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cover out of the budget
1 Pravna redakcija
Appropriations to cover the expenditure incurred in connection with the activities set out in Articles 2 and 3 shall be included in the general budget of the European Communities (section 'Commission').
Potrebna sredstva za pokritje izdatkov, ki nastanejo v povezavi z dejavnostmi, določenimi v členih 2 in 3, se zagotovi v splošnem proračunu Evropskih skupnosti (oddelek "Komisija").
2 Pravna redakcija
For integrated projects and the other instruments, except for those covered by points (a) and (b) and indirect actions covered by Article 9(2)(b), it shall take the form of a grant to the budget, calculated as a percentage of the budget established by the participants to carry out the indirect action, adapted according to the type of activity and taking into account the cost model used by the participant concerned.
Za integrirane projekte in druge instrumente, razen tiste iz točk (a) in (b) ter posredne aktivnosti iz člena 9(2)(b), so v obliki nepovratnih sredstev k proračunu, izračunanih kot odstotek proračuna, določenega s strani udeležencev za izvedbo posredne aktivnosti, spremenjenega v skladu s tipom aktivnosti in upoštevajoč vzorec stroškov, ki ga uporablja zadevni udeleženec.
3 Pravna redakcija
Switzerland's financial contribution deriving from participation in the implementation of the Sixth EC and Euratom Framework Programmes shall be established in proportion to and in addition to the amount available each year in the general budget of the European Union for commitment appropriations to meet the Commission's financial obligations stemming from work to be carried out in the forms necessary for the implementation, management and operation of the programmes and activities covered by this Agreement.
Švicarski finančni prispevek, ki izhaja iz sodelovanja pri izvajanju šestih okvirnih programov ES in Euratoma, se določi, sorazmerno in poleg zneska, ki je vsako leto na voljo v splošnem proračunu Evropske unije, za namensko porazdelitev sredstev za izpolnjevanje finančnih obveznosti Komisije, ki izhajajo iz dela, ki ga je treba opraviti v oblikah, potrebnih za izvajanje, vodenje in delovanje programov in dejavnosti, ki jih vključuje ta sporazum.
4 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0479
This Decision should set out all the conditions of employment of SNEs and seconded military staff and be applicable regardless of the origin of the budgetary appropriations used to cover the expenditure.
S tem sklepom naj se določijo vsi pogoji zaposlovanja DDI in dodeljenih vojaških uslužbencev ne glede na izvor odobrenih proračunskih sredstev, porabljenih za kritje stroškov.
5 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1150
The Commission shall draw on the sums credited to the accounts referred to in Article 9(1) to the extent necessary to cover its cash resource requirements arising out of the implementation of the budget.
Komisija črpa zneske, knjižene v dobro računov iz člena 9(1), v potrebni višini za zadovoljevanje potreb po denarnih sredstvih, ki nastanejo pri izvrševanju proračuna.
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R2322
for integrated projects and the other instruments, except for those covered by points (a) and (b) and indirect actions covered by Article 9(2)(b), it shall take the form of a grant to the budget, calculated as a percentage of the budget established by the participants to carry out the indirect action, adapted according to the type of activity and taking into account the cost model used by the participant concerned.
za integrirane projekte in druge instrumente, razen za tiste iz točk (a) in (b) ter posredne ukrepe iz člena 9(2)(b), obsega obliko subvencije k proračunu, izračunane kot odstotek proračuna, ki so ga pripravili udeleženci za izvedbo posrednega ukrepa, prilagojene v skladu z vrsto dejavnosti in ob upoštevanju stroškovnega modela, ki ga je zadevni udeleženec uporabil.
7 Prevajalska redakcija
Pending the conclusion of a special arrangement agreed to by all Contracting Parties for this purpose, the financial administration of operations carried out under the present Convention shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the Partial Agreement Budget in the social field relating to the activities covered by resolution (59) 23 referred to in the Preamble to the present Convention.
Do sklenitve posebnega dogovora, ki ga v ta namen sklenejo vse pogodbenice, se finančno vodenje poslovanja, ki se izvaja po tej konvenciji, opravlja v skladu z določbami proračuna delnega dogovora na socialnem področju, ki se nanaša na dejavnosti, ki jih zajema resolucija (59)23, omenjena v preambuli te konvencije.
8 Prevajalska redakcija
This appropriation covers: — the employment of interim staff, particularly telephone operators, clerical and secretarial staff, — the cost of provisional staff required to allow the flexibility in adapting to ad hoc needs, — reproduction and typing which is sent out because it cannot be handled by the Agency, — the cost of computer typesetting for explanatory and supporting documents for the Agency 's own requirements and for submission to the budgetary authority, — the grant payable under the work experience training for children of staff members.
Iz teh sredstev se krijejo: — zaposlovanje začasno zaposlenega osebja osebja, zlasti telefonistov, administrativnega in tajniškega osebja; — stroški za začasno zaposleno osebje, s katerim se pokrivajo ad hoc potrebe; — fotokopiranje in tipkanje, ki se odda zunanjim sodelavcem, ker ju Agencija ne zmore; — stroški računalniške stave obrazložitvenih in podpornih dokumentov za potrebe Agencije in za predložitev proračunskemu organu; — dotacija, ki se izplača otrokom članov osebja na podlagi usposabljanja za pridobivanje delovnih izkušenj.
9 Prevod
CELEX: 32002R2342
an annex, forming an integral part of the budget, shall set out all the lines covering the Community activities in which the EFTA States participate.
priloga, ki je sestavni del proračuna, določa postavke, ki pokrivajo dejavnosti Skupnosti, v katerih sodelujejo države EFTA.
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cover out of the budget