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1 Objavljeno
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-89
The data in the customs documents must be reconciled with the details in CMR consignment notes before they are endorsed.
Podatki na carinskih dokumentih morajo biti pred potrditvijo usklajeni s podatki na tovornih listih CMR.
2 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-89
The customs authorities of the country of exit are obliged to compare the details in the customs documents endorsed on exit with the details in CMR consignment notes or other commercial documents.
Carinski organi države izstopa morajo podatke s carinskih dokumentov, potrjenih ob izstopu, primerjati s podatki s tovornih listov CMR ali drugih komercialnih dokumentov.
3 Končna redakcija
Proof of import shall be provided exclusively by means of customs documents of release for free circulation duly endorsed by the customs authorities.
Dokaz o uvozu se zagotovi izključno s carinskimi dokumenti o sprostitvi v prosti promet, ki so jih carinski organi ustrezno potrdili.
4 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0103
The customs export document, the transit document and any T5 document issued shall be endorsed "without refund".
Izdani carinski izvozni dokument, tranzitni dokument in katerikoli dokument T5 se potrdi "brez nadomestila".
5 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31980D0391
The subsequent reimportations and exportations may be recorded on the goods declaration by the customs authorities, by stamping or by appropriate endorsement.
Carinski organi lahko poznejše ponovne uvoze in izvoze beležijo na deklaraciji blaga z žigosanjem ali primernim zaznamkom.
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0800
If, before leaving the customs territory of the Community, a product covered by an accepted customs declaration crosses Community territory other than that of the Member State of export, proof that the product has left the customs territory of the Community shall be furnished by means of the duly endorsed original of the T5 control copy.
Če proizvod iz sprejete carinske deklaracije prečka območje Skupnosti, ki ni ozemlje države članice izvoza, preden zapusti carinsko območje Skupnosti, je dokazilo, da je proizvod zapustil carinsko območje Skupnosti, pravilno potrjen izvirnik kontrolnega izvoda T5.
7 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0800
The T5 control copy or the national document proving that the products have left the customs territory of the Community may be endorsed by the competent authorities only on presentation of a transport document indicating a final destination outside the customs territory of the Community.
Pristojni organi lahko potrdijo kontrolni izvod T5 ali nacionalni dokument, ki dokazuje, da so proizvodi zapustili carinsko območje Skupnosti, šele ob predložitvi prevozne listine, na kateri je navedena končna destinacija izven carinskega območja Skupnosti;
8 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0800
where Articles 36, 40 or 44 apply, confirmation by the customs office responsible for checking the destination in question that the conditions for endorsement of the relevant T5 control copy by the said office have been fulfilled; or
če se uporabljajo členi 36, 40 ali 44, potrdilo carinskega urada, pristojnega za preverjanje zadevne destinacije, da so izpolnjeni pogoji, da lahko ta urad potrdi kontrolni izvod T5, ali
9 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0800
The competent customs office of the Member State of destination shall endorse the T5 control copy with a statement to the effect that the products have entered the warehouse after checking that they are entered in the register provided for in Article 40(2).
Pristojni carinski urad namembne države članice preveri, če so proizvodi evidentirani počlenu 40(2) in nato potrdi kontrolni izvod T5 z zabeležko, da so bili proizvodi vskladiščeni v skladišče.
10 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0800
The competent customs office of the Member State of destination shall endorse the control copy with a statement to the effect that the products have been placed in the warehouse after checking that the products have been entered in the register provided for in Article 40(2).
Ko pristojni carinski urad namembne države članice preveri, če so proizvodi vpisani v evidenco iz člena 40(2), z zabeležko na kontrolnem izvodu potrdi, da so bili proizvodi dani v skladišče.
11 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0800
As an alternative to the conditions set out in point (b), the Member State of exit may stipulate that the T5 control copy or the national document proving that the products have left the customs territory of the Community is to be endorsed only on presentation of a transport document specifying a final destination outside the customs territory of the Community.
Namesto pogojev iz točke b) lahko država članica izstopa iz Skupnosti določi, da se kontrolni izvod T5 ali nacionalni dokument, ki dokazuje, da so proizvodi zapustili carinsko območje Skupnosti, potrdi samo ob predložitvi prevozne listine, na kateri je navedena končna destinacija izven carinskega območja Skupnosti.
12 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0800
Where the T5 control copy or the national document proving that the products have left the customs territory of the Community has been endorsed by the competent authorities, the products concerned may not, except in cases of force majeure, return to such territory other than for the purpose of a transit operation and for not more than 28 days.
Ko pristojni organi potrdijo kontrolni izvod T5 ali nacionalni dokument, ki dokazuje, da so proizvodi zapustili carinsko območje Skupnosti, se ti proizvodi, razen v primerih višje sile, ne smejo vrniti na to ozemlje razen v tranzitu in ne več kot za 28 dni.
13 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0800
Where an export declaration is accepted in the Member State in which the victualling warehouse is located, the competent customs authorities shall, on the entry of the goods into the victualling warehouse, endorse the national document used to obtain advance payment of the refund with a statement to the effect that the products comply with Article 40.
Če je bila izvozna deklaracija sprejeta v državi članici, v kateri se nahaja oskrbovalno skladišče, pristojni carinski organi ob vskladiščenju blaga v oskrbovalno skladišče potrdijo na nacionalnem dokumentu, ki se uporablja za pridobitev predplačila nadomestila, da proizvodi izpolnjujejo pogoje iz člena 40.
14 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R0800
Where the T5 control copy or the national document proving that the products have left the customs territory of the Community has been endorsed by the competent authorities, the products may not, except in cases of force majeure, remain for more than 28 days for the purposes of transhipment in any other port(s) located in the same or another Member State.
Ko pristojni organi potrdijo kontrolni izvod T5 ali nacionalni dokument, ki dokazuje, da so proizvodi zapustili carinsko območje Skupnosti, proizvodi zaradi pretovarjanja ne smejo ostati več kot 28 dni v nobenem drugem pristanišču/pristaniščih v isti ali drugi državi članici, razen v primeru višje sile.
15 Pravna redakcija
16 Pravna redakcija
Customs endorsement:
Carinska overitev:
17 Pravna redakcija
18 Pravna redakcija
19 Pravna redakcija
Endorsement by fiscal authority (if required) or Customs office
Zaznamek davčnega organa (če je potrebno) ali carinskega organa
20 Pravna redakcija
one copy shall be retained by the customs office which endorsed it;
eno kopijo obdrži carinski urad, ki je vnesel zaznamek;
21 Pravna redakcija
The certificate shall be valid only after endorsement by the competent customs office.
Potrdilo je veljavno le po overitvi pristojnega carinskega urada.
22 Pravna redakcija
Endorsement of the inventory by the customs office shall be equivalent to authorization.
Potrditev popisa s strani carinskega urada ima enako vrednost kakor dovoljenje.
23 Pravna redakcija
Any change shall be initialled by the person making it and endorsed by the customs authorities.
Vsako spremembo naj oseba, ki je spremembo vnesla, označi s svojimi začetnicami (parafira), carinski organi pa naj to potrdijo.
24 Pravna redakcija
Box 11 'Customs endorsement' of the EUR.l certificate must be endorsed as usual by the customs authorities of the exporting State.
Polje 11 "Carinska overovitev" potrdila EUR.1 morajo po običajnem postopku overiti carinski organi države izvoznice.
25 Pravna redakcija
Each endorsement made on the certificate shall be dated and authenticated by the customs authorities.
Vsak zaznamek na potrdilu morajo carinski organi datirati in potrditi.
26 Pravna redakcija
inform the customs office of destination of any TR transfer note, sheet 1 of which has been sent to it without a customs endorsement;
obvestijo namembni carinski urad o vsakem prejetem predajnem listu TR, ki na listu 1 nima carinskega zaznamka;
27 Pravna redakcija
Corrections must be endorsed by the person filling in the sheet and by the customs authority which issued it.
Popravke morata s podpisom potrditi oseba, ki dokument izpolnjuje, in carinski urad, ki ga je izdal.
28 Pravna redakcija
Box 11 'Customs endorsement' of the EUR.1 certificate shall be completed if necessary by the approved exporter.
Polje 11 "Carinska overitev" potrdila o gibanju blaga EUR.1 po potrebi izpolni pooblaščeni izvoznik.
29 Pravna redakcija
Box 11 "Customs endorsement" of the EUR.1 certificate shall be completed if necessary by the approved exporter.
Polje 11 "Carinska overitev" potrdila EUR.1 po potrebi izpolni pooblaščeni izvoznik.
30 Pravna redakcija
The customs export document, the transit document and any T5 document issued shall be endorsed 'without refund'.
Izvozni carinski dokument, tranzitni dokument in vsak izdani dokument T5 se opremijo z oznako `brez nadomestila` .
31 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0103
The customs export document, the transit document and any T5 document issued shall be endorsed "without refund".
Izdani carinski izvozni dokument, tranzitni dokument in kateri koli dokument T5 se potrdi "brez nadomestila".
32 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0711
Proof of import or export shall be provided exclusively by means of customs documents duly endorsed by the customs authorities of the new Member States.
Dokazila o uvozu ali izvozu so izključno samo carinski dokumenti, ki jih pravilno overijo carinski organi novih držav članic.
33 Pravna redakcija
the lower part of that box is intended for the endorsement by the customs authorities provided for in Article 316 (2).
spodnji del tega polja je namenjen za zaznamek carinskih organov, predviden v členu 316(2).
34 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1808
The re-export of personal or household effects, including personal hunting trophies, by a person normally residing in the Community involving specimens of species listed in Annex A or B to Regulation (EC) No 338/97 shall not require the presentation to customs of a re-export certificate where the customs-endorsed 'copy for the holder' (form 2) of a previously used Community import or export permit, the copy referred to in Article 27(3), or proof that the specimens were acquired within the Community is presented.
Za ponovni izvoz osebnih ali gospodinjskih predmetov, skupaj z osebnimi lovskimi trofejami, ki ga opravi oseba, ki običajno prebiva v Skupnosti, in vključuje osebke vrst iz Priloge A ali B k Uredbi (ES) št. 338/97, ni treba predložiti potrdila o ponovnem izvozu carinskim organom, če se predloži "kopija za imetnika" (obrazec 2) s pečatom carinskega urada prej uporabljenega uvoznega ali izvoznega dovoljenja Skupnosti, kopija iz člena 27(3) ali dokaz, da so bili osebki pridobljeni v Skupnosti.
35 Pravna redakcija
Any such alteration must be initialled by the person who completed the certificate and endorsed by the Customs authorities.
Vsako tako spremembo mora potrditi tisti, ki je potrdilo izpolnil, overiti pa jo morajo carinski organi.
36 Pravna redakcija
Any such alteration must be initialled by the person who completed the certificate and be endorsed by the customs authorities.
Vsako tako spremembo mora potrditi tisti, ki je potrdilo izpolnil, overiti pa jo morajo carinski organi.
37 Pravna redakcija
This endorsement must be authenticated by the stamp of the customs office concerned, applied directly to the document in question;
Verodostojnost takšnih zaznamkov mora potrjevati žig zadevnega carinskega urada, natisnjen neposredno na dokument;
38 Pravna redakcija
The appropriate customs office is to send this certificate, after endorsement, to the agency responsible for paying export refunds.
Ustrezni carinski urad pošlje to potrdilo z zaznamkom agenciji, pristojni za plačilo izvoznih nadomestil.
39 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32001R1808
The reintroduction into the Community of personal or household effects, including hunting trophies, by a person who has their normal residence in the Community and which involves specimens of species listed in Annex A or B to Regulation (EC) No 338/97 shall not require the presentation to customs of an import permit where the customs-endorsed 'copy for the holder' (form 2) of a previously used Community import or export permit, the copy of the document referred to in paragraph 3, or proof that the specimens were acquired within the Community is presented.
Za ponovni uvoz osebnih ali gospodinjskih predmetov, skupaj z lovskimi trofejami, ki ga opravi oseba z običajnim prebivališčem v Skupnosti in vključuje vrste iz Priloge A ali B k Uredbi (ES) št. 338/97, v Skupnost, ni treba predložiti uvoznega dovoljenja carinskim organom, kadar se predloži "kopija za imetnika" (obrazec 2) s pečatom carinskega urada prej uporabljenega uvoznega ali izvoznega dovoljenja Skupnosti, kopija dokumenta iz odstavka 3 ali dokaz, da so bili osebki pridobljeni v Skupnosti.
40 Pravna redakcija
The manifests provided for in paragraphs 1 to 4 shall be presented for endorsement to the customs authorities at the port of destination.
Manifesti, predvideni v odstavkih 1 do 4, se za vnos zaznamka predložijo carinskim organom v namembnem pristanišču.
41 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0780
Proof of import or export shall be provided exclusively by means of customs documents of release for free circulation or export documents duly endorsed by the customs authorities.
Dokazilo o uvozu se izrecno zagotovi s carinskimi dokumenti za sprostitev v prosti promet ali izvoznimi dokumenti, ki jih pravilno overijo carinski organi.
42 Pravna redakcija
one copy shall be endorsed by the customs office and given to the person concerned and the other copy shall be retained by the said office.
en izvod carinski urad potrdi in vrne udeležencu, drugega pa navedeni urad obdrži.
43 Pravna redakcija
In each of these cases the customs authorities shall make an appropriate endorsement in item 10 of the certificate of approval of the vehicle.
V vsakem od teh primerov morajo carinski organi vnesti ustrezen zaznamek v točki 10 potrdila o ustreznosti vozila.
44 Pravna redakcija
Movement certificate A.RL.l.shall be endorsed by the customs authorities of the exporting State at the time of exportation of the goods to which it relates.
Potrdilo o gibanju blaga A.RL.l. potrdijo carinski organi države izvoznice ob izvozu blaga, na katerega se potrdilo nanaša.
45 Pravna redakcija
Any such alteration must be initialled by the person who completed the certificate and endorsed by the customs authorities of the issuing country or territory.
Vsako tako spremembo mora potrditi oseba, ki je potrdilo izpolnila, in jo overiti carinski organi države ali ozemlja izdaje.
46 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 22003D0038
Any such alteration must be initialled by the person who completed the certificate and endorsed by the Customs authorities or the issuing country or territory.
Vsako tako spremembo mora potrditi oseba, ki je potrdilo izpolnila, in jo overiti carinski organi države ali ozemlja izdaje.
47 Pravna redakcija
When such documents are required by the customs authorities for the identification of heavy or bulky goods, they shall be endorsed by the customs authorities and attached to page 2 of the cover of the carnet.
kadar carinski organi zahtevajo dokumente za ugotavljanje težkega tovora ali zelo zajetnega tovora, jih je treba opremiti z zaznamkom in priložiti stran 2 ovitka zvezka.
48 Pravna redakcija
A.W.I movement certificates must be submitted to the Customs office in the importing country where the goods are entered within four months of the date of endorsement.
Potrdila o gibanju blaga A.W.I morajo biti carinskemu organu države uvoznice, v katero je vstopilo blago, v štirih mesecih od datuma potrditve.
49 Pravna redakcija
Movement certificate A.RL.l must be submitted within four months of the date of endorsement by the customs authorities of the exporting State to the customs office of the importing State where the goods are presented.
Potrdilo o gibanju blaga A.RL.l mora biti carinskemu uradu države uvoznice predloženo v štirih mesecih od datuma, ko so ga potrdili carinski organi države izvoznice.
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