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departure point
1 Pravna redakcija
Departure point (if different from border inspection post of entry)
Kraj odpreme (če to ni mejna kontrolna točka vstopa)
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-112
Points of departure
Odhodni kraji
3 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-68
(4) the recovery of Visiting Forces to and through the designated point(s) of departure
(4) vrnitve gostujočih sil do določene izstopne točke ali točk in prek njih
4 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-68
Such details will include names of points of entry and departure through which the munitions or hazardous materials are planned to be transported and their destinations, including arrival and departure dates;
Podatki zajemajo imena vstopnih in izstopnih točk, prek katerih je načrtovan prevoz streliva ali nevarnih snovi, ter namembni kraj, vključno z datumom prihoda in odhoda;
5 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-65
(B) in the event that the point of entry is the same as the point of exit, to remain at the point of entry until departure of the observing Party from the territory of the observed Party; or
(B) če je točka vstopa enaka točki izstopa, ostati na točki vstopa do odhoda opazovalke z ozemlja opazovanke, ali
6 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-65
The term "point of exit" means a point designated by the observed Party for the departure of personnel of the observing Party from the territory of the observed Party.
Izraz »točka izstopa« pomeni točko, ki jo določi opazovanka za odhod osebja opazovalke z ozemlja opazovanke.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-40
A flight shall be deemed to be a non-stop Dublin, or a non-stop Shannon, flight, according to the first point of entry into, or the last point of departure from, Ireland.
Let se šteje za neprekinjen let iz Dublina ali v Dublin in iz Shannona ali v Shannon glede na prvi kraj vstopa na Irsko ali zadnji kraj odhoda z Irske;
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-19
b) The route of the service, giving in particular the place of departure, the place of destination and the crossing points at the borders.
b) progo prevoza s posebej navedenim odhodnim in namembnim krajem ter mejnimi prehodi,
9 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-68
d. Provide liaison personnel to co-ordinate all logistic activities with local civil authorities, as required, and at points of entry and departure;
d. priskrbijo osebje za zvezo, ki glede na zahteve usklajuje vse logistične dejavnosti z lokalnimi civilnimi organi in na vstopnih in izstopnih točkah;
10 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-65
(C) in the event that the point of entry is not the same as the point of exit, to fly to the point of exit in sufficient time for further crew rest prior to departure of all the personnel of the observing Party from the territory of the observed Party.
(C) če točka vstopa ni enaka točki izstopa, leteti do točke izstopa v času, ki omogoča posadki dodatni počitek pred odhodom vsega osebja opazovalke z ozemlja opazovanke.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-49
The application for authorisation shall be submitted by the transport operator to the competent authorities of the Contracting Party on whose territory the point of departure is situated.
Prevoznik vloži prošnjo za dovolilnico pri pristojnem organu pogodbenice, na ozemlju katere je mesto odhoda.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-49
When the point of departure or destination is situated in a Member State of the European Community, the transit through other Member States of this Community will not be subject to authorisation.
Če je mesto odhoda ali prihoda v državi članici Evropske skupnosti, za tranzit čez druge države članice Skupnosti dovolilnica ni potrebna.
13 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-65
(B) the date and estimated time of arrival of the observing Party at the point of entry and the date and estimated time of departure for the flight from the point of entry to the Open Skies airfield, if applicable, indicating specific accommodation needs;
(B) datum in predvideni čas prihoda opazovalke na točko vstopa ter datum in predvideni čas odhoda letala s točke vstopa do letališča odprtih zračnih prostorov, če je primerno, pa še navedbo posebnih nastanitvenih potreb;
14 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-65
Prior to the departure of the observation aircraft from the point of exit, the observed Party shall confirm that the covers for sensor apertures or other devices that inhibit the operation of sensors are in their proper position pursuant to Annex E to this Treaty.
Pred odhodom opazovalnega letala s točke izstopa opazovanka potrdi pravilen položaj pokrovov za odprtine senzorjev ali drugih naprav, ki onemogočajo delovanje senzorjev, na podlagi Dodatka E k tej pogodbi.
15 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-65
The estimated time of departure for the flight from the point of entry to the Open Skies airfield where the observation flight shall commence and the location, the date and the start time of the pre-flight inspection shall be subject to confirmation by the observed Party.
Za predvideni čas odhoda za let od točke vstopa do letališča odprtih zračnih prostorov, kjer se opazovalni let začne, ter kraj, datum in čas začetka pregleda pred letom je potrebna potrditev opazovanke.
16 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-65
In the event that the point of exit is different from the Open Skies airfield at which the observation flight terminates, both the observed and observing Parties shall inspect the covers for sensor apertures or other devices that inhibit the operation of sensors immediately prior to departure of the observation aircraft from such airfield en route to the point of exit.
Če točka izstopa ni letališče odprtih zračnih prostorov, na katerem se opazovalni let konča, opazovanka in opazovalka pregledata pokrove za odprtine senzorjev ali druge naprave, ki onemogočajo delovanje senzorjev, tik pred odhodom opazovalnega letala s tega letališča do točke izstopa.
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-66
When a non-scheduled aircraft is used for travel to the point of entry, the Technical Secretariat shall provide the inspected State Party with a flight plan, through the National Authority, for the flight of the aircraft from the last airfield prior to entering the airspace of that State Party to the point of entry, no less than six hours before the scheduled departure time from that airfield.
Če je za potovanje do vstopnega mejnega prehoda uporabljen zrakoplov zunaj voznega reda, Tehnični sekretariat državi pogodbenici, v kateri bo opravljena inšpekcija, prek pristojnega državnega organa zagotovi načrt leta zrakoplova od zadnjega letališča pred vstopom v zračni prostor te države pogodbenice do vstopnega mejnega prehoda vsaj šest ur pred predvidenim odhodom s tega letališča.
18 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-65
Immediately upon the arrival of an observation aircraft at the point of entry, and immediately prior to the departure of an observation aircraft from the point of exit, both the observed and observing Parties shall inspect the covers for sensor apertures or other devices that inhibit the operation of sensors installed in accordance with Article IV, paragraph 4. In the event that the point of entry is different from the Open Skies airfield from which the observation flight commences, both the observed and observing Parties shall inspect the covers for sensor apertures or other devices that inhibit the operation of sensors immediately prior to departure of the observation aircraft from the point of entry en route to the Open Skies airfield from which the observation flight commences.
Takoj ob prihodu opazovalnega letala na točko vstopa in tik pred odhodom opazovalnega letala s točke izstopa opazovanka in opazovalka pregledata pokrove za odprtine senzorjev ali druge naprave, ki onemogočajo delovanje senzorjev in so nameščene v skladu s četrtim odstavkom IV. člena. Če točka vstopa ni letališče odprtih zračnih prostorov, s katerega se začne opazovalni let, opazovanka in opazovalka pregledata pokrove za odprtine senzorjev ali druge naprave, ki onemogočajo delovanje senzorjev, tik pred odhodom opazovalnega letala s točke vstopa na pot do letališča odprtih zračnih prostorov, s katerega se začne opazovalni let.
19 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-49
For services provided by transport operators established within the European Community, the points of departure and/or destination of the services can be in any Member State of the European Community, independently of the Member State in which the bus or coach is registered or the Member State in which the transport operator is established.
Za prevoze, ki jih opravljajo prevozniki s sedežem v Evropski skupnosti, sta lahko mesto odhoda in/ali mesto prihoda v kateri koli državi članici Evropske skupnosti ne glede na državo članico, v kateri je avtobus registriran, ali državo članico, v kateri ima prevoznik sedež.
20 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-39
The present Agreement applies to road transport by transport operators established on the territory of a Contracting Party by means of vehicles registered on that territory with the points of departure and destination in the said territory and involving transit through that territory and through the territory of the other Contracting Party.
Ta sporazum se uporablja za cestni prevoz, ki ga opravljajo prevozniki, katerih sedež podjetja je na ozemlju pogodbenice, z vozili, registriranimi na tem ozemlju, pri čemer sta odhodni in namembni kraj na omenjenem ozemlju in gre za tranzit čez to ozemlje in čez ozemlje druge pogodbenice.
21 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-66
No less than three hours before the scheduled departure of the inspection team from the last airfield prior to entering the airspace of the inspected State Party, the inspected State Party shall ensure that the flight plan filed in accordance with paragraph 46 is approved, so that the inspection team may arrive at the point of entry by the estimated arrival time.
Vsaj tri ure pred predvidenim odhodom inšpekcijske skupine z zadnjega letališča pred vstopom v zračni prostor države pogodbenice, v kateri bo opravljena inšpekcija, mora država pogodbenica, v kateri bo opravljena inšpekcija, zagotoviti, da je potrjen načrt leta, ki je bil v skladu s 46. odstavkom dostavljen, tako da lahko inšpekcijska skupina pride na vstopni mejni prehod ob predvidenem času prihoda.
22 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-66
The present Agreement regulates the international transport of passengers and goods by road performed by transport operators established in the territory of a Contracting Party by means of vehicles registered in that territory, with the points of departure in the territory of one Contraction Party and destination in the other Contracting Party or in transit through territory of one of the Contracting Party.
Sporazum ureja mednarodni cestni prevoz potnikov in blaga med odhodnim krajem na ozemlju ene pogodbenice in namembnim krajem na ozemlju druge pogodbenice ali tranzit čez njuni ozemlji. Prevoz opravljajo prevozniki s sedežem podjetja na ozemlju ene od pogodbenic in z vozili, registriranimi na tem ozemlju.
23 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-65
The mission report shall contain pertinent data on the date and time of the observation flight, its route and profile, weather conditions, time and location of each observation period for each sensor, the approximate amount of data collected by sensors, and the result of inspection of covers for sensor apertures or other devices that inhibit the operation of sensors in accordance with Article VII and Annex E. The mission report shall be signed by the observing and observed Parties at the point of exit and shall be provided by the observing Party to all other States Parties within seven days after departure of the observing Party from the point of exit.
Poročilo o nalogi vsebuje podatke o datumu in času opazovalnega leta, ruti in profilu leta, vremenskih razmerah, času in kraju vsakega opazovalnega obdobja za vsak senzor, približno količino podatkov, ki so jih zbrali senzorji, rezultate pregleda pokrovov za odprtine senzorjev ali drugih naprav, ki onemogočajo delovanje senzorjev, v skladu s VII. členom in Dodatkom E. Poročilo o nalogi podpišeta opazovalka in opazovanka na točki izstopa, opazovalka pa ga pošlje vsem drugim državam pogodbenicam v sedmih dneh po odhodu opazovalke s točke izstopa.
24 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0261
a return flight to the first point of departure, at the earliest opportunity;
povratnim letom na izhodiščno mesto odhoda takoj, ko je mogoče;
25 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41998D0002
the performance of pre-boarding checks at high-risk points of departure still to be specified,
izmenjava informacij o tihotapskih poteh in metodah, ki se uporabljajo pri tihotapljenju oseb;
26 Končna redakcija
Our point of departure is the assumption that homosexuals are a discriminated group in our social space.
Pri tem bomo izhajali iz predpostavke, da so homoseksualci diskriminirana skupina v našem družbenem prostoru.
27 Končna redakcija
The position serving as the point of departure in these debates was the position of the normal, the natural and the heterosexual, while the point of departure in media texts about homosexuality was doubt about its normality and naturalness.
Pozicija teh razprav je pozicija normalnega, naravnega in heteroseksualnega, izhodišče pisanja o homoseksualnosti pa je ravno dvom o njeni normalnosti in naravnosti.
28 Končna redakcija
In theoretical terms, and starting from the position of the history of the political and the extreme, this point of departure could be named 'Schmitt's point'.
To je točka, ki jo s pozicije zgodovine političnega in ekstremnega v teoriji lahko imenujemo 'Schmittova točka'.
29 Končna redakcija
The point of departure for the bar flies' critical prattling about the threat to Slovenia and Slovenianness is thus situated elsewhere.
Izhodišče kritičnega razpredanja pivcev o ogroženosti Slovenije in slovenstva je drugje.
30 Končna redakcija
The point of departure for this study was the belief that media representations are significant for the shaping and legitimization of identities.
Pri pričujočem delu je naše izhodišče ugotovitev, da so medijske reprezentacije pomembne za oblikovanje in legitimacijo identitet.
31 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 31984L0641
if provided for by the Member State of the undertaking providing cover, the conveyance of the vehicle, possibly accompanied by the driver and passengers, to their home, point of departure or original destination within the same State,
če to predvideva država članica podjetja, ki zagotavlja kritje, prevoz vozila, po možnosti pa tudi voznika in potnikov, domov, do izhodiščne točke ali do prvotnega cilja v isti državi,
32 Končna redakcija
It is precisely this division taking place in bed that is the point of departure in media representations of men as effeminate (because they assume the woman's role) and conversely, of women as masculine, because they play the role of the man.
Prav ta delitev, ki se zgodi v postelji, je izhodišče, iz katerega so geji v medijskih podobah reprezentirani kot feminizirani (saj prevzamejo žensko vlogo) in, narobe, lezbijke možače, ker si jemljejo vlogo moškega.
33 Končna redakcija
The designers of the Slovenec and Republika projects, and those of an even more tragic story of Jutranjik, a newspaper which expired within one month of its appearance in June 1998, started from primarily political interests as their point of departure.
Načrtovalci projektov Slovenca in Republike in v še bolj tragični obliki Jutranjika (časnika, ki je začel izhajati in ugasnil v zgolj enem mesecu, junija 1998) so izhajali predvsem iz političnih interesov.
34 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 41998D0059
Furthermore, if there is sufficient capacity, document advice may also be offered to transport companies which do not directly serve destinations in the Schengen area but operate feeder trips to departure points for connecting air and sea links to the Schengen area.
Če so za to na voljo ustrezne zmogljivosti, se svetovanje o dokumentih lahko omogoči tudi prevoznikom, ki sicer potnikov ne prevažajo neposredno v kraje na schengenskem območju, temveč opravljajo prevoze na linijah do mesta odhoda, tj. do zračnih in pomorskih povezav s schengenskim območjem.
35 Končna redakcija
Its essential characteristic is that it takes heterosexuality as the point of departure and as the only correct, and one could say, the only healthy sexual practice with respect to which other forms of sexuality (wrong, unnatural, pathological, criminalized) are assessed.
Njihova temeljna značilnost je razumevanje heteroseksualnosti kot izhodiščne, prave in pravilne, lahko rečemo tudi zdrave spolne prakse, v odnosu do katere se ocenjujejo druge oblike (neprave, nenaravne, bolezenske, kriminalizirane) seksualnosti.
36 Končna redakcija
The search for the cause of homosexuality is actually the search for an explanation of what went wrong and who is responsible for the development of homosexual orientations, since the point of departure in all of these theories is the idea that the only healthy practice is a heterosexual practice, so there must have been some mistake leading to homosexuality.
Iskanje odgovora na vprašanje o vzrokih za homoseksualnost je pravzaprav iskanje odgovora na vprašanje, kaj je narobe, kdo je kriv, da se je razvila homoseksualnost, saj je izhodišče vseh teh teorij ideja o zdravi heteroseksualnosti in iskanje napake, ki je povzročila razvoj homoseksualnosti.
37 Končna redakcija
As a point of departure I will take the still traumatic concept of German origin called Sonderweg, which denotes a special, that is to say, our/middle/correct way. In the second half of the 19th and the first half of the 20th century (not to go further back into the past) Sonderweg served to provide answers to the question of possible courses of German modernization.
Za izhodišče bom vzel še vedno travmatični koncept nemškega izvora, Sonderweg ali posebne, naše/srednje/prave poti, ki se je - če ne grem dlje v preteklost - v drugi polovici XIX. in prvi polovici XX. stoletja nanašal na možne poti nemške modernizacije.
38 Končna redakcija
delo in sociala
CELEX: 31984L0641
In the circumstances referred to in the third indent, where the accident or the breakdown has occurred in the territory of Ireland or, in the case of the United Kingdom, in the territory of Northern Ireland, the vehicle, possibly accompanied by the driver and passengers, may be conveyed to their home, point of departure or original destination within either territory.
V okoliščinah iz tretje alinee, kadar se je nesreča ali okvara zgodila na ozemlju Irske ali - v primeru Združenega kraljestva - na ozemlju Severne Irske, je mogoče vozilo, po možnosti tudi voznika in potnike, prepeljati domov, do izhodiščne točke ali do prvotnega cilja v enem od obeh ozemelj.
39 Končna redakcija
The problematization of the legislation that defined male homosexuality as a crime, during the early 1970s when sex between men was already decriminalized in many western countries, served as the point of departure for a wider debate on homosexuality. In the print media this issue was addressed on three occasions in 1974 and 1977 by the judge of the Supreme Court, Janez Šinkovec, and the psychiatrist Dr. Jože Lokar who spoke for the ITD newspaper.
Problematiziranje zakonodaje, ki je inkriminirala moške homoseksualne odnose, medtem ko so bile tovrstne spolne prakse v začetku sedemdesetih v zahodnem svetu pogosto že dekirminalizirane, je rabilo za izhodišče za splošnejšo razpravo o homoseksualnosti, o kateri sta v treh intervjujih leta 1974 in 1977 govorili le dve osebi: sodnik vrhovnega sodišča srs Janez Šinkovec in psihiater dr. Jože Lokar.
40 Pravna redakcija
traffic through Austrian territory from a departure point to a destination, both of which lie outside Austria;
promet preko avstrijskega ozemlja, pri katerem se tako odpremni kot namembni kraj nahajata izven Avstrije;
41 Pravna redakcija
if the voyage does not exceed about thirty miles from the point of departure or
če plovba ne presega približno tridesetih milj od kraja izplutja ali
42 Pravna redakcija
where a product transported within the Community is subject to excise duty and has already been released for consumption in the Member State of departure (point 1.5, general remarks, of the explanatory notes annexed to Regulation (EEC) No 3649/92);
kadar je za proizvod, ki se prevaža, treba plačati trošarino in je že bil sproščen v porabo v državi članici, iz katere je bil poslan (točka 1.5, splošne opombe, razlaga, priložena k Uredbi (EGS) št. 3649/92);
43 Pravna redakcija
A railway undertaking or international grouping applying for one or more train paths shall submit its application to the allocation body or bodies of the Contracting Party on whose territory the departure point of the service concerned is situated.
Prevoznik v železniškem prometu ali mednarodno združenje, ki zaprosi za eno ali več vlakovnih poti, svojo vlogo odda organu ali organom za dodeljevanje infrastrukturnih zmogljivosti v tisti pogodbenici, na katere ozemlju se nahaja odhodni kraj, predviden za zadevno storitev.
44 Pravna redakcija
means of transport and animals at markets, at places of departure, at staging points and at transfer points;
prevoznih sredstev in živali na trgih, krajih odhoda, počivališčih in točkah pretovarjanja;
45 Pravna redakcija
the performance of pre-boarding checks at high-risk points of departure still to be specified,
izvajanje predhodne kontrole na tveganih mestih vkrcanja, ki jih je treba natančneje določiti;
46 Pravna redakcija
the means, characteristics and categories of transport to be used, the dates, times and points of departure and return;
način, lastnosti in vrsta prevoza, ki se bo uporabil, datumi, čas ter mesto odhoda in vrnitve;
47 Pravna redakcija
- where the point of departure and the point of arrival are situated in two different Member States, with or without transit through one or more Member States or non-member countries,
- če se odhodni in namembni kraj nahajata v dveh različnih državah članicah, s tranzitom preko ene ali več držav članic ali tretjih držav ali brez tranzita,
48 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0483
The operator of the staging point shall notify to the competent authority within one working day after departure of a consignment the information set out in point C. 7 of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 1255/97.
Upravljavec počivališča v enem delovnem dnevu po odhodu pošiljke uradno obvesti pristojni organ o podatkih, določenih v točki C. 7 Priloge I k Uredbi (ES) št. 1255/97.
Prevodi: en > sl
departure point