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deepen relations
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-19
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Republic of Cyprus, desirous of further deepening friendly relations between the two States on the basis of the principles and recommendations of the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, and of facilitating travel by their citizens and thus contacts between them,
Vlada Republike Slovenije in Vlada Republike Ciper sta se v želji, da bi nadalje poglabljali prijateljske odnose med državama na podlagi načel in priporočil Sklepne listine Konference o varnosti in sodelovanju v Evropi ter olajšali potovanje svojih državljanov in s tem boljše stike med njimi,
2 Končna redakcija
The transformation of the state-owned broadcasting systems was only superficial, lacking deeper intervention in the relations between the public service broadcasters and the state.
Transformacija državnih rtv sistemov v javne je bila večinoma zgolj površinska oz. brez globokih posegov v odnos med javnimi mediji in državo.
3 Končna redakcija
The everyday understanding of the relation between enjoyment and power, according to which power suppresses a subject's enjoyment, is therefore turned upside down - the subject is not only utterly free or even subversive in relation to society, but the site of its enjoyment is also the site of its deepest subordination and involvement in power relations.
Vsakdanje razumevanje razmerja med užitkom in oblastjo, po katerem oblast zatira subjektovo uživanje, je torej postavljena na glavo - na mestu svojega uživanja subjekt ni samo najbolj svoboden ali morda celo družbi subverziven, pač pa je tam hkrati tudi točka njegove najgloblje podrejenosti oblasti in vpletenosti v oblastna razmerja.
4 Pravna redakcija
RESOLVED to deepen, extend and diversify their economic and trade relations and also their relations in the development sphere;
ODLOČENI, da poglobita, razširita in razvejata svoje gospodarske in trgovinske odnose ter odnose na področju razvoja;
5 Pravna redakcija
INSPIRED by their determination to strengthen, deepen and diversify these relations for their mutual benefit;
NAVDIHNJENA s svojo odločenostjo, da okrepita, poglobita in razvejata te odnose v obojestransko korist;
6 Pravna redakcija
DETERMINED to consolidate and deepen the existing relations between the Yemen Arab Republic and the European Community;
ODLOČENA, da bosta utrdila in poglobila obstoječe odnose med Republiko Jemen in Evropsko skupnostjo,
7 Pravna redakcija
(d) increasing the level of and deepening cooperation actions, while taking into account the Association relation between the Parties.
(d) povečevanju ravni dejavnosti sodelovanja in njihovemu poglabljanju ob upoštevanju pridružitvenega odnosa med pogodbenicama.
8 Pravna redakcija
RECOGNISING the fundamental objective of the Agreement, which is to consolidate, deepen and diversify relations between the two Parties;
OB PRIZNAVANJU temeljnega cilja Sporazuma, ki je utrditev, poglobitev in razvejanost odnosov med pogodbenicama;
9 Pravna redakcija
INSPIRED by their determination to strengthen, deepen and diversify their commercial and economic relations on the basis of comparative advantage and mutual benefit;
NAVDIHNJENA s svojo odločenostjo, da okrepita, poglobita in razvejata svoje trgovinske in gospodarske odnose na podlagi primerjalne prednosti in obojestranskih koristi;
10 Pravna redakcija
INSPIRED by their determination to strengthen, deepen and diversify their commercial and economic relations on the basis of comparative advantage and mutual benefit,
VODENI z odločenostjo okrepiti, poglobiti in razvejati njune trgovinske in gospodarske odnose na podlagi primerjalne prednosti in medsebojne koristi,
11 Pravna redakcija
CONSIDERING that the European Economic Community, hereinafter called the 'Community', and Mongolia wish to develop, extend and deepen their commercial and economic relations,
OB UPOŠTEVANJU dejstva, da želita Evropska gospodarska skupnost, v nadaljnjem besedilu ` Skupnost` in Mongolija razviti, razširiti in poglobiti njune trgovinske in ekonomske odnose,
12 Pravna redakcija
INSPIRED by their common will to consolidate, deepen and diversify their relations in areas of mutual-interest on the basis of equality, non-discrimination and mutual benefit;
VODENI s skupno željo po utrditvi, poglobitvi in razvejanju njunih odnosov na področjih medsebojnega interesa na podlagi enakopravnosti, nediskriminacije in medsebojne koristi podlagi,
13 Pravna redakcija
CONSIDERING that the European Economic Community, hereinafter referred to as the 'Community' and Macao wish to develop, extend and deepen economic and trade relations between them;
OB UPOŠTEVANJU dejstva, da želita Evropska gospodarska skupnost, v nadaljnjem besedilu “Skupnost” in Macao razviti, razširiti in poglobiti njune trgovinske in gospodarske odnose,
14 Pravna redakcija
INSPIRED by their common will to consolidate, deepen and diversify their relations in areas of mutual interest on the basis of equality, non-discrimination and mutual benefit and reciprocity,
NAVDAHNJENI s skupno željo, da na podlagi enakosti, nediskriminacije in skupne koristi ter vzajemnosti utrdita, poglobita in vsestransko oblikujeta svoje odnose na področjih, ki so v skupnem interesu,
15 Pravna redakcija
This Agreement establishes a Political and Economic Association between the Parties, based on reciprocity, common interest and on the deepening of the relationship in all areas of application.
To je sporazum o politični in gospodarski pridružitvi med pogodbenicama, ki temelji na vzajemnosti, skupnem interesu in poglabljanju odnosov na vseh področjih uporabe.
16 Pravna redakcija
REAFFIRMING the Parties' common will to consolidate, deepen and diversify their relations in areas of mutual interest on a footing of equality, non-discrimination, mutual benefit and reciprocity;
S PONOVNO POTRDITVIJO skupne želje pogodbenic po utrditvi, poglobitvi in razširitvi medsebojnih odnosov na področjih skupnega interesa na podlagi enakosti, nediskriminacije, vzajemne koristi in vzajemnosti;
17 Pravna redakcija
RESOLVED to consolidate, deepen and diversify their commercial and economic relations to the full extent of their growing capacity to meet each other's requirements on the basis of mutual benefit;
ODLOČENI, da z lastno dejavnostjo utrdita, poglobita in vsestransko oblikujeta trgovinske in gospodarske vezi ter tako na podlagi obojestranskih prednosti izpolnita medsebojne zahteve,
18 Pravna redakcija
RECOGNISING the common will to consolidate, deepen and diversify the relations between the Parties in areas of mutual interest on a footing of equality, non-discrimination, mutual benefit and reciprocity;
OB PRIZNAVANJU skupne želje po utrditvi, poglobitvi in razširitvi odnosov med pogodbenicama na področjih skupnega interesa na podlagi enakosti, nediskriminacije, skupne koristi in vzajemnosti;
19 Pravna redakcija
Inspired by their common will to consolidate, deepen and diversify their commercial and economic relations to the full extent of their growing capacity to meet each other's requirements on the basis of comparative advantage and mutual benefit;
spričo skupne želje po utrditvi, poglobitvi in razširitvi njunih trgovinskih in gospodarskih odnosov do polnega obsega svojih naraščajočih zmogljivosti z namenom izpolniti zahteve druga druge na podlagi primerjalne prednosti in vzajemne koristi;
20 Pravna redakcija
RESOLVED to consolidate, deepen and diversify their commercial and economic relations to the full extent of their growing capacity, so as to meet each other's requirements on the basis of mutual benefit and exploration of the complementarity of their economies in a dynamic context;
ODLOČENI, da z lastno dejavnostjo utrdita, poglobita in večstransko oblikujeta trgovinske in gospodarske vezi ter tako na podlagi obojestranskih prednosti in raziskovanja celovitosti njunih gospodarstev v dinamičnem okviru izpolnita medsebojna pričakovanja;
21 Pravna redakcija
CONVINCED of the need to institute a new phase of co-operation between the two regions, in line with the conclusions of the San Jose VIII Ministerial Conference, and recognizing that the fundamental objective of the Agreement is to consolidate, deepen and diversify relations between the two parties,
PREPRIČANI, da je treba vzpostaviti novo fazo sodelovanja med regijama v skladu s sklepi VIII Ministrske konference v San Jose-ju, ter priznavajoč, da je temeljni cilj Sporazuma utrjevanje, poglobitev in razvejanost odnosov med pogodbenicama,
22 Pravna redakcija
DECLARING their readiness to examine, in the light of any relevant factor, and in particular of developments in the Community, the possibility of developing and deepening their relations where it would appear to be useful in the interests of their economies to extend them to fields not covered by this Agreement,
IZJAVLJAJOČ, da sta glede na vse pomembne dejavnike, zlasti glede na razvoj v Skupnosti, pripravljeni preučiti možnosti za razvijanje in poglabljanje svojih odnosov, če bi to koristilo interesom njunih gospodarstev, tako da bi jih razširili na področja, ki jih ta sporazum ne zajema,
23 Pravna redakcija
Whereas cooperation on higher education strengthens and deepens the whole fabric of relations existing between the peoples of Europe, brings out common cultural values, allows fruitful exchanges of views to take place and facilitates multinational activities in the scientific, cultural, artistic, economic and social spheres;
ker sodelovanje v visokem šolstvu krepi in poglablja celoten sistem odnosov med evropskimi narodi, prinaša skupne kulturne vrednote, omogoča plodno izmenjavo mnenj in pospešuje večnacionalne dejavnosti na znanstvenem, kulturnem, umetniškem, gospodarskem in socialnem področju;
24 Pravna redakcija
RECOGNISING the importance of strengthening the existing relationship between the Parties with a view to enhancing cooperation between them, and their common will to consolidate, deepen and diversify their relations in areas of mutual interest on the basis of equality, non-discrimination, respect for the natural environment and mutual benefit,
OB PRIZNAVANJU pomena krepitve obstoječega odnosa med pogodbenicama z namenom povečanja sodelovanja med njima ter njune skupne volje okrepiti, poglobiti in razširiti odnose na področjih medsebojnega interesa, na podlagi enakosti, nediskriminacije, spoštovanja naravnega okolja in medsebojne koristi,
25 Pravna redakcija
The objective of this Agreement between the Community and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is to promote comprehensive cooperation between the Contracting Parties with a view to contributing to the economic development of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, in particular to the development of a market economy, and to deepening relations between the Contracting Parties.
Cilj tega sporazuma med Skupnostjo in Nekdanjo jugoslovansko republiko Makedonijo je pospešiti celovito sodelovanje med pogodbenicama, s čimer bi prispevali k gospodarskemu razvoju Nekdanje jugoslovanske republike Makedonije, predvsem k razvoju tržnega gospodarstva in k poglobitvi odnosov med pogodbenicama.
26 Pravna redakcija
RECOGNIZING that the Community and Russia wish to strengthen these links and to establish partnership and cooperation which would deepen and widen the relations established between them in the past in particular by the Agreement between the European Economic Community and the European Atomic Energy Community and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on Trade and Commercial and Economic Cooperation, signed on 18 December 1989, hereinafter referred to as the '1989 Agreement',
OB PRIZNAVANJU želje Skupnosti in Rusije po okrepitvi teh vezi in vzpostavitvi partnerstva in sodelovanja, ki bo okrepilo in razširilo odnose vzpostavljene v preteklosti zlasti s Sporazumom med Evropsko gospodarsko skupnostjo in Evropsko skupnostjo za atomsko energijo in Zvezo sovjetskih socialističnih republik o trgovini in trgovinskem in gospodarskem sodelovanju, podpisanim dne 18. decembra 1989, v nadaljevanju "Sporazum iz leta 1989",
27 Prevajalska redakcija
that the European Economic Community, hereinafter called the 'Community`, and Mongolia wish to develop, extend and deepen their commercial and economic relations,
dejstva, da želita Evropska gospodarska skupnost, v nadaljnjem besedilu "Skupnost" in Mongolija razviti, razširiti in poglobiti njune trgovinske in ekonomske odnose,
28 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996D0413
Strengthening and deepening of the relationship between the European Union and the United States, mainly through support for the Trans-Atlantic Business Dialogue.
Krepitev in poglabljanje odnosov med Evropsko unijo in Združenimi državami, predvsem preko spodbujanja transatlantskega poslovnega dialoga.
29 Prevajalska redakcija
INSPIRED by their common will to consolidate, deepen and diversify their relations in areas of mutualinterest on the basis of equality, non-discrimination and mutual benefit;
VODENI s skupno željo po utrditvi, poglobitvi in razvejanju njunih odnosov na področjih medsebojnega interesa na podlagi enakopravnosti, nediskriminacije in medsebojne koristi podlagi,
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CONSIDERING that the European Economic Community, hereinafter referred to as the "Community" and Macao wish to develop, extend and deepen economic and trade relations between them;
STA SE - OB UPOŠTEVANJU, da želita Evropska gospodarska skupnost, v nadaljnjem besedilu "Skupnost", in Macao razviti, razširiti in poglobiti njune trgovinske in gospodarske odnose,
31 Prevajalska redakcija
INSPIRED by their common will to consolidate, deepen and diversify their relations in areas of mutual interest on the basis of equality, non-discrimination, mutual benefit and reciprocity;
VODENI s skupno željo po utrditvi, poglobitvi in razvejanju njunih odnosov na področjih medsebojnega interesa, na podlagi enakosti, nediskriminacije, medsebojne koristi in vzajemnosti;
32 Prevajalska redakcija
CONVINCED of the need to institute a new phase of co-operation between the two regions, in line with the conclusions of the San José VIII Ministerial Conference, and recognizing that the fundamental objective of the Agreement is to consolidate, deepen and diversify relations between the two parties,
PREPRIČANI, da je treba vzpostaviti novo fazo sodelovanja med regijama v skladu s sklepi VIII Ministrske konference v San Jose-ju, ter priznavajoč, da je temeljni cilj Sporazuma utrjevanje, poglobitev in razvejanost odnosov med pogodbenicama,
33 Prevajalska redakcija
DECLARING their readiness to examine, in the light of any relevant factor, and in particular of developments in the Community, the possibility of developing and deepening their relations where it would appear to be useful in the interests of their economies to extend them to fields not covered by this Agreement;
OB IZJAVI, da sta ob upoštevanju kakršnih koli s tem povezanih dejavnikov, predvsem ob upoštevanju razvoja dogodkov v Skupnosti, pripravljeni proučiti možnost razvoja in poglabljanja odnosov, kjer bi se to pokazalo kot uporabno za njuni gospodarstvi, da bi jih razširili na področja, ki niso zajeta v tem sporazumu;
34 Prevod
The European Union and Chile agree that this Joint Declaration should signal the beginning of closer and deeper relations.
Evropska unija in Čile se sporazumeta, da ta Skupna izjava oznanja začetek tesnejših in globljih odnosov.
35 Prevod
increasing the level of and deepening cooperation actions, while taking into account the Association relation between the Parties.
povečevanju ravni akcij sodelovanja in njihovemu poglabljanju ob upoštevanju pridružitvenega odnosa med pogodbenicama.
36 Prevod
INSPIRED by their common will to consolidate, deepen and diversify their relations in areas of mutual interest on the basis of equality, non-discrimination and mutual benefit;
VODENI od skupne želje po utrjevanju, poglabljanju in razvejanosti njunih odnosov na področjih, ki so v obojestranskem interesu, na enakopravni, nediskriminatorni in obojestransko koristni podlagi;
Prevodi: en > sl
deepen relations