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1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-20
The carrier is liable for damage sustained in case of destruction or loss of, or of damage to, checked baggage upon condition only that the event which caused the destruction, loss or damage took place on board the aircraft or during any period within which the checked baggage was in the charge of the carrier.
Prevoznik je odgovoren za škodo ob uničenju ali izgubi prijavljene prtljage ali škode na njej le pod pogojem, da je do dogodka, ki je povzročil uničenje, izgubo ali škodo, prišlo na letalu ali v času, ko je bil za prijavljeno prtljago odgovoren prevoznik.
2 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-49
In particular, they shall check whether the space reserved for the description of the products has been completed in such a manner as to exclude all possibility of fraudulent additions.
Zlasti morajo preveriti, ali je prostor, namenjen opisu izdelkov, izpolnjen tako, da izključuje vse možnosti pripisov z namenom goljufije.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-73
These checks shall be carried out without discrimination among vehicles, undertakings and drivers whether resident or not, and regardless of the origin or destination of the journey or type of tachograph.
Preverja se brez razlikovanja med vozili, podjetji in vozniki glede na to, ali je rezident ali ne in ne glede na začetni kraj ali cilj vožnje ali vrsto tahografa.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-61
The report shall identify physical and administrative checks performed, the method described, the results of all inspections and the action taken in respect of discrepancies and irregularities reported upon.
Opišejo se fizična in upravna kontrola ter uporabljena metoda, rezultati vseh pregledov in sprejeti ukrepi v zvezi z ugotovljenimi odstopanji in nepravilnostmi.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-30
The adequacy of the stripping is to be checked by hand dipping at least in the after most hand dipping location in each tank or by such other means provided and described in the COW Operations and Equipment Manual.
Ustreznost izcejanja je treba preveriti tako, da sežemo z roko v najbolj oddaljeni del vsakega tanka, kamor je mogoče seči z roko ali z drugimi sredstvi, ki so na voljo in so opisana v Priročniku o postopkih in opremi COW.
6 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-89
When a Party wishes to check the actual exit of goods at a designated border crossing, it will forward a request for confirmation of the exit of goods to the customs service at the border-crossing point of entry by using the special form.
Kadar pogodbenica želi preveriti dejanski izstop blaga na določenem mejnem prehodu, pošlje carinski službi na mejnem prehodu vstopa zahtevo za potrditev izstopa blaga na posebnem obrazcu.
7 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-38
The Borrower shall permit persons designated by the Bank to visit the sites, installations and works comprising the Project and to conduct such checks as they may wish, and shall provide them with all necessary assistance for this purpose.
Posojilojemalka dovoli osebam, ki jih banka določi, da si ogledajo lokacije, objekte in naprave ter dela, ki sestavljajo projekt, in da opravijo take preglede, kot želijo, ter jim zagotovi vso potrebno pomoč za ta namen.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 36-2006
The control device shall be so designed that it is possible for an authorized inspecting officer, if necessary after opening the equipment, to read the recordings relating to the nine hours preceding the time of the check without permanently deforming, damaging or soiling the sheet.
Snemalna naprava je narejena tako, da jo lahko pooblaščeni inšpektor po potrebi odpre in prebere zapise za zadnjih devet ur pred kontrolnim pregledom, ne da bi pri tem trajno poškodoval ali umazal list.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-73
The control device defined in Appendix 1 shall be so designed that it is possible for an authorized inspecting officer, if necessary after opening the equipment, to read the recordings relating to the nine hours preceding the time of the check without permanently deforming, damaging or soiling the sheet.
Snemalna naprava iz dodatka 1 mora biti narejena tako, da jo lahko pooblaščeni inšpektor po potrebi odpre in prebere zapise za zadnjih devet ur pred pregledom, ne da bi pri tem trajno poškodoval ali umazal list.
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 13-2005
- that in the case of significant or destructive effects of plans in the environmental report, possible alternatives for the achievement of the environmental objectives were checked and evaluated and the most suitable alternative with regard to achieving the environmental objectives of the plan was selected as optimal;
- da so bile v primeru bistvenih ali uničujočih vplivov planov v okoljskem poročilu preverjene in ovrednotene možne alternative za doseganje okoljskih ciljev plana in je bila izbrana kot optimalna najprimernejša alternativa glede doseganja okoljskih ciljev plana;
11 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2003-57
The Borrower shall permit and shall cause any relevant third party to permit, persons designated by the Bank to visit the sites, installations and works comprising the Project and to conduct such checks as they may wish, and shall provide them, or ensure that they are provided, with all necessary assistance for this purpose.
Posojilojemalka dovoli oziroma poskrbi za to, da katera koli ustrezna tretja stran dovoli osebam, ki jih je določila banka, ogled lokacij, objektov in naprav ter del, ki sestavljajo projekt, in da opravijo takšne preglede, kot jih želijo, in jim da ali zagotovi vso potrebno pomoč za ta namen.
12 Objavljeno
In the pre-HIV antibody test counseling interview there are ten points that need to be covered. They help us to discover the patientus worries, check the knowledge about transmission and prevention, discuss the meaning of the test, describe the procedure of the test performed, evaluate his psychical condition and prepare him for the result.
Pri vodenju pogovora pred testiranjem so nam v pomoč priporočila v obliki 10 opornih točk, s katerimi spoznamo osebo in njegovo skrb, zagotovimo razumevanje rezultatov testa in razložimo postopek testiranja, ocenimo psihično stanje preiskovanca in ga pripravimo na rezultat testiranja.
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-20
In the carriage of baggage, the liability of the carrier in the case of destruction, loss, damage or delay is limited to 1 000 Special Drawing Rights for each passenger unless the passenger has made, at the time when the checked baggage was handed over to the carrier, a special declaration of interest in delivery at destination and has paid a supplementary sum if the case so requires.
Pri prevozu prtljage je odgovornost prevoznika ob uničenju, izgubi, škodi ali zamudi omejena na 1.000 posebnih pravic črpanja za vsakega potnika, razen če potnik v času, ko je prijavljeno prtljago izročil prevozniku, ni posebej navedel vrednosti dostave v namembni kraj in plačal dodatnega zneska, če se to zahteva.
14 Objavljeno
The data, gathered from patients charts during the outpatient check-ups, were statistically processed and showed the following results: the prevalence of cases of urinary tract infections, vesicourethral reflux and a defect in vesicouretheral tract is the same as described in literature. There were fewer children with enuresis, and some heart disorders have not been observed during the past eight years.
Podatki, ki so bili pridobljeni iz kartotek in ob ambulantnih pregledih, je raziskovalka statistično obdelala in ugotovila podobno obolevnost otroka za okužbami sečil, vezikoureteralnim refluksom in defektom v prekatnem pretinu. otrok z enurezo je manj, kot je opisano v literaturi, nekatere srčne hibe se v zadnjih osmih letih niso pojavile.
15 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2002-57
Notwithstanding the obligations mentioned in Article 33 of the Convention, it is agreed that any aircraft operated by the designated airlines on services to or from the territory of the other Contracting Party may, while within the territory of the other Contracting Party, be made the subject of an examination by the authorized representatives of the other Contracting Party, on board and around the aircraft to check both the validity of the aircraft documents and those of its crew and the apparent condition of the aircraft and its equipment (ramp inspection), provided this does not lead to unreasonable delay.
Ne glede na obveznosti iz 33. člena konvencije velja, da lahko vsako letalo, ki ga določeni prevozniki uporabljajo za prevoz na ozemlje druge pogodbenice ali z njega, medtem ko je na ozemlju druge pogodbenice, znotraj in zunaj preiščejo pooblaščeni predstavniki druge pogodbenice, da bi preverili veljavnost dokumentov letala in osebja ter vidno stanje letala in njegove opreme (nadzor na ploščadi), če to ne povzroči prevelike zamude.
16 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 18-1062
he shall by decision order a violator by action or by desisting action to rectify the deficiency or irregularity, temporarily confiscate a license, authority, /confirmation/ or work permit or other document of conformity, place a ban on the flight of an aircraft taking place if its taking place would be hazardous for air traffic or if he finds that compulsory insurance in transport has not been concluded or covered to the prescribed amount, declare a temporary ban on performing work or activity if the further performance of the work or activity would clearly be a hazard to air traffic, require an exceptional check of professional or health capacity of /aircrew/ and other professional personnel, order a test with means or devices for measuring alcohol or order an expert examination, issue a payment order for a fine at the place of violation in cases determined by law or government ordinance issued on its basis.
kršitelju z odločbo odredi, da z dejanjem ali z opustitvijo dejanja odpravi pomanjkljivosti ali nepravilnosti, 2. začasno odvzame licenco, pooblastilo, potrdilo oziroma dovoljenje za delo ali drugo listino o ustreznosti, 3. izreče prepoved izvršitve leta zrakoplova, če bi bila njegova izvršitev nevarna za zračni promet, ali če ugotovi da obvezna zavarovanja v prometu niso sklenjena ali krita v predpisani višini, 4. izreče začasno prepoved opravljanja dela ali dejavnosti, če bi bilo nadaljnje opravljanje dela ali dejavnosti očitno nevarno za zračni promet, 5. zahteva izredno preveritev strokovne ali zdravstvene sposobnosti letalskega osebja in drugega strokovnega osebja, 6. odredi preizkus s sredstvi ali napravami za merjenje alkohola oziroma napoti na strokovni pregled, 7. izda plačilni nalog za denarno kazen na kraju prekrška, v primerih, ki jih določa ta zakon ali uredba vlade, izdana na njegovi podlagi.
17 Končna redakcija
Check-in times depend on the airport, the airline and the destination.
Predpisan čas za prijavo na let je odvisen od določil posamičnega letališča, prevoznika in destinacije.
18 Končna redakcija
This meat may not leave the territory of that Member State, which must check its destination.
Takšno meso ne sme zapustiti ozemlja navedene države članice, ki mora preveriti njegov namembni kraj.
19 Končna redakcija
In the event of dispute, observance shall be checked by the method described in Annex II (B) (1).
V primeru spora se izpolnjevanje preveri z metodo, opisano v Prilogi II (B) (1).
20 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31977L0099
These meat products may not leave the territory of that Member State, which must check their destintaion.
Ti mesni izdelki ne smejo zapustiti ozemlja navedene države članice, ki mora preveriti njihov namen uporabe.
21 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31978R0890
In all other cases, the check shall be the same as described under (c) below, with the exception of point 5.
V vseh drugih primerih so pregledi taki, kot so opisani pod (c) spodaj, z izjemo točke 5.
22 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0103
checks on the destination of withdrawn products as declared in the payment applications and checks to ensure that the producer organisations and recipients have complied with this Regulation.
preglede namenskosti proizvodov, umaknjenih s trga, kakor je navedeno v zahtevkih za plaèilo, in preglede, s katerimi se zagotovi, da so organizacije proizvajalcev in prejemniki ravnali v skladu s to uredbo.
23 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0261
"final destination" means the destination on the ticket presented at the check-in counter or, in the case of directly connecting flights, the destination of the last flight;
"končni namembni kraj" pomeni namembni kraj, naveden na vozovnici, ki je predložena pri prijavi na let, ali v primeru vmesnih letov za zvezo namembni kraj zadnjega leta;
24 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0103
The checks on the destination of products referred to in (d) in the first subparagraph shall include, in particular:
Pregledi namenskosti proizvodov, navedenih v (d) v prvem pododstavku, vkljuèujejo zlasti:
25 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31979L0796
Check the molarity of the reagent thus obtained by the method described in 6.1 (Cu 0 71 mol/litre; Na2CO3 1 mol/litre).
Molarnost tako dobljenega reagenta preverimo po postopku iz točke 6.1 (Cu 0,1 mol/liter, Na2CO3 1 mol/liter).
26 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0796
if the first destination of the seed is a breeder or a seed establishment, additional checks at their premises to ensure that:
če je prvi namembni kraj semena žlahtnitelj ali semenarsko podjetje, dodatne preglede v njihovih prostorih za zagotovitev:
27 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31999L0096
Production conformity is checked on the basis of the description in the type-approval certificates set out in Annex VI to this Directive.
Skladnost proizvodnje se preverja na podlagi opisa v certifikatih o homologaciji iz Priloge VI k tej direktivi.
28 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004L0016
Samples intended for official checking of the levels of tin in canned foodstuffs shall be taken according to the methods described below.
Vzorci za izvajanje uradnega nadzora nad vsebnostjo kositra v živilih se jemljejo po spodaj opisanih metodah.
29 Končna redakcija
Without prejudice to the measures referred to in Article 6, Member States may if they so desire carry out additional checks on "EEC fertilizer".
Brez poseganja v ukrepe, navedene v členu 6, lahko države članice, če tako želijo, izvajajo dodatne preglede "gnojila EGS".
30 Končna redakcija
The rules laid down in Directive 89/662/EEC (12) shall apply in particular to checks at origin, to the organization of and follow-up to the checks to be carried out by the Member State of destination, and to the protective measures to be implemented.
Pravila iz Direktive 89/662/EGS se uporabljajo zlasti za preglede v državi porekla, za organizacijo in spremljanje pregledov, ki jih izvaja namembna država članica, ter za zaščitne ukrepe, ki jih je treba izvajati.
31 Končna redakcija
For each of these checks, there are two sampling plans: - one for non-destructive testing, i.e., testing which does not involve opening the package,
Za vsakega od teh pregledov obstajata dva načina pregleda: prvi za neporušitvene preglede, to je za preglede, ki ne vključujejo odpiranja embalaže,
32 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31976R1860
Staff shall undergo a medical check-up every year either by a medical practitioner designated by the Foundation or by a medical practitioner of their choice.
Uslužbenci morajo vsako leto opraviti zdravniški pregled pri zdravniku, ki ga izbere fundacija ali oni sami.
33 Končna redakcija
Observance of the minimum marketing requirement relative to the moisture content of the hops shall be checked by one of the methods described in Annex II (B).
Izpolnjevanje minimalnih tržnih zahtev, ki se nanašajo na vsebnost vlage v hmelju, se preveri z eno od metod, opisanih v Prilogi II (B).
34 Končna redakcija
Check that there is no hydrocyanic acid in 10 ml of the suspension using sodium picrote paper or by carrying out a blank test as described in the last paragraph of 5.
Z uporabo papirja iz natrijevega pikrata ali tako da izvedemo slepi preskus, kakor je opisano v zadnjem odstavku 5, preverimo, da v 10 ml suspenzije ni cianovodikove kisline.
35 Končna redakcija
Article 8 establishes a weight limit of 1 kg for the exemption from systematic veterinary checks for products destined for human consumption from approved countries or parts thereof.
Člen 8 določa omejitev teže 1 kg za oprostitev veterinarskih pregledov za proizvode, namenjene prehrani ljudi iz odobrenih držav ali njihovih delov.
36 Končna redakcija
a description of the checking and management methods put in place to ensure the effective implementation of measures under the programme, pursuant to Article 14 of Regulation (EEC) No 3528/86.
opis načinov preverjanja in vodenja, ki so vpeljani, da se zagotovi učinkovito izvajanje ukrepov po programu, na podlagi člena 14 Uredbe (EGS) št. 3528/86.
37 Končna redakcija
In order to check compliance with the requirement in item above, the vehicle shall describe a spiral movement at a speed of 10 kilometres per hour, starting from the dead ahead position.
Za preverjanje skladnosti z zahtevami točke se mora vozilo gibati v spirali s hitrostjo 10 km/h, pri čemer je izhodna lega vožnja naravnost.
38 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31984R2261
Whereas experience has shown that, despite the large number of specific checks introduced, the number of growers to be supervised makes detailed and effective checking and verification difficult;
ker so izkušnje pokazale, da kljub velikemu številu uvedenih posebnih preverjanj število pridelovalcev, ki jih je treba nadzorovati, otežuje natančen in učinkovit nadzor in preverjanje;
39 Končna redakcija
To the same end, Spain shall maintain checks on internal flights and on regular ferry connections departing from the towns of Ceuta and Melilla to a destination in another State party to the Convention.
Iz istega razloga Španija še naprej izvaja kontrolo na notranjih letih in na rednih trajektnih povezavah z odhodom iz mest Ceuta in Melilla, namenjenih v drugo državo pogodbenico Konvencije.
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