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documentary tool
1 Končna redakcija
documentary tool
dokumentacijsko orodje
2 Pravna redakcija
Where necessary, additional documentary evidence of the nature of the goods and the conditions under which they have been exhibited may be required from the country where the exhibition took place.
Po potrebi se lahko od države članice, v kateri je bila razstava, zahteva dodatna dokumentacija o naravi blaga in pogojih, pod katerimi se je razstavljalo.
3 Pravna redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1238
Where the payment is considered not to have been received by the Office within the requisite time limit, such time limit shall be considered to have been observed vis-á-vis the Office if sufficient documentary evidence is produced within that time-limit to show that the person who made the payment took necessary steps.
Kadar velja, da urad ni prejel plačila v zahtevanem roku, se šteje, da je rok bil upoštevan, če se v tem roku predloži dovolj listinskih dokazov, da je oseba, ki je izvedla plačilo, primerno ukrepala.
4 Pravna redakcija
Where the payment is considered not to have been received by the Office within the requisite time limit, such time limit shall be considered to have been observed vis-á-vis the Office if sufficient documentary evidence is produced within that time-limit to show that the person who made the payment took necessary steps.
Kadar velja, da urad ni prejel plačila v zahtevanem roku, se šteje, da je rok bil upoštevan, če se v tem roku predloži dovolj listinskih dokazov, da je oseba, ki je izvedla plačilo, primerno ukrepala.
5 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31995R1238
Where the payment is considered not to have been received by the Office within the requisite time limit, such time limit shall be considered to have been observed vis-a-vis the Office if sufficient documentary evidence is produced within that time-limit to show that the person who made the payment took necessary steps.
Kadar velja, da urad ni prejel plačila v zahtevanem roku, se šteje, da je rok bil upoštevan, če se v tem roku predloži dovolj listinskih dokazov, da je oseba, ki je izvedla plačilo, primerno ukrepala.
Prevodi: en > sl
documentary tool