may, for operational reasons, be addressed and only be accessible to specific competent officials, organs or services of the other Party specifically designated as recipients, taking into account their competencies and according to the need to know principle.
(b) Izjemoma se korespondenca ene od pogodbenic, ki je dostopna samo nekaterim pristojnim uradnikom, organom ali službam te pogodbenice, iz operativnih razlogov lahko naslovi in je dostopna samo nekaterim pristojnim uradnikom, organom ali službam druge pogodbenice, ki so posebej določeni kot prejemniki, ob upoštevanju njihovih pristojnosti in v skladu z načelom potrebe védenja.
14 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0099
Whereas this fact has been taken into account by attaching a table of correspondence in Annex II to Directive 98/46/EC;
ker se je to dejstvo upoštevalo ob priložitvi tabele ujemanja k Prilogi II k Direktivi 98/46/ES;
15 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0725
Correspondence between the headings of the structure surveys and the farm return of the farm accountancy data network (FADN)
Ustreznost med poglavji iz strukturnih popisov in poročil iz mreže računovodskih podatkov s kmetijskih gospodarstev (FADN)
16 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985D0377
Correspondence between the headings of the 1985 and 1987 structure surveys and the farm return of the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN)
Ustreznost med poglavji strukturnih raziskav v letih 1985 in 1987 in podatki iz kmetij iz Mreže knjigovodskih podatkov s kmetijskih gospodarstev (FADN)
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1386
for an adequate number of accounting records, the correspondence of those records with supporting documents held by intermediate bodies, and the implementing body;
pri ustreznem številu računovodskih evidenc ujemanje s spremljajočo dokumentacijo, ki jo hranijo posredniška telesa in organ izvajanja;
18 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R0438
for an adequate number of accounting records, the correspondence of those records with supporting documents held by intermediate bodies, final beneficiaries, and the bodies or firms carrying out the operations;
ustrezno število računovodskih evidenc, ujemanja teh evidenc s spremljevalnimi listinami, ki jih hranijo posredniška telesa, končni upravičenci ali organi ali podjetja, ki izvajajo aktivnosti;
19 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31989R4045
For the purposes of this Regulation ´commercial documents' means all books, registers, vouchers and supporting documents, accounts and correspondence relating to the undertaking's business activity, as well as commercial data, insofar as these documents relate directly or indirectly to the transactions referred to in paragraph 1.
V tej uredbi pomenijo "trgovinski dokumenti" vse knjige, registre, knjigovodske listine in spremne dokumente, račune in dopise, ki se nanašajo na poslovno dejavnost podjetja, in trgovinske podatke, če se ti dokumenti neposredno ali posredno nanašajo na transakcije iz odstavka 1.
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0307
for an adequate number of accounting records, the correspondence of those records with the supporting documents kept by the intermediary organisations to which the responsible authority has delegated certain responsibilities for implementation, the recipients of grants and, where appropriate, the other organisations or firms involved in project implementation;
pri ustreznem številu računovodskih zapisov ustreznost teh zapisov glede na spremne listine, ki jih hranijo posredniške organizacije, na katere je odgovorni organ prenesel nekatere odgovornosti za izvajanje, prejemniki nepovratnih sredstev in, kjer je primerno, druge organizacije ali podjetja, ki so vključeni v izvajanje projekta;
21 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R3094
For the purposes of this Regulation "commercial documents" shall mean all books, registers, vouchers and supporting documents, accounts, production and quality records, and correspondence relating to the undertaking's business activity, as well as commercial data, in whatever form they may take, including electronically stored data, in so far as these documents or data relate directly or indirectly to the transactions referred to in paragraph 1.`;
V tej uredbi trgovinski dokumenti pomenijo vse knjige, registre, knjigovodske listine in dodatno dokumentacijo, knjigovodstvo, evidence o proizvodnji in kakovosti ter korespondenco, ki se nanaša na poslovno dejavnost podjetja, in poslovne podatke v kakršnikoli obliki, vključno z elektronsko shranjenimi podatki, če se ti dokumenti ali podatki neposredno ali posredno nanašajo na transakcije iz odstavka 1.";
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correspondent account