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credit item
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-126
h) Fighting against altering and forgery of banknotes, credit cards, securities and other valuable items.
h) boj proti spreminjanju in ponarejanju bankovcev, kreditnih kartic, vrednostnih papirjev in drugih vrednih predmetov,
2 Objavljeno
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CELEX: 32002L0087
each of the following items which the credit institution holds in respect of the entities defined in point (15) in which it holds a participation:
vsaka izmed naslednjih postavk, ki jih ima kreditna institucija v odnosu do oseb iz točke (15), v katerih je udeležena:
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-129
b) Subject to the provisions of German tax law regarding credit for foreign tax, there shall be allowed as a credit against German tax on income payable in respect of the following items of income the Slovenian tax paid under the laws of the Republic of Slovenia and in accordance with this Agreement:
b) Ob upoštevanju določb nemškega davčnega prava o odbitku tujega davka se dovoli kot odbitek od nemškega davka slovenski davek, plačan po zakonodaji Republike Slovenije in v skladu s tem sporazumom, od dohodka, ki se plača za te dele dohodka:
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CELEX: 32002L0087
As an alternative to the deduction of the items referred to in points 15 and 16, Member States may allow their credit institutions to apply mutatis mutandis methods 1, 2, or 3 of Annex I to Directive 2002/87/EC.
Kot alternativo odbitku postavk iz točk 15 in 16 lahko države članice svojim kreditnim institucijam dovolijo, da smiselno uporabijo metode 1, 2 ali 3 iz Priloge I k Direktivi 2002/87/ES.
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CELEX: 32002L0087
holdings in other credit and financial institutions of up to 10 % of their capital, the subordinated claims and the instruments referred to in Article 35 and Article 36(3) which a credit institution holds in respect of credit and financial institutions other than those referred to in points 12 and 13 of this subparagraph in respect of the amount of the total of such holdings, subordinated claims and instruments which exceed 10 % of that credit institution's own funds calculated before the deduction of items in points 12 to 16 of this subparagraph;
deleži v drugih kreditnih in finančnih institucijah do višine 10 % njihovega kapitala, podrejeni dolg in instrumenti iz člena 35 in člena 36(3), ki jih ima kreditna institucija do kreditne in finančne institucije, ki niso navedene v točkah 12 in 13 tega pododstavka, kadar skupna vsota teh deležev, podrejenega dolga in instrumentov presega 10 % lastnih virov te kreditne institucije, izračunano pred odbitkom postavk iz točk 12 do 16 tega pododstavka;
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-129
a) Unless foreign tax credit is to be allowed under sub-paragraph b), there shall be exempted from the assessment basis of the German tax any item of income arising in the Republic of Slovenia and any item of capital situated within the Republic of Slovenia which, according to this Agreement, may be taxed in the Republic of Slovenia.
a) Razen če se ne dovoli odbitek tujega davka na podlagi pododstavka b), se iz osnove za odmero nemškega davka izvzamejo vsi deli dohodka, ki nastanejo v Republiki Sloveniji, in sestavine premoženja v Republiki Sloveniji, ki se v skladu s tem sporazumom lahko obdavčijo v Republiki Sloveniji.
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CELEX: 32002L0087
Member States may provide that for the calculation of own funds on a stand-alone basis, credit institutions subject to supervision on a consolidated basis in accordance with Chapter 3 or to supplementary supervision in accordance with Directive 2002/87/EC, need not deduct the items referred to in points 12 to 16 which are held in credit institutions, financial institutions, insurance or reinsurance undertakings or insurance holding companies, which are included in the scope of consolidated or supplementary supervision.
Države članice lahko zagotovijo, da pri izračunavanju lastnih virov na soloosnovi kreditnim institucijam, ki so predmet konsolidiranega nadzora skladno s poglavjem 3 ali dopolnilnega nadzora skladno z Direktivo 2002/87/ES, ni treba odbiti postavk iz točk 12 do 16, ki jih imajo v kreditnih institucijah, finančnih institucijah, zavarovalnicah ali pozavarovalnicah ali zavarovalnih holdingih, ki so vključene v konsolidirani ali dopolnilni nadzor.
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-129
bb) if after proper consultation the Federal Republic of Germany notifies to the Republic of Slovenia through diplomatic channels of other items of income to which it intends to apply the provisions of sub-paragraph b. Double Taxation is then avoided for the notified income by allowing a tax credit from the first day of the calendar year next following that in which the notification was made.
bb) če po primernem posvetovanju Zvezna republika Nemčija uradno obvesti Republiko Slovenijo po diplomatski poti o drugih delih dohodka, za katere nameravajo uporabljati določbe pododstavka b). Dvojnemu obdavčevanju za uradno sporočeni dohodek se izogne tako, da se dovoli odbitek davka od prvega dneva koledarskega leta, ki sledi letu, v katerem je bilo dano uradno obvestilo.
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 90-2008
This indebtedness shall be reconciled and settled in accordance with the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 931 dated December 29, 2001 ` On the Settlement of the Trade Indebtedness of the Former USSR to Foreign Trade Creditors` (Collected legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002,? 1, item 49) through conversion of such indebtedness into Russian Federation US dollar denominated bonds issued in accordance with the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 478 dated June 23, 2000 ` On the Settlement of the Indebtedness of the Former USSR to Foreign Commercial Banks and Financial Institutions United in the London Club of Creditors` (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000,? 28, Item 2976) provided that the debt satisfies the criteria set forth in the Declaration of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 1, 1994 ` On the Conversion of the Trade Indebtedness of the former USSR to Foreign Creditors` and the criteria determined in Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 931 dated December 29, 2001.
Ta dolg se uskladi in poravna v skladu s Sklepom št. 931 Vlade Ruske federacije z dne 29. decembra 2001 o poravnavi komercialnega dolga bivše ZSSR do tujih komercialnih upnikov (Zbirka zakonodaje Ruske federacije, 2002, št. 1, str. 49) s konverzijo tega dolga v obveznice Ruske federacije, nominirane v USD, izdane v skladu s Sklepom št. 478 Vlade Ruske federacije z dne 23. junija 2000 o poravnavi dolga bivše ZSSR do tujih komercialnih bank in finančnih institucij, združenih v Londonskem klubu upnikov (Zbirka zakonodaje Ruske federacije, 2000, št. 28, str. 2976), pod pogojem, da ustreza merilom iz Izjave Vlade Ruske federacije z dne 1. oktobra 1994 o konverziji komercialnega dolga bivše ZSSR do tujih upnikov in merilom iz Sklepa št. 931 Vlade Ruske federacije z dne 29. decembra 2001.
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CELEX: 32002L0087
As an alternative to the deduction of the items referred to in (a) and (b) of the third subparagraph which the insurance undertaking holds in credit institutions, investment firms and financial institutions, Member States may allow their insurance undertakings to apply mutatis mutandis methods 1, 2, or 3 of Annex I to Directive 2002/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2002 on the supplementary supervision of credit institutions, insurance undertakings and investment firms in a financial conglomerate(28). Method 1 (Accounting consolidation) shall only be applied if the competent authority is confident about the level of integrated management and internal control regarding the entities which would be included in the scope of consolidation.
Kot alternativo odbitku postavk iz točk (a) in (b) tretjega pododstavka, ki jih ima zavarovalnica v kreditnih institucijah, investicijskih družbah in finančnih institucijah, lahko države članice svojim zavarovalnicam dovolijo, da smiselno uporabijo metode 1, 2 ali 3 iz Priloge I k Direktivi 2002/87/ES Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 16. decembra o dopolnilnem nadzoru kreditnih institucij, zavarovalnic in investicijskih družb v finančnem konglomeratu [28] Metoda 1 (Računovodska konsolidacija) se uporabi samo, če pristojni organ zaupa v raven integracije upravljanja in notranjih kontrol za osebe, ki bi bile zajete v konsolidacijo.
11 Objavljeno
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CELEX: 32002L0087
As an alternative to the deduction of the items referred to in (a) and (b) of the fourth subparagraph which the insurance undertaking holds in credit institutions, investment firms and financial institutions, Member States may allow their insurance undertakings to apply mutatis mutandis methods 1, 2, or 3 of Annex I to Directive 2002/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2002 on the supplementary supervision of credit institutions, insurance undertakings and investment firms in a financial conglomerate(22). Method 1 (Accounting consolidation) shall only be applied if the competent authority is confident about the level of integrated management and internal control regarding the entities which would be included in the scope of consolidation.
Kot alternativo odbitku postavk iz točk (a) in (b) četrtega pododstavka, ki jih ima zavarovalnica v kreditnih institucijah, investicijskih družbah in finančnih institucijah, lahko države članice svojim zavarovalnicam dovolijo, da smiselno uporabijo metode 1, 2 ali 3 iz Priloge I k Direktivi 2002/87/ES Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta z dne 16. decembra o dopolnilnem nadzoru kreditnih institucij, zavarovalnic in investicijskih družb v finančnem konglomeratu [22] Metoda 1 (Računovodska konsolidacija) se uporabi samo, če pristojni organ zaupa v raven integracije upravljanja in notranjih kontrol za osebe, ki bi bile zajete v konsolidacijo.
12 Objavljeno
DRUGO: 025-19-1002-2008-1
This indebtedness shall be reconciled and settled in accordance with the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 931 dated December 29, 2001 ` On the Settlement of the Trade Indebtedness of the Former USSR to Foreign Trade Creditors` (Collected legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, № 1, item 49) through conversion of such indebtedness into Russian Federation US dollar denominated bonds issued in accordance with the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 478 dated June 23, 2000 ` On the Settlement of the Indebtedness of the Former USSR to Foreign Commercial Banks and Financial Institutions United in the London Club of Creditors` (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, № 28, Item 2976) provided that the debt satisfies the criteria set forth in the Declaration of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 1, 1994 ` On the Conversion of the Trade Indebtedness of the former USSR to Foreign Creditors` and the criteria determined in Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 931 dated December 29, 2001. 2. The Russian Party shall timely notify the Slovenian Party of any changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation related to the settlement of the trade indebtedness of the former USSR.
Ta dolg se uskladi in poravna v skladu s Sklepom št. 931 Vlade Ruske federacije z dne 29. decembra 2001 o poravnavi komercialnega dolga bivše ZSSR do tujih komercialnih upnikov (Zbirka zakonodaje Ruske federacije, 2002, št. 1, str. 49) s konverzijo tega dolga v obveznice Ruske federacije, nominirane v USD, izdane v skladu s Sklepom št. 478 Vlade Ruske federacije z dne 23. junija 2000 o poravnavi dolga bivše ZSSR do tujih komercialnih bank in finančnih institucij, združenih v Londonskem klubu upnikov (Zbirka zakonodaje Ruske federacije, 2000, št. 28, str. 2976), pod pogojem, da ustreza merilom iz Izjave Vlade Ruske federacije z dne 1. oktobra 1994 o konverziji komercialnega dolga bivše ZSSR do tujih upnikov in merilom iz Sklepa št. 931 Vlade Ruske federacije z dne 29. decembra 2001. 2. Ruska stran bo slovensko stran pravočasno obvestila o spremembah zakonodaje Ruske federacije v zvezi s poravnavo komercialnega dolga bivše ZSSR.
13 Objavljeno
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CELEX: 32002L0087
Member States may provide that, for the calculation of the solvency margin as provided for by this Directive, insurance undertakings subject to supplementary supervision in accordance with Directive 98/78/EC or to supplementary supervision in accordance with Directive 2002/87/EC, need not deduct the items referred to in (a) and (b) of the third subparagraph which are held in credit institutions, investment firms, financial institutions, insurance or reinsurance undertakings or insurance holding companies which are included in the supplementary supervision.
Države članice lahko zagotovijo, da zavarovalnicam, ki so predmet dopolnilnega nadzora po Direktivi 98/78/ES ali dopolnilnega nadzora po Direktivi 2002/87/ES pri izračunavanju minimalnega kapitala skladno z določbami te direktive ni treba odbiti postavk iz (a) in (b) tretjega pododstavka, ki jih imajo v kreditnih institucijah, investicijskih družbah, finančnih institucijah, zavarovalnicah in pozavarovalnicah ali zavarovalnih holdingih, ki so vključene v dopolnilni nadzor.
14 Objavljeno
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CELEX: 32002L0087
Member States may provide that, for the calculation of the solvency margin as provided for by this Directive, insurance undertakings subject to supplementary supervision in accordance with Directive 98/78/EC or to supplementary supervision in accordance with Directive 2002/87/EC, need not deduct the items referred to in (a) and (b) of the fourth subparagraph which are held in credit institutions, investment firms, financial institutions, insurance or reinsurance undertakings or insurance holding companies which are included in the supplementary supervision.
Države članice lahko zagotovijo, da zavarovalnicam, ki so predmet dopolnilnega nadzora po Direktivi 98/78/ES ali dopolnilnega nadzora po Direktivi 2002/87/ES pri izračunavanju minimalnega kapitala skladno z določbami te direktive ni treba odbiti postavk iz (a) in (b) četrtega pododstavka, ki jih imajo v kreditnih institucijah, investicijskih družbah, finančnih institucijah, zavarovalnicah in pozavarovalnicah ali zavarovalnih holdingih, ki so vključene v dopolnilni nadzor.
15 Končna redakcija
7. Credit and suretyship insurance shall cover the classes of insurance referred to in items 14 and 15 of the second paragraph hereunder.
7. kreditna in kavcijska zavarovanja so zavarovanja iz zavarovalnih vrst iz 14. in 15. točke drugega odstavka tega člena,
16 Končna redakcija
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(1) Risk-adjusted assets shall consist of the sum of the book-values of all assets and off-balance sheet items, reduced by the special provisions for these items, and weighted by the weighting of credit risk.
(1) Tveganju prilagojena aktiva je seštevek knjigovodskih stanj vseh aktivnih bilančnih in zunajbilančnih postavk, zmanjšanih za oblikovane posebne rezervacije za te postavke, in tehtanih po stopnji kreditnih tveganj.
17 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0139
for credit institutions and other financial institutions, the sum of the following income items as defined in Council Directive 86/635/EEC(7), after deduction of value added tax and other taxes directly related to those items, where appropriate:
pri kreditnih institucijah in drugih finančnih institucijah vsota naslednjih postavk prihodkov, kakor so določene v Direktivi Sveta 86/635/EGS [7], po potrebi po odbitku davka na dodano vrednost in drugih davkov, neposredno povezanih s temi postavkami:
18 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31976R1416
They shall mention, in particular, the type of revenue, the estimated amount thereof and the item to which it is to be credited and also the name and description of the debtor.
Navajajo zlasti vrsto prihodka, njegov ocenjeni znesek in postavko, v dobro katere se evidentira, ter tudi ime in opis dolžnika.
19 Končna redakcija
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1. detailed criteria for classifying items according to the degree of risk for the purpose of evaluating credit risks and calculating special provisions that the bank is required to establish
1. podrobnejša merila za razvrščanje postavk po stopnji tveganj zaradi ocene kreditnih tveganj in izračuna posebnih rezervacij, ki jih je banka dolžna oblikovati,
20 Končna redakcija
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4. the detailed method of calculating risk-adjusted assets by stipulating the weights for the weighting of credit risks and factors to be taken into account with respect to off-balance-sheet items
4. podrobnejši način izračuna tveganjem prilagojene aktive s tem, da določi uteži za tehtanje kreditnih tveganj in faktorje za upoštevanje zunajbilančnih postavk,
21 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31976R1416
they shall show in particular the purpose of the expenditure, the estimated amount involved, if possible the currency of payment, the item to which it is to be charged and also the name and description of the creditor;
Prikazujejo predvsem namen odhodka, ocenjeni znesek, po možnosti valuto plačila, postavko, v breme katere se evidentira, ter tudi ime in opis upravičenca do plačila.
22 Končna redakcija
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(1) A bank must, within the framework of prescribed and internal criteria, classify balance-sheet and off-balance-sheet asset items according to their level of risk and evaluate potential losses deriving from credit risks.
(1) Banka mora v okviru predpisanih in internih meril razvrščati aktivne bilančne in zunajbilančne postavke po tveganosti in ocenjevati višino potencialnih izgub iz naslova kreditnih tveganj.
23 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0139
The turnover of a credit or financial institution in the Community or in a Member State shall comprise the income items, as defined above, which are received by the branch or division of that institution established in the Community or in the Member State in question, as the case may be;
Promet kreditne ali finančne institucije na območju Skupnosti ali države članice obsega postavke prihodkov, kakršne so opredeljene zgoraj, ki jih prejme panoga ali oddelek te institucije, ustanovljen na območju Skupnosti ali države članice, odvisno od primera;
24 Končna redakcija
Where an intervention measure referred to in Article 3 involves the buying-in and storage of products, the amount financed shall be determined by the annual accounts drawn up by the payment (1)OJ No L 94, 28.4.1970, p. 13. (2)OJ No L 295, 30.12.1972, p. 1. (3)OJ No C 131, 5.6.1978, p. 70. (4)OJ No L 298, 31.12.1972, p. 5. services or agencies, in which the various items of expenditure and revenue have been respectively debited and credited.
Če intervencijski ukrep iz člena 3 vključuje odkup in skladiščenje proizvodov, se znesek, ki se financira, določi z letnim obračunom, ki ga sestavijo plačilne agencije ali službe, v katerih se različne postavke izdatkov in prihodkov ustrezno obremenijo ali knjižijo v dobro.
25 Pravna redakcija
asset items carrying the explicit guarantees of Zone A credit institutions;
aktivne postavke, ki predstavljajo terjatve z izrecnimi garancijami kreditnih institucij v Coni A;
26 Pravna redakcija
asset items constituting claims with a maturity of more than one year on Zone B credit institutions;
aktivne postavke, ki predstavljajo terjatve z dospelostjo daljšo od enega leta, do kreditnih institucij v Coni B;
27 Pravna redakcija
asset items constituting claims on Zone A credit institutions but not constituting such institutions' own funds;
aktivne postavke, ki predstavljajo terjatve do kreditnih institucij v Coni A in niso sestavni del lastnih virov sredstev teh institucij;
28 Pravna redakcija
Reverse repo transactions with credit institutions in connection with the management of security portfolios under this item
s kreditnimi institucijami v zvezi z upravljanjem portfeljev vrednostnih papirjev pod to postavko
29 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1601
It is considered that these arguments only apply to 'export credits' as defined in item (k) of Annex I to the Basic Regulation.
Zagovarja se stališče, da ti argumenti veljajo samo za ''izvozne kredite'', kot so opredeljeni v točki (k) Priloge I k Osnovni uredbi.
30 Pravna redakcija
asset items constituting claims with a maturity of one year or less carrying the explicit guarantees of Zone B credit institutions;
aktivne postavke, ki predstavljajo terjatve z dospelostjo enega leta ali manj z izrecnimi garancijami kreditnih institucij v Coni B;
31 Pravna redakcija
Subject to the limits imposed in Article 38, the unconsolidated own funds of credit institutions shall consist of the following items:
V skladu z omejitvami iz člena 38 nekonsolidirane lastne vire sredstev kreditnih institucij sestavljajo naslednje postavke:
32 Pravna redakcija
Annex III lays down the treatment of off-balance-sheet items in the context of the calculation of credit institutions' capital requirements.
Priloga III določa obravnavo zunajbilančnih postavk v zvezi z izračunavanjem potreb po kapitalu kreditnih institucij.
33 Pravna redakcija
A ratio which weights assets and off-balance-sheet items according to the degree of credit risk is a particularly useful measure of solvency.
Razmerje, ki tehta sredstva in zunajbilančne postavke v skladu s stopnjo kreditnega tveganja je izredno uporabno merilo solventnosti.
34 Pravna redakcija
There shall be no tied or partially untied aid credits (including tied and partially untied grants) for any item covered by the Sector Understanding.
Za nobeno postavko, zajeto v sektorskem dogovoru, ni nobenih vezanih ali delno nevezanih pomoči v obliki kreditov (vključno z vezanimi ali delno nevezanimi dotacijami).
35 Pravna redakcija
Proposals shall show the purpose of the expenditure, the estimated amount involved, the budget item to which the expense is to be charged and the creditor.
Iz predlogov so razvidni namen odhodka, njegov ocenjen znesek, proračunska postavka, ki naj jo odhodek bremeni, ter upnika.
36 Pravna redakcija
The joint and several commitments of borrowers in the case of credit institutions organised as funds shall be treated in the same way as the preceding items.
Solidarne obveznosti posojilojemalcev pri kreditnih institucijah, organiziranih v obliki skladov, se obravnavajo enako kakor predhodne postavke.
37 Pravna redakcija
asset items constituting claims on and other exposures to credit institutions, with a maturity of one year or less, but not constituting such institutions' own funds;
aktivne postavke, ki predstavljajo terjatve in druge izpostavljenosti do kreditnih institucij, z dospelostjo enega leta ali manj, vendar ne predstavljajo lastnih virov sredstev teh institucij;
38 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1601
to import any product (except the items listed on the negative list) using the credits to offset the applicable import duties or transfer the licence to a third party.
bodisi lahko uvozi kateri koli izdelek (razen izdelkov iz negativne liste) s poračunavanjem dobropisov z zapadlimi uvoznimi dajatvami bodisi lahko prenese dovoljenje na tretjo osebo.
39 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0139
(a) for credit institutions and other financial institutions, the sum of the following income items as defined in Council Directive 86/635/EEC fn, after deduction of value added tax and other taxes directly related to those items, where appropriate:
(a) pri kreditnih institucijah in drugih finančnih institucijah vsota naslednjih postavk prihodkov, kakor so določene v Direktivi Sveta 86/635/EGS fn, po potrebi po odbitku davka na dodano vrednost in drugih davkov, neposredno povezanih s temi postavkami:
40 Pravna redakcija
The items listed in points (1) to (5) of paragraph 2 must be available to a credit institution for unrestricted and immediate use to cover risks or losses as soon as these occur.
Postavke, naštete v točkah (1) do (5) odstavka 2, morajo biti kreditni instituciji na voljo za neomejeno in takojšnjo uporabo za kritje tveganj ali izgub, čim se te pojavijo.
41 Pravna redakcija
Repo transactions with credit institutions in connection with simultaneous reverse repo transactions for the management of security portfolios under asset item 'Other financial assets'.
Transakcije začasnega nakupa s kreditnimi institucijami v povezavi z istočasnimi transakcijami povratne prodaje za upravljanje portfeljev vrednostnih papirjev iz postavke sredstev 'Druga finančna sredstva'.
42 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0051
Instead of the presentation of balance sheet items in accordance with Article 4, Member States may permit or require credit institutions, or certain classes of credit institution, to present those items classified by their nature and in order of their relative liquidity provided that the information given is at least equivalent to that otherwise required by Article 4.';
Namesto členitve postavk v bilanci stanja v skladu s členom 4 lahko države članice kreditnim institucijam ali nekaterim skupinam kreditnih institucij dovolijo ali od njih zahtevajo navedbo teh postavk, razvrščenih glede na njihov značaj in po likvidnosti, če so podane informacije vsaj enakovredne tistim, ki se sicer zahtevajo po členu 4.";
43 Pravna redakcija
holdings in other credit and financial institutions of up to 10% of their capital, the subordinated claims-and the instruments referred to in Article 35 which a credit institution holds in respect of credit and financial institutions other than those referred to in point (12) in respect of the amount of the total of such holdings, subordinated claims and instruments which exceed 10% of that credit institution's own funds calculated before the deduction of items in point (12) and in this point.
deleži v drugih kreditnih in finančnih institucijah, ki ne presegajo 10 % njihovega kapitala, podrejene terjatve in instrumenti iz člena 35, ki jih ima v lasti kreditna institucija, in se nanašajo na tiste kreditne in finančne institucije, ki niso navedene v točki (12), upoštevaje seštevek vseh teh deležev, podrejenih terjatev in instrumentov, ki skupno presega 10 % lastnih virov sredstev te kreditne institucije, zračunanih pred odštetjem postavk, navedenih v točki (12).
44 Pravna redakcija
By way of derogation from paragraphs 7(i) and 9, Member States may apply a weighting of 20% to asset items constituting claims on and other exposures to credit institutions, regardless of their maturity.
Z odstopanjem od odstavkov 7(i) in 9 lahko države članice uporabijo utež 20 % za aktivne postavke, ki predstavljajo terjatve, in druge izpostavljenosti do kreditnih institucij ne glede na njihovo dospelost.
45 Pravna redakcija
asset items constituting claims with a maturity of one year or less, on Zone B credit institutions, other than securities issued by such institutions which are recognised as components of their own funds;
aktivne postavke, ki predstavljajo terjatve z dospelostjo enega leta ali manj do kreditnih institucij v Coni B, razen vrednostnih papirjev, izdanih od teh kreditnih institucij, ki se upoštevajo kot sestavni del njihovih lastnih virov sredstev;
46 Pravna redakcija
Article 36(1) of this Directive permits joint and several commitments of borrowers in the case of credit institutions organised as cooperative societies or funds to be treated as own funds items under Article 34(2)(7).
Člen 36(1) te direktive dopušča, da se solidarne in posamične obveznosti posojilojemalcev, če gre za kreditne institucije, ki so organizirane kot zadruge ali skladi, obravnavajo kot lastni viri sredstev v skladu s členom 34(2)(7).
47 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1601
Item (k) of Annex I to the ASCM which is reproduced in Annex I to the Basic Regulation provides for special rules for export credits which are exceptions to the general rules for the calculation of subsidies in the case of loans.
Točka (k) Priloge I k SSIU, ki je prepisana v Prilogi I k Osnovni uredbi, predvideva posebna pravila za izvozne kredite, ki so izjeme od splošnih pravil za izračun subvencij v primeru posojil.
48 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1601
As already explained in the provisional Regulation in recitals 129 and 130, EXIM-EC (pre-ship-ment), EXIM-SM and EXIM-FIC loans are not considered to be 'export credits' and do not fall under item (k) of Annex I to the Basic Regulation.
Kakor je že razloženo v uvodnih izjavah 129 in 130 začasne uredbe, se posojila EXIM-EC (izvozni krediti pred odpremo), EXIM-SM in EXIM-FIC ne štejejo za ''izvozne kredite'' in ne spadajo pod točko (k) Priloge I k Osnovni uredbi.
49 Pravna redakcija
Where the calculation is to be made on a consolidated basis, the consolidated amounts relating to the items listed under Article 34(2) shall be used in accordance with the rules laid down in Articles 52 to 56. Moreover, the following may, when they are credit ('negative') items, be regarded as consolidated reserves for the calculation of own funds:
Če se izračun izvrši na konsolidirani osnovi, se konsolidirani zneski postavk, naštetih v členu 34(2), uporabijo v skladu s pravili, določenimi v členih 52 do 56. Poleg tega se lahko tudi naslednje postavke, kadar so to kreditne ("negativne") postavke, štejejo kot konsolidirane rezerve za izračun lastnih virov sredstev:
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credit item