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detention basin
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-22
When a person is arrested on the basis of an arrest warrant, the executing judicial authority shall take a decision on whether the requested person should remain in detention, in accordance with the law of the executing State.
Po prijetju zahtevane osebe na podlagi naloga za prijetje se izvršitveni pravosodni organ odloči, ali mora zahtevana oseba ostati v priporu v skladu s pravom izvršitvene države.
2 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-73
No provision of this Convention shall be used as a basis for the seizure, arrest or detention of humanitarian cargoes donated by a State, if such State has agreed to pay for salvage services rendered in respect of such humanitarian cargoes.
Nobena določba te konvencije se ne uporabi kot podlaga za zaseg, oviranje ali zadržanje humanitarnega tovora, ki ga je darovala država, če je soglašala s tem, da bo plačala reševanje tega humanitarnega tovora.
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
In its decision imposing compliance detention the court shall advise the perpetrator of the right referred to in this paragraph and inform him of the possible tasks on the basis of a list of tasks, which it shall keep in collaboration with the competent authorities.
Sodišče v sklepu o določitvi uklonilnega zapora storilca pouči o pravici iz tega odstavka in ga obvesti o možnih nalogah na podlagi seznama, ki ga vodi v sodelovanju s pristojnimi organi.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-22
To that end, all information concerning the duration of the detention of the requested person on the basis of the arrest warrant shall be transmitted by the executing judicial authority or the central authority designated under Article 10 to the issuing judicial authority at the time of the surrender.
V ta namen izvršitveni pravosodni organ ali centralni organ, imenovan na podlagi člena 10, ob predaji osebe pošlje odreditvenemu pravosodnemu organu vse podatke v zvezi s trajanjem pripora zahtevane osebe na podlagi naloga za prijetje.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2005-73
Unless the State owner consents, no provision of this Convention shall be used as a basis for the seizure, arrest or detention by any legal process of, nor for any proceedings in rem against, non-commercial cargoes owned by a State and entitled, at the time of the salvage operations, to sovereign immunity under generally recognized principles of international law.
Če država lastnica s tem soglaša, se nobena določba te konvencije ne uporabi kot podlaga za zaseg, oviranje ali zadržanje negospodarskega tovora na podlagi zakonitega postopka ali za sodni postopek in rem proti takemu tovoru, ki je v lasti države in med reševanjem upravičen do neomejene imunitete po splošno priznanih načelih mednarodnega prava.
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
(3) Sanctions, deprivation of a pecuniary advantage and legal costs imposed on the basis of a misdemeanour judgement or order, and compliance detention shall be executed by the court pursuant to the provisions of the act governing the execution of criminal sanctions applying to the implementation of fines or prison sentences, unless otherwise determined by this Act.
(3) Sankcije, odvzem premoženjske koristi in stroške postopka, izrečene s sodbo oziroma sklepom o prekršku, ter uklonilni zapor izvrši sodišče po določbah zakona o izvrševanju kazenskih sankcij o izvrševanju denarne kazni oziroma kazni zapora, če z zakonom ni drugače določeno.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-22
2) if the offence on the basis of which the arrest warrant has been issued is punishable by custodial life sentence or life-time detention order the execution of the said arrest warrant may be subject to the condition that the issuing State gives an assurance deemed sufficient by the executing state that it will review the penalty or measure imposed, on request or at the latest after 20 years, or will encourage the application of measures of clemency to which the person is entitled to apply for under the law or practice of the issuing State, aiming at a non-execution of such penalty or measure;
če se dejanje, za katerega je bil izstavljen nalog za prijetje, kaznuje z dosmrtno zaporno kaznijo ali doživljenjskim ukrepom, vezanim na odvzem prostosti, se omenjeni nalog za prijetje lahko izvrši pod pogojem, da bo odreditvena država z zagotovilom, ki je po mnenju izvršitvene države ustrezno, zajamčila revizijo izrečene kazni ali ukrepa na zahtevo ali najpozneje po dvajsetih letih ali spodbudila uporabo ukrepa pomilostitve, za katero lahko oseba po zakonodaji ali praksi odreditvene države upravičeno zaprosi, da se taka kazen ali ukrep ne izvrši;
8 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0396
Take further steps to bring all places of pre-trial detention, in particular police stations, into line with the basic requirements identified in the Council of Europe Committee for the Prevention of Torture report.
Okrepiti prizadevanja, da se vse kraje preiskovalnega pripora, še zlasti policijske postaje, uskladi z osnovnimi zahtevami, ki so opredeljene v poročilu Odbora Sveta Evrope za preprečevanje mučenja.
9 Pravna redakcija
Convention drawn up on the basis of Article K.3 of the Treaty on European Union, relating to extradition between the Member States of the European Union - Joint Declaration on the right of asylum - Declaration by Denmark, Finland and Sweden concerning Article 7 of this Convention - Declaration on the concept of 'nationals' - Declaration by Greece regarding Article 5 - Declaration by Portugal on extradition requested for an offence punishable by a life sentence or detention order - Council declaration on the follow up to the Convention
KONVENCIJA na podlagi člena K.3 Pogodbe o Evropski uniji o izročitvi med državami članicami Evropske unije
10 Pravna redakcija
Each requested State shall take the necessary steps to ensure that when a decision is taken to suspend detention pending extradition, appropriate measures may be adopted so that the person sought does not have the opportunity to escape extradition following the decision, and where the law of the requested State does not provide a sufficient legal basis for the measures in question, the requested State shall undertake to initiate, in accordance with constitutional requirements, the legal measures to achieve the aforementioned objective;
Vsaka zaprošena država stori vse potrebno, da bi lahko ob sprejetju sklepa o začasni ukinitvi pripora do izročitve zagotovila sprejetje ustreznih ukrepov, da iskana oseba ne bi imela priložnosti pobega pred izročitvijo po sprejetju sklepa, če pa pravo zaprošene države ne zagotavlja zadostne zakonske podlage za navedene ukrepe, se zaprošena država zaveže, da bo v skladu z ustavnimi zahtevami uvedla zakonske ukrepe za dosego navedenega cilja.
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detention basin