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customs and exchange control
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-59
Members of the European Parliament shall, in respect of customs and exchange control, be accorded:
Glede carinske in devizne kontrole članom Evropskega parlamenta:
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1994-11
Representatives and their substitutes shall, in the matter of customs and exchange control, be accorded:
Predstavniki in njihovi namestniki uživajo pri carinskem in deviznem nadzoru:
3 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 21-2009
Arrangement Between the Customs Administration of the Republic of Slovenia and the Customs and Finance Guard of the Republic of Hungary on the rules of procedure for exchanging data regarded as customs information for control purposes
Dogovor Med Carinsko upravo Republike Slovenije ter Carinsko in finančno stražo Republike Madžarske o postopku izmenjave podatkov, obravnavanih kot carinske informacije za namene nadzora
4 Pravna redakcija
Cooperation shall focus on the simplification of controls and procedures concerning the customs clearance of goods, and shall take the form of exchange of information among experts and vocational training.
Sodelovanje je osredotočeno na poenostavljanje kontrol in postopkov v zvezi s carinjenjem blaga in poteka v obliki izmenjave podatkov med strokovnjaki in poklicnega usposabljanja.
5 Pravna redakcija
the commitment to combat illicit trafficking of small arms through the implementation of effective national controls, such as efficient border and customs mechanisms, regional and international cooperation and enhanced information exchange;
zaveza boju proti nedovoljeni trgovini z orožjem malega kalibra preko izvajanja učinkovitega nacionalnega nadzora kot so učinkoviti obmejni in carinski mehanizmi, regionalno in mednarodno sodelovanje in izboljšana izmenjava informacij;
6 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31994R3287
This Regulation applies to activities carried out on the customs territory of the European Community by pre-shipment inspection entities which, for the account of governments of public entities of third countries, carry out controls on the quality, quantity or price, including exchange rate and financial terms, of goods destined for export to the territory of these third countries ('pre-shipment inspection programmes').
Ta uredba se uporablja za dejavnosti, ki jih na carinskem območju Evropske skupnosti opravljajo subjekti predodpremnih pregledov, ki za račun vlad ali oseb javnega prava tretjih držav izvajajo nadzor kakovosti, količine ali cene, vključno z menjalnim tečajem in finančnimi pogoji blaga, namenjenega za izvoz na ozemlje teh tretjih držav ("programi predodpremnega pregleda").
7 Prevajalska redakcija
In all matters dealt with by this Convention, control services and customs shall exchange all relevant information as soon as possible so as to ensure that controls are efficient.
V vseh zadevah, ki jih obravnava ta konvencija, si kontrolne službe in carina čim prej izmenjajo vse potrebne informacije in s tem zagotovijo učinkovitost kontrol.
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customs and exchange control