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counterparty relationship
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0039
Systematic internalisers may refuse to enter into or discontinue business relationships with investors on the basis of commercial considerations such as the investor credit status, the counterparty risk and the final settlement of the transaction.
Sistematični internalizerji lahko na podlagi poslovnih vidikov, kot so kreditna sposobnost vlagatelja, tveganje pogodbene stranke in končna poravnava transakcije, zavrnejo vzpostavitev poslovnega odnosa z vlagatelji ali ga prekinejo.
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0039
It is not the intention of this Directive to require the application of pre-trade transparency rules to transactions carried out on an OTC basis, the characteristics of which include that they are ad-hoc and irregular and are carried out with wholesale counterparties and are part of a business relationship which is itself characterised by dealings above standard market size, and where the deals are carried out outside the systems usually used by the firm concerned for its business as a systematic internaliser.
Namen te direktive ni zahtevati uporabo pravil o preglednosti pred trgovanjem za transakcije, ki se opravljajo na prostem trgu, katerih značilnosti so tudi, da so priložnostne in neredne ter se izvajajo s pogodbenimi strankami, ki so trgovci na debelo, in so del poslovnega odnosa, za katerega samega so značilni posli nad standardnim tržnim obsegom, in pri katerih se posli opravljajo izven sistemov, ki jih zadevna družba navadno uporablja za svoje poslovanje kot sistematični internalizer.
3 Pravna redakcija
The request for counterpart information in the financial accounts, which shows the relationships from 'whom-to-whom' between sectors, is an important tool for monetary policy analysis.
Zahteva za podatke o protivrednostih v finančnih računih, ki kažejo razmerja "od koga za koga" med sektorji, bo zagotovila pomembno orodje za analizo monetarne politike.
4 Pravna redakcija
Except as required by law or regulation, the Counterparty agrees that it shall keep confidential, and under no circumstances disclose to a third party, any information or advice furnished by the ECB or any information concerning the ECB obtained by the Counterparty as a result of it being a party to the Agreement, including without limitation information regarding the existence or terms of the Agreement (including this annex) or the relationship between the Counterparty and the ECB created thereby, nor shall the Counterparty use the name of the ECB in any advertising or promotional material.
Razen če tako zahtevajo zakoni ali drugi predpisi, sodelujoča stranka soglaša, da bo obravnavala kot zaupne ter pod nobenim pogojem ne bo razkrila tretji osebi vse podatke ali nasvete, ki jih je posredovala ECB, ali kateri koli podatek o ECB, ki ga je sodelujoča stranka dobila zaradi tega, ker je podpisnik sporazuma, vključno z vsemi informacijami v zvezi z obstojem ali pogoji sporazuma (vključujoč to prilogo), ali o razmerju med sodelujočo stranko in ECB, ki je nastalo s sporazumom, prav tako pa ne bo uporabljala imena ECB v kakršnem koli oglaševanju ali promocijskem materialu.
5 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
The relevant contractual or regulatory arrangements applied by the NCB should ensure that, in the relationship between the NCB and Counterparties, appropriate and unambiguous rules relating to the use of forms (including the confirmation of terms of transactions), data carriers and means and specifics of communication will be in place.
Ustrezne pogodbene ali javnopravne ureditve, ki jih uporablja NCB, morajo zagotoviti, da bodo v odnosu med NCB in nasprotnimi strankami postavljena primerna in nedvoumna pravila o uporabi obrazcev (vključno s potrditvijo pogojev poslov), nosilcev podatkov in načinov ter modalitet komuniciranja.
6 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
The relevant contractual or regulatory arrangements applied by the NCB should provide that only the NCB and the identified Counterparty have rights and obligations arising under the transaction (but allowing for the relationships between NCBs (and/or the ECB) arising out of the cross-border use of eligible assets and also as necessary for operations effected with counterparties acting through a networking institution).
Ustrezne pogodbene ali javnopravne ureditve, ki jih uporablja NCB, morajo zagotoviti, da imata samo NCB in nasprotna stranka pravice in obveznosti iz transakcije (vendar ob dopuščanju rezmerij med nacionalnimi centralnimi bankami (in/ali ECB), ki izhajajo iz uporabe ustreznega finančnega premoženja prek meje in po potrebi tudi za operacije, opravljene z nasprotnimi strankami, ki delujejo prek v mreži povezane institucije).
7 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993L0006
clearing member shall mean a member of the exchange or the clearing house which has a direct contractual relationship with the central counterparty (market guarantor);
klirinški član pomeni člana borze ali klirinške družbe, ki je v neposrednem pogodbenem odnosu z osrednjo nasprotno stranko (tržni garant);
8 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002D2367
The request for counterpart information in the financial accounts, which shows the relationships from "whom-to-whom" between sectors, is an important tool for monetary policy analysis.
Zahteva za podatke o protivrednostih v finančnih računih, ki kažejo razmerja "od koga za koga" med sektorji, bo zagotovila pomembno orodje za analizo monetarne politike.
9 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0039
Systematic internalisers may refuse to enter into or discontinue business relationships with investors on the basis of commercial considerations such as the investor credit status, the counterparty risk and the final settlement of the transaction.
Sistematični internalizerji lahko na podlagi poslovnih vidikov, kot so kreditna sposobnost vlagatelja, tveganje pogodbene stranke in končna poravnava transakcije, zavrnejo vzpostavitev poslovnega odnosa z vlagatelji ali ga prekinejo.
10 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R2423
The compilation of monetary statistics covering the participating Member States and the data needed for the calculation of the reserve base of credit institutions subject to the ESCB's minimum reserve system necessitates certain cross-relationships being made in the balance sheet between instrument/maturity/currency and counterparties and, in addition, for loans to households, a further breakdown by purpose.
Sestavljanje denarne statistike, za območje sodelujočih držav članic, in podatkov, potrebnih za izračun osnove za obvezne rezerve kreditnih institucij v skladu s sistemom obveznih rezerv ESCB, zahteva nekatere navzkrižne zveze v bilanci stanja med instrumenti/zapadlostjo/valutami in protisektorji ter nadaljnjo razčlenitev posojil gospodinjstvom po namenu.
11 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0039
It is not the intention of this Directive to require the application of pre-trade transparency rules to transactions carried out on an OTC basis, the characteristics of which include that they are ad-hoc and irregular and are carried out with wholesale counterparties and are part of a business relationship which is itself characterised by dealings above standard market size, and where the deals are carried out outside the systems usually used by the firm concerned for its business as a systematic internaliser.
Namen te direktive ni zahtevati uporabo pravil o preglednosti pred trgovanjem za transakcije, ki se opravljajo na prostem trgu, katerih značilnosti so tudi, da so priložnostne in neredne ter se izvajajo s pogodbenimi strankami, ki so trgovci na debelo, in so del poslovnega odnosa, za katerega samega so značilni posli nad standardnim tržnim obsegom, in pri katerih se posli opravljajo izven sistemov, ki jih zadevna družba navadno uporablja za svoje poslovanje kot sistematični internalizer.
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counterparty relationship