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declaration of Community interest
1 Končna redakcija
declaration of Community interest
izjava o interesu Skupnosti
2 Objavljeno
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-19
DECLARATION concerning the simultaneous adoption of the Convention on the protection of the European Communities' financial interests and the Protocol on the interpretation by way of preliminary rulings, by the Court of Justice of the European Communities, of that Convention
IZJAVA o sočasnem sprejetju Konvencije o zaščiti finančnih interesov Evropskih skupnosti in Protokola o razlagi Konvencije s predhodnim odločanjem Sodišča Evropskih skupnosti
3 Objavljeno
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Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-19
The Protocol drawn up on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union, on the interpretation, by way of preliminary rulings, by the Court of Justice of the European Communities of the Convention on the protection of the European Communities' financial interests, of 29 November 1996(7), shall apply to this Protocol, on the understanding that a declaration made by a Member State pursuant to Article 2 of that Protocol is also valid regarding this Protocol unless the Member State concerned makes a declaration to the contrary when giving the notification provided for in Article 16 (2) of this Protocol.
Za ta protokol se uporablja tudi Protokol, pripravljen na podlagi člena K.3 Pogodbe o Evropski uniji, o razlagi Konvencije o zaščiti finančnih interesov Evropskih skupnosti s predhodnim odločanjem Sodišča Evropskih skupnosti z dne 29. novembra 1996(7) pod pogojem, da izjava države članice v skladu s členom 2 navedenega protokola velja tudi za ta protokol, razen če država članica v svojem uradnem obvestilu iz člena 16(2) tega protokola ne izjavi drugače.
4 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-19
By a declaration made at the time of the signing of this Protocol or at any time thereafter, any Member State shall be able to accept the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the European Communities to give preliminary rulings on the interpretation of the Convention on the protection of the European Communities' financial interests and the first Protocol to that Convention under the conditions specified in either paragraph 2 (a) or paragraph 2 (b).
Vsaka država članica lahko z izjavo ob podpisu tega protokola ali kadar koli pozneje sprejme pristojnost Sodišča Evropskih skupnosti za predhodno odločanje o razlagi Konvencije o zaščiti finančnih interesov Evropskih skupnosti in prvega protokola k tej konvenciji v skladu s pogoji, ki so določeni v odstavku 2(a) ali 2(b).
5 Končna redakcija
Declaration on the representation of the interests of the overseas countries and territories referred to in Article 227(3) and (5)(a) and (b) of the Treaty establishing the European Community
Izjava o zastopanju interesov čezmorskih držav in ozemelj iz člena 227(3) in (5)(a) in (b) Pogodbe o ustanovitvi Evropske skupnosti
6 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0787
Following the abolition of export refunds for all Community cheeses exported to Switzerland provided for in the Bilateral Agreement between the European Community and the Swiss Confederation on trade in agricultural products (hereafter referred to as "the Agreement"), signed in Luxembourg on 21 June 1999, and approved by Council Decision of 28 February 2002(5), and in the interests of the simplification of customs formalities, the export of cheeses to Switzerland will be allowed on the basis of a simple export declaration accompanied by proof of origin, in accordance with Protocol No 3, concerning the definition of the concept 'of originating products' and methods of administrative cooperation, to the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the Swiss Confederation of 22 July 1972, as last amended by Decision No 1/2001 of the EC-Switzerland Joint Committee of 24 January 2001(6), approved by Council Regulation (EEC) No 2840/72 of 19 December 1972(7).
Po odpravi izvoznih nadomestil za vse sire Skupnosti, ki se izvažajo v Švico po Dvostranskem sporazumu med Evropsko skupnostjo in Švicarsko konfederacijo o trgovini s kmetijskimi proizvodi (v nadaljnjem besedilu "Sporazum"), podpisanem v Luksemburgu dne 21. junija 1999 in odobrenim s Sklepom Sveta z dne 28. februarja 2002, ter v interesu poenostavitve carinskih formalnosti, bo izvoz sirov v Švico dovoljen na podlagi enostavne izvozne deklaracije, ki jo spremlja dokazilo o poreklu, v skladu s Protokolom št. 3, glede opredelitve koncepta "proizvodov s poreklom" in metod upravnega sodelovanja k Sporazumu med Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo in Švicarsko konfederacijo z dne 22. julija 1972, kakor je bil nazadnje spremenjen s Sklepom št. 1/2001 Skupnega odbora ES in Švice z dne 24. januarja 2001, odobrenim z Uredbo Sveta (EGS) št. 2840/72 z dne 19. decembra 1972.
7 Pravna redakcija
In order to protect the Community's financial interests, however, declarations under the IMA 1 certificate arrangements must be verified at Community level by the random sampling of lots and the use of internationally recognised testing and statistical methods.
Za zaščito finančnih interesov Skupnosti je treba deklaracije na podlagi dogovorov o potrdilih IMA 1 preveriti na ravni Skupnosti z naključnim vzorčenjem serij in z uporabo mednarodno priznanih metod preskušanja in statističnih metod.
8 Pravna redakcija
Protocol drawn up on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union, on the interpretation, by way of preliminary rulings, by the Court of Justice of the European Communities of the Convention on the protection of the European Communities' financial interests - Declaration concerning the simultaneous adoption of the Convention on the protection of the European Communities' financial interests and the Protocol on the interpretation by way of preliminary rulings, by the Court of Justice of the European Communities, of that Convention - Declaration made pursuant to Article 2
PROTOKOL, pripravljen na podlagi člena K.3 Pogodbe o Evropski uniji, o razlagi Konvencije o zaščiti finančnih interesov Evropskih skupnosti s predhodnim odločanjem Sodišča Evropskih skupnosti
9 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R2286
As regards Community transit formalities and formalities at destination, it is in the interests of each person intervening in the operation to check the contents of his declaration before signing it and lodging it with the customs office.
V zvezi s skupnostnimi tranzitnimi formalnostmi in formalnostmi v kraju namembnosti je treba navesti, da je v interesu vseh udeležencev preveriti vsebino deklaracije, preden jo podpišejo in vložijo na carinskem uradu.
10 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996R0296
whereas procedures for declaration by these Member States of interest chargeable to the Community should be laid down;
ker je treba določiti postopek, da lahko te države članice prijavijo obresti, ki se zaračunavajo Skupnosti;
11 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0889
The supplementary sum which, in accordance with Article 22(2) of the Montreal Convention, may be demanded by a Community air carrier when a passenger makes a special declaration of interest in delivery of their baggage at destination, shall be based on a tariff which is related to the additional costs involved in transporting and insuring the baggage concerned over and above those for baggage valued at or below the liability limit.
Dodatni znesek, ki ga v skladu s členom 22(2) Montrealske konvencije lahko zahteva letalski prevoznik Skupnosti, če potnik v posebni izjavi izrazi željo glede dostave svoje prtljage do namembnega kraja, temelji na tarifi, ki je odvisna od dodatnih stroškov prevoza in zavarovanja zadevne prtljage, ki presegajo običajne stroške za prtljago, ocenjene v višini, ki je enaka ali nižja od omejene odgovornosti.
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declaration of Community interest