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distance scale
1 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31982L0714
Freeboard, safety distance and draught scales
Prosti bok, varnostna razdalja in lestvica ugreza
2 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 31982L0714
3 Končna redakcija
The principal scale-marks are the two marks whose distance apart represents the "nominal length" of the measure.
Glavni oznaki skale dolžinskega merila sta oznaki, katerih medsebojna razdalja določa “nazivno dolžino” merila.
4 Končna redakcija
Material measures of length hereinafter called "measures of length" are instruments comprising scale-marks whose distances are given in legal units of length.
Opredmetene dolžinske mere, v nadaljnjem besedilu “dolžinska merila”, so instrumenti, ki zajemajo oznake skale, katerih razdalje so izražene v zakonskih dolžinskih enotah.
5 Končna redakcija
Surveys of Slovene public opinion assessed the attitude towards homosexuals using the scale of social distance (e.g. 'whom wouldn't you like to have as a neighbor?'), and on the basis of the respondents' views about sexual relations between two adult persons of the same sex.
V raziskavah Slovenskega javnega mnenja so odnos do homoseksualcev merili z lestvico socialne distance (Koga ne želite imeti za soseda?) in s spraševanjem po mnenju o spolnih odnosih med dvema odraslima osebama istega spola.
6 Končna redakcija
In EEC initial verification of measures of length, the maximum permissible error, plus or minus on the nominal length or on the distance between any two scale marks of a measure of length, shall be expressed as a function of the length in question by a formula in the form (a + b L) millimetres in which:
Pri prvi EGS-overitvi dolžinskih meril se največji dopustni pogreški, pozitivni ali negativni, glede na nazivno dolžino oziroma na razdaljo med dvema oznakama na skali dolžinskega merila, izrazi kot funkcija zadevne dolžine s formulo (a + b L) v milimetrih, kjer predstavlja:
7 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0807
The High-Level Group on the trans-European transport network chaired by Mr Karel Van Miert expressed concern that the delays in the cross-border sections of the priority projects on the trans-European transport network (TEN) were having an adverse effect on the profitability of the investments made by the Member States in the sections in their own country, denying them the benefit of economies of scale, and recommended that the rate of Community financing should be differentiated, according to the benefits to other countries, in particular the neighbouring countries, stressing that such modulation should in the first instance benefit the cross-border projects used by long-distance transport services.
Skupina na visoki ravni za vseevropsko prometno omrežje, ki ji predseduje gospod Karel Van Miert, je izrazila zaskrbljenost, da zamude pri čezmejnih odsekih prednostnih projektov za vseevropsko omrežje (TEN) neugodno vplivajo na donosnost naložb držav članic na nacionalnih odsekih in jih tako prikrajšajo za prednosti ekonomije obsega, ter priporočila diferenciacijo stopnje financiranja Skupnosti, ob upoštevanju koristi, ki jo imajo druge države, zlasti sosednje, s poudarkom, da bi taka modulacija morala v prvi vrsti koristiti čezmejnim projektom za prevozne storitve na dolge razdalje.
8 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985L0146
the distance between two non-consecutive scale marks,
razdalja med dvema nezaporednima oznakama skale,
9 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31978L0629
on the distance between any two non-consecutive scale marks,
na razdaljo med dvema nezaporednima oznakama skale
10 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31985L0146
on any other distance between any two non-consecutive scale marks,
na katerokoli drugo razdaljo med dvema nezaporednima oznakama skale,
11 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31986L0217
The maximum distance between the index and the plane of the scale marks must not be greater than the length of the scale division and must in no case exceed 2 mm or 0,02 L + 1 mm in the case of circular-dial indicating devices (L being the distance between the axis of rotation of the pointer and its extremity).
Največja razdalja med kazalcem in ravnino oznak na skali ne sme biti večja od dolžine razdelka in v nobenem primeru ne sme presegati 2 mm oziroma 0,02 L + 1 mm pri kazalnih napravah z okroglo številčnico (pri čemer je L razdalja med osjo vrtenja kazalca in njegovo ekstremiteto).
12 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31971L0319
On scales having graduation marks, the marks must have the same thickness, constant along the length of the mark, which shall not exceed one quarter of the distance between the centre lines of two consecutive marks.
Na skalah z graduacijskimi oznakami mora biti debelina oznak enaka po celi dolžini oznake in ne sme preseči četrtine razdalje med osrednjima črtama dveh zaporednih oznak.
13 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31971L0319
To this end, and in order to allow for reading by interpolation, the relevant window must have, parallel to the movement of the scale, a dimension not less than 1 75 times the distance between the centre lines of two consecutively numbered graduation marks, in such a way that at least two graduation marks of which one will have a figure, are always visible.
V ta namen in zaradi omogočanja razbiranja s pomočjo interpolacije mora biti velikost okenca, vzporedno z gibanjem skale, enaka najmanj 1,5-kratni razdalji med osrednjima črtama dveh zaporedno oštevilčenih graduacijskih oznak, tako da sta vedno vidni vsaj dve graduacijski oznaki, od katerih ima ena številko.
14 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0807
The High-Level Group on the trans-European transport network chaired by Mr Karel Van Miert expressed concern that the delays in the cross-border sections of the priority projects on the trans-European transport network (TEN) were having an adverse effect on the profitability of the investments made by the Member States in the sections in their own country, denying them the benefit of economies of scale, and recommended that the rate of Community financing should be differentiated, according to the benefits to other countries, in particular the neighbouring countries, stressing that such modulation should in the first instance benefit the cross-border projects used by long-distance transport services.
Skupina na visoki ravni za vseevropsko prometno omrežje, ki ji predseduje gospod Karel Van Miert, je izrazila zaskrbljenost, da zamude pri čezmejnih odsekih prednostnih projektov za vseevropsko omrežje (TEN) neugodno vplivajo na donosnost naložb držav članic na nacionalnih odsekih in jih tako prikrajšajo za prednosti ekonomije obsega, ter priporočila diferenciacijo stopnje financiranja Skupnosti, ob upoštevanju koristi, ki jo imajo druge države, zlasti sosednje, s poudarkom, da bi taka modulacija morala v prvi vrsti koristiti čezmejnim projektom za prevozne storitve na dolge razdalje.
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distance scale