Iskalni niz je ali predolg ali pa vsebuje preveč besed.
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death certificate
1 Objavljeno
The data about the deceased and the causes of death are collected in: The Death Certificate and The Registration of Death or the DEM-2 form.
Uporabili smo podatke o umrlih, ki se zbirajo na Zdravniškem potrdilu o smrti in vzrokih smrti ter Prijavi smrti.
2 Objavljeno
After that members of commission asigne the "Death certificate".
Takrat komisija specialistov podpiše "Poročilo o ugotovitvi smrti".
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-108
Certification of death
Ugotovitev smrti
4 Objavljeno
The database is composed of data from Physicians' Certificate of Death and Report on the Causes of Death forms.
Zbirka temelji na podatkih iz Zdravniškega potrdila o smrti in poročila o vzrokih smrti.
5 Objavljeno
Analysed were data of the deceased, recorded by physicians on Medical Certificate on Death and Causes of Death and by Registrar's Office on the Registration Form on Death (DEM-2), and rough and sophisticated mortality indicators were presented.
Analizirali smo podatke o umrlih, ki jih zapisujejo zdravniki na Zdravniškem potrdilu o smrti in vzrokih smrti, ter matični uradniki na prijavi smrti DEM-2 in jih predstavili z grobimi in sofisticiranimi kazalci umrljivosti.
6 Končna redakcija
the claimant must indicate, in so far as is possible, either the institution or institutions administering insurance in respect of invalidity, old age or death (pensions) of any Member State with which the worker has been insured, or the employer or employers for whom he has worked in the territory of any Member State, by producing any employment certificates which he may have in his possession;
vlagatelj zahtevka mora, če je to mogoče, navesti bodisi nosilca ali nosilce, ki izvajajo zavarovanje za invalidnost, starost ali smrt (pokojnine) vseh držav članic, v katerih je bil delavec zavarovan, ali delodajalca ali delodajalce, za katere je delal na ozemlju katere koli države članice, s predložitvijo vseh potrdil o zaposlitvi, ki jih ima v posesti;
7 Končna redakcija
The investigating institution shall enter on the form provided for in Article 42 (1) of the Implementing Regulation the insurance periods completed under the legislation which it administers and it shall forward a copy of that form to the institution administering insurance in respect of invalidity, old age or death (pensions) of any Member State with which the worker has been insured enclosing, where appropriate, any employment certificates produced by the claimant.
Nosilec, ki prouči zahtevek, vnese v obrazec, predviden v členu 42(1) izvedbene uredbe, zavarovalne dobe, dopolnjene v skladu z zakonodajo, ki jo izvaja, en izvod tega obrazca pa pošlje nosilcu, ki izvaja zavarovanje za invalidnost, starost ali smrt (pokojnine), katere koli države članice, pri kateri je bil delavec zavarovan, pri čemer po potrebi priloži vsa potrdila o zaposlitvi, ki jih je predložil vlagatelj.
8 Pravna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 31999R1749
fees for the issue of birth, marriage and death certificates and other administrative documents,
dajatve za izdajanje potrdil o rojstvu, poroki in smrti ter drugih upravnih dokumentov,
9 Pravna redakcija
Fees for the issue of passports, birth, marriage or death certificates - following the conventions of ESA 1995 (footnote 5 to paragraph 4.79) and the system of national accounts (paragraph 8.54) such payments are considered as purchases of services from government and thus covered by the HICP
pristojbine za izdajo potnih listov, rojstnih, poročnih in mrliških listov - po konvencijah ESA 1995 (sprotna opomba 5 do odstavka 4.79) in sistemu nacionalnih računov (odstavek 8.54); omenjena plačila veljajo kot nakupi storitev s strani države in so torej zajeta v HICP
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death certificate