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court stamp
1 Pravna redakcija
The competent authorities of the Member States shall communicate to the Commission, by the end of each month at the latest, the statistics relating to the quantities of pasta products, by tariff subheading, specifying the quantities which qualify for an export refund and the quantities which do not qualify for an export refund, in respect of which certificates have been stamped in the course of the previous month by the customs offices where the export declarations were accepted, at the following address:
Pristojni organi držav članic sporočijo Komisiji najkasneje do konca vsakega meseca statistične podatke o količinah testenin po tarifnih podštevilkah - pri čemer ločeno navedejo količine, ki so upravičene do izvoznega nadomestila in količine, ki niso upravičene do izvoznega nadomestila - za katere so potrdila tekom prejšnjega meseca žigosali carinski uradi, ki so sprejeli izvozne deklaracije, na naslednji naslov:
2 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31981D0109
Whereas, in the course of applying the abovementioned Decision, it has become apparent that the same should be amended as regards the prescribed information to be printed or stamped on packages when samples are taken;
ker je pri uporabi zgoraj navedene odločbe postalo očitno, da bi jo bilo treba spremeniti, kar zadeva predpisane podatke, ki se natisnejo ali odtisnejo na embalažo pri vzorčenju;
3 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0067
The provisions of Article 7 shall be without prejudice to Member States' right to organise the siting of letter boxes on the public highway, the issue of postage stamps and the registered mail service used in the course of judicial or administrative procedures in accordance with their national legislation.
Določbe člena 7 ne posegajo v pravico držav članic organizirati namestitev poštnih nabiralnikov na glavnih javnih cestah, izdajanje poštnih znamk in storitve priporočenih pošiljk, ki se uporabljajo v sodnih ali upravnih postopkih, v skladu z njihovo nacionalno zakonodajo.
4 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31988D0493
Whereas, in the course of applying Decision 87/309/EEC, it has become apparent that that Decision should be amended so that its provisions as regards the required information which must be printed or stamped on packages when samples are taken are the same as those laid down by Decision 80/755/EEC for cereal seed;
ker je pri uporabi Odločbe 87/309/EGS postalo očitno, da jo je treba spremeniti, tako da bodo njene določbe v zvezi s predpisanimi podatki, ki jih je treba natisniti ali odtisniti na embalažo ob odvzemu vzorcev, enake tistim, predpisanim z Odločbo 80/755/EGS za seme žit;
5 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0067
whereas, for the same reasons, they are entitled to appoint the entity or entities responsible for issuing postage stamps identifying the country of origin and those responsible for providing the registered mail service used in the course of judicial or administrative procedures in accordance with their national legislation;
ker so zaradi enakih razlogov upravičene imenovati subjekt ali subjekte, odgovorne za izdajanje poštnih znamk z oznako države izdajateljice, in tiste, odgovorne za opravljanje storitve priporočenih pošiljk, ki se uporabljajo v sodnih ali administrativnih postopkih v skladu z njihovo nacionalno zakonodajo;
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31987R2723
The competent authorities of the Member States shall communicate to the Commission, by the end of each month at the latest, the statistics relating to the quantities of pasta products, by tariff subheading, in respect of which certificates have been stamped in the course of the previous month by the customs offices where the export declarations where accepted, at the following address:
Pristojni organi držav članic sporočijo Komisiji najpozneje do konca vsakega meseca statistične podatke o količinah testenin po tarifnih podštevilkah, za katere so potrdila tekom prejšnjega meseca potrdili s pečatom carinski uradi, ki so sprejeli izvozne deklaracije, na naslednji naslov:
7 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1054
'Article 6 The competent authorities of the Member States shall communicate to the Commission, by the end of each month at the latest, the statistics relating to the quantities of pasta products, by tariff subheading, specifying the quantities which qualify for an export refund and the quantities which do not qualify for an export refund, in respect of which certificates have been stamped in the course of the previous month by the customs offices where the export declarations were accepted, at the following address:
"Člen 6 Pristojni organi držav članic sporočijo Komisiji najkasneje do konca vsakega meseca statistične podatke o količinah testenin po tarifnih podštevilkah - pri čemer ločeno navedejo količine, ki so upravičene do izvoznega nadomestila, in količine, ki niso upravičene do izvoznega nadomestila - za katere so potrdila tekom prejšnjega meseca žigosali carinski uradi, ki so sprejeli izvozne deklaracije, na naslednji naslov:
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court stamp