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deferment account
1 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R2913
However, deferment of payment may be granted in the cases referred to in paragraph 1 where the amount of duty to be recovered is entered in the accounts before the expiry of a period of 30 days from the date on which the amount originally charged was entered in the accounts or, if it was not entered in the accounts, from the date on which the declaration relating to the goods in question was accepted.
Vendar se lahko odlog plačila v primerih iz odstavka 1 odobri, če je bil znesek dajatev, ki se terjajo, vknjižen pred potekom roka tridesetih dni, ki se šteje od dneva vknjižbe prvotno zahtevanega zneska, ali, če vknjižba ni bila opravljena, po dnevu sprejema deklaracije za zadevno blago.
2 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R2913
Compensatory interest shall be applied, in the circumstances and under the conditions to be defined in the provisions adopted under the committee procedure, in order to prevent the wrongful acquisition of a financial advantage through deferment of the date on which the customs debt was incurred or entered in the accounts.
Obresti za nadomestilo je treba obračunati v primerih in pod pogoji, določenimi skladno s postopkom odbora, da bi tako preprečili pridobitev finančne ugodnosti zaradi premika trenutka nastanka ali vknjižbe carinskega dolga.
3 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R2913
The duration of the deferment of payment granted in such circumstances shall not extend beyond the date of expiry of the period which, pursuant to Article 227, was granted in respect of the amount of duty originally fixed, or which would have been granted had the amount of duty legally due been entered in the accounts when the goods in question were declared.
Odlog plačila, odobren pod temi pogoji, ne sme trajati dlje od dneva poteka obdobja, ki je bilo ob uporabi člena 227 odobreno za prvotno določeni znesek dajatev ali bi bilo odobreno, če bi bil zakonsko dolgovani znesek dajatev vknjižen ob vložitvi carinske deklaracije za zadevno blago.
4 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31992R2913
Deferment of payment shall not be granted in respect of amounts of duty which, although relating to goods entered for a customs procedure which entails the obligation to pay such duty, are entered in the accounts in accordance with the provisions in force concerning acceptance of incomplete declarations, because the declarant has not, by the time of expiry of the period set, provided the information necessary for the definitive valuation of the goods for customs purposes or has not supplied the particulars or the document missing when the incomplete declaration was accepted.
Odlog plačila se ne more odobriti za zneske dajatev, ki so bili, kljub temu, da se nanašajo na blago, deklarirano za carinski postopek z obveznostjo plačila takšnih dajatev, vknjiženi skladno z veljavnimi določbami glede sprejema nepopolnih deklaracij, ker deklarant po poteku določenega roka ni predložil potrebnih podatkov za dokončno določitev carinske vrednosti blaga ali ni zagotovil navedb ali dokumentov, ki so manjkali ob sprejemu nepopolne deklaracije.
5 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994L0046
In assessing the measures of this Directive, the Commission, in the context of the achievement of the fundamental objectives of the Treaty referred to in Article 2 thereof, including that of strengthening the Community's economic and social cohesion as referred to in Article 130 (a), will also take into account the situation of those Member States in which the terrestrial network is not yet sufficiently developed and which could justify the deferment for these Member States, as regards satellite services and to the extent necessary, of the date of full application of the provisions of this Directive until 1 January 1996,
Pri ocenjevanju ukrepov te direktive bo Komisija v smislu doseganja temeljnih ciljev Pogodbe iz člena 2 Pogodbe, vključno s ciljem krepitve ekonomske in socialne kohezije Skupnosti iz člena 130(a), upoštevala tudi položaj tistih držav članic, v katerih prizemno omrežje še ni dovolj razvito, na podlagi katerega bi lahko za te države članice glede satelitskih storitev in v potrebnem obsegu upravičila odlog datuma popolne uporabe določb te direktive do 1. januarja 1996,
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deferment account