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cut card
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-80
The goals of the project are to cut down the costs of energy and maintenance, reduce carbon dioxide emissions and improve the tourist offer.
Cilji projekta so znižanje stroškov energije in vzdrževanja, zmanjšanje izpustov ogljikovega dioksida in izboljšanje turistične ponudbe.
2 Končna redakcija
carrying out the health control of cut and stored meat;
pri izvajanju veterinarskih kontrolnih pregledov razsekanega in shranjenega mesa;
3 Končna redakcija
Proizvod mora biti skrbno odrezan in mora biti na ustrezni stopnji razvoja.
4 Končna redakcija
The carcase shall be cut up into parts and boned only in approved cutting rooms.
Trup se razkosa v dele in izkosti samo v odobrenih prostorih za razkosanje.
5 Končna redakcija
It is forbidden to cut the carcase or remove or treat the poultrymeat before the inspection has been completed.
Prepovedano je razrezati trup ali odstraniti ali obdelati perutninsko meso, preden je opravljen pregled.
6 Končna redakcija
Proizvod mora biti glede na vrsto skrbno odrezan ali odtrgan in mora biti na ustrezni stopnji rasti oziroma razvoja. B. Razvršeanje
7 Končna redakcija
Where cut fresh meat or offal is wrapped, this operation must be carried out immediately after cutting and in accordance with hygiene requirements.
Če so razkosano sveže meso ali klavnični proizvodi embalirani, je ta postopek treba izvesti takoj po razseku in v skladu s higienskimi zahtevami.
8 Končna redakcija
The Member States shall authorise imports of fresh meat in the form of carcases, possibly cut in half in respect of swine, and cut in halves or in quarters in respect of bovine animals and solipeds, only if it is possible to reconstruct the entire carcase of each animal.
Države članice odobrijo uvoz svežega mesa v obliki trupov, po možnosti polovica pri prašičih ter polovic ali četrti pri govedu in kopitarjih, le če je mogoče ponovno sestaviti celoten trup vsake živali.
9 Končna redakcija
In the case of engines with an air supercharger which can be cut out by means of a driver-operated bypass, the test shall be carried out with and without the bypass.
Pri motorjih s turbinskim polnilnikom, ki ga je mogoče izklopiti s pomočjo obvoda, ki ga upravlja voznik, se preskus opravi z obvodom in brez njega.
10 Končna redakcija
Perfume advertisers are very careful when choosing slogans, so the symbolic meanings attached to fragrances establish clear-cut differences between different types of women.
Oglasi za parfume pri svojih sloganih zelo pazijo na razlikovanje, tako da simbolni pomeni, ki jih imajo parfumi, jasno vzpostavljajo razlike med tipi žensk, ki jih uporabljajo.
11 Končna redakcija
The tactics included carefully selected sound bites, and video game imagery that cut off specific forms of discourse in favor of those the Pentagon wanted the public to consume (Sussman, 1997).
Taktika je vključevala skrbno izbrane zvočne posnetke in imagerijo video igre, pri čemer je izključila določene oblike diskurza v prid tistih, ki jih je Pentagon namenil za javno potrošnjo (Sussman, 1997).
12 Končna redakcija
be given a health marking conforming to the requirements of Chapter XII of Annex I, on the understanding that such marking is not necessary for carcases that are to be cut in the same establishment;
morajo imeti oznako zdravstvene ustreznosti, skladno z zahtevami Poglavja XII Priloge I, pri čemer se razume, da takšno označevanje ni potrebno za trupe, ki bodo razsekani v istem obratu;
13 Končna redakcija
the correct clipping of the nails, all of which represent miniscule pitfalls and potential sources of maternal guilt ('Finger nails should be cut in a curve and toe nails straight across. Take care not to harm your baby')
striženje nohtov, teh miniaturnih pasti za materino krivdo (»Na prstih nohte strizite okroglo, na nogah ravno. Pazite, da pri tem otroka ne ranite.«)
14 Končna redakcija
The Liburnia deposits have been studied in a 150 m thick succession in vicinity of Čebulovica, on NW part of the Adriatic-Dinaridic carbonate platform. The studied section is exposed in road cut of the motor-way Ljubljana - Koper (Trieste).
V useku nove avtoceste in stare ceste med Postojno in Divačo so v 150 m debeli skladovnici razkriti paleocenski apnenci Liburnijske formacije.
15 Končna redakcija
Where necessary, when fresh cut meat or offal is wrapped in packaging, for example sheet plastic, which comes into direct contact with it, this operation must be carried out immediately after cutting and in accordance with hygiene requirements.
Če se razkosano sveže meso ali klavnični proizvodi embalirajo, na primer v plastično folijo, ki prihaja v neposreden stik s temi proizvodi, je treba po potrebi ta postopek izvesti takoj po razseku in v skladu s higienskimi zahtevami.
16 Končna redakcija
In such cases the slaughter room and the cutting room must be sufficiently near to each other and located in the same group of buildings, since the meat to be cut must be transferred in one operation from one room to the other by means of an extension of the mechanical handling system from the slaughter room, and cutting must be carried out immediately.
V takih primerih morata biti klavniški prostor in prostor za razkosanje dovolj blizu skupaj in locirana v istem sklopu stavb, ker je meso, namenjeno za razkosanje, treba premestiti iz enega prostora v drugega v enem postopku z mehanskim sistemom, ki poteka iz klavnice, in se mora razkosanje opraviti takoj.
17 Končna redakcija
fresh meat must be transported directly from the slaughter room to the cutting room, which must be located in the same group of buildings and sufficiently near to each other since the meat to be cut must be transferred in one operation from one room to the other by means of an extension of the overhead handling network from the slaughter room, and cutting must be carried out immediately;
sveže meso mora biti prepeljano neposredno iz klavniškega prostora v prostor za razsek, ki mora biti v istem sklopu stavb in dovolj blizu skupaj, ker je meso, namenjeno za razsek, treba prepeljati iz enega prostora v drugega v enem postopku s sistemom prevoza mesa po tirih v visečem položaju iz klavniškega prostora za nadaljnjo obdelavo in razsek se mora opraviti takoj;
18 Pravna redakcija
Carnations (cut flowers)
Nageljni (rezano cvetje)
19 Pravna redakcija
The carcase shall be cut up into parts and boned only in cutting rooms.
Trup se razkosa in izkošči samo v prostorih za razsek.
20 Pravna redakcija
Surface swabbing includes opening sides of the carcases and cut surfaces.
Brisi površine se odvzamejo z odprtih površin trupov in s površin reza.
21 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31968R0316
Produce must be carefully cut and have reached a sufficient stage of maturity.
Proizvod mora biti skrbno odrezan in mora biti na ustrezni stopnji razvoja.
22 Pravna redakcija
Carcases, half-carcases, half-carcases cut into a maximum of three pieces and quarters referred to under A(l)
Trupi, polovice trupov, polovice trupov, razrezane na največ tri dele in četrti iz A(1)
23 Pravna redakcija
Dried carrots, whole, cut, sliced, broken, or in powder, but not further prepared
Sušeno korenje, celo, narezano na koščke ali rezine, zdrobljeno ali zmleto, vendar ne nadalje pripravljeno
24 Pravna redakcija
Carefully cut out a small conical core (3- 5 mm diameter) of vascular tissue at the heel end.
Previdno izrežemo majhno stožčasto jedro (s premerom 3- 5 mm) žilnega tkiva na območju stolona.
25 Pravna redakcija
Cut carnations of a kind suitable for bouquets or for ornamental purposes, fresh, from 1 May to 25 October
Rezani nageljni, primerni za šopke ali za okras, sveži, od 1. maja do 25. oktobra
26 Pravna redakcija
Heading No 48. 20 does not cover loose sheets or cards, cut to size, whether or not printed, embossed or perforated.
Tar. št. 4820 ne obsega prostih listov in kartic, razrezanih v določene velikosti, tiskanih ali netiskanih, reliefnih ali luknjanih.
27 Pravna redakcija
When imported without the feet, the latter must have been cut off at the carpo-metacarpal or tarso-metacarsal joints;
Kadar se uvažajo brez spodnjega dela nog, morajo biti odrezane pri carpo-metakarpalnih ali tarzo-metatarzalnih sklepih;
28 Pravna redakcija
When imported without the feet, the latter must have been cut off at the carpo-metacarpian or tarso-metatarsian joints;
Kadar se uvažajo brez spodnjega dela nog, morajo biti te odrezane pri karpo-metakarpalnih ali tarzo-metatarzalnih sklepih;
29 Pravna redakcija
Produce must have been carefully cut or picked, according to the species, and have reached an appropriate stage of growth.
Proizvod mora biti glede na vrsto skrbno odrezan ali odtrgan in mora biti na ustrezni stopnji rasti oziroma razvoja.
30 Pravna redakcija
five-rib forequarters obtained using a straight cut from the carcasses or half carcasses referred to in Article 4(2) of Regulation (EC) No 562/2000;
prednje četrti, ki se dobijo z ravnim rezom trupa ali polovice trupa iz člena 4(2) Uredbe (ES) št. 562/2000;
31 Pravna redakcija
Carbon and other copying papers (including duplicator-stencils) and transfer papers, cut to size, whether or not put up in boxes
Karbon papir in drug papir za kopiranje (vključno z matricami za razmnoževanje), razrezan v določene oblike ali velikosti, pripravljen v škatlah ali ne
32 Pravna redakcija
Carbon and other copying papers (including duplicator stencils) and transfer papers, cut to size, whether or not put up in boxes
Karbon papir in drug papir za kopiranje (vključno z matricami za razmnoževanje) in papir za preslikavanje, razrezan v določene oblike ali velikosti, pripravljen v škatlah ali ne
33 Pravna redakcija
Where cut wild game meat is wrapped, this operation must be carried out immediately after cutting and in accordance with hygiene requirements.
Če je razkosano meso divjadi embalirano, je ta postopek treba izvesti takoj po razseku in v skladu s higienskimi zahtevami.
34 Pravna redakcija
Cut flowers and flower buds (other than carnations or roses) of a kind suitable for bouquets or for ornamental purposes, fresh, from 1 May to 25 October
Rezano cvetje in cvetni brsti (razen nageljnov ali vrtnic), primerni za šopke ali za okras, sveži, od 1. maja do 25. oktobra
35 Pravna redakcija
in slaughtering establishments which slaughter only pigs born and fattened in their own breeding establishments and which cut up all the carcases obtained.
v industrijskih klavnicah, v katerih koljejo le prašiče, skotene in pitane v njihovih lastnih vzrejališčih, in ki razrežejo vse trupe, ki jih dobijo.
36 Pravna redakcija
the rear part of a half-carcase comprising all the bones and the thigh and sirloin, with a minimum of three whole or cut ribs with or without the knuckle and with or without the thin flanks.
zadnji del polovice z vsemi kostmi, stegnom in ledjem, z najmanj tremi celimi ali rezanimi rebri, z zadnjim bočnikom ali brez njega in s potrebušino ali brez nje
37 Pravna redakcija
the rear part of a carcase comprising all the bones and the thigh and sirloin, with a minimum of three pairs of whole or cut ribs with or without the knuckle and with or without the thin flanks.
zadnji del trupa z vsemi kostmi, stegnom in ledjem, z najmanj tremi pari celih ali rezanih reber, z zadnjim bočnikom ali brez njega in s potrebušino ali breznje.
38 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1139
(7) The rules to dispatch carcases, half carcases and quarter carcases containing no specified risk material other than vertebral column to other Member States without the latter's prior agreement should be expanded to half carcases cut into no more than three wholesale cuts reflecting the actual trade between Member States.
(7) Pravila za odpošiljanje trupov, polovic in četrti, ki ne vsebujejo tkiv s specifičnim tveganjem, razen hrbtenice, v druge države članice brez njihovega predhodnega dovoljenja je treba razširiti tudi na polovice, razsekane na največ tri kose, tako da bodo odražala dejansko trgovino med državami članicami.
39 Pravna redakcija
half-carcases, half carcases cut into no more than three wholesale cuts, quarters or offal complying with the conditions set out in Article 17 (2) and (3) from slaughterhouses designated for this purpose in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 29;
polovic trupov, polovic, prerezanih na največ tri kose za prodajo na debelo, četrti ali užitnih klavničnih proizvodov, ki ustrezajo pogojem iz člena 17(2) in (3), iz klavnic, določenih za ta namen v skladu s postopkom, določenim v členu 29;
40 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1139
However, carcases, half carcases or half carcases cut into no more than three wholesale cuts, and quarters containing no specified risk material other than vertebral column, including dorsal root ganglia, may be imported into a Member State, or dispatched to another Member State without the latter's prior agreement
Vendar pa se lahko trupi, polovice trupov, razsekane v največ tri kose, in četrtine trupov, ki ne vsebujejo drugih živalskih tkiv s specifičnim tveganjem kot hrbtenice z dorzalnimi bazalnimi gangliji, uvozijo v državo članico ali odpremijo v drugo državo članico brez predhodnega soglasja slednje.
41 Pravna redakcija
the front part of a half-carcase comprising all the bones and the scrag, neck and shoulder, with a minimum of four ribs and a maximum of 10 ribs (the first four ribs must be whole while the others may be cut) with or without the thin flank;
sprednji del polovice z vsemi kostmi in kitami, vratom in plečetom, z najmanj štirimi in največ 10 pari reber (prvi štirje pari reber morajo biti celi, medtem ko so drugi lahko rezani) s potrebušino ali brez nje;
42 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31977R0425
the front part of a carcase comprising all the bones and the scrag, neck and shoulder, with a minimum of four pairs of ribs and a maximum of 10 pairs of ribs (the first four pairs must be whole while the others may be cut) with or without the thin flank;
sprednji del polovice z vsemi kostmi in kitami, vratom in plečetom, z najmanj štirimi in največ 10 pari reber (prvi štirje pari reber morajo biti celi, medtem ko so drugi lahko rezani) s potrebušino ali brez nje;
43 Pravna redakcija
The storage requirements laid down in paragraph 1 A (f) and B (c) shall not apply to storage operations carried out within premises, or in rooms adjoining premises, in which carcases and cut or boned poultrymeat are supplied directly to the final consumer.
Zahteve v zvezi s skladiščenjem iz odstavka 1A(f) in B(c) ne veljajo za skladiščenje, ki poteka v prostorih ali v prostorih zraven njih, v katerih se trupi in razkosano ali izkoščeno perutninsko meso dobavijo neposredno končnemu porabniku.
44 Pravna redakcija
Cut the visceral mass and the gills with small scissors along a sagittal plane, and place the sample in a fixative (Davidson's, Bouin's or Carson fluid); the last-named is suitable for samples which may be examined later by electron microscopy if necessary.
S škarjicami prerežite drobovje in škrge po sagitalni ravnini, in položite vzorec v preparat za fiksiranje (Davidsonovo, Bouinovo ali Carsonovo tekočino); slednja je primerna za vzorce, ki se lahko kasneje po potrebi pregledajo z elektronsko mikroskopijo.
45 Pravna redakcija
'In cases where carcases or half-carcases are cut into forequarters and hindquarters at a location other than the abattoir, the authority referred to in Article 2 (2) may replace the abovementioned certificate, issued in respect of carcases or half-carcases, by certificates in respect of the quarters referred to above, provided that all other requirements regarding the issue thereof have been complied with.'
"V primerih, ko so klavni trupi ali polovice razkosani na prednje in zadnje četrti na drugi lokaciji kakor v klavnici, lahko oblast iz člena 2(2) nadomesti zgoraj navedeno potrdilo, izdano za klavne trupe ali polovice, s potrdili za zgoraj navedene četrti pod pogojem, da so izpolnjene tudi druge zahteve v zvezi s tem."
46 Pravna redakcija
"Unseparated hindquarters", for the purpose of CN code 0202 20 50 and 0202 20 50, means the rear part of the carcase comprising all the bones and the thigh and sirloin, including the fillet, with a minimum of three pairs of whole or cut ribs with or without the thin flank;
'nerazkosane zadnje četrti', za potrebe tarifnih oznak 0202 20 50 in 0202 20 50, so zadnji del trupa z vsemi kostmi, stegnom in ledjem, vključno s filejem, z najmanj tremi pari celih ali rezanih reber, s potrebušino ali brez nje;
47 Pravna redakcija
"Separated hindquarters", for the purpose of CN codes 0201 20 50 and 02022050 means the rear part of the half-carcase comprising all the bones and the thigh and sirloin including the fillet, with a minimum of three whole or cut ribs with or without the shank and with or without the thin flank;
'razkosane zadnje četrti', za potrebe tarifnih oznak 0201 20 50 in 0202 20 50, so zadnji del polovice z vsemi kostmi, stegnom in ledjem, vključno s filejem, z najmanj tremi celimi ali rezanimi rebri, z zadnjim bočnikom ali brez njega in s potrebušino ali brez nje;
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cut card