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cubic centimetre
1 Končna redakcija
The results of the calibration operations shall be recorded in a calibration certificate which is accompanied by digrams and tables showing, in particular, the volume of liquid, expressed in litres or cubic decimetres or cubic metres, which is in the tank when the level of the free surface of the liquid is at a given height, expressed in centimetres or decimetres, on the vertical face of the measure of length.
Rezultati umerjanja se zapišejo v certifikat o umerjanju, kateremu so priložene sheme in tabele, ki kažejo zlasti v litrih ali v kubičnih decimetrih ali v kubičnih metrih izraženo prostornino tekočine v cisterni, ko je raven proste površine tekočine na določeni višini, izraženi v centimetrih ali decimetrih, na navpični stranici dolžinske mere.
2 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1808
cm 3 = cubic centimetres
cm 3 = kubični centimetri
3 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1623
The grape must and the must obtained from the grapes used must have a density at 20 °C of between 1.055 and 1.100 grams per cubic centimetre.
Grozdni mošt in mošt, pridobljen iz uporabljenega grozdja, mora imeti pri 20 °C gostoto med 1,055 in 1,100 grama na kubični centimeter.
4 Pravna redakcija
The grape must and the must obtained from the grapes used must have a density at 20 °C of between 1.055 and 1.100 grams per cubic centimetre.
Grozdni mošt in mošt, pridobljen iz uporabljenega grozdja, mora imeti pri 20 °C gostoto med 1,055 in 1,100 grama na kubični centimeter.
5 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32000R1623
It should accordingly be specified in particular that the grapes and grape must covered by a statement must have a density at 20 °C of between 1.055 and 1.100 grams per cubic centimetre.
Skladno s tem naj bi se natančno določilo zlasti to, da morata imeti grozdje in grozdni mošt, ki sta zajeta v izjavi, pri 20 °C gostoto med 1,055 in 1,100 grama na kubični centimeter.
6 Pravna redakcija
It should accordingly be specified in particular that the grapes and grape must covered by a statement must have a density at 20 °C of between 1.055 and 1.100 grams per cubic centimetre.
Skladno s tem naj bi se natančno določilo zlasti to, da morata imeti grozdje in grozdni mošt, ki sta zajeta v izjavi, pri 20 °C gostoto med 1,055 in 1,100 grama na kubični centimeter.
7 Pravna redakcija
If the hydrogen peroxide contains T grams of H2O2 per litre, the volume required, expressed in cubic centimetres, will be:
Če vodikov peroksid vsebuje T gramov H 2 O 2 na liter, je potrebna prostornina, izražena v kubičnih centimetrih:
8 Pravna redakcija
By multiplying by 10 the number of cubic centimetres of permanganate solution used for the titration, the titre T of the original hydrogen peroxide in g/1 is obtained.
Z množenjem števila kubičnih centimetrov hipermanganove raztopine, uporabljene za titracijo, s faktorjem 10 dobimo titer T izvornega vodikovega peroksida v g/l.
9 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1808
cm3= cubic centimetres
cm3 = kubični centimetri
10 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0625
The grape must used and the must obtained from grapes used must have a density at 20 °C of between 1,055 and 1,100 grams per cubic centimetre.
Uporabljen grozdni mošt in mošt, dobljen iz uporabljenega grozdja, mora imeti pri 20 °C gostoto med 1,055 in 1,100 grami na kubični centimeter.
11 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31971L0319
Meters must incorporate an indicating mechanism showing the measured volume in cubic centimetres or millilitres, in cubic decimetres or litres or in cubic metres.
Merila morajo imeti vgrajen kazalni mehanizem, ki kaže izmerjeno prostornino v kubičnih centimetrih ali mililitrih, v kubičnih decimetrih ali litrih ali v kubičnih metrih.
12 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31984L0526
By multiplying by 10 the number of cubic centimetres of permanganate solution used for the titration, the titre T of the original hydrogen peroxide in g/l is obtained.
Z množenjem števila kubičnih centimetrov hipermanganove raztopine, uporabljene za titracijo, s faktorjem 10 dobimo titer T izvornega vodikovega peroksida v g/l.
13 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31987R1381
All vessels with chilled or refrigerated sea-water tanks shall keep on board a document indicating the calibration of the tanks in cubic metres at 10 centimetre intervals.
Vsa plovila s hlajenimi ali hladilnimi bazeni z morsko vodo imajo na krovu dokument z navedbo velikosti bazenov v kubičnih metrih v intervalih po 10 cm.
14 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991L0680
the following shall be considered as 'means of transport`: vessels exceeding 7,5 metres in length, aircraft the take-off weight of which exceeds 1 550 kilograms and motorized land vehicles the capacity of which exceeds 48 cubic centimetres or the power of which exceeds 7,2 kilowatts, intended for the transport of persons or goods, except for the vessels and aircraft referred to in Article 15 (5) and (6); (b)
se za prevozna sredstva štejejo: plovila, daljša od 7,5 metrov, zrakoplovi, katerih vzletna teža presega 1 550 kilogramov, in motorna kopenska vozila s prostornino motorja nad 48 kubičnih centimetrov ali močjo nad 7,2 kilovata, namenjena za prevoz oseb ali blaga, razen plovil in zrakoplovov iz člena 15(5) in (6);
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cubic centimetre