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customs endorsement
1 Pravna redakcija
2 Pravna redakcija
Customs endorsement:
Carinska overitev:
3 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31980D0391
The subsequent reimportations and exportations may be recorded on the goods declaration by the customs authorities, by stamping or by appropriate endorsement.
Carinski organi lahko poznejše ponovne uvoze in izvoze beležijo na deklaraciji blaga z žigosanjem ali primernim zaznamkom.
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0800
where Articles 36, 40 or 44 apply, confirmation by the customs office responsible for checking the destination in question that the conditions for endorsement of the relevant T5 control copy by the said office have been fulfilled; or
če se uporabljajo členi 36, 40 ali 44, potrdilo carinskega urada, pristojnega za preverjanje zadevne destinacije, da so izpolnjeni pogoji, da lahko ta urad potrdi kontrolni izvod T5, ali
5 Pravna redakcija
Box 11 'Customs endorsement' of the EUR.l certificate must be endorsed as usual by the customs authorities of the exporting State.
Polje 11 "Carinska overovitev" potrdila EUR.1 morajo po običajnem postopku overiti carinski organi države izvoznice.
6 Pravna redakcija
inform the customs office of destination of any TR transfer note, sheet 1 of which has been sent to it without a customs endorsement;
obvestijo namembni carinski urad o vsakem prejetem predajnem listu TR, ki na listu 1 nima carinskega zaznamka;
7 Pravna redakcija
Box 11 'Customs endorsement' of the EUR.1 certificate shall be completed if necessary by the approved exporter.
Polje 11 "Carinska overitev" potrdila o gibanju blaga EUR.1 po potrebi izpolni pooblaščeni izvoznik.
8 Pravna redakcija
Box 11 "Customs endorsement" of the EUR.1 certificate shall be completed if necessary by the approved exporter.
Polje 11 "Carinska overitev" potrdila EUR.1 po potrebi izpolni pooblaščeni izvoznik.
9 Pravna redakcija
10 Pravna redakcija
11 Pravna redakcija
The authorization referred to in paragraph 2 shall stipulate, at the choice of the competent authorities, that box 11 'Customs endorsement' of the EUR.l movement certificate must:
Pooblastilo iz odstavka 2 določa, po izbiri pristojnih organov, da mora biti polje 11 "Carinska overitev" potrdila o gibanju blaga EUR.l:
12 Pravna redakcija
The authorisation referred to in paragraph 2 shall stipulate, at the choice of the competent authorities, that box 11 "Customs endorsement" of the EUR.1 movement certificate must:
Pooblastilo iz odstavka 2 določa, da mora biti na osnovi izbire pristojnih organov polje 11 "Carinska overitev" na potrdilu o gibanju blaga EUR.1:
13 Pravna redakcija
Endorsement by fiscal authority (if required) or Customs office
Zaznamek davčnega organa (če je potrebno) ali carinskega organa
14 Pravna redakcija
The certificate shall be valid only after endorsement by the competent customs office.
Potrdilo je veljavno le po overitvi pristojnega carinskega urada.
15 Pravna redakcija
Endorsement of the inventory by the customs office shall be equivalent to authorization.
Potrditev popisa s strani carinskega urada ima enako vrednost kakor dovoljenje.
16 Pravna redakcija
Each endorsement made on the certificate shall be dated and authenticated by the customs authorities.
Vsak zaznamek na potrdilu morajo carinski organi datirati in potrditi.
17 Pravna redakcija
the lower part of that box is intended for the endorsement by the customs authorities provided for in Article 316 (2).
spodnji del tega polja je namenjen za zaznamek carinskih organov, predviden v členu 316(2).
18 Pravna redakcija
This endorsement must be authenticated by the stamp of the customs office concerned, applied directly to the document in question;
Verodostojnost takšnih zaznamkov mora potrjevati žig zadevnega carinskega urada, natisnjen neposredno na dokument;
19 Pravna redakcija
The appropriate customs office is to send this certificate, after endorsement, to the agency responsible for paying export refunds.
Ustrezni carinski urad pošlje to potrdilo z zaznamkom agenciji, pristojni za plačilo izvoznih nadomestil.
20 Pravna redakcija
The manifests provided for in paragraphs 1 to 4 shall be presented for endorsement to the customs authorities at the port of destination.
Manifesti, predvideni v odstavkih 1 do 4, se za vnos zaznamka predložijo carinskim organom v namembnem pristanišču.
21 Pravna redakcija
In each of these cases the customs authorities shall make an appropriate endorsement in item 10 of the certificate of approval of the vehicle.
V vsakem od teh primerov morajo carinski organi vnesti ustrezen zaznamek v točki 10 potrdila o ustreznosti vozila.
22 Pravna redakcija
A.W.I movement certificates must be submitted to the Customs office in the importing country where the goods are entered within four months of the date of endorsement.
Potrdila o gibanju blaga A.W.I morajo biti carinskemu organu države uvoznice, v katero je vstopilo blago, v štirih mesecih od datuma potrditve.
23 Pravna redakcija
A.CH.1 movement certificates must be submitted to the Customs office in the importing country where the goods are entered, within four months of the date of endorsement.
Potrdila o gibanju blaga A.CH.1 morajo biti carinskemu uradu države uvoznice, v katero je vstopilo blago, predložena v štirih mesecih od datuma potrditve.
24 Pravna redakcija
Movement certificate A.RL.l must be submitted within four months of the date of endorsement by the customs authorities of the exporting State to the customs office of the importing State where the goods are presented.
Potrdilo o gibanju blaga A.RL.l mora biti carinskemu uradu države uvoznice predloženo v štirih mesecih od datuma, ko so ga potrdili carinski organi države izvoznice.
25 Pravna redakcija
Movement certificate A.RL. 1 must be produced at the customs office of the importing country where the goods are presented, within a period of four months from the date of endorsement.
Potrdilo o gibanju blaga A.RL.1 mora biti carinskemu uradu države uvoznice, v katero je vstopilo blago, predloženo v štirih mesecih od datuma potrditve.
26 Pravna redakcija
The original and one copy of a certificate shall be presented for endorsement to the customs office which has received the export declaration relating to the cheeses covered by the certificate.
Izvirnik in kopija potrdila se predložita v potrditev carinskemu uradu, ki je dobil izvozno izjavo za sire, navedene na potrdilu.
27 Pravna redakcija
the other copy shall be given by the person concerned to the office of discharge and, after endorsement, shall be returned by the person concerned to the customs office which initially endorsed it.
drugo kopijo udeleženec izroči uradu zaključka postopka in jo po vnosu zaznamka vrne carinskemu uradu, ki je na začetku vnesel zaznamek.
28 Pravna redakcija
In the case referred to in paragraph 3 the competent customs authorities for the office of destination may request a posteriori verification of the endorsements made by the competent customs authorities for the intermediate station on sheets 2 and 3.
V primeru, navedenem v odstavku 3, lahko pristojni carinski organi za namembni urad zahtevajo poznejše preverjanje zaznamkov, ki so jih pristojni carinski organi za vmesno postajo vnesli na lista 2 in 3.
29 Pravna redakcija
In that case, the carrier shall record the relevant details on the T1 document and shall inform the customs authorities of the Member State of transfer, for the purposes of obtaining their endorsement.
Pri takšnem pretovarjanju prevoznik v dokument T1 vnese ustrezne podatke in obvesti carinske organe države članice, kjer se blago pretovarja, da pridobi njihov zaznamek.
30 Pravna redakcija
Proof that the special charge on exports has been collected shall be provided by the insertion by the customs authorities under "Remarks" on the movement certificate of one of the following endorsements:
Dokaz, da je bila obračunana posebna dajatev pri izvozu, je zagotovljen z vstavitvijo enega od naslednjih zaznamkov carinskih organov v razdelku »Opombe« na potrdilu o gibanju:
31 Pravna redakcija
Proof that the special charge on exports has been collected shall be provided by the insertion by the customs authorities under 'Remarks' on the movement certificate of one of the following endorsements:
Dokaz, da je bila obračunana posebna dajatev pri izvozu, je zagotovljen z vstavitvijo enega od naslednjih zaznamkov carinskih organov v razdelku »Opombe« na potrdilu o gibanju:
32 Pravna redakcija
The manifest or manifests referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 shall bear an endorsement dated and signed by the airline identifying them as a Community transit declaration and specifying the customs status of the goods to which they relate.
Manifest ali manifesti, navedeni v odstavkih 1 in 2, imajo zaznamek, opremljen z datumom in podpisom letalske družbe, ki jih opredeljuje kot deklaracijo za skupnostni tranzit in določa carinski status blaga, na katero se nanašajo.
33 Pravna redakcija
The manifest or manifests referred to in paragraphs 1 and 3 shall bear an endorsement dated and signed by the shipping company identifying them as a Community transit declaration and specifying the customs status of the goods to which they relate.
Manifest ali manifesti, navedeni v odstavkih 1 in 3, imajo zaznamek, opremljen z datumom in podpisom ladjarske družbe, ki jih opredeljuje kot deklaracijo za skupnostni tranzit in določa carinski status blaga, na katero se nanašajo.
34 Pravna redakcija
When paragraph 1 applies, the customs office of departure accepting the export declaration shall ensure that one of the endorsements indicated in, as appropriate, Article 7 (4) or (5) of Regulation (EEC) No 3665/87, is entered on the document issued as proof of export.
Ko se uporablja odstavek 1, carinski urad odhoda, ki sprejme izvozno deklaracijo, poskrbi za vnos enega izmed zaznamkov, odvisno od primera, navedenih v členu 7(4) ali (5) Uredbe (EGS) št. 3665/87, na dokument, ki se izdaja kot dokazilo o izvozu.
35 Pravna redakcija
Except where the shipping company has the status of an authorized consignor within the meaning of Article 398, the manifests referred to in paragraphs 1 to 4 shall be presented for endorsement, in two or more copies, to the customs authorities at the port of departure, who shall retain a copy.
Razen v primeru, ko ima ladjarska družba status pooblaščenega pošiljatelja v pomenu iz člena 398, se predložijo manifesti iz odstavkov 1 do 4 v dveh ali več izvodih za vnos zaznamka carinskim organom v pristanišču odhoda, ki obdržijo en izvod.
36 Pravna redakcija
Such proof shall be provided by the following endorsement certified by the competent authority on the control copy referred to in Article 6 of Regulation (EEC) No 3665/87, on the single administrative document or on the national document proving that the goods have left the Community customs territory:
Tako dokazilo se zagotovi z naslednjim zaznamkom, ki ga potrdi pristojni organ na kontrolni kopiji iz člena 6 Uredbe (EGS) št. 3665/87, na enotnem upravnem dokumentu ali na nacionalnem dokumentu, ki dokazuje, da je blago zapustilo carinsko območje Skupnosti:
37 Pravna redakcija
Such proof shall be furnished by the following endorsement, certified by the competent authority, on the control copy referred to in Article 6 of Regulation (EEC) No 3665/87, the single administrative document or the national document proving that the goods have left the customs territory of the Community:
Tako dokazilo se poda z naslednjo navedbo, ki jo overi pristojni organ, na kontrolni kopiji iz člena 6 Uredbe (EGS) št. 3665/87, enotni carinski listini ali nacionalnem dokumentu, ki dokazuje, da je blago zapustilo carinsko ozemlje Skupnosti:
38 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0881
The transhipment or unloading shall be certified by an appropriate endorsement by the customs authorities on the air waybill or other air transport document, with the official stamp of the office concerned; failing this certification the provisions of the last subparagraph of Article 163(6) of this Regulation shall apply.
Pretovarjanje ali raztovarjanje carinski organi ustrezno potrdijo na letalskem tovornem listu ali drugem letalskem tovornem dokumentu z uradnim žigom udeleženega urada; če te potrditve ni, se uporabljajo določbe zadnjega pododstavka člena 163(6) te uredbe.
39 Pravna redakcija
If the total value of the Community goods covered by the invoice or transport document, completed and signed in accordance with paragraph 2 or Article 224 (1), does not exceed ECU 10 000, the declarant shall not be required to submit that document or invoice for endorsement by the customs authorities of the Member State of departure.
Če celotna vrednost blaga Skupnosti na računu ali prevozni listini, izpolnjeni in podpisani v skladu z odstavkom 2 ali členom 224(1), ni večja od 10.000 ECU, deklarantu te listine ali računa ni treba predložiti carinskim organom države članice odhoda za vnos zaznamka.
40 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
This document shall bear one of the following endorsements made by the customs office of reimportation:
Ta dokument mora vsebovati eno od naslednjih navedb urada ponovnega uvoza:
41 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985R3399
Whereas a number of Community acts concerning customs legislation contain provisions relating to endorsements in all the the official languages of the Community;
ker nekateri akti Skupnosti v zvezi s carinsko zakonodajo vsebujejo določbe, ki se nanašajo na zaznamke v vseh uradnih jezikih Skupnosti;
42 Prevajalska redakcija
It is nevertheless recommended that customs authorities should not insist on the use of such a document but accept instead an appropriate endorsement on the TIR carnet.
Vendar pa je priporočljivo, da carinski organi take listine ne zahtevajo in da namesto tega priznajo posebno navedbo v TIR zvezku.
43 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996R0482
'The oral declaration of entry for the procedure shall constitute the application for authorization and the endorsement of the inventory by the customs office shall be equivalent to authorization.`
"Ustna deklaracija za vnos blaga v carinski postopek, ki se šteje kot zahtevek za dovoljenje in potrditev popisa carinskega urada, je enakovredna dovoljenju."
44 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
The customs office of exit shall satisfy itself that the goods presented correspond to those declared and shall supervise and certify their physical departure by an endorsement on the reverse of copy 3.
Carinski urad izstopa zagotovi, da predloženo blago ustreza prijavljenemu blagu in nadzira ter potrdi fizičen izstop blaga z zaznamkom na hrbtni stani izvoda št. 3.
45 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0881
The transhipment or unloading shall be certified by an appropriate endorsement by the customs authorities on the air waybill or other air transport document, with the official stamp of the office concerned;
Pretovarjanje ali raztovarjanje carinski organi ustrezno potrdijo na letalskem tovornem listu ali drugem letalskem tovornem dokumentu z uradnim žigom udeleženega urada;
46 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
In the cases referred to in paragraph 2 (a), the customs office of exit shall endorse copy 3 of the export declaration in accordance with paragraph 3 after making the endorsement 'Export' in red on the transport document and affixing its stamp.
V primerih iz odstavka 2 (a) carinski urad izvoza opremi izvod št. 3 izvozne deklaracije z zaznamkom v skladu z odstavkom 3, potem ko je prevozno listino opremil z navedbo rdeče barve "izvoz" in nanj odtisnil svoj žig.
47 Prevajalska redakcija
Any T 2 ot T 2 L document issued by a customs office of an EFTA country shall bear a reference to the corresponding T 2 or T 2 L document under which the goods arrived in that EFTA country and shall include all special endorsements appearing thereon.
Vsaka listina T2 ali T2 L, ki jo izda carinski urad države EFTE, se sklicuje na ustrezne listine T2 ali T2 L, na podlagi katerih je blago prispelo v zadevno državo EFTE, ter vključuje vse posebne zaznamke iz navedenih listin.
48 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
The presentation of a customs declaration for the goods in question, or any other act having the same legal effects, and the production of a document for endorsement by the competent authorities, shall be considered as removal of goods from customs supervision within the meaning of Article 203 (1) of the Code, where these acts have the effect of wrongly conferring on them the customs status of Community goods.
Za odstranitev blaga izpod carinskega nadzora v skladu s členom 203(1) zakonika se šteje vložitev carinske deklaracije za to blago ali vsako drugo dejanje z enakimi pravnimi učinki, pa tudi predložitev dokumenta v potrditev pristojnim organom, če imajo ta ravnanja za posledico, da se blagu napačno prizna carinski status skupnostnega blaga.
49 Prevajalska redakcija
In addition, he shall enter in the box reserved for control by the office of departure the name of the responsible customs office the date of completion of the document, such particulars of export documentation as are required by the country of departure and one of the following endorsements:
Poleg tega v polje za kontrolo urada odhoda vpiše naziv pristojnega carinskega urada, datum izpolnjevanja listine, podrobnosti o izvozni dokumentaciji, ki jih zahteva država odhoda in enega od naslednjih zaznamkov:
50 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
Where goods sent to a third country or a customs office of exit under a transit procedure are concerned, the office of departure shall endorse copy 3 in accordance with paragraph 3 and return it to the declarant after making the endorsement 'Export', in red, on all copies of the transit document or any other document replacing it.
Če se blago v okviru tranzitnega postopka pošilja v tretjo državo ali carinskemu uradu izstopa carinski urad odhoda potrdi izvod št. 3 z zaznamkom v skladu z odstavkom 3 in ga vrne deklarantu potem, ko vse izvode tranzitnega dokumenta ali vsak drug dokument, ki ga nadomešča, opremi z navedbo v rdeči barvi "izvoz".
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customs endorsement