Iskalni niz je ali predolg ali pa vsebuje preveč besed.
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1 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-65
(E) sensitometers;
(E) senzitometre;
2 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-65
(E) passive infra-red sensors; and
(E) pasivne infrardeče senzorje in
3 Objavljeno
CELEX: 32004D0676
(e) the grade and seniority of the staff member,
(e) uslužbenčevo stopnjo in prednost glede na delovno dobo.
4 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 59
(e) the second sentence of paragraph 8 shall be replaced by the following:
(e) Drugi stavek odstavka 8 se nadomesti z:
5 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 59
2 In the first sentence of paragraph 1 of new Article 11, the terms "Article 9, paragraph 2" shall be replaced by the terms "Article 10.e, or by negotiation".
2 V prvem stavku prvega odstavka novega 11. člena se besede "z drugim odstavkom 9. člena" nadomestijo z besedami "s pododstavkom e) 10. člena ali s pogajanji".
6 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 14-2009
Announcements and readmission or transit applications as well as responses shall be sent by the competent authorities in writing by fax, regular post or e-mail.
Najave in prošnje za ponovni sprejem ali vloge za tranzit ter odgovore si pristojna organa pošiljata pisno po telefaksu, redni ali elektronski pošti.
7 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2009-75
(3) Announcements and readmission or transit applications as well as responses shall be sent by the competent authorities in writing by fax, regular post or e-mail.
(3) Najave in prošnje za ponovni sprejem ali vloge za tranzit ter odgovore si pristojna organa pošiljata pisno po telefaksu, običajni ali elektronski pošti.
8 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2000-71
The product of the last stage, water enriched up to 30% in deuterium, is sent to a distillation unit to produce reactor grade heavy water, i.e., 99.75% deuterium oxide.
Proizvod zadnje stopnje, voda, obogatena do 30% z devterijem, se pošlje v destilacijsko enoto, v kateri se pridobi težka voda reaktorske kakovosti; t. j. 99,75 odstotni devterijev oksid.
9 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-71
(e) For purposes of their communications with the Court and counsel in connection with their testimony, the right to receive and send papers and documents in whatever form;
(e) za sporazumevanje s sodiščem in zagovornikom imajo v zvezi s svojim pričanjem pravico prejemati in pošiljati listine in dokumente v kakršni koli obliki;
10 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 7
Requests for protection of legality shall be decided upon by the Supreme Court of the Republic of Slovenia, i.e. by a senate of three judges, within the framework of a non-public session.
O zahtevi za varstvo zakonitosti odloča Vrhovno sodišče Republike Slovenije v senatu treh sodnikov na nejavni seji.
11 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2001-101
(e) Such other factors regarding the circumstances of the crime or the person sentenced, or the effective enforcement of the sentence, as may be appropriate in designating the State of enforcement.
(e) druge dejavnike, ki se nanašajo na okoliščine kaznivega dejanja ali na obsojenca ali učinkovito izvrševanje kazni, ki so primerni za določitev države izvrševanja.
12 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2008-22
(e) if the executing judicial authority is informed that the requested person has been finally judged by a third State in respect of the same acts provided that, where there has been sentence, the sentence has been served or is currently being served or may no longer be executed under the law of the sentencing country;
(e) če izvršitveni pravosodni organ dobi obvestilo, da je zahtevani osebi tretja država izrekla pravnomočno sodbo za ista dejanja, pod pogojem, da je v primeru izrečene kazni ta kazen že prestana ali se prestaja ali se po zakonodaji kaznujoče države ne more več izvršiti;
13 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 1999-66
(e) The right to examine all photographic and measurement products as well as samples and to retain any photographs or parts thereof showing sensitive sites not related to the purpose of the inspection.
(e) pravico, da pregleda vse fotografije in meritve kot tudi vzorce ter zadrži vse fotografije ali njihove dele, na katerih so občutljivi kraji, ki niso povezani z namenom inšpekcije.
14 Objavljeno
CELEX: 32004D0338
Requests for consultations with the Council made by another institution or a Member State concerning an application for a Council document shall be sent via e-mail to access@consilium.eu.int or by fax to (32-2) 285 6361.
Prošnje za posvetovanje s Svetom, ki jih glede prošnje za dostop do dokumenta Sveta vloži druga institucija ali država članica, se pošljejo po elektronski pošti na acces@consilium.eu.int ali po telefaksu na (32-2) 285 6361.
15 Objavljeno
The proportion of independent members as well as the type of independence required (e.g. from management or from the main owner) will depend on the type of committee, the sensitivity of the issue to conflicts of interests, and the SOE sector.
Delež neodvisnih članov in stopnja potrebne neodvisnosti ( n. pr. od menedžmenta ali glavnega lastnika) bo odvisna od tipa komisije, občutljivosti zadeve na navzkrižja interesov in od sektorja, v katerem družba posluje.
16 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-65
Prior to the departure of the observation aircraft from the point of exit, the observed Party shall confirm that the covers for sensor apertures or other devices that inhibit the operation of sensors are in their proper position pursuant to Annex E to this Treaty.
Pred odhodom opazovalnega letala s točke izstopa opazovanka potrdi pravilen položaj pokrovov za odprtine senzorjev ali drugih naprav, ki onemogočajo delovanje senzorjev, na podlagi Dodatka E k tej pogodbi.
17 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2011-23
(e) Elect the members of the International Senior Advisory Board and the International Academic Advisory Board, taking due account of their professional qualifications and experience, the principle of equitable geographical distribution as well as gender equality;
e) voli člane mednarodnega visokega svetovalnega odbora in mednarodnega akademskega svetovalnega odbora, ob upoštevanju njihove strokovne usposobljenosti in izkušenj, načela pravične geografske zastopanosti in enakosti med spoloma,
18 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-65
(E) in the event that the ground resolution is not dependent upon height above ground level, the ground resolution of each such sensor installed on an observation aircraft of that type and model, pursuant to the limitation on ground resolution specified in Article IV, paragraph 2 of the Treaty; and
(E) kadar ločljivost na zemlji ni odvisna od višine nad tlemi, ločljivost na zemlji vsakega senzorja te vrste in modela, nameščenega na opazovalnem letalu, v skladu z omejitvijo ločljivosti na zemlji, določeno v drugem odstavku IV. člena pogodbe, ter
19 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-65
(E) in the event that the ground resolution is not dependent upon height above ground level, the ground resolution of each such sensor installed on an observation aircraft of that type and model, pursuant to the limitations on ground resolution specified in Article IV, paragraph 2 of the Treaty; and
(E) da je, če ločljivost na zemlji za senzor ni odvisna od višine nad tlemi, ločljivost na zemlji za vsak tak senzor tega tipa in modela, nameščen na opazovalnem letalu, skladna z omejitvami ločljivosti na zemlji, določenimi v drugem odstavku IV. člena pogodbe, ter
20 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-65
(E) the observed Party shall process the data collected by sensors at a facility in the vicinity of the airfield at which the pre-flight inspection is to be conducted, in the presence of personnel of the observing Party, in accordance with the provisions of Article IX, Sections II and III of the Treaty; and
(E) opazovanka obdela podatke, ki jih zberejo senzorji, na kraju blizu letališča, na katerem bo opravljen pregled pred letom ob prisotnosti osebja opazovalke in v skladu z določbami II. in III. razdelka IX. člena pogodbe, in
21 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-65
Upon arrival of the observation aircraft at the point of entry, the observed Party shall inspect the covers for sensor apertures or other devices that inhibit the operation of sensors to confirm that they are in their proper position pursuant to Annex E, unless otherwise agreed by all States Parties involved.
Ob prihodu opazovalnega letala na točko vstopa opazovanka pregleda pokrove za odprtine senzorjev ali druge naprave, ki onemogočajo delovanje senzorjev, da potrdi njihov pravilni položaj na podlagi Dodatka E, razen če se vse zadevne države pogodbenice ne dogovorijo drugače.
22 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-83
(d) Every claim paid by the receiving State shall be communicated to the sending States concerned together with full particulars and a proposed distribution in conformity with sub-paragraphs e. (i), (ii) and (iii) below. In default of a reply within two months, the proposed distribution shall be regarded as accepted.
d) Vsak zahtevek, ki ga plača država gostiteljica, se pošlje zadevnim državam pošiljateljicam skupaj z vsemi podrobnostmi in predlogom razdelitve v skladu s spodnjimi alineami (i), (ii), (iii) točke e. Če v dveh mesecih ni odgovora, se šteje, da je predlog razdelitve sprejet.
23 Objavljeno
delo in sociala
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2007-89
(e) determine and, if necessary, change the procedure of certifying CMR consignment notes, lists of sensitive goods, the contents of the form for data exchange on the basis of a received request, notification of the presentation of uncertified consignment notes, and the form with details about types of data to be exchanged.
e) določa in po potrebi spreminja postopek potrjevanja tovornih listov CMR, sezname občutljivega blaga, vsebino obrazca za izmenjavo podatkov na zahtevo in obvestila o predložitvi nepotrjenih tovornih listov ter obrazca s podrobnostmi o vrstah podatkov, ki se bodo izmenjali.
24 Objavljeno
regionalni razvoj
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-65
The mission report shall contain pertinent data on the date and time of the observation flight, its route and profile, weather conditions, time and location of each observation period for each sensor, the approximate amount of data collected by sensors, and the result of inspection of covers for sensor apertures or other devices that inhibit the operation of sensors in accordance with Article VII and Annex E. The mission report shall be signed by the observing and observed Parties at the point of exit and shall be provided by the observing Party to all other States Parties within seven days after departure of the observing Party from the point of exit.
Poročilo o nalogi vsebuje podatke o datumu in času opazovalnega leta, ruti in profilu leta, vremenskih razmerah, času in kraju vsakega opazovalnega obdobja za vsak senzor, približno količino podatkov, ki so jih zbrali senzorji, rezultate pregleda pokrovov za odprtine senzorjev ali drugih naprav, ki onemogočajo delovanje senzorjev, v skladu s VII. členom in Dodatkom E. Poročilo o nalogi podpišeta opazovalka in opazovanka na točki izstopa, opazovalka pa ga pošlje vsem drugim državam pogodbenicam v sedmih dneh po odhodu opazovalke s točke izstopa.
25 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-5
5 The Committee shall: a) establish its rules of procedure; b) conclude the Headquarters Agreement; c) establish the staff regulation for the Organisation; d) appoint, taking account of the ability of the candidates and an equitable geographical distribution, the senior officers of the Organisation; e) establish a regulation concerning the finances and book-keeping of the Organisation; f) approve the work programme, budget, management report and accounts of the Organisation;
Odbor: a) sprejme svoj poslovnik; b) sklene sporazum o sedežu organizacije; c) sprejme pravilnik za zaposlene v organizaciji; d) ob upoštevanju sposobnosti kandidatov in ustrezne geografske razporeditve po državah imenuje vodilne uslužbence organizacije; e) sprejme pravilnik o računovodstvu in knjigovodstvu organizacije; f) odobri delovni program, finančni načrt, poročilo o poslovanju in zaključni račun organizacije;
26 Objavljeno
Ur. l. RS, št. MP 2004-2
(a) Mercury-containing electrical components, i.e. devices that contain one or several contacts/sensors for the transfer of electrical current such as relays, thermostats, level switches, pressure switches and other switches (actions taken include a ban on most mercury-containing electrical components; voluntary programmes to replace some mercury switches with electronic or special switches; voluntary recycling programmes for switches; and voluntary recycling programmes for thermostats);
(a) za električne sestavne dele, ki vsebujejo živo srebro, na primer naprave, ki imajo eno ali več stikal/senzorjev za prenos električnega toka, kot so releji, termostati, nivojska, tlačna in druga stikala (ukrepi vključujejo prepoved večine električnih sestavnih delov, ki vsebujejo živo srebro, prostovoljne programe za nadomestitev nekaterih stikal, ki vsebujejo živo srebro, z elektronskimi ali posebnimi stikali, prostovoljne programe za recikliranje stikal in prostovoljne programe za recikliranje termostatov);
27 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004O0001
NCBs should also use e-mail(2) to send back the completed reports to the ECB,
NCB morajo v tem primeru tudi uporabiti elektronsko pošto [2] za pošiljanje izpolnjenih poročil nazaj ECB,
28 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0138
It does not in any way have to be fixed remuneration (i.e. a wage in the strict sense);
Nikakor ni potrebno, da gre za redno nadomestilo (to je plača v strogem smislu besede);
29 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0072
Information on the dissemination scheme for the results (e.g. to whom the results are sent).
Informacije o sistemu objave rezultatov (npr. komu se podatki pošljejo).
30 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004O0001
functional details (logical exchange protocol, i.e. sequence of acknowledgements expected on sending of information, etc.),
funkcionalne podrobnosti (logični protokol izmenjave, t.j. zaporedje pričakovanih potrditev o pošiljanju informacij itd.),
31 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004O0001
if the Cebamail system is not available for transmitting the MFI sector reports, the ECB will send these (in Excel format) via e-mail.
če sistem Cebamail ni na voljo za pošiljanje poročil o sektorju MFI, bo ECB poročila poslala po elektronski pošti (v Excelovem formatu).
32 Končna redakcija
Notification of changes of address (and changes of name) should be sent to us in writing, by fax (+386 (0)1 436 9720) or by e-mail (apc@adria.si).
Spremembe naslova in priimka nam sporočite pisno, lahko po faksu na številko 386 (0)1 436 97 20 ali e-pošti apc@adria.si.
33 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004O0001
if the Cebamail system is not operational for file transfer of MFI updates/corrections, NCBs should use e-mail(3) to send updates in XML data format,
če sistem Cebamail ni pripravljen za izvajanje prenosa datotek o popravkih/posodobitvah MFI, naj NCB za pošiljanje posodobitev v formatu podatkov XML uporabijo elektronsko pošto [3];
34 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32004R0579
This notification shall include the information shown in Annex V and shall be sent by e-mail using the form provided to this end by the Commission to the Member States.
V to obvestilo je treba vključiti podatke iz Priloge V in ga poslati državam članicam po elektronski pošti na obrazcu, ki ga je za ta namen določila Komisija.
35 Končna redakcija
In the latter event, only the sensitive passages are deleted in such a way that the firm with access is able to determine the nature of the information deleted (e.g, turnover).
V zadnjem primeru se izbrišejo samo občutljivi odstavki, tako da podjetje, ki ima pravico dostopa, lahko ugotovi značaj izbrisanih informacij (npr, promet).
36 Končna redakcija
The style is often sensationalistic, either pretending to reveal some secret (e.g. a woman on the cover photo confides the secret of her looks), or suggesting that the author hit upon a surprising discovery (e.g. our survey yielded surprising answers).
Govor je pogosto senzacionalističen, bodisi kot da gre za razkrivanje skrivnosti (na primer, dekle z naslovnice nam je zaupalo skrivnost svojega videza) bodisi da se je pišoči ali pišoča prikopal do presenetljivih odkritij (na primer, raziskali smo in dobili presenetljive odgovore).
37 Končna redakcija
CELEX: 32002R0072
Key data-collection dates: e.g. the deadline imposed on respondents in the Member State, when the questionnaires and recalls and follow-ups were sent out and when the field work took place.
Ključni datumi zbiranja podatkov: npr. rok za poročevalske enote v državah članicah, ko so se vprašalniki in opomini ter nadaljnji dokumenti poslali in ko se je delalo na terenu.
38 Končna redakcija
The Conference agrees that the provisions of Article K.3(e) of the Treaty on European Union shall not have the consequence of obliging a Member State whose legal system does not provide for minimum sentences to adopt them.
Konferenca se dogovori, da določbe člena K.3(e) Pogodbe o Evropski uniji ne obvezujejo države članice k uvedbi minimalnih kazni, če jih njen pravni sistem ne predvideva.
39 Končna redakcija
On the operational level, M. S.'s defense of his own product i.e. the bar flies' discourse itself, is based on a distinction, in the sense that he calls to attention a major difference between the Slovenian past and present.
Na operativni ravni, se pravi, pri izpeljavi, je obramba lastnega proizvoda pri M. S., to je pivskega diskurza samega, distinktivna. Opozarja namreč na ključno razliko med slovensko preteklostjo in sedanjostjo.
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