Iskalni niz je ali predolg ali pa vsebuje preveč besed.
Prevodi: en > sl
determine tasks and powers
1 Končna redakcija
The Council shall determine the task and powers of that committee.
Svet določi nalogo in pristojnost tega odbora.
2 Pravna redakcija
Reserving to one undertaking which markets telecommunications services the task of supplying the indispensable raw material - transmission capacity - to all companies offering telecommunications services proved, however, tantamount to conferring upon it the power to determine at will which service could be offered by its competitors, at which costs and in which time periods, and to monitor their clients and the traffic generated by its competitors, thereby putting that undertaking at an obvious advantage over its competitors.
Vendar se je pokazalo, da je, kadar je enemu podjetju, ki trži telekomunikacijske storitve, pridržana naloga dobave nujno potrebnih surovin - prenosne kapacitete - za vsa podjetja, ki ponujajo telekomunikacijske storitve, to enako, kakor če bi bilo podjetju dodeljeno pooblastilo, da se svobodno odloči, katero storitev bi lahko njegovi konkurenti ponudili, po kakšni ceni in v kakšnih rokih, ter da nadzoruje njihove stranke in promet, ki ga ustvarjajo njegovi konkurenti, s čimer bi imelo podjetje očitno prednost pred svojimi konkurenti.
Prevodi: en > sl
determine tasks and powers