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destruction of goods under customs supervision
1 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
The customs authorities shall not approve the export of the goods from the customs territory of the Community or the destruction of the goods under customs supervision unless the holder of the authorization can establish to their satisfaction that it has been impossible for reasons relating to his circumstances or to the goods themselves for the goods to be put to the prescribed end-use.
Carinski organi dovolijo izvoz blaga zunaj carinskega območja Skupnosti ali njegovo uničenje pod carinskim nadzorom samo, če imetnik dovoljenja tem organom zadovoljivo dokaže, da se blago zaradi razlogov, povezanih z imetnikom dovoljenja ali blagom samim, ni moglo dati v predpisano posebno uporabo.
2 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2454
the evidence needed to enable the decision-making customs authority to satisfy itself that the goods in respect of which repayment or remission is requested have actually been destroyed under the supervision of authorities or persons authorized to certify officially such destruction shall consist of the presentation by the applicant of:
se kot dokazila, ki jih predloži vložnik zahtevka in na podlagi katerih se lahko carinski organ odločanja prepriča, da je bilo blago, za katero se zaprosi povračilo ali odpust, dejansko uničeno pod nadzorom organov ali oseb, ki so pooblaščene, da tako uničenje uradno potrdijo, štejejo:
Prevodi: en > sl
destruction of goods under customs supervision