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cost-benefit assessment
1 Pravna redakcija
budgets, cost-effectiveness assessment, cost-benefit assessment,
proračuni, ocena stroškovne učinkovitosti, ocena stroškov in koristi,
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0050
An overall assessment of the estimated costs and benefits of the implementation of the TSIs shall be attached to the draft TSI;
Osnutku TSI se priloži celovita ocena predvidenih stroškov in koristi izvedbe TSI;
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0552
An assessment of the costs and benefits of those solutions for all stakeholders concerned shall be attached to each draft implementing rule for interoperability.
Ocena stroškov in koristi teh rešitev za vse zadevne udeležence se priloži vsakemu osnutku izvedbenega pravila glede interoperabilnosti.
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0030
3.2. Assessment of the cost/effectiveness or cost/benefit of the introduction of specific measures, taking account of the socio-economic effects of the measures on the users of the airport: operators (passenger and freight);
Ocenjevanje razmerij stroški/učinkovitost ali stroški/koristi pri uvedbi posebnih ukrepov, ob upoštevanju socialno-ekonomskega vpliva ukrepov na uporabnike letališč: letalske operatorje (potnikov in tovora),
5 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0035
In the light of that report, and of an extended impact assessment, including a cost-benefit analysis, the Commission shall, if appropriate, submit proposals for a system of harmonised mandatory financial security.
Glede na poročilo in na razširjeno oceno vplivov, med drugim analizo stroškov in koristi, Komisija, če je to ustrezno, da predloge za uvedbo sistema usklajenega obveznega finančnega jamstva.
6 Končna redakcija
This includes assessment of the noise impact at an airport and evaluation of the measures available to alleviate that impact, and selection of the appropriate mitigation measures with the goal of achieving the maximum environmental benefit most cost effectively.
Sem sodi presoja vplivov hrupa na letališču in ocena možnih ukrepov za ublažitev teh vplivov, izbira ustreznih ukrepov za zmanjšanje hrupa s ciljem doseči koristi za okolje najbolj stroškovno učinkovito.
7 Pravna redakcija
An overall assessment of the estimated costs and benefits of the implementation of the TSIs shall be attached to the draft TSI;
Osnutku TSI se priloži celovita ocena predvidenih stroškov in koristi izvedbe TSI;
8 Pravna redakcija
a cost-benefit analysis, including financial costs and benefits, a risk assessment and information on the economic viability of the project;
analizo stroškov in koristi, vključno s finančnimi stroški in koristmi, oceno tveganja in informacijo o ekonomski upravičenosti projekta;
9 Pravna redakcija
the assessment of the effectiveness of the various forms of Community financing, the coordination of the various financial instruments and the assessment of the cost-benefit ratio in the implementation of the policies financed by the European Union;
oceno učinkovitosti različnih oblik financiranja Skupnosti, usklajevanje različnih finančnih instrumentov in oceno razmerja med stroški in koristmi pri izvajanju politik, ki jih financira Evropska unija;
10 Pravna redakcija
In particular, the Committee may, at the request of a Member State, require that alternative solutions be examined and that the assessment of the cost and benefits of these alternative solutions be set out in the report annexed to the draft TSI.
Zlasti lahko odbor na prošnjo države članice zahteva preučitev alternativnih rešitev ter navedbo ocene stroškov in koristi teh alternativnih rešitev v poročilu, ki je priloženo osnutku TSI.
11 Pravna redakcija
The assessment also noted that 'it is increasingly clear that damages to the environment have costs to society as a whole and, conversely, that environmental action can generate benefits in the form of economic growth, employment and competitiveness' and that 'the effective application of the "polluter pays" principle and the full internalisation of environmental costs onto polluters remains a critical process' (21).
Ocena je tudi pokazala, da "postaja vedno bolj jasno, da škoda, povzročena okolju, predstavlja stroške za družbo v celoti, in nasprotno, da okoljski ukrepi lahko koristijo gospodarski rasti, zaposlovanju in konkurenčnosti" ter da "učinkovita uporaba načela 'onesnaževalec plača' in popolna internalizacija stroškov za onesnaževalce ostajata kritičen proces ". fn
12 Pravna redakcija
In line with the need to ascertain whether efficiencies will lead to a net benefit to consumers, cost efficiencies that lead to reductions in variable or marginal costs fn are more likely to be relevant to the assessment of efficiencies than reductions in fixed costs; the former are, in principle, more likely to result in lower prices for consumers fn.
V skladu s potrebo po ugotavljanju, ali bo povečanje učinkovitosti prineslo čisto korist za potrošnike, je stroškovna učinkovitost, ki vodi v zmanjšanje spremenljivih ali mejnih stroškov fn, verjetno ustreznejša za presojo učinkovitosti kakor zmanjšanje fiksnih stroškov, ker je večja verjetnost, da vodijo v nižje cene za potrošnike fn.
13 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1267
an assessment will be made in the light of a cost-benefit analysis;
ocena se opravi z vidika analize stroškov in koristi;
14 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994R1164
an assessment shall be made in the light of a cost-benefit analysis,
presoja se opravi glede na analizo stroškov in koristi,
15 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001L0081
The reports shall include an economic assessment, including cost-effectiveness, benefits, an assessment of marginal costs and benefits and the socioeconomic impact of the implementation of the national emission ceilings on particular Member States and sectors.
Poročila vsebujejo ekonomsko oceno, skupaj z gospodarnostjo, koristmi, oceno dodatnih stroškov in koristi ter družbenogospodarskim vplivom pri upoštevanju nacionalnih zgornjih mej emisij na posamezne države članice in sektorje.
16 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0552
An assessment of the costs and benefits of those solutions for all stakeholders concerned shall be attached to each draft implementing rule for interoperability.
Ocena stroškov in koristi teh rešitev za vse zadevne udeležence se priloži vsakemu osnutku izvedbenega pravila glede interoperabilnosti.
17 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0030
Assessment of the cost/effectiveness or cost/benefit of the introduction of specific measures, taking account of the socio-economic effects of the measures on the users of the airport: operators (passenger and freight);
Ocenjevanje razmerij stroški/učinkovitost ali stroški/koristi pri uvedbi posebnih ukrepov, ob upoštevanju socialno-ekonomskega vpliva ukrepov na uporabnike letališč: letalske operatorje (potnikov in tovora),
18 Prevajalska redakcija
Identification and assessment of measures such as fiscal or other market-based instruments, including tradable permits to take account of external, notably environmental, costs and benefits.
Opredelitev in ocenitev ukrepov, kot so davčni ali drugi tržni instrumenti, vključujoč tržljiva dovoljenja zaradi upoštevanja zunanjih, zlasti okoljskih stroškov in koristi.
19 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0048
To that end, the joint representative body shall attach to each draft TSI an assessment of the estimated costs and benefits of those technical solutions for all the economic operators and agents concerned.
V ta namen skupni predstavniški organ vsakemu osnutku TSI priloži presojo stroškov in koristi teh tehničnih rešitev za vse zainteresirane gospodarske subjekte in zastopnike.
20 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0035
In the light of that report, and of an extended impact assessment, including a cost-benefit analysis, the Commission shall, if appropriate, submit proposals for a system of harmonised mandatory financial security.
Glede na poročilo in na razširjeno oceno vplivov, med drugim analizo stroškov in koristi, Komisija, če je to ustrezno, da predloge za uvedbo sistema usklajenega obveznega finančnega jamstva.
21 Prevajalska redakcija
The assessment also noted that "it is increasingly clear that damages to the environment have costs to society as a whole and, conversely, that environmental action can generate benefits in the form of economic growth, employment and competitiveness" and that "the effective application of the 'polluter pays' principle and the full internalisation of environmental costs onto polluters remains a critical process"(21).
Ocena je tudi pokazala, da "postaja vedno bolj jasno, da škoda, povzročena okolju, predstavlja stroške za družbo v celoti, in nasprotno, da okoljski ukrepi lahko koristijo gospodarski rasti, zaposlovanju in konkurenčnosti" ter da "učinkovita uporaba načela onesnaževalec plača" in popolna internalizacija stroškov za onesnaževalce ostajata kritičen proces " [21]."
22 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0012
Recycling targets for each specific waste material should take account of life-cycle assessments and cost-benefit analysis, which have indicated clear differences both in the costs and in the benefits of recycling the various packaging materials, and should improve the coherence of the internal market for the recycling of these materials.
Pri ciljnih deležih recikliranja bi se za vsak posamezni odpadni material morali upoštevati ocena življenjskega cikla ter analiza stroškov in koristi, ki kažeta na jasno razliko v stroških in koristih recikliranja različnih embalažnih materialov, ter izboljšati skladnost notranjega trga glede recikliranja teh materialov.
23 Prevajalska redakcija
In line with the need to ascertain whether efficiencies will lead to a net benefit to consumers, cost efficiencies that lead to reductions in variable or marginal costs(106) are more likely to be relevant to the assessment of efficiencies than reductions in fixed costs; the former are, in principle, more likely to result in lower prices for consumers(107).
V skladu s potrebo po ugotavljanju, ali bo povečanje učinkovitosti prineslo čisto korist za potrošnike, je stroškovna učinkovitost, ki vodi v zmanjšanje spremenljivih ali mejnih stroškov [106], verjetno ustreznejša za presojo učinkovitosti kakor zmanjšanje fiksnih stroškov, ker je večja verjetnost, da vodi v nižje cene za potrošnike [107].
24 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0012
Not later than 31 December 2007, the European Parliament and the Council shall, acting by qualified majority and on a proposal from the Commission, fix targets for the third five-year phase 2009 until 2014, based on the practical experience gained in the Member States in pursuit of the targets laid down in paragraph 1 and the findings of scientific research and evaluation techniques such as life-cycle assessments and cost-benefit analysis.
Najkasneje 31. decembra 2007 Evropski parlament in Svet s kvalificirano večino in na predlog Komisije določita ciljne deleže za tretje petletno obdobje od 2009 do 2014 na podlagi praktičnih izkušenj, pridobljenih v državah članicah pri uresničevanju ciljnih deležev, določenih v odstavku 1, ter ugotovitev znanstvenega raziskovanja in metod vrednotenja, kakor sta ocena življenjskega cikla in analiza stroškov in koristi.
25 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002L0051
Under Article 5 of Directive 97/24/EC, the Commission is required to submit, to the European Parliament and the Council, within 24 months from the date of adoption of the Directive, a proposal prepared on the basis of research and an assessment of the costs and benefits deriving from the application of tightened-up limit values and laying down a subsequent stage during which measures will be adopted aimed at further tightening of the limit values for pollutants of the vehicles concerned.
V skladu s členom 5 Direktive 97/24/ES se od Komisije zahteva, da Evropskemu parlamentu in Svetu v 24 mesecih po sprejetju direktive predloži predlog, pripravljen na podlagi raziskave in ocene stroškov ter koristi, ki bi izhajale iz uporabe strožjih mejnih vrednosti, za določitev nadaljnje faze, v kateri bodo oblikovani ukrepi za nadaljnjo poostritev mejnih vrednosti za onesnaževala iz zadevnih vozil.
26 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0024
Within 24 months from the date of adoption of this Directive, the Commission shall submit to the European Parliament and to the Council a proposal prepared on the basis of research and an assessment of the costs and benefits deriving from the application of tightened-up limit values and laying down a subsequent stage during which measures will be adopted aimed at further tightening of the limit values for pollutants and the sound level of the vehicles concerned, as laid down respectively in Chapter 5, Annex II, Tables I and II and Chapter 9, Annex I.
Komisija v 24 mesecih od datuma sprejema te direktive predloži Evropskemu parlamentu in Svetu predlog, pripravljen na podlagi raziskave in ocene stroškov in koristi, ki izhajajo iz uveljavitve strožjih mejnih vrednosti, in ki določa naslednjo stopnjo, v kateri se sprejmejo ukrepi, namenjeni nadaljnji poostritvi mejnih vrednosti za škodljive snovi in raven hrupa zadevnih vozil, kot je določeno v poglavju 5, Prilogi II, tabelah I in II, in v poglavju 9, Prilogi I.
Prevodi: en > sl
cost-benefit assessment