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distribution of votes
1 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 37-2009
Distribution of votes
Razdelitev glasov
2 Končna redakcija
distribution of votes
razdelitev glasov
3 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 37-2009
each consumer member shall have 10 initial votes; the remaining votes shall be distributed among the consumer members in proportion to the average volume of their respective net imports of tropical timber during the five-year period commencing six calendar years prior to the distribution of votes.
vsaka članica potrošnica ima 10 začetnih glasov; preostali glasovi se razdelijo med članice potrošnice v sorazmerju s povprečno količino njihovega neto uvoza tropskega lesa v petletnem obdobju, ki se je začelo šest koledarskih let pred razdelitvijo glasov.
4 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 37-2009
Excess votes shall be redistributed among the consumer members in proportion to the average volume of their respective net imports of tropical timber during the five-year period commencing six calendar years prior to the distribution of votes.
Presežni glasovi se razdelijo med članice potrošnice v sorazmerju s povprečno količino njihovega neto uvoza tropskega lesa v petletnem obdobju, ki se je začelo šest koledarskih let pred razdelitvijo glasov.
5 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 37-2009
List of Governments attending the United Nations Conference for the Negotiation of a Successor Agreement to the International Tropical Timber Agreement, 1994 that are potential producer members as defined in Article 2 (Definitions) and indicative allocation of votes as per Article 10 (Distribution of votes)
Seznam vlad, ki so se udeležile Konference Združenih narodov za pogajanje o sporazumu, ki nasledi Mednarodni sporazum o tropskem lesu iz leta 1994, ki so možne članice proizvajalke, kot je določeno v členu 2 (Opredelitve), in okvirna dodelitev glasov, kot je navedeno v členu 10 (Razdelitev glasov)
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 37-2009
For purposes of the calculation of the distribution of votes under Article 10, paragraph 2(b), 'tropical forest resources' means natural closed forests and forest plantations located between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.
za izračun porazdelitve glasov v odstavku 2(b) člena 10, izraz »tropski gozdovi« pomeni naravne strnjene gozdne površine in gozdne plantaže med rakovim in kozorogovim povratnikom.
7 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 37-2009
The basic votes of each member shall be the number of votes that results from the equal distribution among all the members of 5.502 percent of the aggregate sum of the total voting power of all the members, provided that there shall be no fractional basic votes.
Osnovni glasovi vsake članice so število glasov, ki izhaja iz porazdelitve 5,502 odstotka celotne glasovalne moči vseh članic med vse članice, s tem da ni delnih osnovnih glasov.
8 Pravna redakcija
Decision-making and distribution of votes
Odločanje in razporeditev glasov
9 Končna redakcija
For the distribution of these seats it shall first be determined how many of all 88 seats would be assigned to lists having the same nomination, in proportion to the number of votes given in all constituencies.
Za razdelitev teh mandatov se najprej ugotovi, koliko od vseh 88 mandatov bi pripadlo istoimenskim listam sorazmerno številu glasov, ki so jih dobile v vseh volilnih enotah.
10 Končna redakcija
The remainder of votes of lists having the same nomination, accounted for in the distribution of seats at the national level, shall be added up and divided by all numbers from one to the number of undistributed seats (the d'Hondt system).
Ostanki glasov istoimenskih list, ki se upoštevajo pri delitvi mandatov na ravni države, se seštejejo in seštevki delijo z vsemi števili od ena do števila nerazdeljenih mandatov (d'Hondtov sistem).
11 Končna redakcija
Seats, given to lists having the same nomination in distribution at the national level, shall be assigned to lists in the constituencies that are left with the highest remainder of votes in proportion to the quotient in the constituency according to Article 90 hereof.
Mandati, ki jih dobijo istoimenske liste pri delitvi na državni ravni, se dodelijo listam v volilnih enotah, ki imajo največje ostanke glasov v razmerju do količnika v volilni enoti iz 90. člena tega zakona.
12 Končna redakcija
The common position to be adopted by the Member States at the accession conferences, as regards the distribution of seats at the European Parliament, the weighting of votes in the Council, the composition of the Economic and Social Committee and the composition of the Committee of the Regions will correspond to the following tables for a Union of 27 Member States.
Skupno stališče, ki ga bodo države članice sprejele na pristopnih konferencah glede razdelitve sedežev v Evropskem parlamentu, ponderiranja glasov v Svetu, sestave Ekonomsko-socialnega odbora in sestave Odbora regij, bo ustrezalo naslednjim preglednicam za Unijo 27 držav članic.
13 Pravna redakcija
The distribution of votes shall be indicated for each decision which the Management Board adopts.
Za vsak sklep Upravnega odbora se navede porazdelitev glasov.
14 Pravna redakcija
each importing member shall have up to five initial votes provided that the total of initial votes shall not exceed 150. The remaining votes shall be respective net imports of jute and jute products during three-year period commencing four calendar years prior to the distribution of votes.
vsaka članica uvoznica ima do pet začetnih glasov, pod pogojem, da skupni začetni glasovi ne presegajo 150. Preostali glasovi so odvisni od neto uvoza jute in proizvodov iz jute v triletnem obdobju, ki se je začelo štiri koledarska leta pred razdelitvijo glasov.
15 Pravna redakcija
- decisions adopted by the Management Board with an indication of the distribution of votes for each vote held.
- sklepe, ki jih je sprejel upravni odbor ter porazdelitev glasov za vsako glasovanje.
16 Pravna redakcija
Distribution of votes............................................................................................
Razdelitev glasov.............................................................
17 Pravna redakcija
Such distribution of votes shall remain in effect for the full jute year, except as provided for in subparagraph (i).
Taka razdelitev glasov obvelja celotno jutino leto, razen v primeru, predvidenem v pododstavku (i).
18 Pravna redakcija
The rules of procedure as well as the distribution of votes and voting procedure of the Committee shall be those of the Council mutatis mutandis.
Poslovnik in razdelitev glasov ter postopek glasovanja Sveta so enaki kakor za Svet s potrebnimi spremembami.
19 Pravna redakcija
the remaining votes shall be distributed among the consuming members in proportion to the average volume of their respective net imports of tropical timber during the three-year period commencing four calendar years prior to the distribution of votes.
preostali glasovi se razdelijo med članice porabnice v sorazmerju s povprečno količino njihovega neto uvoza v triletnem obdobju, ki se je začelo štiri koledarska leta pred razdelitvijo glasov.
20 Pravna redakcija
The remainder of such votes shall be distributed among the exporting members as nearly as possible in proportion to the volume of their respective net exports of natural rubber for the period of five calendar years commencing six calendar years prior to the distribution of votes.
Preostali glasovi se razdelijo med članice izvoznice čim bliže sorazmerju z obsegom njihovega neto izvoza naravnega kavčuka v obdobju petih koledarskih let, ki se je začelo šest koledarskih let pred razdelitvijo glasov.
21 Pravna redakcija
If, for any reason, difficulties should arise in the determination of votes through the use of the methodology prescribed in subparagraphs (c), (d) and (e), the Group may, by special vote, decide on a different methodology for the distribution of votes.
Če bi se iz kakršnega koli razloga pojavile težave pri določanju glasov z uporabo metodologije, predpisane v pododstavkih (c), (d) in (e), se lahko Skupina s posebnim glasovanjem odloči za drugačno metodologijo razdelitve glasov.
22 Pravna redakcija
For purposes of the calculation of the distribution of votes under paragraph 2 (b) of this article, 'tropical forest resources' means productive closed broadleaved forests as defined by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
Za namene izračunavanja razdelitve glasov na podlagi odstavka 2(b) tega člena pomenijo "tropski gozdni viri" proizvodne sklenjene listnate gozdove, kot jih je opredelila Organizacija Združenih narodov za prehrano in kmetijstvo (FAO).
23 Pravna redakcija
The votes of importing members shall be distributed among them as nearly as possible in proportion to the average of their respective net imports of natural rubber during the period of three calendar years commencing four calendar years prior to the distribution of votes, except that each importing member shall receive one vote even if its proportional net import share is otherwise not sufficiently large to so justify.
Glasovi članic uvoznic se razdelijo mednje čim bliže sorazmerju s povprečjem njihovega neto uvoza naravnega kavčuka v obdobju treh koledarskih let, ki se je začelo štiri koledarska leta pred razdelitvijo glasov, le da vsaka članica uvoznica prejme en glas, tudi če njen sorazmerni delež neto uvoza sicer ni dovolj velik, da bi bila do tega upravičena.
24 Pravna redakcija
Decisions or agreements adopted by the Management Board shall record the distribution of the votes cast, unless the vote was secret in accordance with Article 7.
Pri sklepih ali sporazumih, ki jih sprejme upravni odbor, se zabeleži porazdelitev oddanih glasov, razen če je bilo glasovanje tajno v skladu s členom 7.
25 Pravna redakcija
the Board of Governors has decided by a vote of not less than two-thirds of the governors, representing not less than three-fourths of the total voting power of the members, to make a distribution.
Svet guvernerjev z najmanj dvotretjinsko večino guvernerjev, ki predstavljajo najmanj tri četrtine vseh glasovalnih pravic članic, ne odloči o delitvi.
26 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0517
(7) Since the key for the ECB capital subscription determines the respective shares of the national central banks in the capital of the ECB and in the pooling of external reserves, as well as their voting weights in the ECB Governing Council for all decisions to be taken by weighted votes (in accordance with Article 10.3 of the Statute) and the distribution among them of the monetary income of the ESCB, it is important that the calculation of their weighting in this key is carried out in an accurate manner.
(7) Ker ključ za vpis kapitala ECB določa deleže nacionalnih centralnih bank v kapitalu ECB in v združevanju zunanjih rezerv, kakor tudi ponderje glasovanja v Svetu ECB za vse odločitve, ki se sprejmejo s ponderiranimi glasovi (v skladu s členom 10.3 Statuta), ter porazdelitev denarnih prihodkov ESCB med njimi, je pomembno, da se izračun njihovega ponderiranja v tem ključu opravi točno.
27 Prevajalska redakcija
Article 14 Distribution of votes
Člen 14 Razdelitev glasov
28 Prevajalska redakcija
Article 14 Distribution of votes. 10
Člen 14 Razdelitev glasov
29 Prevajalska redakcija
The remaining votes shall be respective net imports of jute and jute products during three-year period commencing four calendar years prior to the distribution of votes.
Preostali glasovi so odvisni od neto uvoza jute in proizvodov iz jute v triletnem obdobju, ki se je začelo štiri koledarska leta pred razdelitvijo glasov.
30 Prevajalska redakcija
The distribution of votes shall be determined by the Council in accordance with the provisions of this Article at the beginning of each coffee year and shall remain in effect during that year, except as provided for in paragraph 6 of this Article.
Razdelitev glasov določi Svet v skladu z določbami tega člena na začetku vsakega kavnega leta in ostane v veljavi vse leto, razen v primeru iz odstavka 6 tega člena.
31 Prevajalska redakcija
Adjustments in the distribution of votes pursuant to paragraph 4 of this schedule shall be made in accordance with rules and regulations to be adopted for this purpose by the governing council at its first annual meeting by a highly qualified majority. Annex to schedule D
Prilagoditve razdelitve glasov na podlagi odstavka 4 tega programa se opravijo v skladu s pravili in predpisi, ki jih v ta namen sprejme svet guvernerjev na svoji prvi letni seji z višjo kvalificirano večino.
32 Prevajalska redakcija
However, if there is any change in the distribution of votes among Members in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 5 of Article 13 at the beginning of the financial year for which contributions are assessed, such contributions shall be correspondingly adjusted for that year.
Vendar se v primeru, če pride do spremembe v razdelitvi glasov med članicami v skladu z določbami odstavka 5 člena 13 na začetku finančnega leta, za katerega so ocenjeni prispevki, ti prispevki za to leto ustrezno prilagodijo.
33 Prevajalska redakcija
The basis for the calculation of the distribution of votes of an exporting member, for which the Council has recognised a case of force majeure, shall be the effective volume of its exports for the year in which the force majeure occurred and subsequently for the ensuing three years following the force majeure.
Podlaga za izračun razporeditve glasov članice izvoznice, ki ji Svet prizna primer višje sile, je dejanski obseg njenega izvoza v letu, ko je nastopila višja sila, in zatem tri naslednja leta po višji sili.
34 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 32003D0517
Since the key for the ECB capital subscription determines the respective shares of the national central banks in the capital of the ECB and in the pooling of external reserves, as well as their voting weights in the ECB Governing Council for all decisions to be taken by weighted votes (in accordance with Article 10.3 of the Statute) and the distribution among them of the monetary income of the ESCB, it is important that the calculation of their weighting in this key is carried out in an accurate manner.
Ker ključ za vpis kapitala ECB določa deleže nacionalnih centralnih bank v kapitalu ECB in v združevanju zunanjih rezerv, kakor tudi ponderje glasovanja v Svetu ECB za vse odločitve, ki se sprejmejo s ponderiranimi glasovi (v skladu s členom 10.3 Statuta), ter porazdelitev denarnih prihodkov ESCB med njimi, je pomembno, da se izračun njihovega ponderiranja v tem ključu opravi točno.
35 Prevod
Adjustments in the distribution of votes pursuant to paragraph 4 of this schedule shall be made in accordance with rules and regulations to be adopted for this purpose by the governing council at its first annual meeting by a highly qualified majority.
Prilagoditve razdelitve glasov na podlagi odstavka 4 tega programa se opravijo v skladu s pravili in predpisi, ki jih v ta namen sprejme svet guvernerjev na svoji prvi letni seji z višjo kvalificirano večino.
36 Prevod
The governing council shall keep the voting structure under constant review and, if the actual voting structure is significantly different from that provided for in the annex to this schedule, shall make any necessary adjustments in accordance with the fundamental principles governing the distribution of votes reflected in this schedule.
Svet guvernerjev stalno preverja glasovalno strukturo in, če se dejanska glasovalna struktura znatno razlikuje od predvidene v prilogi k temu programu, napravi ustrezne spremembe v skladu s temeljnimi načeli, ki urejajo razdelitev glasov, ki se odraža v tem programu.
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distribution of votes