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defence against
1 Objavljeno
The role of specific and non-specific immune mechanisms in defence against tumors
Vloga specifičnih in nespecifičnih imunskih mehanizmov pri obrambi pred tumorji
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
Order relating to obtaining consent for and conditions and manner of firing rockets for defence against hail (Ur.l. SFRY, no. 32/87),
uredba o pridobivanju soglasja ter pogojih in načinu za izstreljevanje raket za obrambo proti toči (Uradni list SFRJ, št. 32/87),
3 Objavljeno
Natural killer cells seem to be of a particular importance for a defence of an organism against tumors.
Vloga makrofagov v imunobiologiji tumorjev je manj razjasnjena.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-71
Reservation of the right to provide, by national law, that persons other than the operator may continue to be liable for damage caused by a nuclear incident on condition that these persons are fully covered in respect of their liability, including defence against unjustified actions, by insurance or other financial security obtained by the operator or out of State funds.
Pridržek pravice, da se z notranjim pravom določi, da poleg uporabnika ostajajo tudi druge osebe še naprej odgovorne za škodo, ki jo je povzročila jedrska nesreča, pod pogojem, da so te osebe za svojo odgovornost krite, vključno z obrambo zoper neupravičene tožbe,z zavarovanjem ali drugim finančnim jamstvom, ki ga pridobi uporabnik ali se zagotovi iz državnih sredstev.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-15
Where the defending party, after having been duly summoned, fails to file written submissions in defence, judgment shall be given against that party by default.
Če tožena stranka, ki ji je bila pravilno vročena tožba v odgovor, ne vloži pisnega odgovora na tožbo, se zoper njo izda zamudna sodba.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-65
Furthermore, the defendant may invoke the defence that the damage resulted from the wilful misconduct of the owner, but the defendant shall not invoke any other defence which the defendant might have been entitled to invoke in proceedings brought by the owner against the defendant.
Nadalje tožena stranka lahko uporabi ugovor, da je škoda nastala zaradi namernega neprimernega ravnanja lastnika, vendar pa tožena stranka ne sme uporabiti nobenega drugega ugovora, do uporabe katere bi bila tožena stranka upravičena v postopku, ki bi ga proti toženi stranki sprožil lastnik.
7 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-94
It is prohibited in all circumstances to direct weapons to which this Article applies, either in offence, defence or by way of reprisals, against the civilian population as such or against individual civilians or civilian objects.
V vseh okoliščinah je propovedano usmerjati orožje, za katero se uporablja ta člen, v napadu, obrambi ali kot povračilo proti civilnemu prebivalstvu ali proti posameznim civilistom ali civilnim objektom.
8 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2006-102
(3) The Parties commit themselves to not use the information received during the defence bilateral co-operation against the interests of the other Party that provided this information.
(3) Pogodbenika se zavezujeta, da podatkov, prejetih med dvostranskim obrambnim sodelovanjem, ne bosta uporabljala v nasprotju z interesi pogodbenika, ki je podatke zagotovil.
9 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-46
(3) The Parties commit themselves not to use the information received during the defence bilateral co-operation against the interests of the other Party that provided this information.
3) Pogodbenika se zavezujeta, da podatkov, prejetih med dvostranskim obrambnim sodelovanjem, ne bosta uporabljala v nasprotju z interesi pogodbenika, ki je podatke dal.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-48
(b) Assistance to enable their views and concerns to be presented and considered at appropriate stages of criminal proceedings against offenders, in a manner not prejudicial to the rights of the defence.
(b) pomoč pri predstavitvi in obravnavi njihovih mnenj in težav na primerni stopnji kazenskih postopkov proti storilcem kaznivih dejanj na način, ki ne škoduje pravicam obrambe.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-41
Each State Party shall, subject to its domestic law, enable views and concerns of victims to be presented and considered at appropriate stages of criminal proceedings against offenders in a manner not prejudicial to the rights of the defence.
Država pogodbenica skladno s svojim notranjim pravom omogoči, da se predstavijo in obravnavajo mnenja in skrbi žrtev na ustreznih stopnjah kazenskega postopka proti storilcem tako, da to ne posega v pravice obrambe.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-22
Each State Party shall, subject to its domestic law, enable the views and concerns of victims to be presented and considered at appropriate stages of criminal proceedings against offenders in a manner not prejudicial to the rights of the defence.
Vsaka država pogodbenica v skladu s svojim notranjim pravom omogoči, da se mnenja in pomisleki oškodovancev predstavijo in preučijo v ustreznih fazah kazenskega postopka zoper storilca kaznivega dejanja na način, ki ne posega v pravice obrambe.
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-24
the request relates to a confiscation order resulting from a decision rendered in absentia of the person against whom the order was issued and, in the opinion of the requested Party, the proceedings conducted by the requesting Party leading to such decision did not satisfy the minimum rights of defence recognised as due to everyone against whom a criminal charge is made.
f) se zaprosilo nanaša na odredbo za odvzem, ki temelji na odločitvi sodišča, sprejeti v odsotnosti osebe, proti kateri je bila izdana odredba, in po mnenju zaprošene pogodbenice država prosilka v postopku ni zagotovila minimalnih pravic obrambe, ki jih ima vsak obdolženec.
14 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-62
Recommendation No. R (91) 11 on sexual exploitation, pornography and prostitution of, and trafficking in, children and young adults; Recommendation No. R (97) 13 concerning intimidation of witnesses and the rights of the defence; Recommendation No. R (2000) 11 on action against trafficking in human beings for the purpose of sexual exploitation and Recommendation Rec (2001) 16 on the protection of children against sexual exploitation; Recommendation Rec (2002) 5 on the protection of women against violence;
Priporočilo št. R (91) 11 o spolnem izkoriščanju, pornografiji in prostituciji ter trgovini z otroki in mladoletniki; Priporočilo št. R (97) 13 o ustrahovanju prič in pravicah do obrambe, Priporočilo št. R (2000) 11 o ukrepanju proti trgovini z ljudmi za namene spolnega izkoriščanja, Priporočilo Rec (2001) 16 o varstvu otrok pred spolnim izkoriščanjem in Priporočilo Rec (2002) 5 o varstvu žensk pred nasiljem;
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2010-24
6 When considering, for the purposes of paragraph 4.f of this article if the minimum rights of defence have been satisfied, the requested Party shall take into account the fact that the person concerned has deliberately sought to evade justice or the fact that that person, having had the possibility of lodging a legal remedy against the decision made in absentia, elected not to do so.
Če se za namene pododstavka f) četrtega odstavka tega člena upošteva, da so bile zagotovljene minimalne pravice obrambe, zaprošena pogodbenica upošteva dejstvo, da se je prizadeta oseba namenoma skušala izogniti roki pravice, ali dejstvo, da se je ta oseba odpovedala možnosti vložitve pravnega sredstva proti odločitvi, sprejeti v odsotnosti, čeprav je tako možnost imela.
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 110/2002
1.3. Works of national importance are works important to the development of the PlaceType place PlaceTypeRepublic of PlaceNameSlovenia , works that can affect the health and safety of a large number of people or have a significant impact on the environment, or works and the environs of such works that are of particular importance to defence and security against natural and other disasters.
1.3. objekt državnega pomena je objekt, ki je pomemben za razvoj Republike Slovenije, objekt, ki lahko vpliva na varnost ali zdravje večjega števila ljudi ali bistveno vpliva na okolje in objekt oziroma okoliš objektov posebnega pomena za obrambo in varstvo pred naravnimi in drugimi nesrečami;
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1994-79
When a Contracting Party requests from another Contracting Party the extradition of a person for the purpose of carrying out a sentence or detention order imposed by a decision rendered against him in absentia,. the requested Party may refuse to extradite for this purpose if, in its opinion, the proceedings leading to the judgement did not satisfy the minimum rights of defence recognised as due to everyone charged with criminal offence.
Če ena pogodbenica zahteva od druge pogodbenice izročitev osebe zaradi izvršitve kake kazni ali varnostnega ukrepa, izrečenega z odločbo, izdano zoper njo v nenavzočnosti, lahko zaprošena država zavrne izročitev, če po njenem mnenju v postopku sojenja niso bile zadovoljene minimalne pravice obrambe, priznane vsaki osebi, obtoženi za kaznivo dejanje.
18 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-41
In such a case the defendant may invoke the defences (other than bankruptcy or winding up of the shipowner) which the shipowner would have been entitled to invoke, including limitation pursuant to article 6. Furthermore, even if the shipowner is not entitled to limitation of liability according to article 6, the defendant may limit liability to an amount equal to the amount of the insurance or other financial security required to be maintained in accordance with paragraph 1. Moreover, the defendant may invoke the defence that the pollution damage resulted from the wilful misconduct of the shipowner, but the defendant shall not invoke any other defence which the defendant might have been entitled to invoke in proceedings brought by the shipowner against the defendant.
V takem primeru lahko toženec uveljavlja sredstva obrambe (razen stečaja ali likvidacije lastnika ladje), do katerih bi bil upravičen lastnik ladje, vključno z omejitvijo skladno s členom 6. Nadalje, tudi če lastnik ladje ni upravičen do omejitve odgovornosti skladno s členom 6, lahko toženec omeji odgovornost na znesek, ki je enak znesku zavarovanja ali drugega finančnega jamstva, ki ga je treba vzdrževati skladno z odstavkom 1. Nadalje lahko toženec uveljavlja sredstva obrambe, da je škoda zaradi onesnaženja nastala zaradi namerne kršitve lastnika ladje, toda toženec ne vloži nobenega drugega ugovora, do katerega bi bil lahko upravičen v sodnih postopkih, ki bi jih lastnik ladje začel proti tožencu.
19 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0773
The parties may, in their written submissions, set out all facts known to them which are relevant to their defence against the objections raised by the Commission.
Stranke v svojih pisnih vlogah lahko navedejo vsa dejstva, s katerimi so seznanjene in ki so pomembni za njihovo obrambo pred očitki Komisije.
20 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0865
In such cases, in order not to leave the Community market without defence against disturbances that might ensue, the Community should be able to take all necessary measures without delay.
Da v takšnih primerih trga Skupnosti ne bi nezavarovanega izpostavljali motnjam, ki se lahko pojavijo, bi morala Skupnost imeti možnost nemudoma sprejeti vse potrebne ukrepe.
21 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999R1493
in such cases, so as not to leave the Community market without defence against any disturbances which may arise therefrom, the Community should be able to take all necessary measures without delay;
da ne bi trga Skupnosti izpostavljali nezavarovanega motnjam, ki lahko iz tega izhajajo, bi morala Skupnost v teh primerih nemudoma sprejeti vse potrebne ukrepe;
22 Končna redakcija
whereas, in such cases, so as not to leave the Community market without defence against disturbances which may arise therefrom, the Community should be able to take all necessary measures without delay;
ker bi morala biti v teh primerih Skupnost, da ne bi trg Skupnosti ostal brez obrambe pred motnjami, ki lahko pri tem nastanejo sposobna sprejeti vse potrebne ukrepe brez odlašanja;
23 Končna redakcija
Whereas, so as not to leave the Community market without defence against exceptional disturbances which may arise by reason of imports and exports, the Community should be enabled to take all necessary measures without delay;
ker bi bilo treba zagotoviti, da Skupnost lahko nemudoma sprejme vse potrebne ukrepe, da ne bi trg Skupnosti ostal brez zašeite pred izjemnimi motnjami, ki bi lahko nastale zaradi uvoza in izvoza;
24 Končna redakcija
whereas in such cases, so as not to leave the Community market without defence against disturbances which may arise therefrom after the import barriers which existed previously have been removed, the Community should be enabled to take all necessary measures without delay;
ker mora imeti Skupnost v takih primerih možnost takoj sprejeti vse potrebne ukrepe, da trg Skupnosti ne ostane brez obrambe pred motnjami, do katerih lahko pride ob odstranitvi prejšnjih uvoznih ovir;
25 Končna redakcija
Whereas, however, the removal of import barriers would leave the Community market in oil seeds, oleaginous fruit and their oils without defence against disturbances caused either by certain imports from third countries or by disparities, resulting from action by third countries, between prices for products derived from oil seeds and oleaginous fruit and prices for these seeds and fruit;
ker pa bi bil trg Skupnosti s semeni oljnic, oljnatimi plodovi in njihovimi olji ob odpravi uvoznih ovir ranljiv za motnje, ki bi jih lahko povzročil bodisi uvoz določenih proizvodov iz tretjih držav bodisi razlike med cenami proizvodov iz semen oljnic in oljnatih plodov ter cenami teh semen in plodov, ki nastanejo zaradi ukrepov tretjih držav;
26 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0082
Member States should ensure that in any proceedings brought against carriers which may result in the application of penalties, the rights of defence and the right of appeal against such decisions can be exercised effectively.
Države članice naj zagotovijo, da se v vsakem postopku proti prevoznikom, ki lahko povzroči izrekanje kazni, učinkovito izvajata pravica do obrambe in pravica do pritožbe proti takšnim sklepom.
27 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0082
Member States shall ensure that their laws, regulations and administrative provisions stipulate that carriers against which proceedings are brought with a view to imposing penalties have effective rights of defence and appeal.
Države članice zagotovijo, da njihovi zakoni, predpisi in upravne določbe določajo, da imajo prevozniki, proti katerim teče postopek z namenom izreka kazni, učinkovite pravice obrambe in pritožbe.
28 Končna redakcija
whereas, in such cases, in order not to leave the Community market defenceless against disturbances liable to arise therefrom once previously existing obstacles to imports have been abolished, the Community must be empowered to take all necessary measures quickly;
ker je treba v takih primerih, da ne bi trg Skupnosti ostal brez obrambe pred motnjami, ki lahko iz tega izhajajo, ko bodo odpravljene predhodno obstoječe ovire za uvoz, pooblastiti Skupnost, da hitro sprejme vse potrebne ukrepe;
29 Končna redakcija
Whereas the various laws contain different rules as to the simultaneous undertaking of health insurance, credit and suretyship insurance and insurance in respect of recourse against third parties and legal defence, whether with one another or with other classes of insurance;
ker različne zakonodaje vsebujejo različne predpise glede vprašanja, ali je dopustno, da se zdravstveno zavarovanje, kreditno in kavcijsko zavarovanje ter zavarovanje stroškov postopka opravlja bodisi hkrati bodisi obenem z drugimi zavarovalnimi vrstami;
30 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0805
Minimum standards should be established for the proceedings leading to the judgment in order to ensure that the debtor is informed about the court action against him, the requirements for his active participation in the proceedings to contest the claim and the consequences of his non-participation in sufficient time and in such a way as to enable him to arrange for his defence.
Treba je uvesti minimalne standarde za postopke, ki vodijo do sodbe, da bi zagotovili obveščenost dolžnika o postopkih, ki jih je sodišče uvedlo proti njemu, o zahtevah za njegovo aktivno sodelovanje v postopkih za ugovarjanje zahtevku in o posledicah njegovega nesodelovanja, in sicer pravočasno in na tak način, ki mu omogoča pripraviti obrambo.
31 Končna redakcija
Pending further coordination, which must be implemented within four years of notification of this Directive, the Federal Republic of Germany may maintain the provision prohibiting the simultaneous undertaking in its territory of health insurance, credit and suretyship insurance or insurance in respect of recourse against third parties and legal defence, either with one another or with other classes.
do nadaljnje uskladitve, ki se mora izvršiti v roku štirih let od uradnega obvestila o tej direktivi, sme Zvezna republika Nemčija ohraniti določbo, ki na njenem ozemlju prepoveduje hkratno opravljanje zdravstvenega, kreditnega in kavcijskega zavarovanja ali zavarovanja glede regresne pravice proti tretjim osebam in zavarovanja stroškov postopka ali opravljanja omenjenih zavarovalnih vrst skupaj z drugimi vrstami.
32 Končna redakcija
(2) In the framework of the services cited in the preceding paragraph, tasks shall be undertaken deriving from the demands of environmental protection, water management, defence, transport and communication, agriculture and forestry, industry, construction, health, tourism, and other activities as well as tasks pertaining to safety and protection against harmful activities of meteorological and hydrological phenomena, to the meteorological safety of air and sea transport, to user prognoses, and to providing, recording, and exchanging information.
(2) V okviru službe iz prejšnjega odstavka se opravljajo tudi naloge, ki izvirajo iz zahtev varstva okolja, vodnega gospodarstva, obrambe, prometa in zvez, kmetijstva in gozdarstva, industrije, gradbeništva, zdravstva, turizma in drugih dejavnosti, ter naloge, ki se nanašajo na varstvo in zaščito pred škodljivim delovanjem meteoroloških in hidroloških pojavov, na meteorološko varnost zračne in pomorske plovbe, na uporabniške prognoze, na obveščanje in na evidence ter izmenjavo podatkov.
33 Pravna redakcija
In such cases, so as not to leave the Community market without defence against disturbances which may ensue, the Community should be able to take all necessary measures without delay.
V takšnih primerih bi morala Skupnost nemudoma sprejeti vse potrebne ukrepe, da ne bi trga Skupnosti brez zaščite izpostavljali motnjam, ki bi iz tega lahko nastale.
34 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0670
In such cases, so as not to leave the Community market without defence against disturbances that might ensue, the Community should be able to take all necessary measures without delay.
V takih primerih mora biti Skupnost takoj sposobna sprejeti vse potrebne ukrepe, da trg Skupnosti ne ostane brez obrambe proti motnjam, ki bi morda sledile.
35 Pravna redakcija
Protective suits, gloves and shoes specially designed or modified for defence against biological agents or radioactive materials "adapted for use in war" or chemical warfare (CW) agents;
zaščitna oblačila, rokavice in čevlji, posebej izdelani ali prirejeni za zaščito pred biološkimi agensi, radioaktivnimi snovmi, "prirejenimi za vojno rabo", ali pred kemičnimi bojnimi sredstvi (CW);
36 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1785
In such cases, in order not to leave the Community market without defence against disturbances that might ensue, the Community should be able to take all necessary measures without delay.
Da v takšnih primerih trg Skupnosti ne ostane brez obrambe pred motnjami, ki se lahko zaradi tega pojavijo, mora imeti Skupnost možnost, da nemudoma sprejme vse potrebne ukrepe.
37 Pravna redakcija
whereas in order to avoid in such cases leaving the Community market without defence against disturbances which could result from this, it is appropriate to provide for all necessary measures to be taken rapidly;
ker je treba preprečiti, da bi v takšnih primerih trg Skupnosti ostal brez zaščite pred motnjami, ki bi lahko zato nastale, in je zato treba predvideti vse potrebne ukrepe, da bi jih lahko hitro sprejeli;
38 Pravna redakcija
whereas, however, the Community should be enabled to take all necessary measures without delay so as not to leave the Community market without defence against disturbances which may arise due to imports or exports;
ker je treba Skupnosti omogočiti, da brez zamude sprejme vse potrebne ukrepe, da trg Skupnosti ne bi bil brez zaščite pred motnjami, ki se lahko pojavijo zaradi uvoza ali izvoza;
39 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31997R2026
Whereas, by Regulation (EC) No 3284/94 of 22 December 1994 on protection against subsidized imports from countries not members of the European Community (4), the Council replaced Regulation (EEC) No 2423/88 and instituted a new common system of defence against subsidized imports from countries not members of the European Community;
ker je Svet z Uredbo (ES) št. 3284/94 z dne 22. decembra 1994 o zaščiti proti subvencioniranemu uvozu iz držav, ki niso članice Evropske skupnosti, fn nadomestil Uredbo (EGS) št. 2423/88 in vpeljal nov skupni sistem obrambe proti subvencioniranemu uvozu iz držav, ki niso članice Evropske skupnosti;
40 Pravna redakcija
Gas masks, filter canisters and decontamination equipment therefor designed or modified for defence against biological agents or radioactive materials "adapted for use in war" or chemical warfare (CW) agents and specially designed components therefor;
plinske maske, filtri in oprema za dekontaminacijo, posebej izdelana ali prirejena za zaščito pred biološkimi agensi, radioaktivnimi snovmi, "prirejenimi za vojno rabo", ali pred kemičnimi bojnimi sredstvi (CW) in posebej zanje izdelani sestavni deli;
41 Pravna redakcija
whereas, however, the common price and levy machinery may, in exceptional circumstances, prove defective whereas, in such cases, so as not to leave the Community market without defence against disturbances, the Community should be enabled to take all necessary measures without delay;
vendar ker se lahko skupna cena in mehanizem dajatev v izjemnih okoliščinah izkažeta za nepopolna in ker naj bi bilo v takih primerih, zato da trg Skupnosti ne bi ostal nezaščiten pred motnjami, omogočeno, da Skupnost nemudoma sprejme potrebne ukrepe;
42 Pravna redakcija
the maintenance and extension of watercourses which might lead to a change in the river flow, in particular the regulation and flow and damming control of watercourses, defence against high water and ice and interference with the water flow through installations in or on watercourses;
ohranjanjem in razširjanjem vodotokov, ki bi lahko povzročili spremembo rečnega toka, zlasti z regulacijo in odtekanjem ter nadzorom zajezitve vodotokov, obrambo pred visoko vodo in ledom ter z vplivanjem na vodni tok prek obratov in naprav v vodotokih ali na njih;
43 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R1786
(20) The internal market and the custom duties could, in exceptional circumstances, prove inadequate, In such cases, so as not to leave the Community market without defence against disturbances that might ensue, the Community should be able to take all necessary measures without delay. All such measures should be in conformity with the Community's international obligations.
(20) Notranji trg in carine se lahko v izjemnih okoliščinah izkažejo za neustrezne. Skupnost mora imeti v takih primerih možnost takoj uvesti vse potrebne ukrepe, da trg Skupnosti ne ostane nezavarovan pred motnjami, ki bi lahko iz tega nastale. Vsi taki ukrepi morajo biti skladni z mednarodnimi obveznostmi Skupnosti.
44 Pravna redakcija
Whereas the levy system makes it possible to dispense with all other protective measures at the external frontiers of the Community; whereas, however, the levy machinery may, in exceptional circumstances, prove defective; whereas in such cases, so as not to leave the Community market without defence against disturbances which may arise therefrom after the import barriers which existed previously have been removed, the Community should be enabled to take all necessary measures without delay;
ker sistem dajatev omogoča, da se odpravijo vsi drugi zaščitni ukrepi na zunanjih mejah Skupnosti; ker pa se mehanizem dajatev v izjemnih primerih lahko izkaže kot pomanjkljiv; ker mora imeti Skupnost v takih primerih možnost takoj sprejeti vse potrebne ukrepe, da trg Skupnosti ne ostane brez obrambe pred motnjami, do katerih lahko pride ob odstranitvi prejšnjih uvoznih ovir;
45 Pravna redakcija
Moreover, the defendant may invoke the defence that the pollution damage resulted from the wilful misconduct of the shipowner, but the defendant shall not invoke any other defence which the defendant might have been entitled to invoke in proceedings brought by the shipowner against the defendant.
Nadalje se lahko toženec v obrambi sklicuje na to, da je škoda zaradi onesnaženja nastala zaradi namerne kršitve lastnika ladje, vendar toženec ne uveljavlja nobenega drugega sredstva obrambe, na katera se je imel pravico sklicevati v postopkih, ki bi jih lastnik ladje začel proti njemu.
46 Pravna redakcija
(ii) ab ab to establish and maintain effective defences in nuclear installations against potential radiological hazards in order to protect individuals, society and the environment from harmful effects of ionising radiation from such installations;
(ii) vzpostaviti in vzdrževati učinkovite obrambne mehanizme v jedrskih objektih proti možnim radiološkimi nevarnostim, da bi pred škodljivimi učinki ionizirajočega sevanja iz takih objektov zaščitili tako posameznike kot družbo in okolje;
47 Pravna redakcija
With regard to trade defence measures, it is appropriate to lay down specific provisions concerning the general rules provided for in Council Regulation (EC) No 384/96 of 22 December 1995 on protection against dumped imports from countries not members of the European Community fn.
V zvezi z ukrepi trgovinske zaščite je ustrezno določiti posebne določbe glede splošnih pravil, določenih v Uredbi Sveta (ES) št. 384/96 z dne 22. decembra 1995 o zaščiti proti dampinškemu uvozu iz držav, ki niso članice Evropske skupnosti fn.
48 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003R0002
(5) With regard to trade defence measures, it is appropriate to lay down specific provisions concerning the general rules provided for in Council Regulation (EC) No 384/96 of 22 December 1995 on protection against dumped imports from countries not members of the European Community fn.
(5) V zvezi z ukrepi trgovinske zaščite je ustrezno določiti posebne določbe glede splošnih pravil, določenih v Uredbi Sveta (ES) št. 384/96 z dne 22. decembra 1995 o zaščiti proti dampinškemu uvozu iz držav, ki niso članice Evropske skupnosti fn.
49 Pravna redakcija
Before the decision referred to in the first subparagraph, a seconded military staff member may be suspended where serious failure is alleged against him by the Secretary-General/High Representative after the military staff member concerned has been given an opportunity of submitting his defence.
Pred odločitvijo iz pododstavka 1 je član dodeljenega vojaškega osebja lahko suspendiran, če mu generalni sekretar/visoki predstavnik očita resno kršitev, potem ko je zadevni član vojaškega osebja že imel priložnost podati svojo obrambo.
50 Pravna redakcija
(i) ab ab the design and construction of a nuclear installation provide for several reliable levels and methods of protection (defence in depth) against the release of radioactive materials, with a view to preventing the occurrence of accidents and to mitigating their radiological consequences should they occur;
(i) projekt in gradnja jedrskega objekta zagotavljata več zanesljivih ravni in metod zaščite (obramba v globino) pred izpustom radioaktivnih snovi z namenom preprečevanja nesreč ter ublažitve njihovih radioloških posledic, če bi do njih prišlo;
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defence against