Iskalni niz je ali predolg ali pa vsebuje preveč besed.
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death declaration
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
Declaration concerning liability in case of death of, or personal injury to, passengers
Izjava o odgovornosti pri smrti ali poškodbi potnikov
2 Končna redakcija
Declaration on the abolition of the death penalty
Izjava o odpravi smrtne kazni
3 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002E0495
After the death of Jonas Savimbi, on 22 February 2002, the Union expressed, in the declarations of 28 February and 4 April 2002, as well as in the conclusions of the European Council of Barcelona of 15 to 16 March and those of the General Affairs Council held on 13 and 14 May, its satisfaction with the announcement of the ceasefire made by the Government on 13 March and with the formal signature by the Government of Angola and UNITA on 4 April of a Memorandum of Understanding in complement to the Lusaka Protocol for a ceasefire and other pending military issues.
Po smrti Jonasa Savimbija, 22. februarja 2002, je Unija v izjavah 28. februarja in 4. aprila 2002, in v zaključkih Evropskega sveta v Barceloni 15. do 16. marca, ter v zaključkih Sveta za splošne zadeve 13. in 14. maja, izrazila zadovoljstvo, da je vlada Angole 13. marca 2002 najavila premirje in 4. aprila 2002 z UNITA formalno podpisala Memorandum o soglasju kot dopolnilo k Lusaškemu protokolu glede premirja in drugih nerešenih vojaških vprašanj.
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death declaration