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data collection arrangement
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-61
(i) monitoring and evaluation measures, including data collection arrangements;
(i) spremljanje in nadzor ter oceno ukrepov, vključno z rešitvami za zbiranje podatkov;
2 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-55
All administrative arrangements between Member States concerning the redistribution of amounts of collection costs in situations within the scope of this Convention shall be superseded by the provisions of this Convention as from its date of application between the Member States concerned.
Od dneva začetka uporabe te konvencije med zadevnimi državami članicami določbe te konvencije nadomestijo vse upravne dogovore med državami članicami o prerazporeditvi zneskov stroškov zbiranja v primerih, ki spadajo na področje uporabe te konvencije.
3 Objavljeno
DRUGO: Konvencija
The Parties shall co-operate with each other, in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, and through the application of relevant international instruments on international co-operation in criminal matters, arrangements agreed on the basis of uniform or reciprocal legislation, and domestic laws, to the widest extent possible for the purposes of investigations or proceedings concerning criminal offences related to computer systems and data, or for the collection of evidence in electronic form of a criminal offence.
Pogodbenice za namene preiskav ali postopkov v zvezi s kaznivimi dejanji, povezanimi z računalniškimi sistemi in podatki, ali za zbiranje dokazov o kaznivem dejanju v elektronski obliki sodelujejo v skladu z določbami tega poglavja in z izvajanjem ustreznih mednarodnih dokumentov o mednarodnem sodelovanju v kazenskih zadevah, sporazumov, sklenjenih na podlagi poenotene ali vzajemne zakonodaje, in notranjo zakonodajo v najširšem možnem obsegu.
4 Pravna redakcija
monitoring, financial control and evaluation measures, including data collection arrangements;
spremljanje, finančni nadzor in vrednotenje ukrepov, vključno z ureditvijo zbiranja podatkov;
5 Pravna redakcija
Such arrangement should be sufficient to ensure that all the data necessary for inventory control and for collection of duty are provided.
Tak sporazum mora zagotoviti, da so posredovani vsi podatki, ki so potrebni za nadzor popisov in pobiranje dajatev.
6 Pravna redakcija
Whereas, however, in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity, the Member States are, for reasons of efficiency, to make the necessary arrangements for the collection and analysis of the data, while the Commission is to handle the integration and dissemination of Community results;
ker pa naj bi skladno z načelom subsidiarnosti države članice zaradi učinkovitosti izdelale potrebne programe za zbiranje in analizo podatkov, medtem ko naj bi se Komisija ukvarjala z združevanjem in diseminacijo rezultatov na ravni Skupnosti,
7 Pravna redakcija
Whereas, in addition to aiming to protect the copyright in the original selection or arrangement of the contents of a database, this Directive seeks to safeguard the position of makers of databases against misappropriation of the results of the financial and professional investment made in obtaining and collection the contents by protecting the whole or substantial parts of a database against certain acts by a user or competitor;
ker si poleg tega, da ima namen varovati avtorsko pravico pri prvotnem izboru ali razporeditvi vsebine baze podatkov, ta direktiva prizadeva zavarovati položaj izdelovalcev baz podatkov proti poneverbi rezultatov finančnih in strokovnih naložb v pridobivanje in zbiranje vsebine tako,da varuje celotno bazo podatkov ali njene bistvene dele pred določenimi dejanji uporabnika ali konkurenta;
8 Pravna redakcija
Whereas pursuant to Article 6 (2) of Regulation (EC) No 779/97 compliance with the arrangements for managing fishing effort in the Baltic Sea must be ensured, in particular by applying Title IIa of Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93 as regards the recording of data on fishing effort in the logbook, the procedures for forwarding the lists of named vessels to the Commission, the collection of data on fishing effort by the Member States and the forwarding of the assembled data on fishing effort to the Commission;
ker je treba v skladu s členom 6 (2) Uredbe (ES) št. 779/97 zagotoviti skladnost s sporazumi za upravljanje ribolovnega napora v Baltskem morju, še zlasti z uporabo naslova IIa Uredbe (EGS) št. 2847/93 v zvezi z beleženjem podatkov o ribolovnem naporu v ladijski dnevnik, postopki posredovanja seznamov imenovanih plovil Komisiji, zbiranjem podatkov o ribolovnem naporu držav članic in posredovanjem zbranih podatkov o ribolovnem naporu Komisiji;
9 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2295
(5) In order to guarantee to consumers that the quality characteristics for fresh eggs, also called grade A eggs, can be checked and apply only to the best quality eggs, and that certain eggs may be guaranteed »extra fresh«, criteria of a high standard should be fixed for each quality grade, especially stringent arrangements should apply to their collection and further distribution, and eggs should be graded and marked with the distinguishing number of the production establishment and, where appropriate, the date of laying.
(5) Da bi potrošnikom jamčili, da je kakovostne lastnosti svežih jajc, imenovanih tudi jajca razreda A, mogoče preverjati in uporabljati samo za najbolj kakovostna jajca, in da se nekaterim jajcem lahko jamči oznaka »posebno sveža«, je treba za vsak kakovostni razred določiti merila visokega standarda; posebno stroga pravila morajo veljati za njihovo zbiranje in dobavljanje, jajca pa je treba razvrstiti in označiti z identifikacijsko številko proizvodnega obrata ter, kjer je namenjeno, z datumom znesitve.
10 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2295
In order to guarantee to consumers that the quality characteristics for fresh eggs, also called grade A eggs, can be checked and apply only to the best quality eggs, and that certain eggs may be guaranteed "extra fresh", criteria of a high standard should be fixed for each quality grade, especially stringent arrangements should apply to their collection and further distribution, and eggs should be graded and marked with the distinguishing number of the production establishment and, where appropriate, the date of laying.
Da bi potrošnikom jamčili, da je kakovostne lastnosti svežih jajc, imenovanih tudi jajca razreda A, mogoče preverjati in se uporabljajo samo za najbolj kakovostna jajca, in da se nekaterim jajcem lahko jamči oznaka posebno sveža, je treba za vsak kakovostni razred določiti merila visokega standarda; posebno stroga pravila morajo veljati za njihovo zbiranje in dobavljanje, jajca pa je treba razvrstiti in označiti z identifikacijsko številko proizvodnega obrata ter, kjer je primerno, z datumom znesitve.
11 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2295
In order to guarantee to consumers that the quality characteristics for fresh eggs, also called grade A eggs, can be checked and apply only to the best quality eggs, and that certain eggs may be guaranteed «extra fresh», criteria of a high standard should be fixed for each quality grade, especially stringent arrangements should apply to their collection and further distribution, and eggs should be graded and marked with the distinguishing number of the production establishment and, where appropriate, the date of laying.
Da bi potrošnikom jamčili, da je kakovostne lastnosti svežih jajc, imenovanih tudi jajca razreda A, mogoče preverjati in se uporabljajo samo za najbolj kakovostna jajca, in da se nekaterim jajcem lahko jamči oznaka »posebno sveža«, je treba za vsak kakovostni razred določiti merila visokega standarda; posebno stroga pravila morajo veljati za njihovo zbiranje in dobavljanje, jajca pa je treba razvrstiti in označiti z identifikacijsko številko proizvodnega obrata ter, kjer je primerno, z datumom znesitve.
12 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997R0779
Before 31 December 1997, the Council shall take a decision on a proposal submitted by the Commission, by 30 June 1997 at the latest, for amendments to Council Regulation (EEC) No 2847/93 of 12 October 1993 establishing a control system applicable to the common fisheries policy (7) and in particular as regards Title IIa on the recording of data on fishing effort in the logbook, the procedures for forwarding the lists of named vessels to the Commission, the collection of data on fishing effort by the Member States and the forwarding of the assembled data on fishing effort to the Commission, in order to ensure compliance with the arrangements for the management of fishing effort referred to in this Regulation.
Svet pred 31. decembrom 1997 sprejme odločitev o predlogu, ki ga najkasneje do 30. junija 1997 predloži Komisija, o spremembah Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 2847/93 z dne 12. oktobra 1993 za oblikovanje nadzornega sistema na področju skupne ribiške politike (7), zlasti v zvezi z Naslovom IIa o beleženju podatkov o ribolovnem naporu v ladijski dnevnik, postopkih za posredovanje seznamov imenovanih ribiških plovil Komisiji, zbiranju podatkov o ribolovnem naporu držav članic in pošiljanju zbranih podatkov Komisiji, da bi se zagotovila skladnost z določbami za upravljanje ribolovnega napora, navedenimi v tej uredbi.
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data collection arrangement