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cost insurance freight price
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0435
average import price in the Community, as reported in the Eurostat statistics adjusted for ocean freight and insurance costs, and the normal value as established for Indonesia in recital 32.
povprečna uvozna cena v Skupnosti, kot je sporočena v Eurostatovih statističnih podatkih, prilagojena za stroške čezmorskega prevoza in stroške zavarovanja, ter normalno vrednostjo kot je bila določena za Indonezijo v uvodni izjavi 32.
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0435
In order to calculate the residual definitive dumping margin, and since the cooperating company only exported one product type, the average import price into the Community for Indonesia, as reported in the Eurostat statistics, adjusted for ocean freight and insurance costs was compared to the normal value, as established for the cooperating exporting producer, adjusted for freight and packing costs.
Za izračun preostale dokončne dumpinške marže in ker je sodelujoča gospodarska družba izvozila samo eno vrsto izdelka, se je povprečna uvozna cena v Skupnost za Indonezijo, kakor je navedeno v Eurostatovih statističnih podatkih, prilagojena za stroške čezmorskega prevoza in stroške zavarovanja, primerjala z normalno vrednostjo, kakor je bila določena za sodelujočega proizvajalca – izvoznika, prilagojeno za prevozne stroške in stroške pakiranja.
3 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0658
The appropriate adjustments were made, therefore, to the cif export price in respect of the costs for transport from ex-works to port, port services, insurance and freight costs.
Zato so bile opravljene ustrezne prilagoditve CIF izvoznih cen v zvezi s stroški za prevoz iz tovarne do pristanišča, pristaniškimi storitvami, stroški zavarovanja in prevoza.
4 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0408
The definitive weighted average dumping margins expressed as a percentage of the cif (cost, insurance, freight) Community price duty unpaid for the product produced by the following manufacturers are:
Dokončne tehtane povprečne stopnje dampinga, izražene v odstotku cene CIF (stroški, zavarovanje in prevoznina) meja Skupnosti, dajatev neplačana, dosegajo za izdelek, ki so ga proizvedli v nadaljevanju navedeni proizvajalci, naslednje vrednosti:
5 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1603
All costs actually incurred between importation and resale, such as freight from the Community border, handling, insurance, packaging, credit expenses, import duties, SGA costs and a 5 % profit margin were therefore deducted from the resale prices.
Vsi stroški, dejansko nastali med uvozom in nadaljnjo prodajo, kakor so prevoz od meje Skupnosti, skladiščenje, zavarovanje, pakiranje, stroški kreditov, uvozne dajatve, stroški prodaje, splošni in upravni stroški in 5 % stopnje dobička, so bili tako odšteti od cen pri nadaljnji prodaji.
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R1011
These prices were brought to a fob basis by deducting ocean freight and insurance cost.
Z odbitkom stroškov za oceanski prevoz in zavarovanje so se dobile cene na podlagi FOB.
7 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1306
either to the fob price of the products in their country of origin plus the costs in insurance and freight up to the borders of the Community customs territory, where that price and those costs are known at the time the customs declaration is made.
bodisi FOB ceni proizvodov v državi njihovega porekla, ki se ji prištejejo še stroški zavarovanja in prevoza do meja carinskega ozemlja Skupnosti, kadar so ta cena in ti stroški znani v času carinske deklaracije.
8 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0435
average import price in the Community, as reported in the Eurostat statistics adjusted for ocean freight and insurance costs, and the normal value as established for Indonesia in recital 32.
povprečna uvozna cena v Skupnosti, kot je sporočena v Eurostatovih statističnih podatkih, prilagojena za stroške čezmorskega prevoza in stroške zavarovanja, ter normalno vrednostjo kot je bila določena za Indonezijo v uvodni izjavi 32.
9 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1006
As far as the export price is concerned and where available, the actual freight, insurance and other costs were deducted to arrive at fob level, otherwise a percentage corresponding to the latter deductions was taken.
Kar zadeva izvozno ceno, in kjer je razpoložljivo, so bili odbiti dejanski stroški prevoznine in zavarovanja ter drugi stroški, da bi dosegli raven FOB, sicer pa odstotek, ki ustreza kasnejšim odbitkom.
10 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R3223
either to the fob price of the products in their country of origin plus the costs of insurance and freight up to the borders of the Community customs territory, where that price and those costs are known at the time the declaration of release of the products for free circulation is made.
ali fob ceni proizvodov v njihovi državi porekla, plus stroški zavarovanja in prevoza do meje carinskega območja Skupnosti, kjer so ob času deklaracije o sprostitvi proizvodov v prost promet ta cena in ti stroški znani.
11 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0435
In order to calculate the residual definitive dumping margin, and since the cooperating company only exported one product type, the average import price into the Community for Indonesia, as reported in the Eurostat statistics, adjusted for ocean freight and insurance costs was compared to the normal value, as established for the cooperating exporting producer, adjusted for freight and packing costs.
Za izračun preostale dokončne dumpinške marže in ker je sodelujoča gospodarska družba izvozila samo eno vrsto izdelka, se je povprečna uvozna cena v Skupnost za Indonezijo, kakor je navedeno v Eurostatovih statističnih podatkih, prilagojena za stroške čezmorskega prevoza in stroške zavarovanja, primerjala z normalno vrednostjo, kakor je bila določena za sodelujočega proizvajalca - izvoznika, prilagojeno za prevozne stroške in stroške pakiranja.
12 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R3223
Whereas the entry price on the basis of which imported products are classified in the Common Customs Tariff must be equal to either the fob price of the products in question, plus the costs of insurance and freight to the frontier of the customs territory of the Community, the customs value referred to in Article 30 (2) (c) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 of 12 October 1992 establishing the Community Customs Code (5) or the standard import value;
ker mora biti vhodna cena, na podlagi katere so uvoženi proizvodi uvrščeni v skupno carinsko tarifo, enaka bodisi fob ceni teh proizvodov, skupaj s stroški zavarovanja in prevoza do meje carinskega območja Skupnosti, carinski vrednosti iz člena 30(2)(c) Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 2913/92 z dne 12. oktobra 1992 o carinskem zakoniku Skupnosti [5], ali standardni uvozni vrednosti;
13 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1306
whereas the said mechanism may involve only the tariff classification of the products concerned on the basis either of the fob price of the products, plus the costs of insurance and freight up to the borders of the Community customs territory, or of the customs value referred to in Article 30 (2) (c) of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 of 12 October 1992 establishing the Community Customs Code (5), as amended by the Act of Accession of Austria, Finland and Sweden;
ker lahko omenjeni mehanizem vključuje samo tarifno uvrščanje zadevnih proizvodov bodisi na podlagi FOB cene proizvodov, ki se ji prištejejo še stroški zavarovanja in prevoza do meja carinskega ozemlja Skupnosti, bodisi na podlagi carinske vrednosti iz člena 30(2)(c) Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 2913/92 z dne 12. oktobra 1992 o carinskem zakoniku Skupnosti5, kakor je bila spremenjena z Aktom o pristopu Avstrije, Finske in Švedske;
14 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990R3882
Member States shall, on the 15th day of each month, notify the Commission, for each non-member country of origin, of the "free at frontier offer price" or the "cost, insurance freight (cif) value" and the quantity imported of live animals and sheepmeat recorded during the calendar month preceding the date of such notification and falling within CN codes 0104 10 90, 0204 10 00, 0204 22 10, 0204 22 30, 0204 22 50, 0204 22 90, 0204 23 00, 0204 30 00, 0204 42 10, 0204 42 30, 0204 42 50, 0204 42 90, 0204 43 00.
Države članice za vsako državo porekla, ki ni članica, vsak 15. dan v mesecu uradno obvestijo Komisijo o "ponudbenih cenah franko meja" ali "stroških, zavarovanju in prevoznini (cif)" ter o v preteklem koledarskem mesecu zabeleženi količini uvoženih živih živali in ovčjega mesa pod oznakami KN 0104 10 90, 0204 10 00, 0204 22 10, 0204 22 30, 0204 22 50, 0204 22 90, 0204 23 00, 0204 30 00, 0204 42 10, 0204 42 30, 0204 42 50, 0204 42 90, 0204 43 00.
15 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R3890
Member States shall, on the 15th day of each month, notify the Commission, for each non-member country of origin, of the "free at frontier offer price" or the "cost, insurance freight (cif) value" and the quantity imported of live animals and sheepmeat recorded during the calendar month preceding the date of such notification and falling within CN codes 0104 10 30, 0104 10 80, 0204 10 00, 0204 22 10, 0204 22 30, 0204 22 50, 0204 22 90, 0204 23 00, 0204 30 00, 0204 42 10, 0204 42 30, 0204 42 50, 0204 42 90, 0204 43 10.'
Države članice 15. dne vsakega meseca obvestijo Komisijo za vsako državo porekla nečlanico o ponudbeni ceni franko meja ali o stroških, zavarovanju in prevoznini (cif) ter o količini uvoženih živih živali in ovčjega mesa, zabeleženih v koledarskem mesecu pred datumom takega obvestila, pod oznakami KN 0104 10 30, 0104 10 80, 0204 10 00, 0204 22 10, 0204 22 30, 0204 22 50, 0204 22 90, 0204 23 00, 0204 30 00, 0204 42 10, 0204 42 30, 0204 42 50, 0204 42 90, 0204 43 10."
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cost insurance freight price