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disease identification procedure
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0106
The experience gained in the control of classical swine fever in recent years has resulted in the identification of the most suitable sampling procedures and criteria for evaluation of the results of the laboratory tests for a proper diagnosis of this disease in different situations.
Izkušnje, pridobljene v zadnjih letih pri nadzoru nad klasično prašičjo kugo, opredeljujejo najprimernejše postopke vzorčenja in merila za ocenjevanje rezultatov laboratorijskih preiskav za pravilno ugotavljanje te bolezni v različnih okoliščinah.
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0021
The system referred to in Article 4(2)(c) requires the identification of the animals both by holding and individually, provides for a replacement procedure where a means of identification has become illegible or has been lost, under the control of the competent authority and without compromising traceability between holdings, the objective being to control epizootic diseases, and allows the animals' movements to be traced within the national territory, with the same objective.
Sistem iz člena 4(2)(c) zahteva identifikacijo živali na gospodarstvu in individualno predvideva postopek zamenjave, če postane sredstvo za identifikacijo nečitljivo ali je bilo izgubljeno, pod nadzorom pristojnega organa in ne da bi bila ogrožena sledljivost med gospodarstvi, katere namen je nadzor epizootske bolezni, in omogoča sledljivost premikov živali na nacionalnem ozemlju z istim namenom.
3 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0422
(5) The experience gained in the control of African swine fever in recent years has resulted in the identification of the most suitable sampling procedures and criteria for evaluation of laboratory test results for a proper diagnosis of this disease in different situations.
(5) Izkušnje, pridobljene v zadnjih letih pri nadzoru nad afriško prašičjo kugo, so vodile do določitve najprimernejših postopkov vzorčenja in meril za vrednotenje rezultatov laboratorijskih preiskav za pravilno diagnostiko te bolezni v različnih okoliščinah.
4 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32002D0106
(5) The experience gained in the control of classical swine fever in recent years has resulted in the identification of the most suitable sampling procedures and criteria for evaluation of the results of the laboratory tests for a proper diagnosis of this disease in different situations.
(5) Izkušnje, pridobljene v zadnjih letih pri nadzoru nad klasično prašičjo kugo, opredeljujejo najprimernejše postopke vzorčenja in merila za ocenjevanje rezultatov laboratorijskih preiskav za pravilno ugotavljanje te bolezni v različnih okoliščinah.
5 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0021
The system referred to in Article 4(2)(c) requires the identification of the animals both by holding and individually, provides for a replacement procedure where a means of identification has become illegible or has been lost, under the control of the competent authority and without compromising traceability between holdings, the objective being to control epizootic diseases, and allows the animals' movements to be traced within the national territory, with the same objective.
Sistem iz člena 4(2)(c) zahteva identifikacijo živali na gospodarstvu in individualno predvideva postopek zamenjave, če postane sredstvo za identifikacijo nečitljivo ali je bilo izgubljeno, pod nadzorom pristojnega organa in ne da bi bila ogrožena sledljivost med gospodarstvi, katere namen je nadzor epizootske bolezni, in omogoča sledljivost premikov živali na nacionalnem ozemlju z istim namenom.
6 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32000D0428
The experiences gained in the control of swine vesicular disease in recent years have resulted in the identification of the most suitable sampling procedures and criteria for evaluation of the results of the laboratory tests for a proper diagnosis of this disease in different situations.
Izkušnje, pridobljene pri nadzoru vezikularne bolezni prašičev v zadnjih letih, so omogočile izbrati metode vzorčenja in kriterije vrednotenja rezultatov laboratorijskih testov, ki so najustreznejši za pravilno diagnozo te bolezni v različnih situacijah.
7 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0422
The experience gained in the control of African swine fever in recent years has resulted in the identification of the most suitable sampling procedures and criteria for evaluation of laboratory test results for a proper diagnosis of this disease in different situations.
Izkušnje, pridobljene v zadnjih letih pri nadzoru nad afriško prašičjo kugo, so vodile do določitve najprimernejših postopkov vzorčenja in meril za vrednotenje rezultatov laboratorijskih preiskav za pravilno diagnostiko te bolezni v različnih okoliščinah.
8 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31998L0046
Whereas in recent times the development of veterinary administrative procedures regarding herd management, animal movement control, animal identification and information handling in relation to disease control requires amendments to be made to certain Annexes to Directive 64/432/EEC,
ker v zadnjem času razvoj veterinarskih upravnih postopkov v zvezi z vodenjem čred, nadzorom gibanja živali, označevanjem in registracijo živali in ravnanju s podatki v zvezi z nadzorom bolezni zahteva, da se nekatere priloge k Direktivi 64/432/EGS spremenijo,
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disease identification procedure