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dry tomato extract content
1 Prevajalska redakcija
CELEX: 31996R2201
The production aid for other products processed from tomatoes shall be derived, as appropriate, either from the aid calculated for tomato concentrate, with account being taken in particular of the dry extract content of the product, or from the aid calculated for whole peeled tomatoes obtained from the Roma or similar varieties, with account being taken in particular of the commercial characteristics of the product.
Proizvodna pomoč za druge proizvode, predelane iz paradižnika, se izračuna bodisi iz pomoči, izračunane za paradižnikov koncentrat, z upoštevanjem zlasti vsebnosti suhega ekstrakta v proizvodu, bodisi iz pomoči, izračunane za cel, olupljen paradižnik iz sorte Roma ali podobnih sort, z upoštevanjem zlasti komercialnih lastnosti proizvoda.
Prevodi: en > sl
dry tomato extract content