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direct routing
1 Pravna redakcija
Direct Routing Request
Zahteva za direktno ruto
2 Pravna redakcija
Direct Routing Request.
zahtevo za direktno ruto.
3 Pravna redakcija
The Direct Routing Request facility (described in detail in Annex A) shall: Zahteva za direktno ruto (podrobno opisano v Prilogi A):
4 Pravna redakcija
the value 'ZZZ' if a direct routing is being requested by the receiving ATC unit.
vrednost `"ZZZ"` , če prevzemna enota kontrole letenja zahteva direktno ruto:
5 Pravna redakcija
Basic Rules for Direct Routings
Temeljna pravila za direktne rute
6 Pravna redakcija
the value 'ZZZ' if a direct routing is being requested by the receiving ATC unit but the precise point at which it would commence is not known.
vrednost "ZZZ", če prevzemna enota kontrole letenja zahteva direktno ruto, vendar natančna točka, na kateri naj bi se začela, ni znana;
7 Pravna redakcija
These relate directly to the routine elements of tests conducted by the test facility.
Ti se nanašajo neposredno na rutinske elemente preskusov, ki se izvajajo v laboratoriju.
8 Pravna redakcija
Rules for the co-ordination of such changes, including direct routings, are specified in Annex B;
Pravila za koordinacijo takšnih sprememb, vključno z direktnimi rutami, so določena v Prilogi B;
9 Pravna redakcija
Conditions for the use of OLDI for the co-ordination of flights on direct routings shall be agreed bilaterally.
Pogoji za uporabo on-line izmenjave podatkov za koordinacijo letov na direktnih rutah so dvostransko dogovorjeni.
10 Pravna redakcija
if resident for at least one year have undergone the routine tests according to Annex B, Chapter II of Directive 88/407/EEC;
če so v središču že vsaj eno leto, so bile opravljene rutinske preiskave v skladu s poglavjem II Priloge B k Direktivi 88/407/EGS;
11 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0980
Rules for the coordination of such changes, including direct routings, are specified in Annex B Special Route Processing Requirements,
Predpisi o usklajevanju takšnih sprememb, vključno z direktnimi rutami, so določena v Prilogi B - Posebne zahteve za obdelavo rut,
12 Pravna redakcija
Rules for the co-ordination of such changes, including direct routings, are specified in Annex B Special Route Processing Requirements;
Pravila za koordinacijo takšnih sprememb, vključno z direktnimi rutami, so določena v Prilogi B, Posebne zahteve za obdelavo rut;
13 Pravna redakcija
Whereas Annex III of Directive 90/539/EEC states that the Commission may determine the criteria for using vaccines against Newcastle disease in the context of routine vaccination programmes;
ker Priloga III k Direktivi 90/539/EGS določa, da lahko Komisija določi merila za uporabo cepiv proti atipični kokošji kugi v okviru programov rednega cepljenja;
14 Pravna redakcija
the reference methods and, where necessary, the criteria governing routine methods of analysis and testing to be used to monitor compliance with the requirements of this Directive, and the methods of sampling,
referenčne metode in, če je potrebno, merila, ki urejajo rutinske metode analiz in preskušanja, ki naj se uporabljajo za spremljanje izpolnjevanja zahtev te direktive, in metode vzorčenja,
15 Pravna redakcija
Whereas Chapter V(8) of the Annex to that Directive states that, in the absence of routine virus testing procedures and the establishment of virological standards, health checks must be based on faecal bacteria counts;
ker poglavje V(8) Priloge k navedeni direktivi določa, da morajo v primeru odsotnosti rutinskih testnih postopkov za viruse in določenih viroloških standardov zdravstvene kontrole temeljiti na številu fekalnih bakterij;
16 Pravna redakcija
The data required for the notification and co-ordination of flights on direct routings is contained in the co-ordination point (estimate data (ICAO format) and co-ordination data (ADEXP format)) and route in the applicable messages.
Podatki, potrebni za obvestila in koordinacijo letov na direktnih rutah, so v sporočilih, ki se uporabljajo, vsebovani v koordinacijski točki [podatki o predvidenem času in položaju (format ICAO) in koordinacijskih podatkih (format ADEXP)] in ruti.
17 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31992D0608
Whereas, for technical reasons, the initial requirement is to lay down reference methods for analysis and testing to ensure that the standards prescribed in Article 3 (A) (3) of Directive 85/397/EEC are met; whereas it is particularly important to make a study of the conditions under which routine methods for analysis and testing are used; whereas, pending the outcome of this study, it is for the competent authorities to see that appropriate routine methods are used with a view to ensuring that the said standards are met;
ker je iz tehničnih razlogov najprej treba določiti referenčne analitske metode in preskušanje, da se zagotovi izpolnjevanje standardov iz člena 3(A)(3) Direktive 85/397/EGS; ker je zlasti pomembno, da se preučijo pogoji, pod katerimi se uporabljajo rutinske analitske metode in preskušanje; ker morajo pristojni organi, dokler niso znani rezultati te študije, poskrbeti, da se uporabljajo ustrezne rutinske metode, da se zagotovi izpolnjevanje navedenih standardov;
18 Pravna redakcija
As a result of advances in analytical chemistry since the adoption of Directive 96/23/EC the concept of routine methods and reference methods has been superseded by criteria approach, in which performance criteria and procedures for the validation of screening and confirmatory methods are established.
Zaradi napredovanja analitske kemije od sprejetja Direktive 96/23/ES se je koncept rutinskih metod in referenčnih metod nadomestil s pristopom po merilih, v katerem se določijo merila učinkovitosti in postopki za validacijo presejevalnih in potrditvenih metod.
19 Pravna redakcija
Whereas a routine inspection under Article 5 of Directive 72/462/EEC and Article 3 (1) of Commission Decision 83/196/EEC of 8 April 1983 concerning on-the-spot inspections to be carried out in respect of the importation of bovine animals, swine and fresh meat from non-member countries (6) has revealed that the level of hygiene of certain establishments has altered since the last inspection;
ker se je z rutinskim inšpekcijskim pregledom po členu 5 Direktive 72/462/EGS in členu 3(1) Odločbe Komisije 83/196/EGS z dne 8. aprila 1983 o inšpekcijskih pregledih na kraju samem, ki se izvajajo v zvezi z uvozom govedi, prašičev in svežega mesa iz držav nečlanic fn, izkazalo, da se je raven higiene v nekaterih obratih od zadnjega inšpekcijskega pregleda spremenila;
20 Pravna redakcija
Whereas a routine inspection under Article 5 of Directive 72/462/EEC and Article 3 (1) of Commission Decision 83/196/EEC of 8 April 1983 concerning on-the-spot inspections to be carried out in respect of the importation of bovine animals and swine and fresh meat from non-member countries (5) has revealed that the level of hygiene of certain establishments has altered since the last inspection;
ker je rutinska inšpekcija po členu 5 Direktive 72/462/EGS in členu 3(1) Odločbe Komisije 83/196/EGS z dne 8. aprila 1983 o inšpekcijskih pregledih, ki jih je treba v zvezi z uvozom govedi in prašičev ter svežega mesa iz držav nečlanic opraviti na kraju samem fn, razkrila, da se je raven higiene v nekaterih obratih po zadnjem inšpekcijskem pregledu spremenila;
21 Pravna redakcija
Whereas a routine inspection under Article 5 of Directive 72/462/EEC and Article 3 (1) of Commission Decision 83/196/EEC of 8 April 1983 concerning on-the-spot inspections to be carried out in respect of the importation of bovine animals and swine and fresh meat from non-member countries (6), has revealed that the level of hygiene of certain establishments has altered since the last inspection;
ker je rutinska inšpekcija po členu 5 Direktive 72/462/EGS in členu 3(1) Odločbe Komisije 83/196/EGS z dne 8. aprila 1983 o inšpekcijskih pregledih, ki jih je treba v zvezi z uvozom goved in prašičev ter svežega mesa iz držav nečlanic opraviti na kraju samem fn, razkrila, da se je raven higiene v nekaterih obratih po zadnjem inšpekcijskem pregledu spremenila;
22 Pravna redakcija
Whereas a routine inspection under Article 5 of Directive 72/462/EEC and Article 3 (1) of Commission Decision 86/474/EEC of 11 September 1986 concerning the on-the-spot inspections to be carried out in respect of the importation of bovine animals and swine and fresh meat from non-member countries (5) has revealed that the level of hygiene of one establishment has altered since the last inspection;
ker je rutinska inšpekcija v skladu s členom 5 Direktive 72/462/EGS in člena 3(1) Odločbe Komisije 86/474/EGS z dne 11. septembra 1986 o inšpekcijskih pregledih na kraju samem, ki jih je treba opraviti pri uvozu goveda in prašičev ter svežega mesa iz držav nečlanic fn, pokazala, da se je raven higiene v enem od obratov od zadnjega inšpekcijskega pregleda spremenila;
23 Pravna redakcija
The manufacturer shall, before the start of manufacture, prepare documents defining the manufacturing processes, in particular as regards sterilization, together with all the routine, pre-established provisions to be implemented to ensure uniformity of production and conformity of the products with the type as described in the EC type-examination certificate as well as with the relevant requirements of this Directive.
Proizvajalec mora pred začetkom izdelave pripraviti dokumente, ki določajo proizvodne procese, zlasti kar zadeva sterilizacijo, skupaj z vsemi utečenimi deli, predhodnimi določbami, ki se izvajajo za zagotovitev enotne proizvodnje in skladnosti izdelkov s tipom, kakor je opisan v potrdilu o tipskem pregledu ES, in tudi z ustreznimi zahtevami te direktive.
24 Pravna redakcija
Whereas a routine inspection pursuant to Article 5 of Directive 72/462/EEC and Article 2 (1) of Commission Decision 86/474/EEC of 11 September 1986 on the implementation of the on-the-spot inspections to be carried out in respect of the importation of bovine animals and swine and fresh meat from non-member countries (8) has revealed that the level of hygiene of some establishments has altered since the last inspection;
ker je redni inšpekcijski pregled, opravljen v skladu s členom 5 Direktive 72/462/EGS in členom 2(1) Odločbe Komisije 86/474/EGS z dne 11. septembra 1986 o inšpekcijskih pregledih na kraju samem, ki jih je treba opraviti pri uvozu goveda, prašičev in svežega mesa iz držav nečlanic fn, pokazal, da se je higienska raven nekaterih obratov od zadnjega pregleda spremenila;
25 Pravna redakcija
Before the start of manufacture, the manufacturer must prepare documents defining the manufacturing process, in particular as regards sterilization where necessary, together with all the routine, pre-established provisions to be implemented to ensure homogeneous production and, where appropriate, conformity of the products with the type described in the EC type-examination certificate and with the requirements of this Directive which apply to them.
Pred začetkom proizvodnje mora proizvajalec pripraviti dokumente z razlago proizvodnega procesa, zlasti kar zadeva sterilizacijo, kjer je ta potrebna, skupaj z vsemi rutinskimi, vnaprej določenimi določbami, ki se morajo uveljavljati za zagotovitev homogene proizvodnje in, kjer je to primerno, skladnosti izdelkov s tipom, opisanim v potrdilu o ES tipskem preskusu, in z vsemi zahtevami te direktive, ki veljajo zanje.
26 Pravna redakcija
Whereas a routine inspection made in application of Article 5 of Directive 72/462/EEC and Article 3 (1) of Commission Decision 80/15/EEC of 21 December 1979 concerning the on-the-spot inspections to be carried out in respect of the importation of bovine animals, swine and fresh meat from non-member countries (3), has revealed that the level of hygiene of certain establishments may be considered to be satisfactory; whereas these establishments may therefore be kept or entered on the Community list;
ker je redni inšpekcijski pregled, opravljen v skladu s členom 5 Direktive 72/462/EGS in členom 3(1) Odločbe Komisije 80/15/EGS z dne 21. decembra 1979 o inšpekcijskih pregledih na kraju samem, ki jih je treba opraviti pri uvozu goveda, prašičev in svežega mesa iz držav nečlanic fn, pokazal, da se higienska raven nekaterih obratov lahko šteje za zadovoljivo; ker se lahko zato ti obrati obdržijo na seznamu Skupnosti ali se vanj vpišejo;
27 Pravna redakcija
may request a State laboratory or laboratory designated for this purpose to verify, using samples provided by the applicant, that the analytical detection method proposed by the applicant in accordance with point 8 of the second paragraph of Article 5 of Directive 81/851/EEC is suitable for use in routine checks to reveal the presence of residue levels above the maximum residue level accepted by the Community in accordance with the provisions of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2377/90 of 26 June 1990 laying down a Community procedure for the establishment of maximum residue limits of veterinary medicinal products in foodstuffs of animal origin (1);
lahko zaprosi, da v državnem laboratoriju ali pooblaščenem laboratoriju z uporabo vzorcev, ki jih zagotovi vlagatelj, preskusijo, da je analizna metoda detekcije, ki jo predlaga vlagatelj v skladu s točko 8 drugega odstavka člena 5 direktive 81/851/EGS, primerna za uporabo pri rutinskih pregledih za odkrivanje količine zaostankov nad najvišjo dovoljeno količino zaostankov, ki jo dopušča Skupnost v skladu z določbami uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 2377/90 z dne 26. junija 1990, ki določa postopek Skupnosti za določitev najvišjih dovoljenih količin zaostankov zdravil za uporabo v veterini v živilih živalskega izvora fn
28 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0031
(7) The report on beta-cyfluthrin and on cyfluthrin and further information concerning both substances were also submitted to the Scientific Committee on Plants for separate consultations. The Committee was asked to comment on the appropriate dietary risk assessment to be used and to confirm that the available ecotoxicological data supports uses only in glasshouses and for seed treatment. In its opinions, the Committee suggested that in addition to a long-term dietary intake risk assessment, as routinely carried out for plant protection products, beta-cyfluthrin and cyfluthrin should also undergo a short-term acute dietary risk assessment to evaluate their potential neurotoxicity properties. The Committee confirmed that uses as seed dressing and in greenhouses (except where beneficial arthropods are used) can be considered safe for non-target terrestrial and aquatic organisms, due to the specific circumstances of these applications and the immobility of beta-cyfluthrin and cyfluthrin in soil. The Committee furthermore supports the conclusions reached during the evaluation by the Member States that field spray applications of beta-cyfluthrin and cyfluthrin have not shown to be sufficiently safe under the criteria required by Annex VI to Directive 91/414/EEC. Following the opinion of the Scientific Committee on Plants the short term dietary risk assessment was subsequently provided and discussed with the Member States. It was concluded that the short-term intake of residues is not likely to exceed acceptable limits.
(7) Znanstvenemu odboru za rastline so bili za ločena posvetovanja predloženi tudi poročilo o beta-ciflutrinu ter ciflutrinu in nadaljnje informacije o obeh snoveh. Od Odbora se je zahtevalo, da izrazi svoje mnenje o primerni oceni tveganja zastrupitve pri vnosu s hrano, ki se bo uporabljala, in potrdi, da razpoložljivi toksikološki podatki podpirajo uporabo le v rastlinjakih in za obdelavo semen. Odbor je v svojih mnenjih fn fn predlagal, da je treba poleg ocene dolgoročnega tveganja zastrupitve pri vnosu s hrano, ki se za fitofarmacevtska sredstva izvaja rutinsko, pri beta-ciflutrinu in ciflutrinu opraviti tudi oceno kratkoročnega tveganja zastrupitve pri vnosu s hrano, da se ocenijo njune morebitne nevrotoksične lastnosti. Odbor je potrdil, da se uporabe, kot so obloge semen in uporabe v rastlinjakih (razen kadar se uporabljajo koristni členonožci), lahko obravnavajo kakor varne za neciljne kopenske in vodne organizme zaradi posebnih okoliščin teh nanosov in imobilnosti beta-ciflutrina in ciflutrina v tleh. Razen tega Odbor podpira sklepe, ki so jih države članice sprejele med ocenjevanjem, in sicer da se nanašanje beta-ciflutrina in ciflutrina s škropljenjem na polju ni pokazalo za dovolj varno glede na meril iz Priloge VI k Direktivi 91/414/EGS. Potem ko je Znanstveni odbor za rastline izrazil svoje mnenje, je predložil oceno kratkoročnega tveganja zastrupitve pri vnosu s hrano in jo obravnaval z državami članicami. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da kratkoročni vnos ostankov najverjetneje ne bo presegel sprejemljivih meja.
29 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31997L0078
appropriate hygienic premises and facilities for carrying out routine analyses and taking samples in accordance with this Directive,
ustrezne higienske prostore in opremo za opravljanje rutinskih analiz in jemanje vzorcev v skladu s to direktivo,
30 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0980
Rules for the coordination of such changes, including direct routings, are specified in Annex B - Special route processing requirements,
Predpisi o usklajevanju takšnih sprememb, vključno z direktnimi rutami, so določena v Prilogi B - Posebne zahteve za obdelavo rut,
31 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31991D0180
whereas, awaiting the results of this examination, it is the responsibility of the Member States to use appropriate routine methods for ensuring compliance with the standards laid down in Directive 85/397/EEC;
ker so države članice v pričakovanju rezultatov te proučitve odgovorne za uporabo ustreznih rutinskih metod za zagotavljanje skladnosti s standardi, predpisanimi z Direktivo 85/397/EGS;
32 Prevajalska redakcija
In the Full Competition Directive and ONP Directives, telecommunications services are defined as 'services, whose provision consists wholly or partly in the transmission and/or routing of signals on a telecommunications network.`
V Direktivi o popolni konkurenci in direktivah v zvezi z zagotavljanjem odprtosti omrežij so telekomunikacijske storitve opredeljene kot "storitve, katerih uporaba obsega v celoti ali deloma prenos oziroma usmerjanje signalov po telekomunikacijskem omrežju."
33 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0085
As part of quality assurance, National Laboratories shall demonstrate compliance of the tests in routine use with the requirements for sensitivity and specificity defined in the OIE Manual, or in Annexe XIV of this Directive, whichever is more stringent.
Nacionalni laboratoriji morajo znotraj zagotavljanja kakovosti dokazati skladnost testov v rutinski uporabi z zahtevami po občutljivosti in specifičnosti, opredeljenimi v Priročniku OIE ali v Prilogi XIV k tej direktivi, ob upoštevanju tistih zahtev, ki so strožje.
34 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0079
All the routine, pre-established provisions must be implemented to ensure homogeneous production and conformity of the products with the type described in the EC type-examination certificate and with the requirements of this Directive which apply to them.
Za zagotavljanje homogene proizvodnje in skladnosti izdelkov s tipom, opisanim v certifikatu o ES tipskem preskusu in z zahtevami te direktive, ki veljajo zanje, je treba uresničevati vse rutinske vnaprej določene določbe.
35 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31999D0608
Provided that conditions laid down in paragraph 4 are satisfied and the routine tests referred to in Chapter II have been carried out during the previous 12 months, animals may be transferred from one approved semen collection centre to another of equal health status without quarantine or testing if transfer is direct.
Če so izpolnjeni pogoji iz odstavka 4 in rutinski testi iz poglavja II opravljeni v predhodnih 12 mesecih, se živali lahko premestijo iz enega odobrenega osemenjevalnega središča v drugega z enakim zdravstvenim statusom brez izolacije ali testiranja, če je premestitev neposredna.
36 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31988L0407
Provided that the conditions laid down in paragraph 4 are satisfied and the routine tests referred to in Chapter II have been carried out during the previous 12 months, animals may be transferred from one approved semen collection centre to another of equal health status without isolation or testing if transfer is direct.
Če so izpolnjeni pogoji, predpisani v odstavku 4, in če so v predhodnih 12 mesecih izvedeni rutinski testi iz poglavja II, je dovoljeno premestiti živali iz enega odobrenega osemenjevalnega središča v drugo z enakovrednim zdravstvenim statusom, brez izolacije ali testov, če je premestitev neposredna.
37 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0043
Provided that the conditions laid down in paragraph 4 are satisfied and the routine tests referred to in Chapter II have been carried out during the previous 12 months, animals may be transferred from one approved semen collection centre to another of equal health status, without isolation or testing if transfer is direct.
Če so izpolnjeni pogoji, predpisani v odstavku 4, in če so bili v zadnjih 12 mesecih izvedeni rutinski testi iz II. poglavja, je živali dovoljeno preseliti iz enega odobrenega osemenjevalnega središča v drugega z enakim zdravstvenim statusom, brez izolacije ali testov, če je preselitev neposredna.
38 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31990L0385
The manufacturer shall, before the start of manufacture, prepare documents defining the manufacturing process, in particular as regards sterilization, together with all the routine, pre-established provisions to be implemented to ensure homogeneity of production and conformity of the products with the type described in the EC type-examination certificate as well as with the relevant requirements of the Directive.
Proizvajalec pred začetkom proizvodnje pripravi dokumentacijo, v kateri je opisan proizvodni proces, zlasti kar zadeva sterilizacijo, skupaj z vsemi običajnimi, predhodno določenimi določbami, ki jih je treba upoštevati, da se zagotovi enovitost proizvodnje in skladnost izdelkov s tipom, opisanim v certifikatu o ES tipskem preskusu, ter z ustreznimi zahtevami te direktive.
39 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31982D0960
Whereas a routine inspection made in application of Article 5 of Directive 72/462/EEC and Article 3 (1) of Commission Decision 80/15/EEC of 21 December 1979 concerning the on-the-spot inspections to be carried out in respect of the importation of bovine animals, swine and fresh meat from non-member countries (3), has revealed that the level of hygiene of certain establishments may be considered to be satisfactory;
ker je redni inšpekcijski pregled, opravljen v skladu s členom 5 Direktive 72/462/EGS in členom 3(1) Odločbe Komisije 80/15/EGS z dne 21. decembra 1979 o inšpekcijskih pregledih na kraju samem, ki jih je treba opraviti pri uvozu goveda, prašičev in svežega mesa iz držav nečlanic [3], pokazal, da se higienska raven nekaterih obratov lahko šteje za zadovoljivo;
40 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996L0023
Whenever an authorization is issued for the placing on the market of a veterinary medicinal product intended for administration to a species the meat or product of which is intended for human consumption, the competent authorities shall forward the routine analysis methods as laid down in Article 5, second subparagraph, point 8 of Directive 81/851/EEC (18) and Article 7 of Regulation (EEC) No 2377/90 to the Community and national reference laboratories for detection of residues.
Kadar se izda dovoljenje za dajanje na trg nekega veterinarsko medicinskega pripravka, ki se uporablja za zdravljenje živali, katerih meso ali proizvodi so namenjeni prehrani ljudi, morajo pristojni organi poslati nacionalnim referenčnim laboratorijem in referenčnim laboratorijem Skupnosti rutinske analizne metode za odkrivanje ostankov škodljivih snovi, kot to predpisuje točka 8 drugega pododstavka člena 5 Direktive 81/851/EGS [18] in člen 7 Uredbe (EGS) št. 2377/90.
41 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31994L0079
An estimation shall be made for each type of application method and application equipment proposed for use of the plant protection product taking account of the requirements resulting from the implementation of the classification and labelling provisions of Directive 78/631/EEC for handling the undiluted or diluted product as well as the different types and sizes of containers to be used, mixing, loading operations, application of the plant protection product, the climatic conditions and cleaning and routine maintenance of application equipment.
Oceniti je treba vse vrste nanašanja in predlagane opreme za uporabo fitofarmacevtskega sredstva ob upoštevanju zahtev, ki izhajajo iz določb o razvrščanju in označevanju Direktive 78/631/EGS o ravnanju z nerazredčenim ali razredčenim sredstvom in različnimi vrstami in velikostmi posod, ki se uporabljajo za mešanje, polnjenje, nanos fitofarmacevtskega sredstva, ter podnebnih pogojev, čiščenja in rednega vzdrževanja opreme za nanos.
42 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31977L0098
Without prejudice to Article 4a, Member States which have been free of foot-and-mouth disease for more than two years; which do not practice routine vaccination and which, by way of derogation from the requirements of this Directive do not allow in their territory animals vaccinated against the said disease for a period to be determined in accordance with the procedure laid down in Article 12, may, until 31 December 1982 and while complying with general rules of the Treaty, impose the following conditions upon the introduction into their territory of animals for breeding, store and slaughter:
Brez poseganja v člen 4a države članice, ki so več kot dve leti proste slinavke in parkljevke, ki ne izvajajo rutinskega cepljenja in, ki z odstopanjem od zahtev te direktive, na svoje ozemlje ne dovoljujejo živalim, cepljenim proti navedeni bolezni, v obdobju, določenem v skladu s postopkom iz člena 12, lahko do 31. decembra 1982 in ob izpolnjevanju splošnih določb Pogodbe, postavljajo naslednje pogoje za vstop živali za razplod, rejo in zakol na svoje ozemlje:
43 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0046
if the average - determined at 31 December of each year - of the annual percentages of bovine herds confirmed as infected with tuberculosis is not more than 1 % of all herds within the defined area during the two most recent annual supervisory periods, the interval between routine herd tests may be increased to two years and male animals for fattening within an isolated epidemiological unit may be exempted from tuberculin testing provided that they come from officially tuberculosis-free herds and that the competent authority guarantees that the males for fattening will not be used for breeding and will go direct for slaughter,
če letno povprečje čred, določeno dne 31. decembra vsako leto, v katerih je bila potrjena okužba s tuberkulozo, ni večje od 1 % vseh čred v določenem območju v zadnjih dveh enoletnih kontrolnih obdobjih, se lahko presledek med dvema rednima testoma podaljša na dve leti, moške živali za pitanje znotraj epidemiološke celote pa se lahko oprosti tuberkulinskih testov, če prihajajo iz čred, uradno prostih tuberkuloze in če pristojni organ jamči, da se moške živali za pitanje ne bodo uporabljale za vzrejo in bodo šle neposredno v zakol,
44 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31993R2309
may request a State laboratory or laboratory designated for this purpose to verify, using samples provided by the applicant, that the analytical detection method proposed by the applicant in accordance with point 8 of the second paragraph of Article 5 of Directive 81/851/EEC is suitable for use in routine checks to reveal the presence of residue levels above the maximum residue level accepted by the Community in accordance with the provisions of Council Regulation (EEC) No 2377/90 of 26 June 1990 laying down a Community procedure for the establishment of maximum residue limits of veterinary medicinal products in foodstuffs of animal origin (13);
lahko zaprosi, da v državnem laboratoriju ali pooblaščenem laboratoriju z uporabo vzorcev, ki jih zagotovi vlagatelj, preskusijo, da je analizna metoda detekcije, ki jo predlaga vlagatelj v skladu s točko 8 drugega odstavka člena 5 Direktive 81/851/EGS, primerna za uporabo pri rutinskih pregledih za odkrivanje količine zaostankov nad najvišjo dovoljeno količino zaostankov, ki jo dopušča Skupnost v skladu z določbami Uredbe Sveta (EGS) št. 2377/90 z dne 26. junija 1990, ki določa postopek Skupnosti za določitev najvišjih dovoljenih količin zaostankov zdravil za uporabo v veterini v živilih živalskega izvora 1;
45 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003L0074
Taking into account the results of the risk assessment and all other available pertinent information, it has to be concluded that, in order to achieve the chosen level of protection in the Community from the risks posed, in particular to human health, by the routine use of these hormones for growth promotion and the consumption of residues found in meat derived from animals to which these hormones have been administered for growth promotion, it is necessary to maintain the permanent prohibition laid down in Directive 96/22/EC on oestradiol 17ß and to continue provisionally to apply the prohibition to the other five hormones (testosterone, progesterone, trenbolone acetate, zeranol and melengestrol acetate).
Ob upoštevanju rezultatov analize tveganja in vseh drugih razpoložljivih spremljajočih informacij je treba zaključiti, da je treba, da bi dosegli izbrano raven zaščite v Skupnosti pred tveganji, ki obstajajo, zlasti za zdravje ljudi, pri rutinski uporabi navedenih hormonov za pospeševanje rasti ter pri zaužitju ostankov, ki se nahajajo v mesu, pridobljenem iz živali, katerim so se navedeni hormoni dajali za pospeševanje rasti, še naprej ohraniti trajno prepoved, predpisano v Direktivi 96/22/ES o estradiolu 17ß in še naprej začasno ohraniti prepoved ostalih petih hormonov (testosterona, progesterona, trenbolon acetata, zeranola in melengestrol acetata).
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